TitUlSDAY, JANUARY 7, 1928
Published every morning except Monday
during the University year by the Board in
Control of Student Publications.
Members of Western Conference Editorial
The Associated Press is exclusively en-
Ritled to the use for republication of all news
dispatches credited to it or not otherwise
credited in this paper and the local news pub-
lished therein.
Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor,
Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate
of postage granted by Third Assistant Post-
master General.
Subscription by carrier, $3.5e; by mail,
Offices:.Ann Arbor Press Building, May-
maard Street.
Phones: Editorial. 4925; business, a214.
Telephone 4925
Chairman, Editorial Board ...Norman R. rhal
City Editor..........Robert S. Mansfield
News Editorr...........Manning Houseworth
Women's Editor ........... Helen S. Ramsay
Sports Editor.............. Joseph Kruger
Telegraph Editor........William Wathour
Music and Drama..Robert B. Henderson
Night Editors
Smith H. Cady Leonard C. Hall
Willard B. Crosby Thomas V. Koykka
Robert T. DeVore W. Calvin Pattersen
Assistant City Editore
[rwin Olian Frederick H. Shilto
Gertrude E. Bailey Helen Morrow
\William T. Barbour Margaret Parker
Charles Behymer Stanford N. Phelps
William Breyer Marie Reed
Philip C. Brooks Simon Rosenbaum
L. Buckingham Ruth Rosenthal
Edgar Carter Wilton A. Simpson
Carleton Champe Janet Sinclair
Eugene H. Gutekuinst Courtland C. Smith
Douglas Doubleday Stanley Steinke
Mary Dunnigan Clarissa Tapson
ames T. Herald Henry Tburnau
iles Kimball David C. Vokes
I' t arion Kubik Chandler J. Whipple
Walter H. Mack Cassam A. Wilson
Louis R Markus Thomas C. Winter
Ellis Merry Mrurt isk
fusal of Secretary Hughes to discuss.
negotiations.RO LAo
The senator has reintroduced his E
measure declaring it to be the sense' "-.//
of the Senate that negotiations shouldAE.
be commenced looking to an end of
the existing state of affairs between
the two nations. There will probably Well, it seems there was a lad
be a hearing before the Senate foreign traveling on the Ann Arbor line, an
relations committee when he will dis- she wanted to get home to her famil
close the source of the assurance on in time to welcome in the new yea'
which hie'relies for the resumption by The train was due in at 8:'2 P. 1\i
Russia of a regular acknowledgment railroad1 saving time, but it was a
of her internal. obligations. I l d d..,hv ai
z "
a ......,
Telephone 21214
American men of business seem as-
sured that someone is goint to sell
Russia a vast amount of livestock,
machinery, cotton, and other kinds of
American products - particularly
manufactured products-in the next
few years,and it is quite natural that
they should be looking toward the
greatest potential market in the world
for certain kinds of American prod-
ucts. This, in turn, suggests that the
pressure of business will soon be
brought to bear on the administration.
1.701 PER YEAR!
The number of prisoners released
on parole from state penal institu-
tions duringr1925 was 1,701, according
to the figures made public by Fred E.
Janette, state parole commissioner-a
number exceeded only once before in
the history of the state, in 1921, and
under the same governor. And yet
one of the governor's employees, Rev.
William F. Hopp, chaplain of Jackson
prison, declares that prison inmates
regard the governor as "the toughest
governor to get a parole from that
Michigan ever had."
The two statements seem strangely
incongruous. Governor Groesbeck's'
generosity in regard to the issuance
of paroles to men sentenced to serve
time in the state's penitentiaries is
well known. While it may be true, as
friends of the present parole system
maintain; that these wholesale paroles.
are issued only to deserving men and
that a very small percentage of those
paroled are ever returned to prison,
that does not alter the fact that morej
criminals have been released from
the prisons of Michigan by the, present
administration than by any other.
