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March 03, 1908 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1908-03-03

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he Michigan Daily

1jan1e IU Loosely Played-Chi-
8ago Will Play Six Football
Cames Next Season.
In a loosely played game the pharmic
basketball team defeated the soph medics
=9 to 23. The play was not as interest-
ing as that of the average, from the
spectators' point of view, the teams
having -had little or no time for prac-
tice. Occasionally, however, flashes of
form were shown by both sides, bringing
applause from the loyal ones in the gal-
lery. Peck was the main factor in the
scoring. Pierce and Shields, the phar-
mic forwards, also figured prominently,
each caging the ball several times.
For the medics, Cox played the whole
game; time after time shooting baskets
from difficult angles. Fagley, the medic
center, played a very fair game. Follow--
ing are the lineups:
Soph medics--Guards, Brayley and
Cox; center, Fagley; forwards, Gates
and Gamble.
Pharmics-Guards, Peck and Drolet;
center, Hammond; forwards, Pierce and
Baskets-Cox 8, Fagley 3, Peck 4,
Pierce 4, Skeels 3, Hammond. Free
throws-Peck g, Gamble. Referee-
Corneal: Timekeeper-Small. Scorer-
Tomorrow night at 7:30 the first of
the semi-fimal games will take place. It
will be between the junior engineers and
the fresh fits. As these two teams are
strong, a close contest is anticipated.
The freshmen have turned out a fast,
snappy bunch. They play together like
a machine, having practised continually
ever 'since the call for candidates The
juniors are looking for no easy game,
as is shown by their constant practice.
The way in which they trounced the
strong fresh team of their own depart-
ment clearly shows their class. A large
crowd is expected.
Chicago university has put itself on
record in- a most remarkable way in re-
lation- to Conference affairs. Through
the Maroon vote at the meeting held ir
Chicago Saturday, the liberal Confer-
ence colleges were enabled to enact thet
much desired seven-game schedule, but
Chicago's vote has strings on it, inas-
much as it was made with the proviso
that the resolution should be binding
only for the season of s9 8, and with the
further declaration that the Maroon
should not play to exceed six game
this ' season. Two resolutions were
passed by the board of athletics. On
was as f lows;
This bostd consents to a schedule o
sevengaiates for next year only with thb
understanding that the schedules rever
therealter to five games, and with th
further understanding that any colleg
may play less than the stipulated limit.
Theother resolution read: "Voted
Thth, In accordance with the recommend
sialon of Director Stagg, the Universit
of Chicago will play not to exceed si
games next season."
Something of a rap was taken at Mich
gan by one of the Chicago representa
tives to the Conference whent he re
marked, in explanation of Chicago'
extraordinary stand, that "conditions ar
now changed and certain barriers hav
now disappeared." Undoubtedly he re
ferred to the presence of Michigan is
the yestern organization.
The resolution providing that the Chi
tagoans should play but six games wa
offered in compliance with the tele

graphed request of Coach Stagg; an(
thereby hangs a laugh. It is well knows
at the Rockefeller institution and abroad
that knto is heart and soul with th.

seven-game element. Fearing the five-1
game schedule would continue in force
(so the Maroon fans say), he sent a
comspromaise request hat te faculty
should vote for six gases, which they
very obediently did, while voting seven
for the rest of the Conference. So Prof.
Stagg may now schedule an eastern
Had Chicago, Purdue and Illinois not
insisted upon the reversion to five games,
it would have required a two-thirds vote
to return to the short schedule and thisI
would have-caused some trouble. 1
The action of the Conference is not.
so liberal as to indicate a possibility of1
the resumptionof our relations with the
"big eight."
'Wrestling classes have opened at Wat-
erasan gym. Dr. May and his assistant,
"Bob' AAnderson, are now preparing to
turn out the mat champions for the ath-
letic tournament which occurs the 28th
of this month.
: number of the men who made cred-
itable showings in the preliminaries and
fnals last spring will again compete.
Prospects are strong for an exciting sea-
son in this somewhat neglected sport.
Heyfron and 1Morgan, old time oppo-
nents in the lightweight class, are in line
again for honors. Zewadski, who made
a most excellent record in th e middle-
weight preliminaries, has a chance to win
the ribbon this year. Ells and "Octy"
Graham, who met in the "ton" event,
may mi:x again this spring.
The rules governing wrestling at Mich-
igan bar all torturing holds such as the
strangle, hammer-lock, and full-Nelson,
which accounts for the thoroughly sports-
manly quality of the mat contests.
The classes in wrestling are held Tues-
day, Thursday and Saturday, at 4 o'clock.
stats asWINs MtORE HONoRs AT oxFORD.
Lawrence Hull, '05, who won the
Rhodes scholarship to Oxford last year,
was one of the group of American stu--
dents who won honors in the preliminary:
track meet at the university last week
- He ran the "century" in 0 2-5 seconds,
winning his heat. The report of the
finals, which occurred yesterday, has not
A. M Stevens, formerly a student at
Yale, annexed the high jump and threw
the hammer 129 feet 9 inches, winning
both of these events. F. VW. Bucholo, of
I Florida, won second in the last named
""Buddy" Hull has won his laurels be-
a fore at Oxford, having the highest indi-
vidual score at one of the meets last
T'he tatnaacia conassiutee e thee Coss-
s edy clu5 has adjusted its acounts and
s reports a successful year financally.
lthough the detailed accounts were nots
e given out for publication, the nanage-
mse!t as decided to have its general
f accounts made known. The totai ex-
e pensts have thus far been $7508z, with
t r. -ps and ialance left from last year
e amounting to $1,154.90, leaving a net
e surplus of $438.08. This will not be
" donated to the Michigan Union as pre-
, viosly reported, but is to be used as
- te iucleus of a general fund to further
y t t purposes of the club. O of its
x chief ambitions is to engage a pro-
fesional director who nay devote all
- his time and effort to train the cast for
- ts atnail plays,
- Allhoigh tha selection of tit play ta
s e given in May has practically nar-
e rowed down to three modern plays, sug-
e gestions may still be made to ite com-
- mittee
n as

