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November 03, 1908 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1908-11-03

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The Michigan Daily
ANN ARBORAl 1(1111 N \. [I I ISIAA Y. NOVPI 11-R 3, iiao8.

Nixi.. XIX.

W~ATKINS COMYES gvi~cniviulsrcion :iu ine orGEOLOGIST FINDvS
BACI( TO FOLD that remarkabletexcelled, i ititl i ~otitlot STRANGE FOSSILS
that rPrehistoricdRemainsenAreaAdded
Big Fullback Joins the Squad at ti ttitit tttt t
Signal Practice-Pennsy Seat o.01 .,,il to be-see. to University Museum by the
Sale Starts Today. Elfforts of Prof. Case.


ecohrt' fnick.thertotsitt tyes-I
wih itigr on enetgtttlt bodeitlttltl
lf o il the i hope ofti it titil p intirlo
ama strggl withtit theellwecnd
tiaye las t tida ant pail xcto ltc
be ti a iy briss thai lItm itit it-tilte
Ituie i t gam w'icth ite so t ernt
totris it. if t tihi l -rii t coach it exu e ithoe
reulr tilmthir il clas w i ith itheti
ilescues. ii 'bitt doe tut mtil t hait hi
isp tii i it -n ienc ex tnt soi far asi ti to
le litm itf wi t -ith lt sinaltt w it-i
for aterttu it hou otf-itha-ing, thoitug
the liariousitccc p la t- itd tormaitonst tat
cr-owd Ilicteltric ig t s w r cit i tit- edii
onad iron a i nalitt le rudi-ict
metayior ti tckigtedm,
"Gitte, and it-lling on he b-itt- uhe
clay iii-- liikw un u it oic
snpp sltigtal wokadpat-wt h
vatiuti 'crwar cupas-iiwititi which costc
hipel to lil' th cd ind ciluc. Par ottl
ol tiettime wasuccoi t o petit rtfc ecttx
c'xm otic Mtjtt ichigti'u ticr ill he0
gretl etit inli tiht gonttgc rtui lii
i-tilt tat- tall ithe rac uti th reg ilt'


itat t' titbi-aagrBirdcit-co gardt to ci -
stle' ofit ckticfor lth etnnvvaiit

fati iirrcIin s- I --iincti t I ;c f> 3 IIc Ic a Il-I t o II c
itt-si l astit ti itt i- esut of the iii ti

Price of seats is as follows : Box e xt>editioi which k'rr 1. C asc, of the <o -
SeAS I)OWCen the 25-ya1-d lines (six oloieal delaart1l1cilt of the 11111v ersity, keel