What is needed in Michigan is a
pardon and parole board, divorced
from politics, with no other business
to occupy its time,-created solely for
the consideration of applications for
paroles from prisoners. With such a,
board, it might be possible that a!
thousand men deserving of paroles
be found in one year, although even
this is doubtful. How the executive
of a great state investigates enough
cases a year to find one thousand in
which to issue paroles is a mystery.
At any rate there are 7,254 former
inmates of Michigan prisons, released
from their sentences by the present
state administration since 1921, who
stand ready to uphold the present
Anonymous communications will be
disregarded. The names of communi-
cants will, however, be regarded as
confidential upon request.
Advertising................Joseph J. Fin
Advertising............T D Olmsted, Jr
Advertising..............Frank R. Dentz, Jr.
Advertising................Wm. L. Mulli
Circulation ... ..............H. L. Newana
Pubication..............Rudolph Bostelma
Accounts..................Paul W. Arno
Ingred M. AlvinAg F. A. Norquist
George H. Annabe, Jr. Loleta G. Parker
W. Carl Bauer Julius C. Pliskow
John H. Bobrink Robert Prentiss
1' W. J, Cox Wi. C. Pusch
ar-rn A Dnil Franklin J Rauner .
A. Rolland Damm Joseph Ryan
" k1 mch .. Deruy Margaret Smith,
01,ary Flinternaf Mance Solomnon
Margart L. Fank Thomas Sunderland
Stan Gilbert Eugene Weinberg
'. Kenneth Haven iney.JWisnan
R. Nelson ,z SinyWlo
Night Editor-LEONARD C. HALL
"Participation in the work of
the League Preparatory Commis-
sion for Disarmament involves no
commitment with respect to at-
a. tendance upon any future confer-
ence or conferences on reduction
and limitation of armaments; and
the attitude of this Government in
that regard cannot be defined in
advance of the calling of such
meetings. Whether the conditions
and circumstances will prove
such as to make it desirable for
the United States to attend any
conference or conferences which
may eventually take place as a
result of the labors of the Pre-
paratory Commission or other-
wise, is a question which need not
now be considered. It is my judg-
ment that so far as this prelimi-
nary inquiry is concerned, we
ought to give our aid and co-
operation to the fullest extent
consistent with the policies which
we have adopted." - President
Coolidge's message requeing
Congress to appropriate $50,000
to cover the expense of participa-
Events would seem to indicate that
recognition of Russia by the United
States may be nearer than generally
is supposed. Of particular interest
was the meeting early in December of
some of New York's leading business
men with the representatives of
Soviet commerce, at the dinner given
by Reeve Schley, vice president of
the Chase National bank, at the
Banker's club in New York City.
Perhaps of greater consequence is
a statement made by Senator Borah a
short time ago, when he said, in'effect,
that Russia is prepared to go virtually
the whole way in the course laid down
by Charles Evans Hughes, former
secretary of state ,as necessary before
this country would institute diplo-
inatic relations with the government
of the Soviet republic. The Hughes
conditions involved the recognition of
her national debts, which the Soviet
government had repudiated; repara-
tion for confiscated American prop-
erty, and a cessation of the efforts to
overthrow the institutions of other
J1'u..t aLe ariea y anu was movng
along at about ice-wagon miles per
hour. After another few hours had]
elapsed the conductor came through,
the train and the Lady stopped him.
"Can't you go any faster'?" she
"Yes," replied the conductor, "but
you see I am pai(l to stay with the
* * *
This same train was pulling into
one of the so-called stations at an,
even slower speed. One of the would-
be passengers who was standing on'
the platform turned to the station
master aid asked;
"Why is the train coming in so
"Slowly?" replied the latter, "why
it looks as if it wasn't even going to
stop here!"
Those are pretty bad, but at any
rate they are a beginning.
* * *
Anyone knowing any other stale
railroad jokes, please send them in
and we will fit them to our pet line.
Incidentally the local depot of that
now famous line has not avanved
with civilization enough to install
electric lights.
