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November 30, 2001 (vol. 112, iss. 43) • Page Image 1

…Onehundred eleven years fediora f redo NEWS: 76-DAILY CLASSIFIED: 7640557 ww*ihgnai~o Friday November 30, 2001 l 9 * 'It's a very uncomfortable situation' Students who receive FBI interview requests encouraged to cooperate, seek legal counsel By Kylene Kiang Daily Staff Reporter A panel of civil liberty advocates and attor- neys attempted last night to calm fears and clari- fy issues related to letters sent by the U.S. Justice Department...…

November 30, 2001 (vol. 112, iss. 43) • Page Image 2

…2 - The Michigan Daily - Friday, November 30, 2001 NATION/WORLD 41 Citizenship offered for terrorist info WASHINGTON (AP) - Seeking to gain improved cooperation, the Justice Department yes- terday offered foreigners a fast track to American citizenship if they give investigators useful informa- tion about terrorists. "The people who have the courage to make the right choice deserve to be welcomed as guests into our country and perhaps to ...…

November 30, 2001 (vol. 112, iss. 43) • Page Image 3

… LOCAL/STATE The Michigan Daily - Friday, November 30, 2001- 3 Intoxicated man attempts to flee police in neutral Police spotted a man standing in the middle of Fuller Road at approx- imately 3 a.m. Tuesday, according to Department of Public Safety reports. The man was standing outside of his car and upon spotting police got in his vehicle and attempted to drive away. He was unable to leave the scene because his car was in neu- tral. Police ...…

November 30, 2001 (vol. 112, iss. 43) • Page Image 4

…4 - The Michigan Daily - Friday, November 30, 2001 OP/ED ibe £kbi1tgau &IIIQl 420 MAYNARD STREET ANN ARBOR, MI 48109 EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS AT THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN SINCE 1890 GEOFFREY GAGNON Editor in Chief MICHAEL GRASS NICHOLAS WOOMER Editorial Page Editors Unless otherwise noted, unsigned editorials reflect the opinion of the majority of the Daily's editorial board. All other articles, letters a...…

November 30, 2001 (vol. 112, iss. 43) • Page Image 5

… Celebration of Life... In observance of World Aids Day, head out to A the Fourth Demension, an Ann Arbor AIDS Awareness Benefit Concert featuring local acts. Tonight at the Leopold Bros. 7 p.m. $5 /arts ARTS FRIDAY NOVEMBER 30, 2001 5 Quartet brings alluring jazz sounds to Ann Arbor UMS rings in the holiday season with Handel's, 'Messiah' By Denis Naranjo Daily Arts Writer The allure for improvisation has never waned ...…

November 30, 2001 (vol. 112, iss. 43) • Page Image 6

…6 - The Michigan Daily - Friday, November 30, 2001 4 I 2 BDRM APTS. on Hill St. Beautifully AVAILABLE FALL. Efficiencies, one two MEDICAL STUDENTS. Available Fall. remodeled. Lg modern kitchens w/ and three bedroom apartments. Call Efficiencies, one and two bedroom microwave & dwshr. Contemporary Michigan Realty 662-5500 or visit apartments located near the Medical Center. furnishings. 741-9300. Parking and Laundry. Lot...…

November 30, 2001 (vol. 112, iss. 43) • Page Image 7

…The Michigan Daily - Friday, November 30, 2001- 7 Ground troops strive to root out Taliban, al-Qaida Taliban military reportedly e-Sharif, "fractured" with little abilit same div ac r Kabul, th to coordinate or communicate groups ar to protect WASHINGTON (AP) - The American In neig commander of the war in Afghanistan is 1,000 m assembling a mix of ground forces and air been sta power to fit the most difficult and dangerous announce phase of t...…

