2 - The Michigan Daily - Monday, April 30, 2001
Bicyclists protest, block traffic
Man wai Sze
For te Daily
A group of more than forty bicyclists
clogged the streets of downtown Ann
Arbor in a mass bike parade that began at
the corner of North University Avenue
and State Street on April 20.
The Critical Mass Bike Parade caused
traffic to slow for more than an hour dur-
ing rush hour traffic, creatingcommotion
along the streets as some drivers honked
their horns and pedestrians stopped to
watch the bicyclists pass by.
According to Creative Resistance, the
event's organizer, the ride aimed to regain
the streets from cars, prove cycling is a
useful method of transportation and
protest "neo-liberalism and car culture."
The event showed support of other
protests of the Free Trade Area of the
Americas, a proposed agreement
between 34 countries in the Americas,
said LSA freshman Elizabeth Ayer.
David Klingenberger, a participant,
said, "We want to take back the roads.
Why does the whole downtown Ann
Arbor have to be paved road? It could be
only for bikes and pedestrians," he said,
adding, "It was peaceful, and we were
happy. We claimed the street.... We are
not blockingthetraffic, we are the traffic."
Albert Parson, another cyclist, said
responsibility on the behalf of cyclists and
motorists could solve safety problems for
those wanting to ride bikes downtown.
"Bike paths are not the answer. They are
not maintained, and they are not direct
routes. We need more calm, informed
motorists and responsible cyclists."
Angelos Plakas, who watched the
cyclists ride by and described the event as
meaningful and peaceful, said he thought
the cyclists had the right to express their
opinions. Plakas drove to the area from
Livonia, and said he wasn't bothered by
the congested streets.
However, Plakas said he didn't think
the event would create a safe environ-
ment for bikers. "This is an age-old prob-
lem of balancing," he said. "After all
that's said and done, they may just have to
be more careful. Sometimes there's no
solution to a problem."
LSA freshman Kristin Wolf passed by
the bikers and said the event was a good
way for bikers and pedestrians to protest
traffic. "(Cycling is) good for the envi-
ronment;' she said. "In a college town
like Ann Arbor, the traffic's way too
much and annoying."
Cantor to head to Illinois ECSTASY
Continued from Page i
Cyclists in Ann Arbor blocked traffic in c
state in protest of the proposed Free Tra
Continued from Page 1
they made will soon scatter across the
ontinent forjobs andpost-graduatestud-
By Elizabeth Kassab
and Louie MeizlIMh
Daily News Editors
Untversity Provost Nancy Cantor
plans to leave Ann Arbor to assume the
top position at the University of Illinois at
Cantor, if approved by Illinois' Board
of Trustees, will succeed current
Chancellor Michael Aiken, who is retir-
ing in August. She will be the first
woman to head the campus.
"I will always be very grateful for the
time I've had at the University," she said.
University spokeswoman Julie
Peterson said procedure for choosing
Cantor's successor has not been outlined.
University of Illinois President James
Stukel said Cantor's experience at both
public and private institutions has pre-
pared her for the post of chancellor.
"We're just delighted," Stukel said.
Cantor's career at the University
began in 1983 as an assistant professor.
She left in 1991 to head Princeton
University's psychology department. In
1996 she returned to Michigan as dean of
the graduate school and vice provost for
academic affairs. She was appointed to
her current position in 1997.
"Nancy's academic and institutional
leadership has been strong and vibrant,
and her appointment as Chancellor for
the University of Illinois at Urbana-
Champaign is richly deserved," said
University President Lee Bollinger.
handles social violations within the Greek ies.
system, said it will let the authorities and LSA graduate James Szymanski said
the Kappa Sigma intemational headquar- he would treasure the friends he made at
ters deal with the incident. the University but "it's more of a cele-
On a national level, Kappa Sigma bration for the ftamily."
Director of Chapter Services Andy Caroline Lee came from Pittsburgh to
Cantrell said that the chapter could face see her daughter, Dominique Lee,grad-
consequences for the incident. uate. "I'm ecstatic," she said. "This is a
"We understand that there's an investi- new beginning forher, but I consider her
gation going on and as soon as that's com- a survivor.... She's the one who did all
plete by the University as well as by the
authorities we'll decide what come-
quences the chapter will face," he said.