* * *
"A Better Michigan is a Better
Michigan" says the S. C. A. This is
indeed a revelation. Such startling
statements as these are what make
the S. C. A. and other organizations
about Michigan so justly famous.
When we first read it we gasped
"Can this be?" we asked ourselves.
We read it over again and again, and
still its mighty truth evaded us.
Finally we took it to one of the mem-
hers of the philosophy department.
"That is hard to see," the Prof. ex-
plained, "but look here" and he drew
an elaborate diagram on the black-
"Oh," said we, "why that's so isn't
it, why we never saw it in that light
"Yes, you see the person who wrote
it must have had years of training, it
is not the sort of thing the average
person can comprehend at once," he
told us.
As we left his office a score of stu-
dents rushed upon us.
"Did you know," they shouted with
one accord, "that a Better Michigan
is a Better Michigan?"
"Yes," we responded, "once you see
it, it's quite simple."
And so the news has spread, and
now even the dullest among us have
seen this wonderful trftth-"A Better
Michigan is a Better Michigan.'
* *
Flyspeck, Mich., Jan. 6.-Miss Effie
Snorp former co-ed in the University
of Michigan will not return to Ann
Arbor this season, and perhaps never,
according to reports issued today by
her parents. An injury to her smal-
lest toe was the cause given, but
those reading between the lines, de-
clare that Miss Snorp was offended
because of a part in "Tambourine" the
late Union Opera, which she is said
to have believed was a take-off on her
own personality and appearance.
TONIGHT: The Spotlight Vaude-
ville tournament in the Mimes theatre
at S:15 o'clock.
Black Bottom is the latest dance-
craze replacing the Charleston in
New York; every prominent debutante
now hires her negro tutor.
Beyond this, there are the morals
of Catherine II, Empress of Russia,
to be considered. Faith, there was a
woman who was a woman. "Great
Catherine," they called her, "whom
glory still adores." She had a Prime
Minister, Patiomkin his name, who be-
sides being a tyrant, ugly, lazy and
thoroughly disreputable in his per-
sonal habits, had a wild sense of
humor that could laugh even at him-
self-and influence his Empress such
as none other.
But besides this single constant
lover, Catherine's gallantries provide
some of the lightest and most scandal-
ous pages in all history . Ideals and
reforms, they claimed she had; but
it was the woman in Catherine that
attracted Bernard Shaw-as all of us
-to write his burlesque of this Ger-
man frau whose figure 'rivaled
Juno's and whose manners mocked a
Byron brought Don Juan to Cath-
erine; Shaw substitutes a little Nor-
dic Englishman who makes a fool of
himself and marches proudly with
his virtue to its stainless final cur-
tain. lie has written greater plays,
but never any quite as fiinny, as mad,
as slapstick and impossible. "Great
Catherine" is his apology to William
Shakespeare for "The Taming of the
The production Tuesday and
Wednesday in the Mimes theatre by
Comedy Club-personalities aside-
includes one of the most rounded
casts assembled on the campus. Amy
Loomis, director of half of the dra-
matics in the University, plays Cath-
erine; Valentine Davies, that funny
man ,is the English captain; while
the remainder of the roles include
Lillian Bronson, who was so outstand-
ing in "Outward Bound" and "The
Cradle Song," Neal Nyland of "The
Admirable Bashville" and "Tam-
bourine," Thomas Denton of "Engag-
ed" and "Spring," and Minerva Miller
who had the leading part in "The
Cradle Song."
And Belinda Treherne, "the perfect
lady," will be dead forever, Got wot,
in Prime Minister Patiomkin who is
drunk for all but two lines of the
* * 0
Mr. McIntyre is presenting one of
the ten "No, No Nanette!" companies
now playing through the country
Monday evening in the Whitney thea-
tre. If you have never seen this re-
vue, do so by all means, for it has the
most spontaneous comedy and is-for
what it is worth-the best musical
farce I have ever seen. Not even for-
getting "Rose-Marie" and "Chariot's."
