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January 07, 1926 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1926-01-07

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.i'HUELSDAY, .TA\C:' NY i. 192";





New Science Chief

Addresses Freshmen Engineers On!'Iihga raeogyA
,Weely Assembly i as y
Dr. Wilbert 1. Hinsdale custodian l
of Michigan archaeology at the Uni-
versity Museum addressed the fresh -
Men enginer.CIs at their weekly as-!F Fw
sombrly yesterday morning on Michi- 1 k CV
gan Archaeology as it relates to In-E
In reproducing the Indian in his
ordlinary setting, Dr. Hinsdale differ r
and the plains Indians who are gen
erally pictured as horsemen attired in . im
war rgalia. The former were more
devotedl to agriculture and their prin
cipal .means of transportation con- Prof. Michael I. Pupin of Columbia
isted of the numerous waterways of nwha fAeia soito o
the stiate. In this connection the Ane ed ofSmecnAscato.o
speaker traced the non-stop water
route: which the Indians used from.
the headwaters of the Huron to the
Grand river and Lake Michigan. In~ R O
recent years the removal of the for-AR YO
9et has destroyed this non-portage
routesacross the state. Various charts 2i0
giving thle major Indian trails which
formely existed + around Ann ArborJ 3:4
were aso shown.
In the course- of his address, Dr.
Ilinsdle exhiited several stone and l-1cr
metal implements and tools as well as
a model of the dugouts formerly used
ly the first inhabitants of this terni-I STAR
tory. Although metal was somewhatYo
prevalnt among the tribes of the. IJf o Enjoyed,
Northrn peninsula the majority of
equipment used by the native s was TI, rillind
madefrom stone.
"We-:have no reason to believe that
any other people lived in the United Then by all means s
i States; before the whites except the
r attraction-The first bi
peapl'! we know of as Indians,"said I
Dr. -Iisdale in prefacing his remarks. production with spirits
table tappings and sea
ClaZss Is Held InI its central theme.
Session For Nine WEEDDH
Continuous Hours, ~ DDH E
PULLMAN, Wash., Jan. 6.-That the OUT OF THE STLLN
members of the department of archi-
tecture of Washington State College !C U DH A
might have an insight into the condiC U D A
tions which await them when they , T WLIK
leave school to practice their chosenIT W LK
profession, the class was held in ses- Y U G 7E S
sion nine continuous hours. There
was nop interruption even for meals,
coffee and sandwiches eing. served
the cl4ssmen at their desks.
dents,* 1 p. m to 10 p. m. the stu- TO D RO
dns-without recourse to text books pC 'rdCCliotz .;
and ith only their acquired know- I ~o~ tr
edge 'to depend upon, were required I J
to work out a plan of architecture for
each roomn of the department. The
stress-and urgency of a "hurry-up-
time-is-precious" contingency were
imposed on the student architects Ad
they met the situation sucessfuly.
Eves. - 50c to $2.50
-Wed Mat. 50c to $,50
ARat.CMat. Sac to $2.0 z ..\/ " If
Jjuu-Hlu Girls Hlawaiian Musicw>1.
Nghts 75c to $150
BstalloppPlayhouse~a.Mt O&~
woodward at Yliot Tel. Glendale o92 S ,
In the Most Thrilling xciting
Laugh Vlay Ever Written
BDy crane Wilbur
hm h r H L afa yete at Shlb
Nig 1 s i ( t
T u s at5 c o sSat. M at., 50C to $1.50 Cadillac 8705

"The Judge's Husband"!Jl DAYS AND THE]

