l ry r:.
Fh 'a n I
ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, \()VE.VlI> ,'IZ 3, s}rx}.
\,,of,. XX.
No. 26.
ls nihi oni his ,ii I'I ic ilc, Sichi n v Ii
meet i t Ch i cai go'i ini lioi-. Ill that
meei, vilieidfite Hoiiiiiiiiihis frmercl
Many New Men Are Worked
Out in Preparation for Dread-
ed Catholics.
\Vitih the id ai of develocpinig siikiii'
ie f shvit vccio mad i ithe scriim-
maoge TiisdayivA t\ihat ih rlicguilars
haolfbcks Clre flbck Patiteigill.
endsci Coki ad iikdn tcls
centrii 'c re \ lb ciiiiiiigcv al
th.lic f h c \ck but the re gular
squad w ih como d lar i igely of iiiei
cvlioccall iic the pla c A of an iujre
Cai ic~ fas otc Dal oreoc
cheule and i ivon idetta if tcii
Catocs can i biv defate thierii eviic is
"If lihe meiin io ' ply h hrds
ci~ 'c knw"dclrdC.oi ot iiIcA, ll ouwiii itsad% ill haii iiiii ilot
Alle eviicvv i t~ than ou \i u iill If
Ive reat'r em ccI' t ik i tiichancei o f i
ii'iciit from both cvivi iiii iiii i andiii
.ilin s t I r exi ii cellent." S iiiii i
the pr cdi' siiii in the i tbr iiiii iv c v
Aii showe oi f lg thow iiic e tridi
tht iwreivvr cciirc bllNys l
theseoiiv passcs and i vca iuy the ciiicel
let defns cfil the ittb r ie rthati
saveda hiher core
fu c sr~ e ii triiii i many forwaridii
fbreak ciing thes ii m tip i i n o shii pe
thisclin an bowlii ei d ovrc ereev,
cciii vl mcvi hat ivii thvi prvaio
turned imsi'c lfci i viicv a i tak i S liii li
icn i h ta cliiciaid blocing cine.'i
ivill\ iii.
cvii'ug it i niiv ivcc ci a all 11(wi
pasivillibevi uncoke fol tebeeito
eNfrig someii v iiicv ccii i inbtg h
ire iiandifityvolecevcomeviniNew'ci-
berr ihai ll yescirciayiiafteriooiioiiii
iisceotistiodiibutiiciiiikl uiiiiid to
iusual 11ble iiimiii i I nlithei iiiiliig f
Or, \Angel vl nitrgiowado
bacwad.IiuNve ar icvnovrogrivwien
cclav collegei cthanicwhei we enteirc, ce
h'ic lsin heigroiwtoiv f caractier.
Spci iiamui civ viii afciiucc of ihi
uigaslctviionionvihucviolii aindl lico
Vilei Steiienscaval sli.
Interclass f lanager Denies That
(ame Will Be Played Over.
spl~iiili I , for settleAecnti vidv ilails
li i vl i cciciii'iivuiu
Io thei cv.iii cioiig MichianllDily: ii
Thiiiiilariticolin yeteaii mo111' ing's
iuior cvli fotblgameiu gvethe iwrpong
fct iihei m itt iricnoi.ic he v ciioniv s
Mlichigin-Ylviii vaii'viiligulic f liwo
yearciagoiadth aii lc vyv-Virginiaivgime
ofi th iiciv cii ' lvnsow thtii s vno iihe
cudiiii toiplayilgamksvveriiagacinikvencv
thug i tii e rulesnv sc owii thiatiltihelofficil
erdin ir dec iciiis.If ivr, )gimi
wiiii li lcchiha in vi won iin a disputediidI--
I Wil Ire li that an injuviccehicc
been fcomitcicdlic illit is n tiyiui
c)1,Iiaminitiiuhori. uize sintcaisi foot-i
ovr ii this stanidilI1'iiincsuppirtedcibly
Al]. llvicicliiac d it i I is firc cvui a-
ialcitc li i ht I hv ae ti
liiviuiisF otb ll Al iiigc'.
