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December 04, 1900 (vol. 11, iss. 59) • Page Image 1

….VOL. XI... ANN ARBOR, MICH., WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1900. No. 59D Announcement PROF. BURKtE A. HiNSOALE Teche SuisI vlcuim" Yseray morn aing 7 w ic," j ISASTER FOR MICHIGAN ______________________foe Proceding oqlocture to the Blas our pece! ineHead of the Departnment of Pedogogy in teches, paied a-plndiii trltte to Stag's Dwarfs Become Giants and Ou pca ie and a, Leader in Faculty Cirles Prof insiiat. Among othrs htg Tronce the 'Varsity --Sco...…

December 04, 1901 (vol. 1, iss. 57) • Page Image 1

…'~1TYEAR. ANN ARBOR, MICIL, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 4 1901. No. 57 CAPTAIN WHITE. THE INLANDER. THE '501-0" BARBECUE. '4THE CHARITY BALL." ASketch of the Fanmous Leader-One A Magazine Published by the Students Senator Murin, "Bill" Day and Coach The Comedy Club Will Present This of the Best Football Captains at Michigan; Fpounded by the Yost Will Enliven the Meetic~r Play By Clyde Fitch en Saturday Michigan Has Ever Had. Class ef 1891. With Speech...…

December 04, 1902 (vol. 2, iss. 58) • Page Image 1

…L.' AtE JFKl C H. Crya K l 'ii1 . i . i , ~jONEYGJ F r Mt"1 IlII). JIiJ ('l a'Mic>. 1 I 1 1" 422 a l . l I t l t . 2 f b , i l l , and, v 1,'1(i f ol 1litlt 4,I *'41I l i s .1 T ;' 1~ 1 1 i it "f iwp'1(rt;n ~lf}ยข 4'?lit1 , it *1',l t t1 t k " 1 S i: ? 1 !.' 111 - <:12 E*1 12 nil,!2II1i1 f i ) tI r 1 1' :., !! 1 I l l lii o. d, . 1 . 1 ]' 11 44444I r( 4' sltI l tl I I ; ! ] K h ' 4 44444 111 d11 I };I t111 AI Ii .41: 11 44 111i 1 t I't iII 1lm...…

December 04, 1903 (vol. 14, iss. 55) • Page Image 1

…The MichgnDaily VOL. XIV. ANN ARBOR, MICH., FRIDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1903. No, 55 MU1ISICAL CLUBS. MrICHIGAN 1ONOR[D. YOST AT YAE. Will Give Concerts in Three Statesl James F. Halliday is Chosen One of Michigan's Coach Confers With Yale During the Christmas Vacation- Four Orators For Final Hamilton Authorities-Nothing Definite Con Program For Glee Club-Me m. Club Contest. luded-Yale Captain Will bers Will Be Well Entertained. j Decide. _____I T...…

December 04, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 55) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily VOL. Xv. ANN ARBOR. IH, STNAlEAMIJR 94 No. t}3 HONORS FOR MICHIGAN. A CHANGE OF PLANS. HOME IN A SPECIAL. { THE RHOD.ES SCHOLARSHIP Maddockkl'evolutionizes Football in [he Woma n's League Entertain _Ke'yst oe lob Chartersa Train to President Ang~ell Calls Attention to Utah and Now the Mormons Swear, ment ke-organizedt tpon an l~it Pittsburg for tlheClhristmas Vaca the Time of Examination-changes by Michigan.! tirely New Bfas...…

December 04, 1906 (vol. 17, iss. 56) • Page Image 1

…The Mich iganDal ANN ARBOR, '\l II. l , 1 'l _ 1SD \'111 ii \f d Sol VOL.. XVII tN>. 3d . CONFERENCE CHANGES REFORMED RULES Star Athletes Allowed to Compete ,During Their Last Year-Michigan May Regain Lost Prestige. aol Satuariay the Wesrtern Caier- laerlxdtoo a slightclt xtt tite rtles tti lch l aale tite liclig'anll ootitall teany a lpigi tock101111 in'e Ps t alh (iloki rro'sjsisi tgl'r brightier tioe nttxt i'ear. 'ii gotiniti It , ia a...…

December 04, 1907 (vol. 18, iss. 57) • Page Image 1

…_The Mc .."il VOL. XVIII. ANN . R , MIii fIG '\\. \VFI')\I'"S):\Y. I)I;CI'VMIIhJLR 4, zSf07. .ss o. . CAMPAIGN BEGUN VS. ATHLETIC EVILS Several Students Thing That the Graduate Director Should Not Vote for Treasurer. An organized catopaign agaist al- leged evils io te Athletic association lots resuttedi fronm the dleadlock in te election for thte office of treasurer. The thsree msemhers of tihe boarti of direcors whott suipptortetd George Ke...…

December 04, 1908 (vol. 19, iss. 56) • Page Image 1

…Im Air i + I'he Nitchig n Dall-y NN Ak BO R, M ICHICAN, FRIDAY, IPRCI:M B.rR 4, 1008. No. 56. \%O1.. XIX. ATHLETIC REFORMS AGAIN PROMISED Year-Old Constitution Committee s About to Report Revision- Iocument Strayed From City. Tllhl the nett olis ita ii i of11 ilc;M St ir tit t ii SIthe ottitio iniontuof L -. cln, ',,ch im n 'ftec mit ch sallo t o pl tdtt, ii' -, of learnf; hr lrl, t,,( 77- itt ol, ti tt'l to ipiec, ildhulin Il a i Ion, 1111...…

December 04, 1909 (vol. 20, iss. 50) • Page Image 1

…The Mic 14 higanDail"y' .\N ARBOR, MICHIGAN, S- XI RI)_11V. IDRaCEMRRR 4F 9% VOL. XX. N0. 0. REGENTS DO NOT SELECT PRESIDENT Museum Officials to Search the 'tropics-Rare Coins Received -New Professor ired. Uninerity tffhcials ill tpeetrate the triesnext tsummte il searct of pei- tetti for the museumin. Ihis wa te- ided at the me-eing of the koari of Regent-i which itas-h1e1d1yeterdayinafter lryant Walker, a Miiiciigait attmi t- liinig ittl...…

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