7, 1926
' - - a2,S.dtweor- tin 214,ai v ST*au
Memblers To Solicit Pledges By Per-
sonaY Calls At All Organized
Office Of Dean Of Women IdTS
Students Seeking Em lyc
Last semester 49 women of the Un-; ested in %-orkhng are snv -I j pltoii(I
versity awefsoen placed n y nth offic o koof icthieir ali ations at t he (l 41 int
th daofwmninhmstwrko Lc ithe l)can of Wrn'a soi
for their room and board, and more as their ,s"Condslort(r'eitdl r ieH
could have been placed had they been has been arrang ed. A riappea1[is i)e, I
available. .It.,is the hope °of this office! ing made to t he wvomen wa wa
to help a still larger number of stu-lstuden t hlp, to place the ir aol c-t
dents find part-time positions for the tionls aS oon a 'pssbe.A"lix'11USTT
second semester. The types of wvork tbons for wiome1n to wr -fr-oo
listed with the office are housework a nd board in -ebruary, huuld be P 2IelneJ
for >room, bohrd,, or room and boar'd, Iplaced1uinmediately. Sucl applica-, 11011 will holitl
light- housework on an hourly basis,; tionis ~for next year should be pioetdi from o :81) oc'
W OM, {, E N
3 0'L V ayrs and means of raising money
and the necessity for the building it-
ocfwere (discussed by Miss Mary 13.
Jenk ins at a meeting of the Buffalo
't f iAlumnae group. The meeting, which
wras held following a luncheon at the*
- !Buffalo Athletic club, re.presented an
'CKET MONEY! enthusiastic group, being one of the
112 units to subscribe their full quota.
C-' tL~l Li!,Besides the individlual pledges the
Buffalo Alumnae
ISubscribe QuotaI
N O TICE Spital auditorium. Refreshvments will
£V~ TWESbe served.
All undergraduate women who will
IThere will be a meeting. of.Wyvern; change their addresses in_ February
at 7:30 o'clock tonight at the home ofV are requested to report such changes
Jean Kyer, '27, 721 .Church street. 1in person to the office° of the dean of
Wyen ebrsae eustd'o wmen by noon' Saturday. This also
mermber1:5o'lcktmrerow aste D toapplies to all women' who are ,moving
studio to have a group picture iak nfodrioiso ooiis
for the Michiganensian. Margaret Purdy, '27, manager of the
Freshman Girl's Glee club will, meet ]W., A. A. tea-room is in need of wo-
at 4 o'clock today at the School of men to help her. Any who are in-
Music. terested in. doing this are asked to call
Junior Girls' play, tryouts today her at 7717.
from 3:45 to 6 o'clock at Sarah Cas- I ftmbers of the women's staff. of
"ann"al banquet
eioc kA'l day night
caigfrellrnpancoig ietyatrtesrii ,.<::.Iserving in tea-rooms, plain sewing, women are wanted by tl,,, hour to
and washing dishes for social funs- care for children or help wv:ith hou11se-
tions in private homes. About 25 wo-' work, a notice of at least VS hour",
men have been placed during the se- I should be given. It is raorely p)ossible
mester at housework by the hour, Ito locate a woman in less t inge and(
waiting table, and caring for children.1 repor t batck to the person diestiring7
Many calls were received for womenj the help.
to help at such times as Thanksgiving'
and Christmas, but most of these; 'Play Director To
places were not filled as there were P lyfw h l e s a iab . T er a e aso ' &
occasional calls for clerking and typ- As "Catherine"'
All women students who are inter-
inl the Inain ball roof: of the Union.,
Thi11s affair Ayhich is to he informalI
mzarl s tOe ue tiue dur ing the year((
when all sorority women meet as aI
coupi. JFlns have been made to pro-
Oide for 640t reservations.
Rluth Surge, '26, chairman of the
iclet (ummni ti c, will be in the par-
or of harbour gymnasium from 2 to
5 o'cloch tomorrow aft ernoon and asks
thai. each s ororit v that has engagedl
I )o s to senzd a representative withI
the money for the number of tickets
spok.ent for.I
"J'oo m~any have the im1pression,"I
stt i d Ehizaia'th Parrott, '26, presi-}
denut, t hat Fall-flellenic exists solely
f -r the purpose of giving a ball orl
z curbing rw hing rulte . We wish to
coet 1thi", 'esioandl one
Ninsni' i by br~ing together not;
only the rerbn a rs ut, the en-
tire nielohiers il) (of th'. eo7ganiation
to inure fnltvy realize the potential in-
Buffalo alumnae have made another
of $2,000, working as a group to com-
plete it.
ICarrying out their organized plan
of procedure the National Campaign
committee will hold a meeting Tues-
day, Jan. 12.
IThe Seattle, Wshington, group are
holding their mid-winter meeting Jan.
