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February 07, 1895 - Image 3

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1895-02-07

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7 I At the Grand Opera House. C('ours-} 4 in ('lietistiy 'i l bey- gien STAMP I COLLECTIONS.-
j~G ft 1 p. mi inseiad of ii a.11 is. trng We weant to buy stamp colli 't
TfieTable (Revised) Nov. 18 15A4 toh Detroit. Cored 0~ C. itrill air' lie seconid Seimester. Le tures wiilt aid will paiy cash for tihe saill ,ii
EAST. WEST. pear at the Grand Opera 110110' on bI given inl tihe losser V:etire rooio. receipt if price asked is satisfactor_
siY11 . I5 Mai - 43ra ivci-iilg Prices ,5e a .0c, Sire ,Uedii'tl bitildiig. P. C. FUEE t. Collectins should be soint by reis-
-.YSeil. .5 15 . . special.. _3 soil $1. IIIST(SltY. tercd mi repessil etrnsi
Castretir Es ~-..10 72 N. S. Limiterd...- mai 25cpeswthltrum
d. a.Pacific Es-. .12 15 The "New liii- Oliso. filr nex2t tit _i. Dow's ieeturvs in tlioc t will ing price under separate covet. Wi-r
Attastie Ex ._ 7 47 r.1 n r' in:1tu rn praIot
t. N. Express .5 40 westerii Exs-2 12 hleina ie radOeaIo:I'o givein Tuesdays 11111 rThursti:tys, send supterior approval sheets i, s.'
G.It~ press-.11 5 Chi Nt. x _ i1 25 e n 'Thursa vnni i-orn
x.i.Epes-115Ci. _ . E- rsiye-iigcsarl-lii~ antI ill toirse 2Mondays an ll u ips'-ossible parties.
G.R t lsoit. itul . W. ''r tre-coinecy, fuill of fun and britilig days. M. Titiston' week -ils as w. .. LAwlENIAIL &k Co.-
G. i . & 'T. Al.. C'hiceago. Agt., Aiin Arbor. with iiet' suit no1el featniec. The follows: Coturse 1. tislor; vf it l n- j K.-aiazoii1 Mlitt
T.A .& N . .pily hiis ti ii ontitely reconstlruced ___________________________
a.nd N' V.R'IIsu iniproseit lut ss'11 tie ;een for ladmis' o'18.5 '1 .
m clays and 1Fridays . in. rooAACr
't'akitig effet~leday, Aug.I 1 111. Iiihe first ate ill its licssttind vastly toi'i 111
'risleave Annt Artist iin i'tir al St~eioC ol-s t I, hstory 1. 1ae 1I, T-HL WABASH' IU
onetme. tiros-si shatpe iduriiig tilt' eliesge- 1C158. Courtse. 7.loal liso
NORlTHI. 0 11Th. mna. 'lei strongest v'vmpainy liatt _ ,~Rss -Iol
hai t.i. iiai. ittis ivc tperici iii tis ticye s~itiID P IN S R .
12:25 p. iin. 11:30 a. io. its re-lationto for liii' m 11t n 1 ' i T'~I ~'TT2~ A'
4:15 p.mc. 9:001 p. iii. ci'wl s i-v- tiihits sestsoit's ttlollitlh tan at tredel':s ii t''"'
';ie eibisi iiAlottt i il l'' is s l'itt till lire l lsy 1r iir sae i siouv'lvi TEXAS,
onli or ttdi uoICmnA tralins daily except Suniday. -inainitig lhat tlt at: igotls ss11 l i ___ --
t i:i IiF'NET' G. P' A. Toledottt) o' thielii out tilt Olsontt svil iii 11101 0 BUSINESS LOCALS. LOS ANGELES
th il t'iiic ~tid ssiti lt'ene 11-5 sitee i tiiers Insse- ini this cousti at. lie vte itU
ocenits per lie'. Special rateo lo tnger
ANN ARDOR &_YPSILANTI ST, RY, 1n1e fsil n evpea-iiihl~oln. r~ihdb~pfynI S NF A CS O
tie's art' hiiriviicvi a111d lb p1l at ii si'oe-
Time Table, October 7, 1894. is strictly rit to vatat. JoT. loll2 laso you ioomyi to reit': It auit. - INt-e Texas aiid California Sies pintg
Leave YpsilaniCremtn 'tires t 'I n 0',:00 hriti play tile tit-( viii:' -intl :yii tetise tlii o ill the Daiily. ! air Line.
