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February 07, 1895 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1895-02-07

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T 11 E U . O F Al . D . 1A. a a r a h W it n .
I PathragraphWrfict n" -l-7, - TILL FEB. 15.
i 1IN*sIa1a-a)11 writinlg w ill b;'o 's 1N , SPECI.AL SATE
Piifse a l in lly (Sunday eo hi ilo' 011.10111 s
ttyc: irlb illing N.1:11 s .o 1)osit 4fuly t'wied tier<lolt.fory si"'s )t- tl
lottlt i I111 1' , 11111' 09111901y olie 11'tric I.,1ilo AD E ' ND G EN '
EDITORS. o lte n i lt2 lilOIl1, btel ie( ' CIIt :lll't.
If. (l.n0.., Lit. '97, Itornlgitor. arellade of the best nttet'iot, andtr l ,ao- ARCTICS AND RUBBER BOOTS,
C:. 13. IA 11111009,IwO'9G1.Ass 91't. I~ eeond((editionl of01 titb ook 11110 anteed beliecr than <any other inalhe ___Includ-______
_1 1. W. ono2, Lit. Opel., Assilstant. ed1 1i00 everyiiball9isan117(, 01111 ti"Itt lit sent1(1 S' -'&h'
C' . lalt,11. 'ARREL , Assistnt edtil tr'bl ~Itittttott AC OBS&ALLIVIA ND)
J1. A. I~ ,nooLit.10, AthlteticEFditor. irstetlitittl ~e Ou tt ill 1811. N' irlyITOR "INTERCOLLEGIT R"SO
.t.S. I'AV LJAM'9z Bsinss6, ant el'i1 '\ ' )1ti CIATION" FOOTBALLS, EACH $4. 1l110t lb .As Are
Associate Editors. t1IOats oeo~lOlj Thepbi sr'attdt npctolell IH =\l!I b', , OS
E. L,. Evas a tile '10 . 1.1 t lttt Iit9II '10 VI't i1('0911'os eCtti tni II IU lil t t ' G odjBaeblls Bas, NE NIGHT ONLY
Carrit' V.Srntih.,Lit.'Pei. 7,. .Ilambie te I'l c.'0 Sportn G oslB sbal, as
5.11 Iottlt ,1. 17.0.A.Shwcse' 1 I 'lit tetttkin,-,'tin "Parartt~at)i2 lieu. Tennis Balls, Rackets, etc. ITHUSDY,FERAY7
M. (.fibert, I oge. 17. 41.3Ilino rtll c9 t.. j min " i I 1191t'o ' 0 i gl. li t O
_____________________________ I lit thins1(boo0 t:tritittitti is t0110 a~l'. iOVERMAN WHEEL CO., HE E
iln adrane'. itigl 1 1 c 1o irlceto. Sutbtcrip- T1'ln'" et of ottlOatedishldialect.
ial Ototllet'sat ill ate t. ne1. ste rnail, twi 11' lti itiItanyvil llbook.ide I 0.New o rk101, Chicago, IDenver. I ) J C. N W S GS
Ill theOeditors'orllau1thoried s1toltic'itlos.AIICCAT
('ommnieltiltonssouldethe ffieItiibIy .11111' Sn Francisco. LosgXAogelesi, 101' land I NEW DANCES.
la.tte'aot111 ' l e~tdfe1111- Examinations.,EROALIlA PRICES, - 35c, 50c, 75c.
cainto 1111's9Managin~g Editoe. All buinotess ;PROPERTYo11 o11 sale, atNa~' eer tp
I mortgages a oltr l iamon11ds bogh~t
ad sold. Watectes .1d11Jleeery nicely re-' EVERETT 0. FISK & CO.
THE U. OF VM. DAILY, paied.001li t Omy r'9esdene, 311 1. Liberty
Ann rbor Iilllt.cty. Iloters: stto I . in., Ito 3,1and 71tT H
'l'ilii' succ'100ss1 1of 1t t11111'e tchoolttf 3.C ATTS.R, FISK TEACHERS' AGENCIES
Ittst y1111 hisas tuli~l ill i t p'1 l'tanot i'1iA 114 En rn a iRR
1'iHiAiil i 11' i'11'NRISu Enr E.WIll.'i35511'- Chicago, Il,35Wabash Ave.,
1'I'gi'ic t y her LietO. I I - i Is= 1.011.~'Illotl gee
,111 111't.iit'1'1.ohli C11LARK.-~ ' LA SI 3tnlt in
110111cn ('0100111,sesioloOtxtl le-W M and: WIsIol., ____
91111 ii5 tieeliig'ad (isiii tlt.ltoi I'FIRST W CLASSCTO s AILRNs1ened ~t
(Ithi I d t lalltill' ltt. Itis 10 1112itl11 111 :-C IIOIt'OOCST.-l)1'.1. I91. 1urt, feenltly 1110100, Cicargo, Wnllish gto,t1.C(
aX E, °'' 1v0wth 111 r~. 10. 1eneeat)1I, ?of oton, nowlat111 1 ' orI,. , os ltAngrees Toronto.
terof imeto cll colie oft11 au J ti 1 ' £., I- hepostoffice bnildinlg. W'tsor1ns, 11011''
W -- -- ''_ ins, Ingroaing Nails, an ll~d11 diflienitier of
R011110l'111'111: to i rieitn 1h1 it tO91 1ri thle fret succesfunttl reatedl. I9l. na.te 9:10 1K I ill F3 1. I G',A I? T E T
11110o til 1kili9 111ell sllinlor stOldilts II01 O 14:o .Ofc lndSlelr.Students Recreation Head-
w'II i_;t'bot 11W~ IilSBSRB inquarters.
(wel o hc hoe- aprs.~- - ,w$1,0 UBCRBENOW $150 No. 8aN. Main Street.
o'iih111C1 lc '11119 iroily 111la legOeltlit e t " a' fli" 'y ' '' I' f " P P' 'eta
till proer''1'ltyhfinis lllailni ali I Ic s o ditd b ALERTSHA
101' ytie Tieoflutl 9 1911 IW SR d8