* * s
(Performed at the Shubert-Princess,
A review, by Alan Hathway.
The unbending will of an iron-
handed father unwilling and unable
to understand either his daughter or
the life around him. That daughter,
willful, proud and determined, neither
willing to bend to her father nor
to convention. A tragedy often told,
always true. Hermann Sudermann
gave true literature to the world in
"Magda" and Bertha Kalich has
brought it to the hearts of people as
only a genuine artist could.
Mme. Kalich in the title role, dark
eyes and sensitive features expressive
of every flitting passion, a shrug of
her shoulders-contempt-a tighten-i
ing of hands in the audience, a set of
her jaw, a flash of her eyes-hatred-
a shudder in the house-was neither
excessive nor elaborate, slight and
delicate, yet impressive to the last
Charles Waldron as the father is
scarcely less to be noted. An aged
soldier, a palsied hand but the jaw of
a master. Assailed by pleas from the
little sister, his eyes darting here and
there from under shaggy brows-"I
will not believe! I will not believe!"
His words tell little, his personalityr
Truly a worth while drama and yet
Mine. Kalich is removing it to New
York at the end of next week. Tragedy
must be beyond the scope of the loop.
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To the Editor:
Speaking as a class treasurer, and
therefor one of those most directly
f concerned, it seems to me that theE
recent reforms in the methods of col-
lecting and disbursing class funds
have been carried to a 'ridiculous ex-
treme in the way of "system."
Concerning the use of uniform re-
ceipts, I have no criticism to make.
It is a convenience both to the class
trasurer and to the auditors. But the
method of getting at the funds, which
must be deposited with the University
treasurer is cumbersome to a most
unnecessary extent.
For every item of expense going to
a particular creditor, the class treas-
urer must go to the treasurer's office
and there make out a special voucher,
designating the use to which the
money is to be put. This voucher
then must go to Dean Bursley; for his
personal approval and signature.
Then it comes back (after a while) to
the treasurer's office, ;here several
new forms are made out, one of which
goes to the creditor, who must then
present it at the treasurer's office for
payment. My first experience as a
class treasurer with this system has'
been decidedly exasperating in the
way of delay; and I present the fol-
lowing considerations:
(1) It is my opinion that each
class should be allowed to spend its
money as a majority may see fit,
without any official approval being
(2) It is an imposition upon Dean
Bursley's time to require his attention
to every petty expense of every class.
(3) It involves a rconsider:able
amount of extra clerical work upon
the treasurer's office.
(4) It makes unnecessary demand
upon the time both of the class treas-
yff k
12' s +
. ".
* - .
* ° - ,
hIhen the runners are
bunched on the 'track-and
suddenly Chuck, your o wjz
superman half-rniler, spur4s
ahead on the finish a zzdhwi4s
-have a Camel!
Miss Effie SnorpI
In the meantime Effie will attend
the I. C. S. and thus continue her edu-
cation, it is rumored. In the fall there
is a possibility that the famed co-ed
will 'return to Ann Arbor, but at
present the chance seems much better
for her attending some smaller East-
ern college for women.
When told of the news, local city
and University authorities refused to
comment. Miss Snorp weighed 357
pounds while at Michigan.
* * *
WHEN the lithe. half
milers are fighting for the
lead. And your own
dauntless champion sud
denly soars ahead anc
wins-have a Camel!
For you'll never find
another friend so attunec
to your triumphs as
Camel. Camels are made
of the choicest tobacco:
grown - they never dis.
appoint your taste,
Camels annihilated ciga.
petty aftertaste. Regard.
less of price; you'll never
buy better tobaccos, or
blending, or flavor than
you get in Camels.
So this year when the
old school's men go
through for victory after
victory - taste then the
smoke that's choice of the
world's victorious.
Have a Camel!
=tact :ii::
r iEl A ~
i ~2 ,i
Somebody wants to make 1926
lynchless year. These 'reformers!
z .r :.
__ _ _ _