He added the fratemity takes these Continued from Page 1
types of problems very seriously but that as it does not believe it is valid.
it will be up to the board of directors to Hanlon also said the grievance
decide how to respond to the situation. hearing clarified the LSA's recent
Authorities are investigating the incident. agreement with the Office of the
onjunction with similar events across the
de of the Americas.
the work, she's the one who went thd
all the trials and tribulations."
Napoleon Simpson, whose daughte
Erika graduated, said the past four yeas
were filled with "a lot of gas, a lot (
money and a lot of mileage.... It wa
nice though?'
Honorary degrees were awarded t
Pinsky, Detroit Pistons' owner Will'
Davidson, U.S. Supreme Court J
Ruth Bader-Ginsberg, political activi;
Adam MichnikNational Endowment fc
the Arts Chairman Bill Ivey an
University of Chicago Professc
Emeritus Marshall Sahlins.
other schools and colleges over thi
year's levels. But there will be n
reduction in GSI funding by LSA ne)
year," he said.
But deLeon said the GSIs he
spoken with have said they are ne
fooled by the plan proposed by th
Provost for the 2001-2002 year. H
still believes tuition will play a part i
the hiring of GSIs for the fall.
Earn up to $15 per session in negotiation
experiments being held in the business
school throughout May, June and July.
Experimental sessions last under an hour.
You will be eligible to participate in more than
one experiment and possibly more than one
session in the same experiment
Days: S unday through Friday
Times: 5:00 and 6:30 PM.
To be included in the pool of possible
subjects, register at
To participate, you must be over the age of
The Michigan Daily (ISSN 0745-967) is published Mondays during the spring and summer terms by students
at the University of Michigan. Subscriptions for fall term, starting in September, via U.S. mail are $100.
Winter term (January through April) is$105, yearlong (September through April) is $180. On-campus sub-
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The Michigan Daily is a member of The Associated Press and The Associated Collegiate Press.
ADDRESS: The Michigan Daily, 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109-1327.
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NEWS Elizabeth Kassab, Managing
EDITORS:Lonie Mecaish, Maria Sprow
EFF: UzmaA Wanu tney Eliot M haelOsinski, Karen Schwartz, Man Wai Sze.
EDITORIAL Aubrey Ienretty, Edito
STAFF: Ryan Blay, Howard Chung, Catherine Groat, Justin Hamilton, Jenny Jeltes, Juia Laughlin, Jess Piskor .Lauren Strayer
COLUMNISTS: Aubrey Henretty, Katie Murone, Josh Wickerham, Amer Zahr
SPORTS Benjamin Singer, Managing Edlto
EDITORS: David Hom, Steve Jackson, Seth Klempner 1
STAFF: Chris Burke, Kristin Fd, Shan Kemp, J. Brady McColough, Jeff Phillips, Jeb Singer, Allison ToW, Jim Weber.
ARTS Jennifer Fogel, Managing Edt
STAFF: Charity Atchison, Marie Berard, Ryane lay Rob 8rode, Christopher Cousin, Caitin Friedemann, Melissa Gollob, Matt GrandAf, Lyle
Henretty, Meredith Keller, Jenny Jetes, WilhnianMauritz, Rosemary Metz, Luke Smith, Mandy Taylor, Andy Taylor-Fate.
PHOTO Abby Rosenbaum, Edita
STAFF: Jessie Jol n, MaotMaSe. Brett Montain, BrendanO'Donnell, Brad.Quinn, eAyssa Wood.
ONLINE Mark McKinstry, Edita
DISPLAY Glenn Powlas, Manag.
Account Executives: Jessica Cordea. Ellen Gagnet, Julie Glaza, Amit Kapoor, Julie Lee, Kristin Nehhat, Torah Saxon, Jamie Stone, Micah
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$SYSTEM ANALYSTS -Miike ,Bij i yc 1 ag gstadru. Pa anl
1min1111 l }.:
"Specifically, the Provost will pro-
vide for any increase in tuition flow to