November 30, 2001 (vol. 112, iss. 43) • Page Image 8

…8 - The Michigan Daily - Friday, November 29, 2001 ARTS 4 Ageism takes center stage in Lee ansnwFoul'rn Cleveland given fictional forum in Wnovel By Ryan Blay Daily Arts Writer On December 2, 1996, 64-year-old college football coach Joe Moore found out that he wouldn't be returning to coach Notre Dame foot- Foul Richard Lieberman Grade: B- Academy Chicago Publishers ball's offensive line once his contract ran out. This is a normal occu...…

November 30, 2001 (vol. 112, iss. 43) • Page Image 9

… ahJe Airbi-anmaiV PORTS 0 FRIDAY NOVEMBER 30, 2001 9 Cagers wM* 65-49; post dominates By Charles Paradis Daily Sports Writer After four road games to start the season, the Michigan women's basket- ball team finally played its home opener last night. The defenses dictat- ed the pace at the beginning of the game. But Marquette could not con- trol the high-powered offense of the 16th-ranked Wolv...…

November 30, 2001 (vol. 112, iss. 43) • Page Image 10

…10 - The Michigan Daily - Friday, November 30, 2001 I Icers, Dawgs have bone to pick EWIGLEBEN ICE ARENA, YOST ICE ARENA By J. Brady McCollough Daily Sports Writer When the buzzer sounded on Michigan's 5-4 loss at Ferris State last season, the Wolverines and Bulldogs cleared their respective benches and duked it out like prize-fighters. Michigan goaltender Kevin O'Mal- ley - who replaced starter Josh Blackburn after he gave up five goals ...…

November 30, 2001 (vol. 112, iss. 43) • Page Image 12

…12 - The Michigan Daily - Friday, November 30, 2001 FRIDAY Focus A "Acros the cot doing v The las have b By David Enders Daily News Editor Despite the current recession, Rhonda Gilpin is planning for a happy holiday season. Gilpin, the owner of Caravan Gifts and The Arcadian Antiques in Nickels Arcade, said the holiday season constitutes about 30 percent of her yearly sales at the Arca- s the board dian and between 35 percent and 40 perce...…

October 30, 2001 (vol. 112, iss. 22) • Page Image 1

…One hundred eleven years ofedionlfreedom NEWS: 76-DAILY CLASSIFIED: 764-0557 Tuesday October 30, 2001 I m il;l,1 h Mi ga__ Bush orders crackdown on student visas I WASHINGTON (AP) - President Bu: ordered a crackdown yesterday on forei student visas - the documents that gave r least one of the Sept. 11 terrorist hijack free access to this country. "We're going to start asking a lot questions that heretofore have not b...…

October 30, 2001 (vol. 112, iss. 22) • Page Image 2

…2 - The Michigan Daily - Tuesday, October 30, 2001 NATION/WORLD 4 more anthrax Cases in Washington The Washington Post ' WASHINGTON - Tests revealed the presence of anthrax spores in four more government buildings in downtown Washington yesterday, and officials said a ' New Jersey woman who does not work in a mail- room has contracted the skin form of the disease. In another sign of the contamination spreading from the District of Columbia'...…

October 30, 2001 (vol. 112, iss. 22) • Page Image 3

…I-" LOCAL/STATE The Michigan Daily - Tuesday, October 30, 2001- 3 SAPAC director to be appointed shortly Man discovered viewing porn is removed from Ugli A man was seen looking at pornog- raphy on a computer at the Shapiro Undergraduate Library on Thursday afternoon, according to Department of Public Safety reports. The man was also trying to entice students to inter- act with him while viewing the images. Officers located the man and re...…

October 30, 2001 (vol. 112, iss. 22) • Page Image 4

…41 4 - The Michigan Daily - Tuesday, October 30, 2001 OP/ED olbe £kw niag 420 MAYNARD STREET ANN ARBOR, MI 48109 EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS AT THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN SINCE 1890 GEOFFREY GAGNON Editor in Chief MICHAEL GRASS NICHOLAS WOOMER Editorial Page Editors NOTABLE QUOTABLE (( New York City's historic refusal to shut up is one of the national treasures that some newly minted sunshine patriots wish t...…

