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April 30, 2001 - Image 7

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Michigan Daily Summer Weekly, 2001-04-30

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The Michigad Dail y - °MondayApll30, 2001 -7

the michigan daily

C r oI Stte an151 Racka. 11 1 f s iL
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511I 01''I11171 )1(30S1UFFI'7 of77(777 77(
(77777(.(1 7(75IE CNI.77)77)7777771777(
1(17 1111I " 7)7.77777 )77 77717 7

777)77(777)7 )77,7,)7NO 1111,111L,
417 1- ll1-511 1) l1.01511 7 ! ,,,7 7
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377))1777,(7!7777777717) 17,)77,77(771777.7.

777,7 're 7777(7(77777)7 h 7. n(. 2 b"Itl- lark . --
77 (7(7 7777o77 77(7,77 7:777. 777(Vm 7(17(77
7 , ~ () 17 777(77 ((7) 7(7 547
r7 5777g7,i(7g774)

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