1 A.t: A' YCO NCER
TIiC'RSiI-A NllGllvl
Focliivviing lhegniccal ccum fiig'-
ig liv fciilu cnvcrtsc il tei frs
ftisiiearvscveiesii iill lvi givntoor
row gti i iIgli schoolvihall lviie
I dficvoi f iiaStu :Abor's imosi cailife,.
ianditheicourse t h~iscicr ccmslto hav
Lstiiimonth'sviicctiasoneco f ihichhit
s ,Ier gien Inc tlo al nwii T
Wallies Iiwhich viiiiiii lion t ihe ipr igriamiffr
iii oc ngitliaie vi iuficintciu cciii-
ii u li ii tsii av orii. Thl prgra
fliii lvi
"I iiic j y a e . ..c . . . . e u s
y ii i Aiti lbert 7 lLockwoocd
r ilirliami lwianlvuiv
1 ((ledic ltuauo(R. iKret clivr
51cc 1 ccii' Ii Raiol 'iil
S1 iiivn l Iicciii ILockiiiooi
Si co uiiiii clv 51cc 1.5SherrciillAlirs.
I ( It. luca ea
Promoter Barber's Pronmises of
Residential Halls Seem With-
out Material Foundation.
Ih ln ivitalkervvvvo'filan for a cis
55 lviNlue isapari nto th
L4. I). 93, vii'w rii~i ll i
Niw Yorkiv iimiade ithi iii at l,
lastvimuv livbanqueit'viofuichve'v i cigan i
Union JviuvHei piladied i liciiglsirht as
asone liii dfentslii n v thriouighi flowery i
paths iof rhetorcitoi n i nt liivi lii1v iiiw
ivigi d slyg tliii stateyivvviv s toulti
sou d-ro fld ii l ri v iviiv''vv i lii-
neic. ojtor i i cl ailargi uv ersii,1 thi
ci> workiivii ftlica ill to gtli crvi datai v ii
Mr. Bvavr iibeir ii's ii' lvi be'vi, vnd to k liv'i'ii
came'cflt'chus ias 'rin'a l s high
eslic h.li ilvcv'''uiviv''i'iiv
iipl iniifacti that itv appeardv allvi'
cetn eo if plans' th'csvu'e'v s ailed
listed iii I vvaidiof isiveral iivivii'ii c iii vi-
iss il vis cli iii anithe, world ge i
violv i vr iv'rv' e liogiiliiiii li'viiro-i
iiiig rde iad alon if lvvneed as sup-
-'li cc vf il ivn viiiaerStoill-vi -
Aint ivvv b ilinivd funiur av
viii SI la , r. Ba ke , in c'ii'
name of the iuttrs vii i ii ail.
cli e htlcihadilailv n opton oni
a ic f p~c i ,Itu W liam an
At thativ iiliii.a v11i ntrvei.s
viis ir u cs o i ki ng ofwherviie
lived.1ll the ' g vcii i w vr2 iv eredil'v
wh ivv''vei hec l." ii v i vi
Sly'e I this effor~tir. arcrletiot
hilt Cv i I lithatii ivil i l ivash' lvii
startedvt lltc ics ilti \So vtir i
1iv1, i Th 1eil''acts vun ritei ve i puiv'ti
'i ch d irentligh th e ll ai r.i'iig
Avirvl;;arborf til at ii S iii' iv'ro 'mved
of lie ind ti es. I sway sli uinii
farstaieiioftcelprofvit incet i c;iviIIolt
colegih s vuvvi I Sgainv ing vii liviood
teri of Samurelvv iidShy viii I viii s aivvv
bookseller vii in vAnn i:A ior ias vfii ldelvas
1970 \11-viui Siviuvi' ifvu owiiedvivhe vl1t
on the corner i viiof lviiid ' W IM"'
'tci s Thvll i s h bq ethd t1 e
cm lvihi acvvvpu i v Ci Au'['h iii ivvisame
plot(If iroun itha \[1.cbrl' saidc urhe
ihlcd aluion uionh (idauntuu}anar Snc
"1viw, months aig o 1liilucvBarleof lnfvu tou
I- revgents haIeuv eet -wicenn.
.\t a iicilt V Si 55
c1 i l s ti ('11111 D .I i
lviii al i i ci lse
I; (W R 1:\ 1IC S1"()C II l II SI
c'.\S' AIIll I huh 1111 SF1) I,' Y -1Cl+I IlSIS
lie rii v1 i cvivvv vii Cnc~ hf h o l iii the clviiit furu
1u1<<>d avc 11 ~ln wcr in te let vi vitlg intoi
lii cviii to the ccrc i i ic i tiioicnlwhif
i Iti1 ±ihelneish( ii t lks cei i yIi hu v lluuillv
Pwroil v~ls n~~atri nd O . \ iv Ic llic A-Iny
itaci ;0ImlucliCci
111 1 am )cvv llj A HOLIDAY FEAST
[ickets on Sale for Big Annual
Michaiganensian Editorsc Promiise
"1l'i k ri' 14 liill iv vs1;cdi h\~v lt
\ t i I c\\vc v tel t<I 'viii heads
t ;t c viii 'lvi hra c vi c viii o ll viius
ithi vcvvvv \\kkllviii viii d l ccviii fo
mii ivc lv 1CVi W l ;1a~ llc f r Ia
civic cviii lviii ll(vi cii wc nl cc
lrlc he .lc i - Iic-c d i, Ii li
,<tnc11si.n I1<\-c lcc1 ad IvIlS. I ii I
d ciihi l1}\ iiica c .n fh
Event Which Will Celebrate
Thanksgiving Week.