October 30, 2001 (vol. 112, iss. 22) • Page Image 5

… Pulitzer Prize nominee... Author James Tobin reads from his latest book, "Great Projects" tonight at Borders. 7 p.m. Free. /arts iRTS TUESDAY OCTOBER 30, 2001 Natalie Merchant to hit Hill Auditorium tonight Russian ensemble will dazzle, delight with modern music B Gina Pensiero Daily Arts Writer "Maybe there is something kooky about analog but then again, I still like homemade clothing too," com- Natalie Merchant Hil...…

October 30, 2001 (vol. 112, iss. 22) • Page Image 6

…6- 1 The Michigan Daily - Tuesday, October 30, 2001 a~~h"":"' ve ",......... ............ ." .." ...:":"::: ".",::.,:,..":.""i{ s: :. H iddent Stas"' !>{. .iAh IIi{a:ii: The K reia;ri n of?:::4P^.............: i:Z?{:>:,;,Cw;:+~.,y? :*v' w "va...:" . 2e:."Krop, ;Kotto:::::r:nioutl:;^::Kings; A,.:;.:., \ \," ""o V'.'; :° i::{r'e: ; y; ":,,:::," .:: a ":.::.,A\ . t v. v " w,. . , ,:.,t., . . Suburban Noizel:.;y .. . vh v:<~+..Ar:.,w".;:'apitol^{v...…

October 30, 2001 (vol. 112, iss. 22) • Page Image 7

…The Michigan Daily - Tuesday, October 30, 2001 - 7 .. :.:..* :::::,: :::.:",:..;....:,; , .. . * I -:-zl-.-.-:-.l. , .., .... : :::., ':-:-::: .::::: ::::::: : ::::::: :: :::::: :: ::::::!:: ,.:,: "... ,z-: . : :,::: N' "Z". ::, : : : : : z . X .. . .. . '.:.':.x ' - : :-, ': *: : : : : : : ::::::: Z-:'* Z ' : - ":-- :- -N' ::::::::: ::-* :- * : ' ' ' : ... .: "'-Z-: -':::.: : :,: ... , :::: '. :" - ,:'. ": .:,..:.:.:,:I.i : zj:j:j:j:!:j:j: :...…

October 30, 2001 (vol. 112, iss. 22) • Page Image 8

…- The Michigan Daily - Tuesday, October 30, 2001 the michigan daily 4 BDRMS AT 808 E. KINGSLEY. Avail. CAMPUS ONE, TWO, THREE bedroom INTRO MEDITATION COURSE. Five HEALTHY MEN AND WOMEN 18 years Sept '02. Furn. ldry. Next to UofM Nursing unfurnished apts., in turn of the century Thursday evenings 6:30 to 8:30 beginning or older are needed to participate in study on School. Free prkg for 2 cars. No pets. Util. homes. Off street parking, hardwo...…

October 30, 2001 (vol. 112, iss. 22) • Page Image 9

…The Michigan Daily - Tuesday, October 30, 2001-- 9 FBI issues second warning about possible attac WASHINGTON (AP) -- For the sec- ond time this month, the F1 I warned Americans yesterday that terrorists could strike here or abroad, possibly this week. The new alert was based on intelligence reports that Osama bin Laden's terrorist network may strike, officials said. The information was deemed credi- ble, said Attorney General John Ashcroft, b...…

October 30, 2001 (vol. 112, iss. 22) • Page Image 10

…4 Re TS¢dlgan Btilg SORTS TTUESDAY OCTOBER 30, 2001 10 4 . M' prepares for big game after big win JON SCHWARTZ By Arun Gopal Daily Sports Writer Let the insults begin. Now that Michigan has had time to savor Saturday's heart-stopping 32-26 win at Iowa, the Wolverines (and their fans) can turn their attention to the annual intrastate grudge match against Michigan State. Michigan' at 1I What used to be a relatively o...…

