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October 17, 2013 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 2013-10-17

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Ann Arbor, Michigan

Thursday, October 17, 2013


breaks record
for fifth year

Business senior Sean Paquet sings in front of the Hatcher Graduate Library for a Stamp Nation event Wednesday. The event featured
University singers and songwriters and aimed to get the word out about the new student group.
Satup spa tudent
group that helps artistss

For first time in ten years,
women make up majority
of freshman class
Daily Staff Reporter
With 43,710 students registered for
fall 2013, enrollment at the University
has set an all-time record for the fifth
consecutive year, according to the Office
of the Registrar. The total number of stu-
dents increased by 284 students - 0.7
percent - from the 2012 total.
Setting a record for the seventh con-
secutive year, applicants for this fall's
entering class reached 46,814, a 10 per-
cent increase from Fall 2012. Of those
applicants, the University accepted
15,570 - 19 more than in 2012 - with a
33 percent acceptance rate, more com-
petitive than last year's 36 percent accep-
tance rate.
While enrollment increased over-
all, membership across various parts of
the University varied. Undergraduate
enrollment grew by 1.1 percent to 28,283
students. The freshman class outnum-
bers the 2012 class by 54 students with
6,225 students. The number of graduate
and professional students is 15,427, a 0.1
percent change from the previous year.
For the first time in 10 years, the
freshman class consists of a 51.6-percent
majority of women. Men constitute 48.3
percent of the class, or 3,035 students.

Lester Monts, senior vice provost for
academic affairs, said in a statement that
he was impressed with the "rising cali-
ber" of this year's freshman class.
The University also holds a 97-percent
retention rate for freshmen and a 91iper-
cent six-year graduation rate, which is
33 percentage points above the national
average for four-year institutions.
Using a new federal demographic clas-
sification for the past four years, the Uni-
versityhas been able to track dataon race
and ethnicity. Under these guidelines,
the number of underrepresented minor-
ity freshmen - which include African
American, Hispanic American, Native
American and Native Hawaiian/Pacific
Islander students - saw a slight increase
10.6 percent this year, 0.6 percent more
than last year.
For the total number of students
enrolled, students who identify as white
represent the majority, with 27,399 stu-
dents, or 72.6 percent.
The next largest represented groups
in University data were Asian Ameri-
cans, African Americans, Hispanic
Americans, Native Americans and Pacif-
ic Islanders, representing 15.3 percent,
6 percent, 5 percent, 1.2 percent and 0.3
percent of the total number students,
Enrollment data came out a day after
the U.S. Supreme Court heard oral argu-
ments Tuesday in Schuette vs. Coalition
to Defend Affirmative Action, another
chapter in the state's affirmative action

Students perform in
Diag concert organized
by Stamp Nation
For the Daily
Students walking through the Diag
Wednesday evening heard something
different from the usual pleas from
students passing out handouts, miscel-
laneous preaching and the shuffling of
shoes hitting pavement.

Student artists performed on the
steps of Hatcher Graduate Library on
the Diag on the cold, windy evening.
This performance was the first sched-
uled by a new student group, Stamp
The club, co-founded by LSA senior
Omar Hashwi and LSA sophomore
Amrutha Sivakumar - who is a Daily
staff reporter - was formed after
Hashwi decided to bring his business
venture to campus in a way that would
allow students to practice their art
without worry of funding.
Hashwi's startup, Stamp.fm, which

launched last year as a nonprofit site,
organizes performances that are free.
for performers. Stamp.fm hosts regu-
lar tournaments in which performers
compete for the crown: the best artist
in Ann Arbor, Michigan or elsewhere.
"I wanted to create a nonprofit site
where we throw concerts and help
create bands and foster a community
on campus without thinking about
money," said Hashwi, who served as
the former Central Student Govern-
ment vice president. "Just to have fun
and have a good time, and I'm doing


Reps find
room for.
Zemke and Rogers
secure $375K for
STEM partnership
Daily StaffReporter
Some members of the Michigan
House of Representatives are dem-
onstrating financial commitment
to improving science, technology,
engineering and mathematics edu-
cation at all levels.
Representatives Adam Zemke
(D-Ann Arbor) and Bill Rogers
(R-Brighton) announced this week
that they had secured $375,000 of
the state's budget for the Michi-
gan STEM Partnership, a public-
private collaborative focused on
improving STEM education and
providing children with the skills
necessary to thrive in an evolving
advanced economy.
The funds will support a com-
See STEM, Page SA

'U' alums develop app
to foster food sharing

LeftoverSwap helps
users get a meal and
reduce waste
For the Daily
It's about as American as apple pie
- which, coincidentally, is part of the
In an effort to combat obesity issues
in the United States, University alumni
Dan Newman and Bryan Summer-
sett have launched a free iPhone app,
LeftoverSwap. The app aims to reduce
food waste and promote local eating by
allowing users to buy and sell leftover
Users can advertise leftovers simply
by posting a photo of their food while
buyers can browse for nearby leftovers
and arrange for pickup or delivery.
"(The app) assuages the guilt about
not wasting any food," Newman said.
"If someone picks it up, you're rescuing
the food. On both sides of the equation
people feelgood aboutthetransaction."
The app is marketed as a way to make
a small impact in solving problems of
obesity and world hunger,,as well as a
way to grow community ties. Newman
said the app already has 4,000 users
and is gradually growing in popularity
across the country.
"The first confirmed leftover swap

happened in New York and it was the
same day we launched it," Newman
said. "The person who picked it up
said how it was probably the best bag
of chips he'd had just because it was so
The duo developed the concept for
the app in 2010 on a lark after graduat-
ing fronv the University. While visiting
Summersett in Seattle, Newman said
the two former roommates ordered too
much pizza for dinner and had to throw
it away.
"We thought how good of an idea it
would be to broadcast that we had this
pizza to people in the area if they want-
ed any, because otherwise it was going
to go to waste,"Newman said.
LeftoverSwap went into production
in July when a San Francisco Weekly
reporter showed interest in the concept
after discovering the website Newman
had made for the nonexistent app as an
example coding and web design proj-
"We decided we would definitely
make (the app) a real thing after all the
interest in it," he said.
While LeftoverSwap operates with
good intentions, more than a few may
be wary of eating a stranger's leftovers.
"There are people who find it totally
disgusting because food is a very per-
sonal thing, and they have a right to
be," Newman said. "Hopefully, we can
change the cultural tone towards shar-
See FOOD, Page 5A

Daniel Mikat, doctoral student in organ performance, discusses his music before performing
at his dissertation recital in Hill Auditorium on Wednesday
At is Open Source to blend
techinolog7artat lecture

Latest speakers at
Penny W. Stamps
lecture series
For the Daily
Some artists use paint, others use
stone and still others use phone num-
bers collected from comments on porn
Salvatore Iaconesi and Oriana Per-
sico hope to provoke with their Rome-
based project, Art is Open Source,
which explores "the mutation of human

beings with the wide and ubiquitous
accessibility and availability of digital
technologies and net-
works," according to Ad is O
their website.
"They're really Source
pushing the envelope," Thursday at
said Chrisstina Ham-
ilton, director of the 5:10p.m.
Penny Stamps Dis-
tinguished Speaker . Michigan
Series. Theater
The Art is Open Free
Source creators will
be the next speakers
in the series, which brings participants

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Vol. CXXIV, No.12 OPINION.....................4A CLASSIPED S.........6......6A
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