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January 07, 1926 (vol. 36, iss. 78) • Page Image 1

… ESTABLISHED .1890 3Y riA ~aili MEMBER ASSOCIATED PRESS r VOL. XXXVI. No. 78 EIGHT PAGES ANN ARBOR, MICH. THURSDAY, JANUARY 7, 1926 EIGHT PAGES PRICE FIVE CENTS NOTED EDUCATOR LECT URES TODAY1 MRS. HELEN B. WOOLLEY WILL DISCUSS "THE PROBLEM OF THE FAMILY" OPEN TO PUBLIC Hon. Albert Mansbridge Will Appear On Friday Program Of School Of Religion "The Problem of the Family" will be discussed by Mrs. Helen Bradgord Woolley, Detroit...…

January 07, 1926 (vol. 36, iss. 78) • Page Image 2

…PgGIC d THE MICHIGAN DAILY t'I LRSIAY, JAI'ILIY 7, 1;I2G 4 - _ __ . COMMITTEE NAMES11 -ORay MViller's Orchestra And Royal Canadians Already Selected; Another To Be Chosen WJR WILL BROADCAST Contracting Ray Miller's 12-piece . orchestra of New York City and the Royal Canadians, an 11-piece organi-' nation now playing in the ClevelandI "music Box", as the two main orchles- tras for the evening, the J-Hop corn- inittee now has the majorp'ar...…

January 07, 1926 (vol. 36, iss. 78) • Page Image 3

….i'HUELSDAY, .TA\C:' NY i. 192"; THE MICHIGAN DAILY P aE tHRED TI-~3AYJNAY7 9~PC HETEMCIA AL HiNuAl G HIN New Science Chief FIIRUUnILL UIVLU Addresses Freshmen Engineers On!'Iihga raeogyA ,Weely Assembly i as y SHOWS SEVERAL MODELS I. Dr. Wilbert 1. Hinsdale custodian l of Michigan archaeology at the Uni- versity Museum addressed the fresh - Men enginer.CIs at their weekly as-!F Fw sombrly yesterday morning on Michi- 1 k CV gan Archaeol...…

January 07, 1926 (vol. 36, iss. 78) • Page Image 4

… PAaE FOUR I THE MICHIGAN DAILY TitUlSDAY, JANUARY 7, 1928 Published every morning except Monday during the University year by the Board in Control of Student Publications. Members of Western Conference Editorial Association. The Associated Press is exclusively en- Ritled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this paper and the local news pub- lished therein. Entered at the postof...…

January 07, 1926 (vol. 36, iss. 78) • Page Image 5

…7, 1926 Tr-lr MICMTC1(AN DAILY ' - - a2,S.dtweor- tin 214,ai v ST*au ,waft Memblers To Solicit Pledges By Per- sonaY Calls At All Organized Douses Office Of Dean Of Women IdTS Students Seeking Em lyc Last semester 49 women of the Un-; ested in %-orkhng are snv -I j pltoii(I versity awefsoen placed n y nth offic o koof icthieir ali ations at t he (l 41 int th daofwmninhmstwrko Lc ithe l)can of Wrn'a soi for their room and board, and more a...…

January 07, 1926 (vol. 36, iss. 78) • Page Image 6

…TI-II'. M idCIU GAN IAI 4 THURSDAY, JANUARY?7,'1926 - IM- -- (t .-' nn'r~~~~~ PTf CAFRAANCoach Hoyt.Has Yv~~~~i, PCS'nCATFS12'190 Out For BALKLINE TITLETrack I IPNFRNIFIF FtrM hAAn The PA-ens Box j Swimmers Will Hol S I~ntTff i iI ! a } UUIUI IIL~U L66 I'u L/V~JiI.'ueV ' iArd IV Z B a L'wiv. W+ p ia '> c r i sw r M 1lpsa ;Ii r' y i' eW ' a t l i at 1 0 c nd d t s t elc ig n a si y b s et a l fv e found the second team a crap piig Ici...…

January 07, 1926 (vol. 36, iss. 78) • Page Image 7

…TIIItUSDAY, JANUARY 7, 1926 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE SEVEN . DVRISING England Launches New Crutiser 1 CH BU OCNIIE HOCKEY ASSOCITION' League competition To Be Diiided Into Three Divisions > < .I MINNEAPOLIS, Minn., Jan. 6.-The Northern intercollegiate hockey as- sociation, embracing 16 middle west- r...z#. -ern schools, was officially organized LOST WAINTED LOST-Dec. 11, large grey loose leaf M1 AGAZINE men, crew managers, dis- noteboo...…

January 07, 1926 (vol. 36, iss. 78) • Page Image 8

…PAGE EIGHT THE MICHIGAN $A L DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publiuation in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Copy received by the Assistant to the President until 3:30 p. m. (11:30 a. m. Saturdays). Volume VI T1tRSDAY, JANUARY 7, 1926 Number 78 Special Lecture in Forestry: Mr. Samuel T. Dana, Director of the Northeastern Forest Experiment Station of' the United States Department of Forestry, at Amherst, Massa- cus...…

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