- Miss Hunt, of the drawing depart-
,s meat, gave a talk to the members of the
- Omega Phi and their friends Saturday
d afternoon. The subject was "Clovelly
n and Mount St. Michel." The talk was
I, illustrated by stereopticon views taken
e and colored by Miss Hunt.

Astronomical Department Deter-
mines Time With Absolute
On the high ridge between Sleepy i
Hollow and the Huron river valley iss
located a department of the universitya
of which little is heard. Yet there isr
ahost ceaseless activity at the observa-
tory. During the daytime expert instru-
ment makers carefully prepare delicate
parts in the machine shop on the slopet
of the hollow. Attnight Prof. Husseyl
and his assistants sit in the dome gazing
at the heavens through the big equatorial
telescope, which revolves ever so slowly,t
urged on by the whirring driving clock.
The astronomical department accepts
neither Western Union, government or
railroad standards, but determines time
with absolute accuracy for itself by as-,
tronomical observations and computa-
tions. The library clock is under the
care of the astronomers and is carefully
kept within a few seconds of the cor-
rect hose. 'tihe iseadahums saly etai lec
altered, as the clock is never stopped.
The time is counted from the first stroke
of the hour, but because of wear to un-
adjustable parts the quarter strokes
come about half a minute too soon. The
court house timepiece, which is regu-
lated according to unknown standards,
varies somewhat, at present being nearly
a minute too fast.
But little research work is now being
done, as all the extra energies of Prof.
Hussey and his assistant are devoted to
the big reflecting telescope which is be-
ing designed and constructed in the ob-
servatory shops. This instrument is ex-
pected to prove as efficient as any of its
kind, and is intended especially for pho-
tographic and spectroscopic work. Some
of the larger parts are to come from
Chicago, while the remainder are being
turned out by the four expert instrument
makers in the observatory and engineer-
ing shops. It is hoped that the work
cast be completed this year. A new
dome must be erected, and the mam-
moth instrument assembled and adjusted.
The optical parts have been here for
nearly two months. They were made of
French glass and were finished in Alle-
gheny, Pa. The large mirror is thirty-
seven and five-eighths inches in diame~-
ter and six inches thick. In its rougha
state it weighed six hundred and sixty
pounds. Telescopes of the reflecting
type are made much shorter than their
equatorial relativeds. This one is to have
a focal length of nineteen feet. Withs
the supplementary hyperbolic mirrors,
with which it can be used, it will have
on effective focal length of sixty feet.
The big governor-controlled, driving
clock has been completed and stands
ready to be installed.
The large instruments at present in
the observatory are the equatorial and
meridian telescopes, which were placed
there in 1854 through the generosity of
the late Henry N. Walker, of Detroit.
The former instrument was thoroughly
rebuilt last year, the work being accom-
plished in the observatory shops. A
steel tube was substituted for the wood-
en one, a new driving clock constructed,
and several other improvements made,
thus converting the old telescope into a
very excellent instrument.
Despite the fact that star-gazing is
out of fashion, considerable interest is
being manifested in astronomy. About
as many are pursuing this subject as
can be handled with the present facili-
ties, some seventy students having elect-
ed it the present semester. The begin-
ning students use the small observatory
to the. east of the main building, where
smaller instruments are provided.

I Prof. Hussey, awho is at present head
of the department, came here three
years ago from the Lick observatory of

