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October 31, 2013 (vol. 124, iss. 20) • Page Image 1

…4 r 4jo Ll 41 pan 4,3atig O\ 1",-f 1UN I}ICI'I?-rl'WF..NN"rY-Fo tTIt Y14% JI S () ' fAj) () LI fJ 4 f", a1 ' BOOM !p Ann Arbor, Michigan Thursday, October 31, 2013 GREEK UFE Theta Xi's racialized party plans draw ire LILY ANG LL/Daily A University employee hangs lights on trees at Ingalls Mall Wednesday in preparation for the launch party for the University's next fundraising campaign, Victors for Michigan, Thousands of...…

October 30, 2013 (vol. 124, iss. 19) • Page Image 1

…PROJECT HORIZON ITS project to evaluate technology services ADMINISTRATION Provost forum focuses on tech Students discuss students and faculty engaged in vost for digital education - told underutilized. If professors pre roundtable discussions during attendees that Pollack was busy. sented information in dynami ways to use tech to the Provost's Town Hall meet- Students at the event were ways, the students said, th ing to explore how thfe Univ...…

October 29, 2013 (vol. 124, iss. 18) • Page Image 1

…., 46F Ic I an 4,:)at ONE -tIU .\ R i{, tD TN N1 . 'l I !a, 1.i ' E t irSlfi 111 { Ann Arbor, Michigan Tuesday, October 29, 2013 SACUA oleman: sequester poses 'real danger' At SACUA meeting it's not resolved, and so that has the potential to impact an entire 'U' president talks generation of students who won't have those opportunities." finances, STEM She added that the long-term effects of sequestration have visa reform ...…

October 28, 2013 (vol. 124, iss. 19) • Page Image 1

…11146FC 4w 46F 46F I I n a I ga lv Ann Arbor, Michigan Monday, October 28, 2013 DANCE FOR A CAUSE Faculty accepted to national institute ADAM GLANZMAN/Daily Memebers of Dance Marathon at the University of Michigan hoot an event Sunday afternoon by the Cobe where student teams are introduced to families that will benefit from the group's fundraising. The festivities included pumpkin carving, donut eating contests and a k...…

October 25, 2013 (vol. 124, iss. 18) • Page Image 1

…11\)~4i I 11HI H 1 IIlOII HLI\ Ann Arbor, Michigan Friday, October 25, 2013 CAMPUS LIFE Students for Choice holds open story event Members of Army ROTC participate in a coordination drill as a team during a CrossFit workout run by Army veteran Derick Carver on Palmer Field Thursday" Wouned et ladsROT Women, MTV personality share their stories of abortion By ALLANA AKHTAR Daily StaffReporter The Pendleton Room of the Mic...…

October 24, 2013 (vol. 124, iss. 17) • Page Image 1

…Illi4OW pan4,. ai1 m Arnn Arbor, Michigan Thursday, October 24, 2013 ADMINISTRATION Gratz may run in 2014 regent race Firefighters look on as employees of DTE Energy clean up a car crash on State Street near Al Glick Field House Wednesday. Car crash knocks out power Driver lost control in the area. ity box full of wires near the also scene repairing the electrical Captain Jim Budd of the Ann appeared to be damaged. lines...…

October 23, 2013 (vol. 124, iss. 16) • Page Image 1

…O1E Idl43EanF ETLa Ann Arbor, Michigan Wednesday, October 23, 2013 RESE A RCH Prof. to talk addiction in regard to Buddhism VIRGINIA LOZANO/Daily Issamar Almavur, a BAMN organizer, attends a speech by Jennifer Gratz at an event about the affirmative action case in North Quad Tuesday. Gratz speaks atN Alum reflects on 2003 affirmative action case By CAROLYN GEARIG Daily StaffReporter Jennifer Gratz, plaintiff in Gratz v....…

