- IM- --
(t .-'
nn'r~~~~~ PTf CAFRAANCoach Hoyt.Has
Yv~~~~i, PCS'nCATFS12'190 Out For
The PA-ens Box
j Swimmers Will
Hol S I~ntTff
a }
UUIUI IIL~U L66 I'u L/V~JiI.'ueV ' iArd IV Z B a L'wiv. W+
p ia '> c r i sw r M 1lpsa ;Ii r' y i' eW ' a t l i at 1 0 c nd d t s t elc ig n a si y b s et a l fv e found the second team a crap piig Ici a ' a sty s i m n q a
Itr a~ .est turnout. the squad has evei fr o~ Ih is ,il hold ts hardest workout o the
By 1iQR.l(aeerknowtn, freshman track s ,nsto b ea stfiy*jfith ntrolino
Fi d.faig t bg4s'ea.Coach Hoyt {Ieam extperiei1CEtl ' }iiideraApraato
~z culty winning 30-4 in . eglyJ for the Indiana meet on Saturday, to-
aMENTIONS HARRY KIPK E i e .0 1 h hoe el ciilae orows workout consisting simply I
lira"-n the prospct o developing some~ -!of a light limbering up drill before
z . the enshoeer aewek anf cen tsn,, Claos,l o hf eam(lparts for Bloomington at I
---er 'sif ?nher isDiuck"o oportniy fr ny heand " j1 w" 'wliio ig
Plyr Psto ch}f hresmanwth abiliptynity fforI'4arty Yesterlay afternoon Coach Mann
Sno..............hign 1In th alit. Coc oti edr n an ci~dr~ went over tenational intercollegiate
Enld . I 11 <*cJ~l "E" Cambalers it t the guarsk ~ swimnming and water polo rules with
Walker..........innesota f: aily wel )t)i wthKelyof....... in splendid form, pkssng the baliIris natators in order that his men
TaPl ittsburgh, and :La Mount, who hais pIecotwb !h will be upl, ol the technical a. well
l~enbrook.........ic:gn; from Indlianea, stting the pace. Thay- 1hl 1wV "y ir(~~~as the physical side of th esport. After'
Guard Ipoiea~ im (( t~i hicsso h
er a('ii0*na.pr~lr~', ndKil h, a° ne ~of he d days. I n he regular practice('
Schurltz McianIaho copped a first place in ast year's'____ was I(v held. Maurice Shorr who ac-
enter I 1 . r interscholastics, are the leaing can- :coa Ieteta ntevcto
Tot.......Ohio State I¢-.. lates to (ate inlthe hurdle event. Ed"Reece, w .. arf>:>rI;hoigfaue h ensatkinl oal' rip returned to school yesteray suf- I
#r, inne. prepped at Detroit Ndorthwest- shoig etreIh wrotsoPering from a strained tendon, but "I
Guard~ I Monday and Tuesday, was given a,
Curtis ..~l Michigan I t M171" tl DtotNot~et-tilwihtefis ieln aie oi is hoped that he will be in shape'
Cas........inst rsnwh a o a wtriNnrer nls ut isttelnefomne.in time for the Indiana meet. If
ya'inoritrcoatcad u-'Red Cherry, "Yo" MoIidfa, "Dick"; Shor's leg does not improve Whit- .
End . ebnt rmHreIlse t ol n rn lria OOtigham will probably be Michigan's
............. Chicago hetebsamn tesopttr, teamed with Reece. nl entry in the breast stroe at
Hetn.... . ... .. .....Michigan " IWi~Sae.o ou.,al teI "eh3 (otrai,"e"Pt Coach Mann hais not et decided onI
*Halfback fOvd ic. retepiko the personnel of the team for the
iscsthrowers. I ne and Plat" Lnz~ , sere "to It ti, il nnuc telito
Grange ................Illinoisht:a,°actpbtwlanoceheis i
Hafak.Other men who are performing udlwe;r ipl.yers osee s~e v'.aC, the j men whlo are to accompany the team
Harley............. Ohio Statexvlintereetar;Ln an fit osuthlngP Rec to Bloomington in tomorrows Daily.
