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February 07, 1895 - Image 4

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1895-02-07

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No. 30 East Huron Street, now in full blast
Less than halt price. This is a great opportunity to get ;seasonable goods at unusually low prices.
See the stock and get prices.


Schlfr's Bokstre A Solid Back
All Bristle
Formerly with o(inoi ViWain-,195
E'. Washinonis t. Headquarters for r s
wrti :"tuetnesith H ailine of Text-Books, Stationery and
Miscl aneous Stoik in general. FO T ENY IV GNS

Ass Arbor, Mich. (spital Stock, 0t T S.
Surplus, $10,000.
Or-anized snder theGeneral lanking Laws _________
of thisSitte.tReceives depsits, lbuysand
sells exchange os tiherpiiteipsi cities of the
iUnited Stites.1Draftscshedi spesniproier l 1st a
idlentification. Sstety deposit hoxes is rest. l(& Ccixed asamJnleline
OFFICES: C(hristia lac isrhte. ; W. D).
$ Harriman., Vice-Pres.; Chas. E. 1 iscoeh, of (0viiasiunn Suits. T hese,
Iahe;A.1J. Flritz. AssistantCashier-
1 ,N MT Ago ;ods are manufactured by tile
STEAM LAUNDRY CO. Overman Wheel Co., makers o1
Hig (iis in Dunutn ittth Vitctor Cycles. which is sufficient

es,-i of Ma
Alt eli e a re sinter tie
laiorlofr ad hirs. ]loss
ortilass lessons gleeen 5a
etsjarstei. olihe atthe
oor, tM;;yestrd st.
- Yellow
tons 6
With U
School of flancing f
"-Saturday, i0 a. m., estiem
Saturday, 4 p. at., Lady he;g
Monday7:30 p. mn., Advan
an entleien).
fTesday, 7:30 p. in., Begini
and Gentlemen).
Prinatessns bs y appsii
in the latests
University Boo
in the city
415c and 20c Pe

St., (tiloe block M U MA M E RY' Sn E. S. SERVISS, Manager, itnaranltee as to their qutality.
00~~~~~1 sc A ~ ~fFUT V3I.W sell themr for less than what A O E
"OET N~ , , von have to pay for inferior
f ioff. See them before von buiy
'Lt'AING COLLEGE STRIP ES a '- . ;" i1 W Washington it.
(C;1i y s tch. Made under or ' Past
4 Ni \ itt I1'i"pte;Y:1t. rice, inlfine colttnterry, -
1:2 Pt-.wtool terry, 0. lveCred I~
,a free. Returnable if ls.-tisfactory. i If Cap~s an Go s
sot fouitd at your dealers',tene totus
SH : nentoigolege andeccising price. A\\iFUR MEN AND WOMEN,
STR& CRiESCENTT MILLS Ce., Pitada., Pa. +
~A N C C ARENYOUTNTIEWeFare prOUTpINedENo furnirshZCap2
U I tand Gowns of the highest quality
epersal ltstruie throughout the United States, at
Granger.itivat - sur~prisingly low prices. Sellfincas-
axy danee of merti =Jl ' rernent forms, containing all nec-
Academty. ground We a-st~ttt~triiiprii tl-iet,-iiiIbsrhrtitierstssary iiistructions to secure per-
RAPID PERT FACTORY. WASHINGTON, D. C. fectly fitting garments without
j T T visiting thte store, will he forwarded.
PINS $1.50.1 ATTENTION I p]LEASE. upon request. ____
' Are you annoyed b3 your lamp wicks chared? By your lamps filling ~ L fhI~ECLR
adBuBu the house with a sickening smoke and giving a light the color of the RBOS LL L
3 of . o h moon when seen through a smoked glass? If so, use our tied Star Oil, and different widths, at moderate
.of.or(athus troubles will vanish. It gives a white light, does not clhir the wick, prices.
75c. emits no odor, and will all horn out of the lamnp.lied Star Oil bc per gal.,Sta
-White Star Oil, Sc per gal., 74' smokeless Gasoliine Sc per gal. ta bridge & Clothier
D'S, Jeweler. D I-A1 4 & 0oo Tr-.N PHILADELPHIA.
44 South Main Street. Tile largest exclasively Dry Goode
OD FOSTER'S UNVRIYNTS efroinScey House in America.
UNVESIY OTS. I eferonanSoiey
andeinr Dels. TuJefrona_____y oityS D i
.aginersls. lir. Itror Stinteen is i s4rets TeJfestit ~i'~r oi
eced Class (Ladies' of interestinig mind retiditigs to te rill nmeet toitiglitand t te follttwingisesgas iii -a SPLIN
nnrs class (Laidies itudents and citizens. pirogramo will ho rendereti: Readitig, -INECLEAT
ntment. The names of the junior lou-ist-hoI Mr. Winkenweider; speech, Mr. De-
passed on their receords in cloentoi.11 Vault; impronmptu discussion,. tff., I.
DO= or wtill ho posted oil the hbtllin board Rykei, neg., Mr. Croshy; sdebate, Re- It is tie bist sweater made and is superior
to anystter onthCie mankt. Side crom thte
today. solved, that our represttive systeitnestttnd softest Australian wool, hand kalt.
and wisiused esclisiel last year by nearly
Thto denial clitnic is filledtiot over- is especially dlesigned ttt shut out of all teesllege footbali eievens. In white.
I itavy attd blaek.
flow' ( inug daily with ptatients is-io de- congress the ablest meni of the couti- F11.S0.
i V sire to have their work done before try, off., Messrs. Dtavs and Oakley, PR C . $ 0 .
~t ~/ ~sJSpalding's nine nail and Tennis 5'tppiien
I r 1 hO second seneiter. neg., -Messrs. Oxtoby and Aldrich. are recognized leaders. Everything requisite
for the gamei.
Dr. Dorrence will give a very inter- The society will alsti elect ttffit-it-s it Spaidingos Trade Stint on what you par-
tytes at in demonstration --n Porcelain In tnihts eein. hebanis a guarnteethat the goods are te
-gitt5(t t ittii titt5 best.
0... S lasbeoeth eta oieytoll Senior Lit Swing-Out. A. G. SPA.LDING & ERos.
r J . ow evening and it is hoped (list all _____W - R Kn. PAII.AOELPHIA. CHICAGO.
the memsbers will be present. On account of tto Choral Union
)ksellers. The examination in elocution for concert by Max Heinrich which has W ild, XW ild, Wild*
those of te junior laws who were been announced for February 21, the
unable to pass on their records, will senior lies have postponed the cap STUDENTS, TAKE NOTICE!
TSbe. given otie week from Friday, at and gown swing-out whieh was to Ur
5 o'clock in the law lecture moom. has-e been held at the gytunasium nt OtiUfiWI iiTIR AND FALL Gjj'ODS
,IUM SHOES. There will be a meetiiig of all the that date. Instead thtey.tre peifeeting We Senl on Reduction.
officers of the junior law class thit plans for a line cliii receptiton at aNew-___
V PAPER aftemoon itmediately after the lee- berry halt the 23d. It is expectixi Fancy Suitings and Trousers.
tore In the lecture room, for the pur- that some excellent mtusic will be The goods must go. Please call and
y at pose of considering whether their plc- furnished. Hangsterfer will be the see.
3r Poucnd. hires shall appear in the a-cs (staic caterer. 2--East Washington Street.--2

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