October 22, 2013 (vol. 124, iss. 15) • Page Image 1

…1 £ ligan 0ailg O)N}-14 ) N )R \E NT) W F ()UlYFO \R \llS ()1' 1.4)1 T()ttL L 11 ]J H )N Ann Arbor, Michigan Tuesday, October 22,2013 michigandailycom KAHEIN WykAL/OIr U-M lin Chncelor uthPeron atens te Bard f Rgens metin inFlit, Mch. Frday In Finta dffernt cmpu FACULTY GOVERNANCE Senate talks health care benef its and recruit- UM-Flint has * unique challenges compared to A2 By SAM GRINGLAS Daily StaffReporter FLINT, Mich. - Just a 55-mi...…

October 21, 2013 (vol. 124, iss. 14) • Page Image 1

…a l1 ii lan",a'3 1 ON-IH IUND(EI)-'WVENTY-FOUtR YEARS OF EITORIAL l FIRELOI Monday, October 21, 2013 *W Ann Arbor, Michigan com FINANCES Fiscal year leaves ' well-endowed ADAM GLANZMAN/Daily Michigan Athetic Director Dave Brandon and Rob Rademacher, associate athletic director of facilities and operations, speak at the Michigan Sports Bosiness Confrence at the Ross School of Business on Friday. The event was keynoted by ESPN presdident Jo...…

October 18, 2013 (vol. 124, iss. 13) • Page Image 1

…ONL,-II WNI IiI I I'AY 'I t}IINTY'1 YBS 1:H OPITO)IIIAL HILLEAOI Ann Arbor, Michigan Friday, October 18, 2013 michigandailycom ADMINISTR ATION Information dean, wife to give $2.5M VICKY LIU/Daily Ju'won Harris, a health educator at the Detroit-based Institute for Population Health, answers students' questions about the Teach for America program with first-year medical student Kimi Warlaumnot at the Ford School of Public Policy Thursday. T...…

October 17, 2013 (vol. 124, iss. 12) • Page Image 1

…4e, 4f JC I a it j 4 w 46 F 1. i i J ® d... i ,4 B. 1 i.{J..l pl. T F7 S {J yy '® +x 1. .Y . Y id /.. 1,..1 i' 1. J rY. l.. 1 i d d ltd J S to D O XI 6, 4JW Ann Arbor, Michigan Thursday, October 17, 2013 ADMINISTRATION Enrollment breaks record for fifth year Business senior Sean Paquet sings in front of the Hatcher Graduate Library for a Stamp Nation event Wednesday. The event featured University singers and songwriters ...…

October 16, 2013 (vol. 124, iss. 11) • Page Image 1

…46F 4 lilt toan4,3at IV (h,104 C4 j{ is .'4 4d 3.1 Ann Arbor, Michigan Wednesday, October 16,2013 AFFRIMATIVE ACTION -E LEFT: Protestors gather outside of the Lincoln Memorial in preparation to march to the U.S. Supreme Court with the organization By Any Means Necessary in support of affirmative action Tuesday. RIGHT: Western Michigan University sophomore Tabrian Joe, a BAMN organizer, gathers outside of the Lincoln Memo...…

October 11, 2013 (vol. 124, iss. 10) • Page Image 1

…~b £c4i g.a n 0.UIJJ Ann Arbor, Michigan Friday, October 11, 2013 Protestors demonstrate outside of the Supreme during the Fisher v. University of Texas on October 10, 2012. The Court will take up affirmative action again, this time Specific to Michigan, with oral arguments begin Tuesday. 'Court to discuss Prop. 2 SCOTUS will hear arguments on state's right to ban affirmative action By TAYLOR WIZNER Daily News Editor Mi...…

October 10, 2013 (vol. 124, iss. 9) • Page Image 1

….,. 4 4jo t ONI_ _I IL"ND11 1 1)- ' yl,"At's OF 11DI1,0]IIAI, I'll II ( l Ann Arbor, Michigan Thursday, October 10, 2013 michigandailycom CONSTRUCTION ' leaders discuss progress of proj ects At Q&A in Fleming constructed after a $110-mil- lion donation from Charles administrators talk Munger, will be located on the corner of Thompson Street and Construction Madison Street, offering hous- By RACHEL WADDELL 6 For the Daily While the Fleming...…