s ide Icbl iacherillatc' $ci eail ;i enlit leatt -it itig n \ev 'ok, wtl a vl w o
er eas. 1.o e ch; e st hal o no th enlr<ino is c llc~ Its wit c tthie iui-
tlahie ti-ill .ht' o tu den tt- tshdict' it tic- t ccc st of th lin n h
uo -te tiucl-h iity tt'ouCe tli utuach. iiotei uu1Ic - rci
ir.t huh illr -ito , seniorii - i I it it
everxand iwe iwo uld rc'mmendi,'tuheur-it hciiici i, iit t i
weretecc Id, nlon .thci ae inlhdt
man ine cr : llii ii-ic-it cut xcelt- uh lnt spt i mensit ofi ai malsc- ''i'a ilt ii-
OnicTues ayl N ve bei , iat 8 a.lm.' -l titiuc'noittn-thrhitch Ito
th r ill h t sl t t he ffi ce.tutufItut e, i th illcit
uiciuc-cul utare ic ti-at-tti to - 0e ttttitittiatu.
tttiOiihtttt 'ti i h at half ofx tche I'tiic tl-t ctt-
nort bc l eatc tchi tot male iistudeti and u 1 cl: i zard. everalfeet l ttoIa I tutuy
cia it ton i ty u t m hi--t ' ittut ti tic I h itti,
hwctt uu li'ii u'tuu --t i t ttsizet ii;try. le ct l i i
tu)11 t'Wednesrduayit u' ututucu _it h t arm ri i t he - fo thillicit ri t h ave
a. icc- threutwitlie a tunea' tic' i th-e , ,- i
Itove o tic of'rtuuedl huticeic-i-ts ttu b ck- t her lt-tic- ts do-i, e
tl t it of thei t i tu ii' tit , iand' alt o a1uhc' hut, ef n e l ail t i a -
citticli i O ly onic iteitcedti pice ut ut tick it tutu.. It h i hisk l tn eclrlto ci i ttii
will be sod to anv ember ofihe-tim-tittttso 1Caled h icu c l isineshut o
tititc uhisha :hatdt cross -barsii keii' t 'iihc'ytrd
(Sit I niul icsNts. "ktes icefveirsia. i\o
it icr t If ic--iember iof thel u 'i, I iii,-,,, - vo s h c s ul w s t o O h
toi ttsh o h et may puc u rchase.t tc tu ii itit iiit 0I -phasutugicand tusks.uhi x'an mal t -
dtic toh th i ti her ,edcedpice' itilkt.,~ Itcu i i iti i' -i1i tc- Ptk
ci utu ii~ ttit i-gcuc-'tu cipatit in thcceiiwht-ofthtu'Iei't-thet-,til
stty ttrltc- Clci uu tB ttx- F ttic.t tithel 111ii l iii andItcrco i le dc initi
ii t' uic tialuethuxohi c t h ic u nl i'ersity c-t hieiiw Nurmso ut tu hte rsttit todali y.lucu
siretohu til'takeusI a ut ctittf'ttuldy \00 i ~ cli iii t~r h ih
atcul, ftu clso a me ir fte l tutu ik e rea o ftet- -ttu hu' i t tu, l ioleced ha tsull
lreere aciit t- folhecfn he- rtt-uitcecd ti N ~ ttu ii tc iulittt
Npr ic setiocat -ill tic iittleuhetutu ctthases i ttct f uxuucIxici tc tc i
ofs aO huibty taituortuhe ;c ltica Nit it titiic it t ii ii Atctciii uu
it rciii liic i n ii lhbim w ic r
timeu H whueriuiitiliteincesstutyticoi
1 lrt ug ic-laid cuci hicmeoralatr at t
- uttcrit' muchi 1i iii uponi the eci lttu i on
colieto he ofice ofth as ocaton nd ofliingttu tuunia lt h iutolleti onsi h a vei
id nxtify Corlfurtau 1101)(- to futuc euluni-cci iiic 'n-acked, tut ti t hit i leantdr . tut
tugi i tl 1c'utcFrc i-uuila , ov mb r ty t u a l., ttt i Ic i iil lit li i
rcuiguuuuhiuut itt iftiil If (hu -luheii ccntil ticli iou
lboe u otiuichulitotieilc thetc-ruh ii hittfii

Niuu' uuhudreditickts cuihl l u on -tlt'
give u-ut p thei' Aliu'lliguu U l' tutu.- Seti
cuutuuuittc'c' atndlreprscttivestfrot nut
of thei cltsset i n ii theun ivetisitt.' 'ii,
cmltlit o tuden-uututut tic-ct'- utill
app h lter.uThliiieitchrs if thic
fitarceucomNgttee are:: cJIhfnitil N
N. I-lettutchAndricut i utituuu, talihu
S.ItFowcercrandth.IAV. I uxi tcr.
ithtich tutubeeniadptedictis ycec--tiptut
vie ch i csllctrsiwith cuponuu
t-c-ii-ik u'ettsuthnsetcuucc itudenitil
forhut 1 dola.uT'heseNctutu ons tuuillttibe
cditioitt-charg'e.u'Nct -lit'tutu' t u-u-
io ill he,'atnoiunucedlter
SlttNlitlZ MhIC51( ANNDI til
'wtu uuort cltsse-i a sle, c ted heir
tutu-cercs tocithe e Isn. .P1.Iin il
tutu iucteulpridntilto f the se-nioruc i c
Vicepreidt, Annat Putt hhuttuscr'taryu'
and treaurtut. N 0 1Tuuitluuuu. Studet
AteticalIscictyL .Wre:cut s
poet, A.PN.cosenberrc hittri anut,Iah
herdnaiCo iand i.c.uRt.itti'
Teticfreshiuttit t iiici elected thei
tollown tutettutu : Peicdet . R.iReh-Oc
nould;t: ticiei-preietissii iitot-ce
cliii hA. W.h livShutreacsurerAir
Sutil tt iii : hitortutu Atic Etti?, iii~
,V . uttutti-or, N.-Schit.

