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April 30, 2001 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily Summer Weekly, 2001-04-30

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Apral30, 2001

Iik (il of leors:o. Science and the Arts administration is
respond today to the grievance that the Graduate Employ-
ees Organization has filed against the college regarding the use of
tuition in hiring graduate student instructors.
The GEO, LSA representatives and University Human Resources
held a grievance hearing - the third step of the University grievance
procedure - on Wednesday April 18.
GEO President Cedric deLeon said the LSA administration
"stonewalled the entire meeting. The administration has been fairly
thcoming, but each time we ask a question about bottom-line bud-
geting, they say they'll 'address that in the written response."'
deLeon said the meeting focused on a memo sent several weeks ago

to all LSA departments from John Cross, the former associate dean of
-LSA, which told all departments that bottom-line budgeting would
affect the LSA hiring for the 2001-2002 academic year.
Bottom-line budgeting is a plan to give LSA departments set
amounts of funds to hire GSIs and lecturers. GEO grievance coordina-
tor Alyssa Picard said this includes the notion that some departments
will discriminate against GSIs with higher tuition, such as out-of-state
students, pre-candidate students who take classes and GSIs from out-
side LSA.
Prof. Phil Hanlon, associate dean of LSA planning and financing,
said the hearing was helpful and clarified essential points which the
GEO and LSA had disputed. "The GEO leadership was concerned
about a potential method for funding GSIs that was proposed last fall

were able to clarify that this proposed method was not implemented
and that we will be funding GSIs according to the same "slot model"
that we have used in recent years," Hanlon said in an e-mail.
But deLeon said departments had taken this internal memo from
Cross seriously and it was followed. "Departments did fashion their
hiring around bottom-line budgeting," he said.
deLeon said LSA administration has "back-pedaled" from imple-
menting the bottom-line budgeting as was stated the in memo from
Cross because of the reaction from GSIs. "GEO's position is that for
that period of time when John Cross's memo was in effect, they were
in violation of the contract (between GEO and LSA)," he said.
deLeon said he thinks the LSA will continue to deny the grievance
as it does not believe the grievance is valid.

in an intemal LS&A document. We

See GSI, Page 2
Seniors say good-bye
By Elizabeth Kassab the ceremony symbolized the graduates' initiation
Daily News Eitiir
into a new realm of human life and the graduates
The crowds flocking to Michigan Stadium on Sat- symbolized a link in a long chain of people, draw-
urday morning were reminiscent of football Satur- ing from the experiences of those who came
days, with a few notable differences. The students before them and contributing to the shaping of
substituted black caps and gowns for maize and blue those still to come.
attire. The chorus of "Hail to the Victors" came after He said he believes that graduates assume a
a flurry of mortarboards, not a touchdown. And wiser position because they Ore no longer the
when they emerged from Michigan Stadium, they clueless youths to be protected and taught; they
were no longer undergraduate students. must now teach, protect and prepare a world for
Spring commencement ceremonies celebrated future generations.
the graduation of about 6,000 students in front of Every generation can not only live up to the
an audience of about 30,000. standards set by its predecessors but can surpass
Commencement speakers dispensed advice and them, Pinsky said. "The most important thing we
delved into the graduates' collective memories. can do ... is to pass it on."
Student speaker Michael Stromayer recounted Graduates said what they were taking away
the quintessential undergraduate experience - from their time at the University went beyond
close living quarters, early morning conversa- their class load, often stressing that the friends
tions, football Saturdays. "We were part of the they made will soon scatter across the continent
magic, the lyrics, the history," he said. for jobs and post-graduate studies.
Former U.S. Poet Laureate Robert Pinsky said See GRADUATION, Page 2

A member of this year's graduating class crowd surfs during
Saturday's commencement ceremony.

Fraternity cals police after girl overdoses

By Kirn Schwartz
Daily SiafReporer
A recent incident involving the illegal
designer drug ecstasy at a University fra-
ternity may have implications for the
organization and the 18-year-old Univer-
sity student suspected of supplying the
A 19-year-old Washtenaw Communi-
ty College student was released from the
hospital last Monday after being hospital-
ized for a reported ecstasy overdose at the
Kappa Sigma fraternity house at 806 Hill

Street last weekend.
The student was taken to the hospital
early April 21 after she experienced
seizure-like symptoms, said Ann Arbor
Police Department Sgt. Michael Logghe.
The police arrived at the fraternity
house at 7 a.m. in response to an emer-
gency call from the house. "Evidently a
female had purchased a tablet of ecstasy,
took the tablet, obviously overdosed on
it," Logghe said. He also said other
ecstasy tablets were confiscated from the
house and that charges against the indi-

vidual who provided the tablets were
likely to be filed in the next few weeks.
Kappa Sigma President Jake Buikema
said that the individual who sold the
ecstasy is not and never has been a mem-
ber of the fraternity and that no arrests
were made at the house.
"We called the police. We didn't try
to hide anything from them. We cooper-
ated fully," he said. "They interviewed
everyone and everyone just told them
what happened and it was no big deal."
Buikema added the house did not host

a party the night the incident occurred
and that the individual who provided the
ecstasy was a friend of one of the broth-
ers and invited by that member of the
"There wasn't a party going on.... At
6:30 in the morning I got woken up by
people screaming. They called 911,"
Buikema said. "She didn't collapse, and
she wasn't drugged. She took the pill
voluntarily. She was released Monday
and she's fine," he said.
See ECSTASY, Page 2

George Cantor, whose daughter Courtney
died after falling out of her six-floor
Markley Hall windows, sues Phi Delts.
Page 3

Actress Liv Tyler seduces a star-studded
cast in the Michael Douglas-produced
"One Night at McCool's."
Page 10

Michigan's womens crew team comes out
in front at the Big Ten Championship

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