on1 m~ly givetn cnurse. lFne examnple: It
fo11' Il i n ii hiii lib a'rk- 11111 1111el9tl a course tat lecltures 10 g'iv'e'n as followsn: lies.
1111, Wed. 1113, Fri. at 10, thle cnurse in hsaid In
loitilig ii(1 hold eqluatl tha19t'l 11119 au' lie h'lr't'1 MoN. at 31. By referrilng te onndtay
lttll~l~ii ill Ot'i'ot. . 1 COO07 3, in the schuedule, it will he ores tat thle en-
bugildie ;ll15' Detri. Al t loeon.j umoiiollsuo ensa -
vii'litfa'aImliltliht' 17-1'litl'tit MIJ SIC.
Ite'lliilgl' tlpon ii~ lc t up i ill ''t'he , _The _entalstudets_ gettheir____ a
st~~~ward's ~ ~ ~ I ofiHo"b titi ote eista titn oyne iT~t eololritenlloeid
111igin 11119' whih is igh 11lt' blck forenoo.HevPao,70cns
ttttxt 0 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ( irinii ittriltletif-tht tlt grtetsii t'e 101,0 0(1111 Mea UaorC*
911111 011111o 11 u gitii f"Iltire11 i5 Io r1'll~ ''OLG3 OGSFRGRS'
tis fc;i eseittl tine. ,lls
____t~l ______ttl Oatria 11is1 lon had 1ltakE.Swer lrslaptbineofSie
of sgtinc fntles lyrdits 'lilen f iite, Intlaril
asteeisilo'1, Chasein Selete-t-sttn Heavy Paper 1.00. s.
pitA f'tie~ .illl'tii lt) til siil to LOA l ULCINILMEILCidMSC
thin Iotulc oit' l~ll an os; iyN0111~
ttoss t.viio o t1t'c s o th l~ti~lil 'Thysttndar pcoeton toe gotar fron Ill
neeeedt 11. 10011'o te lllg ne bokr 50 ce n ubi.. . h
at regen'OtC' (01111001 of 1110 NEleer AityYA hOLTd1IO ISTUMEd os ~ reeiteSpICe."
Oratorical league. It 9w1s also decidedi
that the successful cochtstants in lh' OLIVER DITSON CO.,

r ~I T WAS in April, 1891, tbat tbc first number
of the American Review of Reviews was
printed. Thcenewc idea of givnig the best thtat tostin
the other magazines itn addition to its own brilliant, orug-
inal arttclet, took America by storm,_ as it sad takeit
England-tbaughi th i ogaziaf ittelf wstnat at all a
NtIJYOF.A~o Dae "° " Y '" reprinl of the Eglish editoit., It deals mast largely wthl
American affairs, and is edited. with perfect iindependence, in its own officc.
The Review of Reviews is a monthly, tinmely in ilstratuon antd texi,
arid instantly alive to tlle, neneest movements of the day, to a degree neer
before dreamed of.. Thtousandn of readers whso offer their commendations,j
among them the "greatest names in the world, say that thse Reviewv of
Reviews gives them exactly what they shtould know about politics, litera-
Itre, economics and social progress. The most intluential men and wtometi
of all creeds and all partieashave agreed that no family can' afford to hose its
educational value, whsile for profes-
sional atnd business 1770, illis simply ' z fi~ ." :.o
indispensab'le Thte epartments area
conductcd by careful specialists; it- THlE REGULAR DEPARTMEINTS.
stead of cmcre scissors-weielders, and' ';Besides te special artiesland1chtar-
scores of immediately interesting poi- cter rketches nf thrilling intresrit d
trails atid pictures are in each number., ilnletsrsl, earmnl
All thus explains why thte Review; The Progress tfthe World-An iiltra-
of Revies has cme to aprobabl stilhnking, alert men 1and w00e1
unprecedented success in the first three 1shouldI undetnin teirroprerligllih
years of its existence. For 1895 it LneadingArtics of lthe Month.-This de-
will be more, invaluable than' ever. I 'Perosdical Reeed, embodryteidea
onwicthe manlgazine wsfoumnIdd an
Agens nare reaping handsome profits. we smaaiese, Ameican andlfoeigns,
giettsemnm ssl end tor termi. 'quebrigtly Ililleeilel, reviewed a
Curenet Hsttory In Caricatur honicles
AnnuelSuscrieption, $2.3e the mshisto11y1throughthe picu.
Samplet Ctpy, te Cents, i tm ci t elate. in$thtrl~othe old
R ARE WS OthQiedepatmert a indee mrefly new
mR~vbwRovIsw Ishgive esst111d indexees o ilesI
i n ewod' magzins, and fihtersem

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