i i in chol r a s o s O u l ari given food made from American rec-' ST. PAUL.-Agriculture is depen-
V isiing cho ar C aim ori O fB ulg riaipes, exactly like that which is served dent on the speedy development on a
Is B st E ucat d , ] gS in thl country. In one town, 30 water route which would link the
iryacate . , . miles from a railway, he found on the western states with estern seaports,
: table, in July, 125, the August issue J. F. Reed, president of the Minnesota
-- of the Ldies Home Journal. Farmi Bureau Federation, told the
"E ing Pori,; of 73, lgar : i i ( nly offth Ie assassins. Can his return to than 500,000 peol, one linthi of the I The King himself is well educated, Great Lakes-St. Lawrence 'Tidewater
ercW nc(i bead WlMr I wouldivie:i the capital his safety was made the (total population of Bulgaria, havef according to Professor Andrews, and Association Congress here today.
-10o le(-tlre to my histMory CUIr e;," s ai( oc casicil of a spontaneous popularR migrated into that country from Greek j knows the history of his country tor-
- Prof, Arnim,111L.Anire ,"sof S. t f T;1 denioiiration." i ?Jacedonia, wnhere they were drivenli oughly. He speaks English fluently. PAY YOIR SUSCRPtIP'0 tION N .
col lege, t 1,1e Amric:aniili st oicl T'me wort Conllant made against i out to make room for refugees front
a:,sociatien meeting here receenly. !lie 301 year old rule bly his subjects !Asia Minor."
speaking of his e(xl)rence3 ih the is that he doesn't interfere more' if Professor Andrews asserted that
young I'Mlg r ruler. P'rofessor An-;the eoniduct of the governmtent. "The the home life of the Blgars is very!-
drews miade his third visit to the lBal-'Ipeoie,'Profesor Andrews said, inluch like our own, though generally,-
lans last summaner, arriviag uti Sofia "prfer his control to that of the cab-;somewhat more primitive. Guests tire
just after the bomb explosion :which ae, ~s they cnsider him cooler, ;treated warmly, and expected to eat1
wirecked the cathedral there. calmer, and mnore inipartial." - iartily of the food with which the(;. x> 4
"King Doris," he said, "Is trying to In regard to the pimitical situation table is piled. In Macedonia, he was t >
mitigate the harsh rule of the g crn- in the Balkans, he said, "the eopleo
(q mont; melast, and it errs only oit soitheahate'i europe are workingsI
'With 0he gi et a rluictanice that he ial- out their difficlties, and will succeed }
lowed the l;^rpetra or;o I o the biomib if left alone. It is niot so much thei
i ot a-e to he exccuied, although the i nterference of the League of Nations
c-ata:,ronhe khilld more hlan 20 LOn)c- f;nt is; , fearetd, as that of independent'
pe, nlud ngr the leadling t-~iel.1, t tiis. in spite of recet events, thes
an n e a yt : o ti er n hi 1 u g s G r e , S e b , R m s, a d=Icil n(t. E arlier i s th e y eajr, flo ish e- l ot h er B alk a n p eo p les a re n o m o re
vik ?nlottet's trie-J to kill the [(Ch'ig, hunt quIarrels ome than the rest of us Theilciefazsoftulesthcanef
ce, after <)is conmpaulon had1been kil-checasoftuleitecageo
ecl, tt'ek the wheel of hi.; car, drove to p loulation,' Professor Andrews con-
tr t gi( pilce andI hmsef fought tinned., "as in the last 15 yers more

Shoes neatly repaired and
hats expertly cleaned will
greatly increase your good
appearance. You cannot
Judge until you try us.
For results, see
625 East Liberty

After shaving-sure, psittive
all-day ace com£ort
TALCS dry the skin. Williams Aqua Velva is a
1.1iquid preparation for after-shaving use wvhich-
conserves the skin's natural moisture. Wind and
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the makers of Williams Shaving Cream. Big 5-ounce
bottle 50c, at all dealers'.


" . a . ""..d" . . ".r : '"../" ' d : . , .V% , °. ". + ' ° ", ' . ^ ..r''.c ". c ",1. . . "./ °,0 '"./:o . ./.. . "' './..4 « ".i.I".0 J " ... '. .' "'. " .ds ". ".i.I d,.


What happens when heiresses
fall in love with their chauf-
feurs? And young million-
aires fall in love with chorus
lie' the answer, told with
laughs, flashy scenes of New
York night life, fashionable
country clubs and society
home~s, back-stage theatrical
episodes and rapid-firie compli-
From the play bbl David Greyi

r -4
. .

and Avery -

>/Cews.T3G'^^ SF'xY'Tr'M"Ri .'.'4'7t 't .


shouits little New Year but be sure
you ride in one of 4244's cars-they
are the lest equipped and the most1
conifoart2 te. Call up No. 4244 and a
car will soon be at your 'door. Drive
awaiy the Cud Year and get the new,
spirit of youth-today!



K I& - - ----- - - - - A. '1

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