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October 01, 2013 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 2013-10-01

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Ann Arbor, Michigan

Tuesday, October 1, 2013


braces for


LSA freshmen Emily Sheridan and Molly Williams enjoy one of the first days of autumn by studying in the Nichols Arboretum Monday.

Insurance exchanges open


Tith opening of tant safety net: her student
health insurance.
arketplace, 'U' .Now working as an admin-
istrative assistant in office of
udents, faculty the University Health Service
Director, Berjaoui is not eli-
ve new options gible for University health ben-
efits because she is a temporary
By BEN ATLAS employee. While some young
Daily StaffReporter adults can now be insured under
their parents' plan until age 26,
en Dania Berjaoui gradu- Berjaoui's father was laid off
from Eastern Michigan last year and now is enrolled in
rsity in the spring, she left Medicaid, the federal govern-
d not only the comfortable ment's program for low-income
es of a college environ- Americans that covers children
but also another impor- until only age 18.

Berjaoui is one of roughly
48-million uninsured Ameri-
cans who have the opportu-
nity to learn more about their
options starting Tuesday, when
open enrollment for the Health
Insurance Marketplace - one
of the key components of the
Affordable Care Act - begins.
Last week, the Univer-
sity Benefits Office, per ACA
requirements, sent out a letter
to all 67,000 of the faculty and
staff it services to provide notice
of the beginning of enrollment.
Roughly 46,000 employees
are currently eligible to receive

coverage through a University
health plan, and are unlikely
to participate in the new mar-
ketplace, according to Brian
Vasher, director of operations
for the Benefits Office. However,
the remaining 21,000- most of
whom are temporary employees
like Berjaoui - may be inclined
to use the marketplace.
Outside of temporary employ-
ees, it's unclear how other Uni-
versity demographics, such
as graduate and professional
students, may benefit from the
marketplace. The University's

ROTC, federal
recruiting, D.C.
programs affected
by gov't closures
Daily NewsEditor
Now that the government has
shut down, the Ann Arbor and
University community are pre-
paring for the consequences of a
reduced government.
The University's three ROTC
programs - Army, Naval and
Air Force - are programs of the
Department of Defense, which is
affected by the shutdown.
Captain Joseph Evans, Naval
ROTC commanding officer and
chair of the Naval Officer Educa-
tion Program, said the possible
impact on students in the pro-
gram would depend on how long
the shutdown lasts.
Evans said there would be no
immediate, "outwardly visible"
effects, as most issues would be
dealt with internally. He noted

that at least three members of his
staff would be furloughed, but
the rest are military employees
who would not be affected.
He noted that in the long term,
the students' scholarships could
be in jeopardy, but those details
are not clear.
Officials at the University's
Army and Air Force ROTC pro-
grams could not be reached for
Federal agencies postpone
recruiting visits
Several government agencies
have also notified the Career
Center that they would no longer
be sending recruitment officials
to the Career Expo on Oct. 1 and
Oct. 2. The State Department and
the National Security Agency,
which were also holding separate
events with University depart-
ments, cancelled their presen-
tations and notified the Career
"Based on the uncertainty of
a potential federal government
shutdown, the information ses-
See SHUTDOWN, Page 3