July 30, 2001 (vol. 116, iss. 130) • Page Image 1

…WS: 76-DAILY CLASSIFIED: 764-0557 wwwmklhgandailycom One hundred ten nears re editor,'ad reedom Monday July 30, 2002 M-Pulse, the University's solar car, races along Route 66 near Edmond, Okla., last Wednesday en route to winning the American Solar Challenge. The race began in Chicago and finished in Claremont, Calif. Sun shines as M-Pulse cruises to title 'U, experts respond to SirCam outbreak By Maria Sprow Daily News Editor Officials fi...…

July 30, 2001 (vol. 116, iss. 130) • Page Image 2

…2 - The Michigan Daily - Monday, July 30, 2001 VIRUS Continued from Page 1 a nuisance among the University community. "It didn't become a big problem until the 23rd, and that big problem is not in the University, it is out in the world," said University Team Leader for Data Recovery and Virus Control Bruce Burrell. "We've seen (SirCam) coming into the University. ... We have seen some infec- tions but in the grand scheme of things, we've only ...…

July 30, 2001 (vol. 116, iss. 130) • Page Image 3

…Monday, July 30, 2001- The Michigan Daily - 3 Internet offers options for buying, selling textbooks By David Baybik Book buyback has also remained a factor in the Daily StaffReporter online versus traditional store decision Michigan Ward Ernst spends a relaxing Sunday morning at his Dexter farm. Ernst, who will be 90 years old In September, credits charity work and "staying close to the Lord" for his longevity. Veto denies funds for renov...…

July 30, 2001 (vol. 116, iss. 130) • Page Image 4

…4 - The Michigan Daily - Monday, July 30, 2001 Edited and managed by JACQUELYN NIXON AUBREY HENRETTY Students at the U Editor in Chief Editorial Page Editor University of Michigan E Cdi P d 40MyadSre0 A IFWAI5 Unless otherwise noted, unsigned editorials reflect the opinion of the 420 M a y nard St reet majority of the Daily's editorial board. All other articles, letters and Ann Arbor, MI 48109 cartoons do not necessarily reflect the opinion of...…

July 30, 2001 (vol. 116, iss. 130) • Page Image 5

…® You're not hearing this from me The second quickest way to get my attention is to say, "I shouldn't be telling you this, but ... " (Note: this is second only to: "Don't look now, but there's an espe- cially hairy tarantula crawling up the back of your shirt." And it's a close second.) Most people I know don't like to use the word "gossip." While disdain for the word transcends gender, I've noticed that males and females tend to dislike it f...…

July 30, 2001 (vol. 116, iss. 130) • Page Image 6

…6 - The Michigan Daily - Monday, July 30, 2001 the mihiganeday PARKING SPACES AVAILABLE 665-8825 CARS FROM $500 Police impounds. For listings call 1-800-319-3323 ext. 4494. "45 R E. 4 I I FULL SIZE BED/FURNITURE for sale. Barely used. Please contact Stacey 528-0187. !!!PETS WELCOME!!! Contemporary 2 bdrm. apartment homes available on scenic West Park. Late august move-in. 741-9300. ****AVAILABLE Aug. 1 and Sept. 1, 2001 near Med. Ctr. Cmp...…

July 30, 2001 (vol. 116, iss. 130) • Page Image 7

… Monday, July 30,;2001 - The Michigan Daily - 7 M-PULSE Continued from Page 1 Csues to improve the car's reliability, ich were complicated by the fact that problems aren't always easy to pinpoint or correct, Gilchrist said. That continued a pattern begun when the team was building the vehicle in Ann Arbor. "One night we were there from 4 p.m. one day until 6 p.m. the next day," said Engineering senior Stephen Heinz, who worked on the electric...…

July 30, 2001 (vol. 116, iss. 130) • Page Image 8

…~1 8- The Michigan Daily - Monday. July 30. 2001 .. ......... . , . .. ..,.....,.J ,.. , ., MOTOR CITY SPIRI Fall LSA courses add to tricentennial festivities celebrating Detroit's hi ry research is concerned with twentieth "People should be century American art and urban cul- interested in Detroit ture, I've never really gotten to know the fasci- because it is a vibrant city nating city next door with a rich and complex that figures so pr...…