titil 5iI:00 a.m.; 12.:45,;2:15~1, 6 , :0 0 antd Aee youi ini itetd vi itt 1 a 1ii 11 0oi0'01________
10:50 pi, mi Mauide tItieleit is the petite -tnt sis--i
l e ae Attn Artier Juncettot, 7:30,9:W0 tail I ad(a(,oea-ls ae ei
11::xa.mi.: i1,245:0 :15, ,5: 00 t i,9d:lp tim. ionls stitbrtt . Tilt cviii'n l a id THEi WA'AS ANse iRO gOUtisI tas, vlt
SUNDAY TiME. lt bev iii -xceptiuontlly stesn on ad surgical vir deitali itnstrutment case otifTEWGS N RNMUTI Y
Citeasotiable' prie It so go W0 tie lt- Save ialiglwiteit a itw Dily Liie. it
tfcasi: Ypsilanti roci Con gress ti. 1 0i. 3:13g ilt-tillts :I tittitl ofi eth i se1- scitll F'IRSTr CLASS SLE.EPRS roci
5-:00, t35asil 1:00 Ii. Grneokli.dl~,N .J .M i
2:00e nt Ariurn -Jnt~n vval the til lt )1 utii CHICAGO TO LAREDO, -TEXAS,
Cais iru oil Civy vtie Fare siingle trit' ! NOTICES- cl1a shapte. iDotit tiorget the' lier- via Lithle Rock. Mai-rn - Ti-arkaca, i'at-
ictis rounudvrip tikets.'ctvissbutiN.MtsO
'isI PAtisl upt. te' :511 1i''ti TO lir -' : rnie, :lust and Sacu Ast:, ;s Passengers
FLOtERS, FtiOWEists -Nos isno1 tile besl hav n ot(tGalern ccco. iim. .:yt arriving
For Ev-eryvhiiig intl Everybody, thir itortlirs for t'ii15 anvi goisti 13 nt la tdtsNoeithbs ime lisHt Spinis at 11:10 . 11. Six hours flu.
a- .iii muistol hant iing iets-'diS otiats Duce s'51h ctirttvttd tv t tit bog is-lget s ewe
~~DUSINS~~~t th 11 L flttt2 oli'.rts Tolek iticdry. i N. Tourisv Seeiiris, letinig ciiatotil initc
title lii.(Th tutu ditstaitippoi(int-ic ecl-O asn t s-oisisitlitcssobIk iitti r tkiesgo at Stinrs.-itsc d ai leor.
ticit- iisiiioiitvh Scusiv'tsc'it Sain Si. Prices from 25 ceits Up. vai.vrtugihstti' ':eoi itI'
sehi taken for tboth ibutts: ainv gill- A5.ttavts, cat1
Tiu( hest avsertisintg it:'iivitv in thiii'
t1011(-u dilyt frotm 5:13 ts 12 is. itil city is Ote Daily'. 1'For snasy ietsrtsiid ult irotito li 11
C lover Leaf i? ts tilt. ill, at 41 W illimSi __a___y__
,t devposit ofi 55 is veqi-itred idi U-it t'. Mt CALENDXII. J H, GREEN J. HALDERMAW',
RoutttOIlttt'tION CLUBt. Frit., Febii. l3ev' cltib tit Detroit. 'ihietigaitJ P.'gi liii bss>
lie itb'es it the trohsibitioin isit Fri., li -.-Meetinig of trohibiitionu-Sl
ti':lr'll-tt t ie i on 2 lass v-to ill iitootti 12, Ltis I thuilcding, at 7. TICKET 01-FICE: 211'1 Ctri. S., t iC.'[it(i
~Pteae kel) i mindthe loleie. huildng. t-iiv 1'hritlry 5 at~ 7 Susn., FeCb. 1t).- Prof. (t. 1t. Coter, it FE . Tristram, P. E. Dombauagh,
St. Louis & Kansas City It. 15., Iip. ii. I". A. X~ 1', Pres. Eisconsil Stt Normati b. forti S. ~ ('i. (ciin. Pass. Agit. Latis &, Ticket Agi.
The1 love Leaf Rue"Fast EX: 11) ili I mol il oreiSittl . t9 5a l.Ctcb ave. and Smuti- 307 51 dsuist
Cln" or t Rous out, antdiiisiti iii fieeiisi~uui 5.li t? eld st. Pittsburg Pi. Toledo t.