16. The Tacoma unit has been invit-
Fortune Tellers
Named For Party
Doris Glines, '26, and Geraldine
jKnight, '26, will tell the fortunes of
those who attend the dancing party
given by the league for all women stu-
dents from 4' to 6 o'clock tomorrow
afternoon in Sarah Caswell Angell
This affair which is the fourth of
a series of dances being given by the
Women's league will take the form of
Iwell Angell -hall.
, "'A
Athena and Portia held a joint meet-
ing at 7:30 o'clock, Tuesday, in the
Athena rooms, at which Elizabeth
Parrott, '26, Women's league delegate1
to tihe World Court conference held
at Princeton, New Jersey, gave a re-
port. Next year the conference will;
be held in Ann Arbor, at which time
it will be decided whether or not the,
world court will continue as a per-
manent organization, for the purpose;
of the discussion of national andl in-
ternational problems. Each campus
between now and next year will de-c
cide whether or not it has need for<<
an organization of this type.
Amy Loomis, '22 will be seen inla
somewhat different role thanii (irector
of Masques or Junior C irl's play,
wheni she will azppear ias Catherine, J'Am-
press of Rtussia, in Geoxrge3e:] 'nIrdi
Shaw's '"Great Catherine", wvhich will
bie presented at 8 :30 o'clock next
Ti~esday and *Wednesday ights by
Comedy club in the Mimes Theatre.
During these performances M\'iss
Loomis will forget her dluties of teach-
ing other's to act and will present her
interpretation of thliec(cenitiric char-
acter of the Empress of Russkz. The;
player of this lea ding role had not able
experience in acting when she played
with Eve LeGallienne in "Th'ie As-
sum~ption of h3anelle" on l3roazdway.
Phillis Loughton, '28, has had(
charge of (direeteing the entire pro-,
dluction. The east includes the names{
of many women students who havi'
appeared in former campnlus plays.
All those planning to play basket- iug.
ball in the tournament which is sche- Announcement has been made at
duled within the next two weeks are the Alpha Gamma Delta house of the
urged to attend the practises. engagement of Violet Bayle, '26, Lit.,
to Albert Parker, '25, Law. Parker
Y. W. C. A. luncheon served to the is a member of the Delta Theta Phi
campaign workers tomorrow from 12 i fraternity.
to 12:45 o'clock in Newberry hall. Announcement has been made of the
Mass meeting will held after luncheon. marriage of Marguerite Goodman, '26,
Members of the social service unit to John Barrett, 24. Miss Goodman
will conduct the local branch of the is a member of Wyvern and Barrett
American Association of University belongs to the Delta Theta Phi fra.-
Women through the new University' ternity.
hospital at 1:30 o'clock, Saturday.
After an inspection of the building' The United States is one. of the most
and equipment the regular business important, outlets for Czech'o-Slo-
meeting will be conducted in the hos- vakia's wood pulp.
A'' 111111111111111111111111 11ltI1 Iili ii 111 1111111i[1116i1Q 11I111 1 1911101101 IIIL
Just A's Good As ,Lv1er
r -uw
I ., Nnxxr Vnnrc rtctrfv Cru r ial fhvnrc
fluesi'e of Pa--hfellenic, as a group.''diNV L~!)tt. jCdiILUZ
Imsben rzawd y and novel refreshments in keeping
74avartI igr 2,and Esther
TIc '2G. 'Miss 1 lelen C. Bowers, re-
p ,rer on the IPetroit Free :Press, will
-be he in msocer of thle evening.
j'iol3mo who w-as formerly a
Micigan stuadent spoke in Ann Arbor
with tile sinirit of the holiday will be
special attractions.
Dance music will be furnished by
the Women's league orchestra uinder
the direction of Angeline Wilson, '27.
Tphis orchestra which was recently
voted a, salary b~y the board of direc-
hel vocat1ional guidance conferene , tr fteieghsbe nae
concerning jowrna li'i~m as a field for to play for all social functions of the
womien. Thle sublject for her address Women's league.
will ? ' :uoacetl later. Miss Jean PAY YOUR SUBSCRIPTION NOW.
Ilamib un,(le of women, and Norma _______________ ________
Bic~n'"1 Mo a od'126, president of
Following Miss iParrott's report,! Mary Lou Millcr, '26, Lillian Bo-ll eru~.1J1~I.,: , I 1 In< 1uUctt IIi
memnbers of Portia and Athena.dis- son, '27, M arlozitLeland, '27, 'Minerv' liepoga >1seaes llssPr
cusd h aleofteWorld CourtMiller, '27. and Elizabeth St rauss, '2f, t io il lre le at the banquet,
", ill arl o e(lilne the purposes of the!
and the need of such an organization, will piresenlt the femnale roles. ,-;',d Ilzreadl the creedj
on the campus. z Tickets for biothi perflorman ces nmY(l ni iiiiIIaniIolno.Ohr;pe
This meeting is the first attempt libe obtained at Wahr's, ("rahiaii's, and #ota ' 'tatrtlble will in-
taken on the campus to discuss tils!Slater's bookstores. ' hpic'eeof530;1 uci(' ;%.11-!, . f obarf , anti Miss
question and its importance. cents provides for a reserved{ seat. ;,; c~am~(,f1.teo Olticd of the
Loth women and pcea tudents are tnu wuci'a i Parrish. '27.