July 30, 2001 (vol. 116, iss. 130) • Page Image 9

…i's Ms. X If You Please... et caught up in a game of murder, love and strigue as Alley Cat Productions brings Paul e's "Madame X" to the Mendelssohn Theater. st 3 through 5, $15 for students. ARTS MONDAY JULY 30, 2001 9 Outkast rules as heat wave rolls over Area: One ly Rob Brode aily Arts Writer of psychedelic spider webs on large TV group to have a backing band, but The screens and of course a slew of rabid Roots f...…

July 30, 2001 (vol. 116, iss. 130) • Page Image 10

…-10 - The Michigan Daily - Monday, July 30, 2001 § 4 .3ARTS *NSYNC shows that 'Celebrity' could be muchmuch worse Celebrity *NSYNC; Jive Records By Japiya Burns Daily Arts Writer Curiously, pop musicians tend to ,use to fame on the merits of songs portraying everyday life and love - yet once they arrive, they can't resist bemoaning the terrible curse of their "Celebrity." Usually this turns out to be a self-indulgent nightmare, which never fa...…

July 30, 2001 (vol. 116, iss. 130) • Page Image 11

…ARTS- Book links censorship, ignorance Monday, July 30, 2001- The Michigan Daily - 11 y Laura LoGerfo aily Arts Writer tury and Cole Porter's in the early 1900's, concerned citizens have fought to stifle Nvhat they consider bad taste hensible detailed explanations of when and how censors infringe upon artists' and listeners' constitutional rights. In a foreign airport thousands of and what artists consider free expres- Part Two lists a fa...…

July 30, 2001 (vol. 116, iss. 130) • Page Image 12

…Online Poll What do you think was the biggest reason for the drop in student ticket sales? A) price increase B) the home schedule C) team's expectations D) difference is minimal SPOftfiftdftmBWv RTS MONDAY JULY 30, 2001 THE SECOND COMING OF WINTERS Former safety finds niche in Arena League and as an 'entrepreneur' By Joe Smith Daily Sports Editor 4 AUBURN HILLS - "Take it to the house, Chuck!" a fan said to Chuck...…

July 30, 2001 (vol. 116, iss. 130) • Page Image 13

…Monday, July 30, 2001- The Michigan Daily - 13 Tormer Wolverine Chuck Winters: A man for all seasons INTERS claimed he'd start his own clothing He crossed paths with an old team- "The things you go through at find a fault in him. Character is line. mate from the Michigan baseball Michigan, it bonds you together for the standing - I enjoy him as one o itlnued from Page 12 Little did he know his dream would team, where Winters said he played re...…

July 30, 2001 (vol. 116, iss. 130) • Page Image 14

…I 14 - The Michigan Daily - Monday, July 30, 2001 With Hilbert gone, a question remains: Who will score? -#y Steve Jackson Daily Sports Editor It has been 20 days since the Michigan hockey team announced its most recent departure - All-American junior forward Andy Hilbert. Hilbert's teammates were sorry to see him leave, but they under- stood the situation and wished him well. "This is a good opportunity for Andy," junior forward Jed Ort- ...…

July 30, 2001 (vol. 116, iss. 130) • Page Image 15

…Mondav. July 30. 2001- The Michigan Dail - 15 F unshine state deaths mpt investigation ORLANDO, Fla. (AP) - College tball coaches are re-examining their ing methods following the deaths three players in Florida during the st five months. Last week's death of Florida fresh- an Eraste Autin from heat stroke er a voluntary workout prompted h Steve Spurrier to review the way conducts running drills. Florida State's Bobby Bowden and uth Florida...…