Report: sexual
assault, liquor
violations up
In annual report There were two forcible rapes
reported to University Police,
University Pup from one incident reported
break down crimes to UMPD in 2011. In the recent
report, two forcible rapes were
on and near campus reported to other police, and 17
were reported to non-police. In
By ARIANA ASSAF 2011, there were two forcible
Daily StaffReporter rapes reported to other police
agencies and seven reported to
Trends from the Univer- non-police. There were 21 cases
sity's Annual Security Report of forcible fondling reported in
and Annual Fire Safety Report 2012, more than double the eight
released Monday show that sex- cases reported in 2011.
ual-assault cases and alcohol vio- The report also noted that
lations increased substantially sexual-assault cases reported to
from years past, while reports of the Sexual Assault Prevention
most other crimes have remained and Awareness Center decreased
steady or declined. from 44 in 2011 to 34 in 2012.
The report, published annu- In September, the University
ally by the University, contains altered its sexual misconduct
2012 crime statistics along with policy to be in accordance with
numbers from previous years guidelines set out in the federal
and is required by U.S. Depart- Title IX mandate. As a result,
ment of Education policy. every allegations of student sexu-
The report breaks down the al misconduct must be internally
types of crimes reported, who investigated by the University.
crimes were reported to and if Although there is no con-
the incident occurred on cam- firmed correlation, reports of
pus or at an off-campus location sexual assault increased signifi-
involving students. It only details cantly in 2011 after the interim
crimes that were initially report- Title IX ordinance at the Univer-
ed on or near campus and doesn't sity made authority figures more
detail the outcomes of investiga- responsible for reporting sexual
tions assault. Administrators involved
There were 21 forcible rapes in the new process have said the
reported to police agencies and increase in sexual assault reports
the University. In 2011, there may be due to the new changed
were ten cases. These reports procedure.
do not include confidential loca- Robberies and assaults report-
tions, such as those reported to ed decreased significantly from
the Sexual Assault Prevention their 2011 levels. There were 14
and Awareness Center. robberies reported in 2011 com-
The report showed that pared to four in 2012. Aggravated
reports of rape and fondling assaults decreased from 30 in
more than doubled in 2012. See REPORT, Page 3

Martha Pollack, provost and executive vice president for academic affairs, speaks to SACUA members Monday.
Pollack reflects on lirst
mOnths as 'U'provost

Ann Arbor
City Council
member to
seek mayor's
Kunselman would
challenge Hieftje
for Democratic
Daily StaffReporter
City Councilmember Stephen
Kunselman (D-Ward 3) has begun
the petitioning process to become
a candidate for the mayor of Ann
Arbor in 2014.
Kunselman - who is an employee
in the University's Energy Manage-
ment Office - went to the City Clerk
Friday to obtain the petition to be
nominated as a candidate in the
Democratic Party. He is currently
in the middle of his third term as a
council member in Ward 3, having
first been elected in 2006.
Even though the deadline for the
primary-election petition is mid-
May, Kunselman said he typically
likes to start his campaign process
early, adding that he is "not a typical
Kunselman said he wants to
change the political culture in Ann
Arbor and increase transparency.
"I very much believe in good pub-
lic policy and budget priorities that
serve a broader element of our com-
munity rather than what we've seen
in the last few years if the direction
of our city is to be basically focused
on downtown," Kunselman said.
He went on to say Mayor John
Heiftje's (D) lack of communication
See OFFICE, Page 3

SACUA members
seek greater
For The Daily
Martha Pollack, Univer-
sity provost and executive
vice president for academic
affairs, made an appearance
at the Senate Advisory Com-
mittee on University Affairs
meeting Monday, discussing
goals for recruitment, col-
lege affordability and funding
At the meeting, Pollack
reflected on her first few
months as provost and dis-
cussed upcoming initiatives
to improve various aspects on

campus, including improved
education, a more diverse
student culture, college
affordability and research
During the meeting, mem-
bers also discussed changes
in benefits and salaries and
asked for more transparency
from committees discussing
these changes.
To improve campus inclu-
sion, Pollack said she's in the
early stages of working on a
new recruitment program for
community-college students.
According to Pollock, the
program would "strengthen
(the University's) ties to com-
munity colleges and expand
student support services" and
is a "really good way to try
and tackle" what she says is a
diversity problem.
SACUA also discussed
ways to allocate resources,

and how to keep college
affordable for students while
still ensuring departments
receive their appropriate
"We have a huge array of
programs on campus that are
intended to address diver-
sity on campus," Pollack said.
"What we need to do is figure
out which oneswe want to put
more resources into."
According to Pollock, over
the past year, average stu-
dent-loan burden decreased
by $500 and out-of-state stu-
dents saw their amount of
need-based aid double. Addi-
tionally, in 2012 University
had the lowest in-state tuition
increase in the past 30 years.
"College affordability con-
tinues to be a top priority,"
Pollack said. "We still have
a lot farther to go, but if you
See PROVOST, Page 3


Call 734-418-4115 or e-mail
news@michigandaily.com and let us know.

The Wire: Hospital employee assaulted

INDEX NEWS ............ ..........2 SPORTS...............7A
Vol. CXXIV, No. 2 OPINION .......... .....4 SUDOKU .............2A
i2013 TheMichiganDaily ARTS S. CLASSIPItDS............. 6A
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