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March 03, 1908 (vol. 18, iss. 112) • Page Image 1

…he Michigan Daily Vol XVIII ANN ASR, ,M5gHIOAN, TUESDAY, MARH 3, 190. NO. uag. PRARMICS DEFEAT SOPHOMORE MEDICS 1jan1e IU Loosely Played-Chi- 8ago Will Play Six Football Cames Next Season. In a loosely played game the pharmic basketball team defeated the soph medics =9 to 23. The play was not as interest- ing as that of the average, from the spectators' point of view, the teams having -had little or no time for prac- tice. Occasionally, howev...…

April 03, 1908 (vol. 18, iss. 139) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily. ANN A1ROR, MITCH FTI)A X MAA-PliI3,. ce VOL. XVIII. NO. T139. UGH! D. U. S. ENTERS THIRTEEN ATHLETES All-Fresh fleet Promises a Close Contest-Class Baseball Starts -Walsh-Loell in Handball. Superstitios track fans wilt find an opportunity to (ope out the result of the D. U. S. vs. Al-Fresh neet on the hoodoo basis. .IDirector Knickerbocker of the Detroit trctp school stnds wort tit he wilt enter thirteen men in the cont...…

May 03, 1908 (vol. 18, iss. 156) • Page Image 1

…The NMichliganDily \ -Nk'RBok'~('l I . 1 IfGAN,'K \1)AV -"---------- VOL. XVIII. FIVE -THOUSAND SAW COUNTY FAIR No Longer Do the Shouts of the Barkers Resound-A Detailed rAccount of the Attractions. fin11sh, 111it 111the apilet1 f 1eolletios" for 3a1lo11g11im1e afterward1, are0w11a11tle jolly, good-nalltred crowd rleei e at1 teeondl night tof tie (Co111ty.fai. 1'evlode 1was11o1t 1o1r0111. Tigh1 2.71111, 11111om11 ratve )' e astily11onIe. Il...…

October 03, 1908 (vol. 19, iss. 5) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily ANN ARBOR, MIICH IGAN. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 3, 1908. NQc. 5. VOrL. X.X YO y SME ' o t'sold scoring inacihinet. Andlie- YOST S M N READY idstat)"Dpce''Ididlge will officiate IITSIE~lT71VITT~~ill -t t1e gamen FOR CEVELA DERS hi.bord til in coitntrol ofctllcn - ~ eing craig tiiinighrt,atorized Directr Eligibility Committee 0. K's the BairdI to schele stc ix ganme, with out- Varsity Lineup on Eve of Case 'r rlgitirtctigln a i ...…

November 03, 1908 (vol. 19, iss. 31) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily ANN ARBORAl 1(1111 N \. [I I ISIAA Y. NOVPI 11-R 3, iiao8. Nixi.. XIX. W~ATKINS COMYES gvi~cniviulsrcion :iu ine orGEOLOGIST FINDvS BACI( TO FOLD that remarkabletexcelled, i ititl i ~otitlot STRANGE FOSSILS that rPrehistoricdRemainsenAreaAdded Big Fullback Joins the Squad at ti ttitit tttt t Signal Practice-Pennsy Seat o.01 .,,il to be-see. to University Museum by the Sale Starts Today. Elfforts of Prof. Case. r t 1 l i ...…

December 03, 1908 (vol. 19, iss. 55) • Page Image 1

…ANN ARBOR, MJCJITO.\AN. THURSDAY, DEC.I I RR 3. 1908. -No 55. VOL. XIX. PROF. HOB3BS SPEAKS ON OLD GLACIERS Series of Popular Lectures Start- ed by Geology Department- Summer Vacations Productive., iP5s51 II o1b I spell:(.51 last evell- l th ,e c W isc t ("WC551 p ult' tlksnc h c su ins], d is tit (, il s t vacation. ltlts itl s of Scola d. sailh C< t l>ilt1 p 101 1MW i~t~ silts sail re 1r' st ti t ltsber's pait s , isisit ist 5 ass 1c l -i...…

March 03, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 107) • Page Image 1

…The. Michigan Daily Vol.. XIX. AN'N ARI (M, M K I I ICIAN, 1t'I:,I):\ SI). Y MARCH 3. 1909. Ho~ C.TW R NWI iFI NE ()F U NIii 'I GO 1 11)1 i"S1 SPEAK~IS 'FR1~ID~A'Y hts~14 botittr. it S t-e'c Address on "Diplomatic Life and 1I tinit h~ic theabene t it' ~ rl i~ ae rt t-ntte'tttlunt for iiii Diplomatic Ways'' Is Ninth secitt. I1 ast ohi S. L. A. Number. l'eritt;. ete t'" bliitr ltes't hi m- - elf to tbe titteittittie ConCitt e i s t _ ...…

April 03, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 134) • Page Image 1

… f-- --s' r ,. r f ~- r J . ' r aa: r J- v , w , r ; , -- o ' o f. 1 - . -- i r _ i ,; _ r f. -' J_ . ' ' :: ,,, , f , . _. r . .... .. U _._, r^_ __... ,r V r, .r ;. .1 " - ,: " - : .- ', - 1. - J N ' - . '^ .' "f. l _. , ' ^' %. /" "' / . ' f r -l.---- -. - - - 1. - - O- T, r p r r~ elf r k f :r. r , V r J N ._ 771 7 7 i 7 7; J I--- - - J -O COM p Cad ---3 Mrs _ tics 4- …

June 03, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 177) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily 13NN11 31 OR, MIC3HIGAN, 'TIHURSDAY, JUNE 3, 1909. NO. 177. Voi,. XIX. DEPAUJL DEFEATED IN TIGHIT CONTEST Eleven Innings Are Necessary for Varsity to Down Chicago- ans in a Listless Game. Wod1110(1 aten.Aterl(11 310 te Catih ,)tics Mar scor in hTile lellh, Ithe \\ .vcrinio managed to shove 11' 0twoa taliesa1rssa 4dwon 1:lto 3. Micign hd ll ors o ace s '1to1 s 511181prferrd 1tolof, aditer11 t i inte third. 1111d(m ...…

November 03, 1909 (vol. 20, iss. 26) • Page Image 1

…f l ry r:. Michl'* Fh 'a n I ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, \()VE.VlI> ,'IZ 3, s}rx}. \,,of,. XX. No. 26. OLD) TRACK STAR VISITS DR.ANOIOI. TWI.IS (RIxS DORMITORY SCHEME SCRN V )F FO IR 51,C lRI CS (F ('R0"fOki O F C ARACTCR ls nihi oni his ,ii I'I ic ilc, Sichi n v Ii meet i t Ch i cai go'i ini lioi-. Ill that meei, vilieidfite Hoiiiiiiiiihis frmercl VARSITY SUBS STOP NOTRE DAME PLAYS Many New Men Are Worked Out in Preparation for Dread- ed Cathol...…

December 03, 1909 (vol. 20, iss. 49) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily VOL.. XX. .,NN ARkIOR, MICHIGAN, FRII)IXY. Di,(kCEMNfikR 3, 19(Yx). LAIW OFFICER APPOINTS POST-SEASON TRIPS Senior President Announces Class ORENIED1 Class Committees, FOR TE'AUQ1MS ~ f P~residIent JosephlI Iritt lll I lilhea senior 1l1w5cass, lantoun~cestheoltI I t Alumnus Dicourages the Inva- ing Commttetie app~oitmnt":sion of Distant Fields for WsiX go BS(('t1 irthdlay- I:Execis1s-5.1D. Conquest Watoson, chairmaT.J.3 ...…

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