July 30, 2001 (vol. 116, iss. 130) • Page Image 16

…AR 3r' .. K '' g '' t-. r a'r a .'wl '9 Fr_ . q ^ 1 3 try k . \J' i : 1 SH {{ S . r I ;ii 'i 11i1 I 0 MEN= Auk 115 is . . ffL-;OEM ,. 1. R UES T N un yu. TI Ur 41114 Kell Adoh' LMLEC 1% A Al I ii 4 k Yt H I Q W : ;, v r C w Now AT ., ! R 3 Im:m y alr,409 ME SH SHORTS". a"k M muulm M 0 R ME'm r n }.' S F S ". rK b sll 1 rb {,$ ' f m-" ,'S y Pj , " , r C fi x 1 y , r t t '} c 3 Y f 35 i , i b '3s-v y, ' ' tC ' a } + # '-: 47> c 1 - ...…

April 30, 2001 (vol. 116, iss. 70) • Page Image 1

…tt" it*1 LWt, t-DAiLY CLASSIFIED: 764-0557 wwwmichi andailycom One hundred ten years of editoal freedom GSsw Ts repos 5 ~~I"KIU Monday Apral30, 2001 Iik (il of leors:o. Science and the Arts administration is respond today to the grievance that the Graduate Employ- ees Organization has filed against the college regarding the use of tuition in hiring graduate student instructors. The GEO, LSA representatives and University Human Resources he...…

April 30, 2001 (vol. 116, iss. 70) • Page Image 2

…I 2 - The Michigan Daily - Monday, April 30, 2001 Bicyclists protest, block traffic Man wai Sze For te Daily A group of more than forty bicyclists clogged the streets of downtown Ann Arbor in a mass bike parade that began at the corner of North University Avenue and State Street on April 20. The Critical Mass Bike Parade caused traffic to slow for more than an hour dur- ing rush hour traffic, creatingcommotion along the streets as some driv...…

April 30, 2001 (vol. 116, iss. 70) • Page Image 3

…The Michigan Daily - Monday, April 30, 2001- 3 $antor sues national fraternity for daughter's death By Maria Sprow Daily News Editor George Cantor, the father of former University student Courtney Cantor, filed a lawsuit in Washtenaw County Circuit Court against the national Phi Delta Theta ternity and several former local mem- bers, alleging the organization played a role in his daughter's death. Courtney died Oct. 16, 1998, after falling fr...…

April 30, 2001 (vol. 116, iss. 70) • Page Image 4

…4 - The Michigan Daily - Monday April 30, 2001 Edited and managed by .JACQUELYN NIXON AUBREY HENRETTY Students at the Editor in Chief Editorial Page Editor University of Michigan Ar a d u t, Unless otherwise noted, unsigned editorials reflet the opinion of th. 420 Maynard Street majority ofthe Daly's editorial board. All other articles, letters an Ann Arbor, MI 48109 cartoons do not necessarily reflect the opinion of The Michigan Dail Politic...…

April 30, 2001 (vol. 116, iss. 70) • Page Image 5

…'Racial diversity does not create diversity of opinion' Monday April 30, 2001-- The Michigan Daily - 5 Feeling like a Natural Woman: The case for Mr: France On March 29, 2001, after a federal district judge in Detroit declared unconstitu- tional the use of racial preferences in admissions to the law school of ,the University, President Lee Bollinger decried the court's deci- sion as "an American tragedy." It is a far greater tragedy that t...…

April 30, 2001 (vol. 116, iss. 70) • Page Image 6

…6 - The, Michigan Daily - Monday, April 30, 2001- the michigan daily. 20(00 HONDA ACCORI) EX COUPTE. Oylantial lc'aacsrcaisiaa. cacaroof. cd and maoc. NIaSciselli15010 00103-8117. CARS FROM $500 Police imnpuda. For li> inec. call 1-8000319.3323 cci. 4404 MAZD)A MIATA '99 BIdlacAnniversary Editicn. IS ices.ooad d.alNe aarmnt cod ACTIVE (01LOR LAPT101 0403, accescoriacs. casiiemory. factciia ccliibcd. %% arcrana. aniitcrcntcieady. 662-7193. 2...…