Fulbak, Lander, in the high-jump; Smith and 1olenda )vlile Line Brent in for _______________
FulakWuerfel, distance men; Evans, in the R&.iIk
In his twenty-fourth installment of ! hurdles; and Meithae and Jackson, inIfll[I T [AP H II
"M ThryYar fFobal"aI. the- 440 yard dlash. Meithe won this Coach M'ather's chief pr' 0 loin is t IL II~LILVIL
My TirtyYear of ootbll, . Srevent in the outdoor interscholastics find five men who will pay together;0
series of articles that Fielding H.::: Ihield here last spring. consistently. Most of the players ;b
Yost, Varsity football coach is writing... Although cno dfinite dlates have have.show n flashed of real 091E q[C E OA1
for. the Walsh syndicate, he selects been set as yet, Coach H-oyt announced I ability dluring some practice sessions, l
a Conference all-time all-star team,l j'vf........:......h... ...sever'al telegraphic meets would Iol og da"o te ca Coach .Mather will hold the initial
on hih h pacs fveMihign en - _ bescedled for next semester. sicns. It
onwhch,_hplacsfivMichganmn.__ practice for all students desiringtoy
Harry Kipke, captain of the Wol-Ir~n ~n This almost daily hange jinthfnwfasetalmlageft
verine team in 1923 and Walter' ~ JieS'lee UlffhIRUfl H flhI~iU has coipijuted the Skilper':task ho'cokthsatenoet.h os il
Camp's selection for all-American IIrJl IISWIJh UIV i O f selec tinigthe personnel ofhouse.oI
halfback in 1922 is given honorable first fedPes) T~lP id lsecond team,4. Alth ough tihsudnsiteet~ i ly
mention for half back. In speaking iI iACO il.,,JI .-YunIJae onfe rence tilt Iiwiit othveieriiI bsebal rprae etra
GURNEY 9ONDA afternoon, but no practice was held. (
of Kipke, of Miclilgal, Clark, Me- Schlaefer, twice former chamupion, to- I is'ut two d aay, there is no or
Is da~sAll those that reported yesterday, and
Cumber and Pogue of Illinois Coach day regained the. world's title at 1.21 Iidication-is to who w ll make ie ohrstht(at oply it
Yost says, "They were- were 'backs blia., Qualifying rounds in the interfra- tril, or whliach five nlleii iv ill stat lloeaue, at to rot to Coacin h
ternuditweln~n cmany owling tournament, to be telonet.II
who couldindof ell cancomptay"t e h eetd dcrf-jrm ,i eld in conjunction with the Big t~enhoswerlckswilbasgnd
nspaigoth chne thIelgiari titlehodder, 1500 to Slo after .5 ousatherehisoafernoonlbatstesie.ld
this team would have against a alll- tr ~-on lcso ly championship will begin Moday, Frank Harrigan, the pride of the Plaers are asked to bring ~heir own j<
time all-star 'Eastern team Coach Yost 0-ont locks uffiea matrl, ntamrln.s'ba 1opeito 1e..met
days , "Ant all-star Eastern team for1 coltinlued his splentdid exhbition of meeahwand e composedl o five last year, has failed to reach his real T'he new suad of players will work
any one year, 15 or 20 years agoI the first two blocks, fnishing the moee.allan 52 entries have ~en form as yet. The formn'r Grand Rap- out five times a week with the fesh-
probably would have beaten n all2- thidothernalbConferenceeroonI schoolsved ids star is incined to. shoot to much, manl squa, meeting the yearlings in "
Wethireandtenal blck thieafteroonywil.staratheirrounds on the same when off balance, thus rriing nmany crmag2reunty
wstlen temfthe Wst aeker.Tat I 12pit ha ftefre:(ay so that each fraternity chapter scoring chances. ________
was lecaue th Westlackd th champko, the score of the final blocko will have an opportunity to mate]hoioEr eayegt
technique to beat the East. But now being 500 to 81. scores with the'chapters of the othe
th si u t o ,bemg n i o e ha p A m erican had lih e o en ing shot I'lho ls
rvre.Adithrisany signifi- 1oiay uti tli thei('x11clhs *os(iy groupedI At the shos eclose. of the qualifying rounid ,those teams that sr ive ' e 'alny and llarry wills.
ac oti-arid I rather think a h ea fie al hre ha eft thle team aving ike highest total teamroun andh matchihetbl tlr ply will e held to.I- ___--____
there is-Western football will domi- tFccem wii Ii his unfiishedt run (f 1231 scoo will receive tbe chiampionsip dtrieth nvriyIil.Ptrnz al-Avries
nate during the next 10 years as thI last- night, ald fr'omi his' initial runI which is to be awarded by Ohio State
East dill in the hey-day of "The 13ig9was nlever headed. , university.
Thi'ree."+ The BlJian star defeated Young _~-f
Stars, however, in all decades andi Jake for the title last month, and 1ji ~i
in all sections of the country seek i nlulediate li fclnaed his xvitor for i MANAGERIAL. TRYOUTS ir ipw ..-. I171-
Leonard C. Anderson; '28, of
Ironwood, Mich; one of 'the three
to irepresent the University of
M~ichigan in the intercollegiate
lece carnival held at Lake Placid
(durinig the Christmas holidays,
suffered a broken arm in his first
attempt in the ski jump -compe-
Anderson made a leap of 140.
feet in his first attempt, which
was more than 30 feet farther
jthan the record made by the
University of' Wisconsin entry.