October 09, 2013 (vol. 124, iss. 8) • Page Image 1

…IC41pan allm Ann Arbor, Michigan Wednesday, October 9, 2013 STUDENT GOVERNMENT CSG partners with IFC to expand Blue Bus services Routes to run Thurs. through Sat., include off-campus neighborhoods By AMRUTHA SIVAKUMAR Daily StaffReporter When January comes roll- ing around, students can expect to see more Blue Buses rolling through off-campus neighbor- hoods. The Central Student Govern- ment announced Tuesday that S5 it ...…

October 08, 2013 (vol. 124, iss. 7) • Page Image 1

…4 4 c ic i an 4,3at IV Ann Arbor, Michigan Tuesday, October 8, 2013 STUDENT GOVERNMENT Social justice 'focus of CSG .partnership STRUNG OUT Student government teams with South Asian Awareness Network for events By AMRUTHA SIVAKUMAR Dafly Staff Reporter The Central Student Govern- ment has joined forces with the South Asian Awareness Network to advance social justice on cam- pus. Last week, the CSG Assembly passed a re...…

October 07, 2013 (vol. 124, iss. 6) • Page Image 1

…4)II 4\)ilI \IN IS 111 I I { W~\ Ann Arbor, Michigan Monday, October 7, 2013 CAMPUS LIFE Health orgs encourage - global focus Student organizers say campus lacks interest in worldwide health issues By CHARLOTTE JENKINS Daily Staff Reporter Twenty-six health-related student organizations came together Sunday for Students Taking Action, an event host- ed by the Global Health and Development Coalition, a net- work of healt...…

October 04, 2013 (vol. 124, iss. 5) • Page Image 1

…()NE- IIN.)P FWE)1 NTI- F EA ( EDITO RIA FREEOM Ann Arbor, Michigan rsG:.11 ..., , .w - ,.:r -. .?!Y' - " f'r ..{ ,... . - - ' , u r v ,v...s Friday, October 4, 2013 GROOVIN'N'MOVIN CAMPUS IMPROVEMENT New science building to be constructed LSA junior Vinny Sheu, Engineering freshman Kenna Gebissa, LSA sophomore Katalina Faraon and LSA sophomore Sameer Bhagavatula practice for GROOVE, a percussion performance group, ne...…

October 03, 2013 (vol. 124, iss. 4) • Page Image 1

…()NAAbIUNDhEI)Thurl dyli 'tber321nYEihS OF EDITOIALganday11 Ann Arbor, Michigan Thursday, October 3, 2013 michigandailycom FUN IN THE HARVEST SUN R , _ Alm 4 '4L 1". " aLE °'J SCIENCE Research on treatment for ALS aided by stem cells ALLISON FARRAND/Daily TOP LEFT: LSA junior Rebekah Kreckman gives tours of the campus farm during the Sustainable Food Program's annual harvest festival at the Matthei Botanical Gardens Wednesday. BOTTOM LEFT: ...…

October 02, 2013 (vol. 124, iss. 3) • Page Image 1

…oil J~ lo Hospital on the hill How the University of Michigan Health System tackles a changing landscape INSIDE 1je E dga ijj ONL IVND{I't F\ LN s I4i Ann Arbor, Michigan Wednesday, October 2, 2013 ORGAN - IZED Upcoming president has hard act to follow Tom Trenney plays the organ at the 53'rd Conference on Organ Music Guest Recital at Hill Auditorium Tuesday. RESEARCH Not your average comp utter Administrators: C...…

October 01, 2013 (vol. 124, iss. 2) • Page Image 1

…0> ~t11111\1I Ol HSII)aI'\H IV Ann Arbor, Michigan Tuesday, October 1, 2013 AUTUMN ARBING GOVERNMENT SHUTDOWN University community braces for shutdown JAMES COLLER/Daily LSA freshmen Emily Sheridan and Molly Williams enjoy one of the first days of autumn by studying in the Nichols Arboretum Monday. HEALTH CARE Insurance exchanges open me stl ha Tith opening of tant safety net: her student health insurance. arketpla...…

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