April 30, 2001 (vol. 116, iss. 70) • Page Image 7

…The Michigad Dail y - °MondayApll30, 2001 -7 the michigan daily C r oI Stte an151 Racka. 11 1 f s iL H-INGE( I BDRNI., BIGGES apS i MA ONY R IN BR 1711 o:' and1111 I111 r, ILS(' A.71 (hie 77,77,7) Prnn!t pik, 77777. 1.7cm,7.i77.t7.c 7 6 7(744 QUITE .7(74ENC .(7(7l tin idM SPACI101 I7 BI)RSI. \n(7 life7 i7 777t i'001117\ 7it7,1777. hale . Talk to clset. (7,7m,7 1.5 black, (777777 7777(777. Sh7(7(77 Suble ) c7 777 oplio to 7, (e(096)0 SPACIUSI...…

April 30, 2001 (vol. 116, iss. 70) • Page Image 8

…38- The Michigan Daily - Monday, April 30, 2001 , -qd m -s n A ESC 0 ~ ~k~ delAl,! 5Z . ." if C ia gori If re i A n lCPS 1 I 'F~A ~ ~ .i 4!I4' Best Overall Restaurant t!I. :,0ff_ *a Best Chipati when you t-. pase ANYkv size * Best Salads' e~~ xV Ch~~ica ep Dish or IBetTk-u ug ~~~Chicago Stffed Piza AND i 'etTk-u ICall 995-5095 2 Mediutii Soft Drinks : *Best Late-Night Munchies!! i for8 mp g to No vaid ithanyoter prcals Mut enton hisad-Michiga...…

April 30, 2001 (vol. 116, iss. 70) • Page Image 9

… The Michigan Daily - Monday, April 30, 2001 -.9 Bigger e Fresher *Better Catering Aalable "'Delivery new aalable in Ann Arbor Ann Arbor Ypsilanti 800 S. State St. 152S Washtenaw 7474955 489-9170 I Anyasncsubs LOffer eom.7131101. $1 a Of nyUmisurm Any l 8 rinsub Offereepires713110!. 1EAT-IN ~~ NEW YORK 9PIZZA DEPOT TAKEOUT CATERING 605 E. William St. " Ann Arbor 669-6973 * 669-NYPD Free Delivery (minimum $7.00 or $1.00 Delivery Charge) lAT...…

April 30, 2001 (vol. 116, iss. 70) • Page Image 10

…Men and Art??? It's been done on Broadway: Now see the Tony Award winning play "Art" here in Ann Arbor. Put on by the Performance Network through May 20th. Call 663-0696. " www.michigan daily.cono.arts AR s Monday April 30, 2001 Clever cast makes 'One Night' memorable Placebo, Idlewild rock Detroit tonigi By Mandy Taylor For the Daily "Everywhere you go, there's a dead guy," states Randy (Matt Dillon), the bartender at X: v McCool's bar. ...…

April 30, 2001 (vol. 116, iss. 70) • Page Image 11

…ARTs ilarious, campy 'Psycho Beach ?arty' fast approaching cult status The Michigan Daily - Monday April 30, 2001- 11 Lyle Henretty ily Arts Writer Robert Lee King's "Psycho Beach Party" traveled the festival cir- it, hit a few college towns, then disappeared from theaters last nter. The fact-that it never really found a large audience is not sur- sing for a film that actually shows TV's Thomas Gibson's ("Dharma and Greg") ass after a delusi...…

April 30, 2001 (vol. 116, iss. 70) • Page Image 12

…12 - The Michigan Daily - Monday, April 30, 2001 House' of m:th: Grisham strikes back with new sty By Ryan Blay Daily Arts Writer As I was reading John Grisham's latest novel, "A Painted House," a friend of mine asked me what the book was about. I had just started it, so I vaguely told him it was ;.:t about a young boy growing up A Painted on a southern House farm during the John Grisham 1950s. Grade: A- My friend then Doubleday Books asked ...…

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