c~o~kgci ia-, cin viw cof the. lSigli:
iv- livivic'off rcedl. vt-ill find vilmtiuilall itu-
dcii ccvstranledin i.t uitArbor." Shy
Aicicii C'ncLiii lvoiilpici. comning on 11cc
llvi' lv uig efrc iThankivig
cis ii icvvvi'vi to iiiil the iccviii of home
cliii vii tf siiiiv viciicollevge-weary
upeclassmen w c vill joviinin celeborating
'ccvii ilvut civ the viny'me, thev natioivnal
hlida. rm waumnviuifaous iil
afcivic- lc cv ciii vi i vtill iivc tibiute
thi ti l cclv t appropriiIiiatt he
r~'a i l ii' uc''' vi v c uuuc
inrsuntuilvioovcarii cnihurviThuisvonc
f c,11 -pca cr o r h rliat anud ir
I vii iiv'' i tl vii ivv il.
. Tckcs fr te bnqutireiin then
i hajdsof ift- Ic]]protu tu ciillfcc fifte
rictv-iics. "I'c a e b ingitsolduc oruiftho
v il iti 't vhage'(if tWIitVciiv'e
l cc3 s "\il he maefo rrinvg ieats.
Ini mai m thli i svi cvi'li, the manageiientu
cnid v-i f i cc' vvfi 'uiembersIthe
acli anag., f, liv viche inxamle of Ihe
S tac ti, rs o ili
It i C'?ri i <ll vii ltcSs "
i~r c-i'' il l t~
iil T51 1 it lc
vi cl v i c cisv cv
I e )~lor law vt
1 ci cp rl icc' t
lii viii>>- t e { nc c r . 1 d
viiir ray.
ii>I lvii ,tui
cit-il. c
A ,i 111i' l cvii ii
Slr'c"I c c i ' cuct
v (I lc iIii is v cl di
Shaiiv - thl
liv ; i cit \v
A wiv i i lcfrtere
icll i iil iiitv ~z ii
b cc sbitued
11)h SN SC 1151 51EASO0
.1-:VICT RS ''il, t"t'cltivC C0 1111 cc vie f tke Nlu-'
si, c enls i]ii nguvuav vhocluia i pl for
cr c ,ciii"ini Cllr{iv vi aniiii a\I dinvuclubs.c lie tip,
i~lt . fcirnivriii Iuchv ii la t tu m glui theiucChrist-
litllci1ir ?ris. It cwill iprobiablly iopenl oil
ginc livh V110' vi'c(t. c licl vi atBruitoni Harclor.
tc viicc dllidI'i clvii iiiihs ]I p In cuday, Saurvday
lir 1cvic 1 i an iviiic i ;i"ii ivcii-l uc
vida icn v v Chco. liiiRcwiogid
ftr t~ch ('11) ,n I ubic icilviiSauturda y night.
liv clviii iv vi- vvvuvvvvg itimlily-cladali
ccv rhhv'for 'I'h 'ci 'iii'i'iviii-S pcrIc fteub illh
iv vii ieii -ili r ?;. Ilsies tiv y iv wtill give
.ppilar c(,cvtviiereiieforeuvcstircing
I it. , iclt, triii Aut lith iisccrt hid will
r'-1 I k i c vis "\,tii'coldvi 'l ish vii Chlisclmiiicarols
Sp1 lv 'viiicii cciii iuvvhaiusongsuvthatuuthey
:l c v v II 1 tg liii
II<11ii lll':> Il~rc Ishi ~c ne lliv iclivl tce mnu-
vii v'vvvvvhvvfo d ctinv the ripviithis cvii as
cihdatin ir ii pl c cinsteadiv ofivuvoiyapevalinvg ho
f cv-1'1:1-I ll tii ci it' :''1111111 vvscvvuvivv ast i n ii former
l dw milt , deas. 'hc clus w c1 g v ucuptilar sonugs
li 1i'tiivviu c tv-i'll 'vsv alicliof i'he ldv i h ian congs.
S microfv cieiNveccviiincittyes milk
vii viii lto i uvuvvuvlcthe cbslcovnpevirc