Rights to . AlBarrle's Comedy -
Drama Secured St. John Will
Direct Student P~resentation.
T 'Nutuuuuilut ('ri-li iii' 1I . hI ri u I
( tc ut ~cl iiian, tll-11e i 1CCi )n-t1ii
-tmle y cuu fo i, t I m i 1 - Iet- ti )l
'Tilt 601t (i pewl wpa a kil<cl
seem d trndic rl :t 1 Iii )f DI ii
tutu,(, tin i t i ll jrctd)\ ) t 1 w
laiofi s i k am w l 1ctw( wt,
"The t ~i t c M ii t r ald ' I -
lAdiii t li C iii, iii a prI i cdI I
niii by Wilttiticlk, nd - 1
tittly wa tutu-ti; rcrlc
T ie ri t; t<t he plaifi re it I c',lo
Iv((o io Iliiiark r i)ti < tt 11,-i
ill, it ; c ti c Ii - -t' , ll ,
the lull gc e I ( tl I fic-t I ii w I
prodctim ]ti-i Pitl
it wtih -nw; ihc1)n the i
r idrama fori t he til. N )cei)i)

Thei' isenirs f ''h s t' depmtut andit he slecton f n- -n
do tt n tihuldthirct lc t in untilt cr- ya',c~s il1 ni
inug Skia tttura t iio'chick, i hletc'ure u'c tiit ad frm t
room o h iitiiitti'tthi hoit B t l~t i tus ofI I 1 1 tr(
liii nomtiiic iine a tutemfundtit andtitthesi sh iteauei Ir~rr .S O l n .IYem nmt t t i l iii iii II
tut tin tic Sitdeni tutotucil A moe T edt frth fis
c m l t ics ttfnoineesiti iwill heisst uhd tie l ay il b huhn~e
later inte tue -l: iaid a huhl tickith ic pn:l hai ths ateii
expticct'i-it foret t he elhc't tionn tSau-tutfrt ue ttim of
dIftI O hA NI Nd CINlISTVd R adsetld I ii its I i ,-
Nj li J U NucuttIOR t1 tic' ' l ic cxi' Iii nes'fx atsis hutP i
The eltio c ommti iuttuxe ofth ut orp 3l ill1tu abluhicti 1 h
tilte a retttitcouni tiofthegi balltc clcst in ou araciciti A p
thetui' ceilctio utSaturdytuic- 1,jfoppoucinoftec

ie-gote i'd i-ti n crteasuttertuand luutve
tititittittiitt xis' tu ecil tut sevet-ni ne tt
cc-tic ut-on,-attctforn I bry GB Sellman
andioevent-ight funrhhWtlternKN litirs.
ThisIgvesthnry f. dillmatte ftic' r
iftraue wttcitt uithuuuitia uetion.ut
(xiGi it v .NAID.iu
uctuix ItEfJAtutu.
Ii llt It IN ()511Ilt Il(RNd
hhWIHVAIL'AIIY t11()(tK,"d
LibratruianTuu heodore W.c-AN'Ktch auund
Alrs Kxo~chret urneidlhu utonnAnionrhlito
his parutictultarly inutrcsie'u InLt do
atuuhe latrtgieciit-ieoft hut-coninentuu
Alr. Kiochlsccuredl uututy iooksx cwhich
wuill be' tuutv h lue ditionsxthut het' tutu c-
siiy library.

-Rlaiel I fain P A on
fo tutu()"-than thy doA
orc' dtlris ladct
fb; saa ies 4 hut-.it
not itav-i a high it i i i , ii l
chru-ut l hig etc
Iu hit'' he Assrtic , ii c t
himtos ut e tispak i!t i
mi istr ac i mtutu , iiII ih I

ITo-nigjht McMillan Hall
11]Election Returns
All invited Refreshments

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