he University of California. He began
his astronomical studies in the Univer-
sity of Michigan and was an instructor
erec infll-2.
Prof. J. B. Davis, associate dean ofa
the engineering department, addressed
the monthy meeting of the Y. M. C. A.
an McMillan Hall Sunday night on the
subject of "Failures." So great a crowd
attended that the capacity of the lecturet
room was taxed to its utmost and many1
were forced to stand outside. Prof.-
Davis began his lecture with a consider-1
ation of some of the "monumental fail-l
ires" of human history, after which he
pointed out his lesson in a few brief
sentences. -
"Failures," lie said, "belong to no race,
age, epoch, or individual. They mark
with no uncertain signal, maa's progress.
Moses ended his life upon Mount Nebo
with the promised land still unattained-
a miserable failure. Christ was crucified
upon Calvary between two thieves. His
failure was measureless. Columbus, whoa
gave to Spain a new world, died in ab-
ject poverty. Oliver Cromwell, Eng-
lassd's greatest eler, was also England's
greatest failure. At Valley Forge,
George 'Washington was a failure. Abra-
ham Lincoln, struck down at the very
summit of his achievements, wasa fail-
"But now, the Jew, whom Moses
failed to lead into the promised land,
holds the peace of Europe in his hand
as no other man does. Christianity has
brought a new civilization into the world.
Columbus is now a milestone of the
ages. Valley Forge is bt the back-
ground against which Washington's
glory shines the brighter.
"Failures such as these have been
sown broadcast throughout all time, but
we can see that they were not fruitless.
The men who are able to fail are the
true heroes. Until we can fail we can
never take a place in their ranks. Fail-
ure is not defeat."
The Student Council last night seated
James Watkins and B. B. Vedder, the
members from the lit department whoa
were not seated at the last meeting. The
election has been investigated and found
to have been regular.
Councilman Eves was elected as cor-
responding secretary, Cashman being
chosen as recording secretary. Watkins
sas selected as vice-president.
'lhe senior lits will discuss the ques-
tion of a class memorial at a meeting
this afternoon at 4:15, in Room C, Uni-
versity Hall. The subject promises to
arouse much discussion, but it is ex-
pected that the matter will be thoroughly
threshed out today. The memorial com-
mittee states that a number of new
ideas have been suggested.
'The proposed senior lit-engineer dance
sill be put to a vote. A number of
committees ineluding the cap and gown
committee wil report.
The new attendance committee, which
is to meet each Wednesday and Friday
between 3 and 5 o'clock to act on ex-
cuses for absences in the literary de-
partment, convened last Friday for the
first time. Although a large number of
students appeared, they were taken care
of in a little over one hour's time. A
few had excused themselves under the

old system. Hereafter, however, all ex-
cuses for absence in the department must
be made before this committee at the
stated hours.

Coach McAllister Says No Man
Is Sure of Position on Baseball
"'shore men ought to turn out to play
baseball. At a auniversity of this size
there ought to be a hundred candidates
for the team. The trouble is that the
fellows think because a man has won
his "M" in athletics he cannot be dis-
placed, but that is a big mistake. Even
the captain of the team won't play unless
lae makes good." Such is the sentiment
of Coach McAllister.
With all this criticism of the size of
the baseball squad no man knows better
than the coach that Michigan's chances
to produce a classy nine have seldom
if ever been greater. And with a sche-
dhale that has never been excelled offered
to the team, th entry into the spring
season will be most auspicious.
A great deal of interest will center
about the selection of pitchers for the
team. Only Ovitz is left from lastyear's
squad, but the class teams have furnished
a number of most likely candidates for
the pitching staff. Barr, 'o9 dent, has
shown excellent form so far this winter.
He has plenty of curves and ordinarily
has very fine control. He has been at
work constantly in the cage since the
opening of the practice season. The 'so
engineer team has furnished three men
for the list of candidates-Donahue,
Linthicum and Sincock. All of these
men took an active part in the interclass
series last year, winning their numerals
for their work. Beyond that they have
remarkable prep school records back of
them. Elliott, one of the pitchers of the
championship 'an lit team of last year,
is also out. Tully, 'o, the twirling star
of last year's series, has not yet reported
for practice. There is not likely to be
any dearth of pitchers.
"King" Lehr, who was a heavy hitter
and an excellent third baseman for the
'se lit team, will be out for utiity. He
can play a fast game in both in and out-
There will be a pretty race for the
shortstop's clothes when the outdoor
practice begins. Snow, 'oe, played short
at Austin high school, Chicago, and was
Ed Dunne's team mate for four years.
Depuy, who played short for the cham-
pionship lit aggregation, will be out with
the bunch when Ferry field opens up.
He is strong with the stick, at able
bunter, and a hard, clean hitter. He
negotiated two home runs in the final
game last year, but only got credit for
ore, having stepped over the second base
while en route for home. Paterson,
varsity shortstop, will be out to defend
his title.
Olsen, 'op law, will try for the out-
field or utility. He has a record of two
years at Cornell college, Iowa, where he
pitched for one season. He has an ex-
cellent opportunity to make good.
There are only about thirty men in
the baseball squad, but all are working
hard, and neither Captain Sullivan nor
Coach McAllister are in anywise blue.
However, both are anxious to get more
men out for the team.
"Men who are ineligible, especially,"
says Sullivan, "ought to be out work-
ing. That's the way to make the team
next year. Get out with the varsity men.
That's the class they hope to make and
they ought to be traveling in it now."
The cage drops every day at a o'clock
and stays down till I A good deal of
time has been taken up the last few
days with indoor baseball, a game which
is gaining much popularity with the
Ten per cent of the science freshmen

in Columbia university have been noti-
fied that they mnay not continue in their
courses, as a result of the examinations,

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