Line forSt. oni, it., svt I titintil hlistory. 5'. S.. silt be Sousdsy toti., 1Febti I1.-- 'rit.: 1'. W.tastgly,
WVest and Southwest leaves TPo- !012 1X C. SIeLAlGIttIN. itt Cts'i St-io 111111. it-tuet lii' I'ity 1c1111 REUBEN H. KE1F PF
Ledo 'Union Depot at 5 p. un. it S P. Ini tc letuyltlieiit
daily, arrives New Ulnionu Statioin 111Patri.Z 3c tu 15. Ninteenlih AnulI ~ lteIoy osraoy
I h lret n(teTohd, ie Grand Oper Huouse Slt ~ ~ ~ ~ .tuiStuttartGermany
(ro arles nxte orldpsag h F'tcitirtietts ini Yirtsims Teacher of Piano, Organ and lusc
Loi al yx onn.i }niitu. Composition; also the Art of
CONCINFIH AB r iday February 8th, Sat., Feb. iI Ivesy. 't'tliiagv' ith Std Teaching.
CONCIN IHANARO +TmHE + + + Ihuhli, iii 8. L. A. course iii iUnveusitly ttdo S ivisiont St., Anni Arbir; ,3u ii
aiid -Michigan Ceiihral litus it COEYO hail oti thu Morumon questioin. MerpltnC f
'toledo. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ortria ( OMD COMPANY, OFDETROIT, StnFt.1.-olu~r'li ts LL,~JJAtuCf
BuffeRclining Chair Cars Seats Free -Tsotvi i) hiiu i.ets tl- iouluAe uveu sigeuI
aiid Vestibuletl Sleepers sv"t 'LL.Y'S F"EETI torical contest. . i SYtOieliuuiiOt-ti
tut change. A Comsedy in Three Acts. Thilts. Plt. 21. S-ir tund trs. la tfi r. andMrs. Edward Lewis, Props-
C. C. JE K i S viuul '-triutecuoei0ttu Iteinreti sonig ti-tital 1t S'i: si'tiy Ttwolpefrtanem dofwih:1I11,FRTNATIONAL BAN-Ki_
(teuseral assengen gh, Toled 0 n go ati tiu was stirptrtststg.-hiroit il 2.ptir .'hs r-FIS
__________assengerAt.,_Toledo,_O.________ Fri., Ft-hi.- (Iero ltcll t1F ANN ARBORll
toutictil coitest. Organizied 15 S.
IDIETAS &G SCH3ANZ, Prices, 35c, 50c, 75e and $1. Sot., Fehb. ?S: 51-lior1ttl iC iuss et111-y Capival, $100,000 Sourpusu and huefi, 04,000
Rleseved Scait ts s onisole ill Watits- Trasacts a geuseral lastig busness-
17.3l g'y eweliry Store torital conitest. Pcoceiga eae h tnges bonuauivacidh sld. Furnih.u
letters of crediv,
Ltvst and 1-cot styles oil Foreigu itsd Do- P. iACti Pees. S. 'it C IItNsSON, Csi er
sorb go'aranteed. Cleaning, presnutsgiud E
eetl , eds irtlasiSnint~s $15 R All COLLEGE NEWS $1 50 K O A
22 Years in the Business"' ji1K uIhDIt YsOU iR to xI'
CITY LAUNDRY, -T HM_-- lcicI Sb''ViniAEB1v. toe
M. M. SEABOLT, No. 4 N. 4th ave. I T ~ A U T X 7
CennPressing an lipurs S l . Mlain St., ansd State St., cor-
done SCON Anatly Ety hi ter of William St., hav'e ai
AUO.5CIONEAL. aE.Waliage will be delivered at tile your room the remaintder of complete stock ofi
EXCESIO + LUND Y ( the college year for only $1.50. TY
Good. Work Guaranteed. Goods called for
unud delivered. A. FC. COVERT, Frop. T P ' i NT New and Second Hand.
ANN, ARBOR . S U E RL 11 a N O I No .~i I .'S its Boos ,nd other Students' Supplies
STEAM~ DYE WORKS. ine Stationery, Sporting Goads, etc, alm
3.sulies' and Gents' Clothtig Cleaned At Daily Office, Times Block, at Stoffiet's News Stand, they offr at the Lowest Prices.
or Dyedr.
3IO ยง NNr A.RBOR, oT at Paul Myers. State Et. , News Stand ICall and non ma before purchasing..

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