Pilat/ Rehearsals allowed to at tenid. ' is d ent.p l elda
r 1 rl NS e is e r ti rv lis.
To tar Ivond y Ile. Louise Mai'ys' is the servon'' ti i ~ h i
i woman in France to get an air , cpir , 'lot n tadii .Teo-
More than 190 junior women werelies.Sepaielaereofx-ii r1 1"gn ,net a'sci-
hzibitioii flights Inin France to stilula2t c nn;D.Mru~.BlantdMrs. Dr.
caled back to the second' tryouts for itrs n aiti mn rnh(irn' okLtilgeto tnr
ntrs ina/lto nin FrnhClrl Co. the. Junior Girl's- play, and a number wmn.Cze ce orl st nnualnnr
appeared yesterday afternoon before___________________'26~*]
the central committee who are acting Amnmn reeIi e r. eln;cze.'1:sns aylel
as judges. However a'large numlber leanis in 1 88 1 to commemCTorate i lie :' nifI le h~'e '7 rograma,
remains thlat hlave not tried out andI charity of 'Margaret I augzery, "h l v4 l!Clue,'26, a'.1 Esther
it is advised that they come early this!orhn'fidwatefrsstue, '7
Beauty Parlor
Is Now Opcn for
Ncll' ldeas in Facials
an'd Scalp Treatments
Have your hair shampooed
with rainwater and dried the
Sunshine way.
Expert Marcelling.
11hone 1130,8 432 Mir~ynard at.
Across fromii Ilden iNeiwberry.
R X ,.
R o
6A w,
uovo e .
®ill.lUTl tNC
Cad C13tr °'
--,Ar c
tafternoon to have a good chance of
rmaking the play.
The choruses are filling rapidly, andl
the cast is almost complete. There
will be no separate tryouts for the I
six cast parts. The chorus parts are
not set in number, and so there are
plenty of places yet to tie filled.
Rehearsals will begin Monday it is
lknown definitely and there will be.
some effort made to rehearse Saturday
jalso if arrangements can be nlade.
!All notifications will be sent out by
ethe first, of the week, though some {
may be sent even sooner.
IZED 1863
litll lIlllllt 1Hll 111 ~lltilll l
ever erectetl to a woman in the .United { --- ----- __
Mtates. CGerman dsig ,ors have not of late.
n otUcod any important new types of
PAY YOUR SUBSCRIIPTI ON'NOW, ct'oi<niere(AI lairplanes.
r i m iir n rr mu nntniuE i n ia
Savings Department..
Trust Department
VV* w4m/
Oldest National Bank in Michigan j
"famed for
Candies Delightful t the Taste
A select array of fresh carndics v'ie have in -stock from
which you can make a choice of your favorites. The follow-
ing are but a few of the many kinds w e have on display.
Gorgeous Fur 'Coats
From the Wmn. -H. Miller House
Greatly Reduced
January Low Prices Prevail
When you see the exceptionally low prices at which Fur Coats are
marked in this January Sale you will realize the wisdom of buying
now. Finely matched pelts, cxpert workmnanship and exquisite linings
distinguish these coats that will give you service for several years to
come, as well as this winter. Jaquette and full length styles in a
variety of Furs.
Wonderful Valu'es in. Raccoon
Now is the time you'll appreciate the comnfort. and smnartness of a
sturdy Raccoon Fur for protection from winter's coldest blasts. Raccoon
Coats are offered now at clearance prices lower than. actual wholesale
cost today. Such a coat you'll find a ,worthwhile investment for this
year as well as for several years to come.
(Second floor.)
Green TreInn
L'uncheon - 11 :30--i] :30
Dinner - - - 5:30--7:00
Special Partics by Arrangement
Phone 9646 205 S. State
Pea nut Brittle . .;.500 SIc1L.
Wrapped Caramels. 60,- .J)
Bitter Sweets . ...60c Lb.
Milk Chocolates. . .65c Lb.
2.oa' Bonis........ 64c Lb.
Nuts- and 1-,rits .. $1.00 Lb.
'y r
S, ?
r (s
+ t
"* '
715 N. University P1 .ce
On the Campus
I 4pI 1111 CEM~vF.~I i RIT I'I
TY T\ m T1 A T m
'ROIT 1 ' I