Andeorson was unab~le to compete
owing to his injury, and was
counted out of the competition.
in dletermnining the winner all
three jumeps are consideredl and
form is couintedl. The winner of
the event was credited with a
leap of 103 feet.
Michigan famed to tally a point
in the competition. New Hamp-
shire aind Wisconsins were tied
I llawkee Quintet 11111I Trav-el Afield
TIs Wek End41rTo Oios e
t~Chic go Anad'Micliabn~
IOWA. CITY, Ia., Jan. 6.-The 'bas-
ketball games which count neither for
nor against Iowa's standing are bat-
i ties of the past. The present is
I bringing forth long drills for the
IHawkeyes because in the immnediate
future looms the opening of the Con-
ference race. A road trig) which, will
prove K Iowa's fitness as -a contender
Iwill bring Coach Barry's team against
I Chicago on Saturday and Michigan
Ion Monday.
The Old' Gold five' enters the Big
Ten race with a raither impressive
- '
for first liace with 13 points i background of victories over St. Louis,
each. Wabash, Butler ah ndkfAlquette and
I' only a one-point defeat 'from Notre
Dame. 'With the exception of' Pur-
y d(ue and Michigan, whose teams are
TowaflS* R1ope C rt I unbeaten in p'relimipnarky ames, Iowa,
1? viv l Of Fast ! has the best record of the Conference
Z~ii Relay Team Chicago 'Will' be met for the
twenty-third time in history. The
CIT, IMaroons now hold: the edge with
IOWACIY Ia., Jan. 6.-.A crack twelve victories to Iowa's ten. .Al-
one mile relay team which will win! though the Chicago five has already
back the honors held by the Iowa l been trimmed by two teams from the
quarters jn 1.923 and 1924 but dropped' Hawkeye state, Ames and Drake,
last year is the goal of Hawkeye quar-j Coach Norgen's men will be a stronger
oer milers. Four "I" men, and fivel aggregation, as the race, opens. The
good sophomores will soon pull on Hawkeyes have great respect for Al-
their spiked shoes hoping to emulate lyea, Maroon forward.
he deeds of thy. Morrow-Noll- Brook- Two days rest will be the Hawk-
ins-Wilson combination, establishers eye's allowance before the Michigan
of the world's intercollegiate record.'I game. The tilt with _the Wolverines
The "I" men are Orthel Roberts, will be only the seventh in History.
dusky racer with two year's experi-' and Michigan was victor in four of the
once who can click off his quarter insix~ already on the books. Coach Math-.
ifty seconds; Lowell Phelps, a junior ( er's five lost none of its early season
and a. steady lead-off mant; John Ev- "games and with the football stars,
gringham, a 220 man who can pace a l Molenda and Oosterbaan, snapping
fast quarter and Gerald Kohl, a 440, into basketball :form, will be a heavy
runner of the strong half-mile type. I stumbling, block to the Iowans.
ColtrOlynmpic rne is the only; The IHawkeye hopes will rest with
'oultr, ru~nerVan Deuse and Harrison, forwards;
mant lost.-, Miller', center, and Captain McConnell
Ilawk-eyes expect "Bab" Cuhzel, tie !and Hogan, guards. Phillips, for-
sensational sophomore- to cut a wide wards; Keel, center and Smrith, guard
wathz among the quarter muilers. The are the. choice of the reserves.
Stroiig Cedar Rapids boy, who ;et a.i
mew record for the Stag; into , ,tola iE; nie Newtms, Stanford football
tic nlirect was artimed acloserto049se- ".,is aa
sai, eing touted asjust a gooda
Cnd asafeha t Iwapitcher as lie is a fullback. Such
fPraise* has caused several big league.
P.A.Y OUR SU SCP1iPTION 7FOW. clubs to investigate.
"S11 le is of Paramount Importance"
* ,.
4 r
These clear, crisp, cold (lays are ideal for outdoor sports. We
have the outdoor clothing necessary for ladies and men-
Skating Breeches, Leather jackets and Blouses (all. kinds),
Blanket Shirts, Corduroy Coats, Skating Shoes, Heavy Wool
Socks, Mittens, Gloves, Sweaters, Helmets, High-Top and Moc-
casin Pack Shoes all at lowest prices.
lankets, Auto Robes and
Steamer Rugs
All kinds finest grade wool bed and army blankets, couch shawls
and robes. Large assortmient at most attractive prices, ranging
from $3 to $25.
Fleece Bedroom S lippers-LaundrN Bags
I. I
cia :mo v.
$35 will take any suit in the store
(blues excep*ted..
Our Spring Suits and Hats-- havre ar-
rived -Come in and look them over.
"Dress Well and Succeed"
5, 1