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December 03, 1909 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1909-12-03

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The Michigan Daily



Senior President Announces Class ORENIED1
Class Committees, FOR TE'AUQ1MS ~ f
P~residIent JosephlI Iritt lll I lilhea
senior 1l1w5cass, lantoun~cestheoltI I t Alumnus Dicourages the Inva-
ing Commttetie app~oitmnt":sion of Distant Fields for
WsiX go BS(('t1 irthdlay- I:Execis1s-5.1D. Conquest
Watoson, chairmaT.J.3 ii'Le ary Kb
(od0 rd (i T . J.3St11 b,1 G.1 W JaX 'ckIson. iTe fol l ilt g 0r111ttticattot 1f111
Ca anditt Gown---A. (,NowIkoski, Speintenen~t Slanison oftshe oal hi
caal nlt I G. C.'IX titlt ,C.I). loatschool is of interest, otaitng to the refttsal
V. i.E3.HallIN. 1P. l g. o otit the Univ'ersits' 'lt I tile hilf
lnit iation-T.1 J. Rilya ima nt , S.t S hol ( 1authttrities to allow Ihuirlt spct-
1ii Rhait si:i.X F. WXri;t, .,k Gali , iv foottblliieleveits to take ot-sao
1. I11. B ker. trips to tte coast. lUtfotuattt itt ttie
Sottal-H. S. I stmatt haialt1111 ,t I;. iactigan 1)111 N ilnallt iceo h
'I. De io F. I . Behrtt X'I i. stt tti prottosed Itlp ttf theeihightschl 11elveet
ski! C. ii. RIIIla. aeraed ittlittating lta t te ifaulty of tlt
I xecalils -a.3 J.isoski, cair11an,1 C. ighll '1sl1111ol d givent its pesrmnissiontot
M il. i IRe titc ak . alt gentlt C 11111he St ting re lell tt etitttt81111111 f1 .
Ise.ef t . 'IXausoIllscommunAlttionlitrrrctsitse
Kef I.tA.Wilins, 111-c Xbets, Ihe XImuition'IllaoIset.:
Brtown, A.FR. lClae,11..A.ScaftferB. : Itl k ili ti D Xii :
I sian 'let Da r Sir-_Xs aI ll umnu~l~ls iof tie~le _I
L sino~tg--IL C.Ca1s11ell, haall 111111111 II)Iwishitolitexprelssi yc~tm n
111111 f tfhlla aioni o t heli a rdiltl'iin Citt-
Alt .nrri TT . 3.1 1 1 Zr ~ier, r . 3T

Ailerdice Scores the Most Points
D~uring the Season.
ofsi ng iit re p itsietha'sn'y< hr
thescvit ~ nns aie, l klt itstkackedi
is t ct aIs frti theia tIC. o
'is 1111111 ats and ift ttttt ;at rs from111
lt~ed i u itiof ixt eenattmps 1gv
ttl of points llmI ed' i ll i tlt ittatly
pig-s in arists, iith list slitti i nt
t b esetnlandtittt'ii' We

No. 49.
SING TOIGH Sunday Brings an Unusual List o

Third Choral Union Concert
Presents Cecil Fanningi for
the First Time.
lrciii asCeilttittthaitn
't1ittalix t Itg rtI citain1111 silt 51~
haltisei ,the ittthird concert of
i ttthe ChoralUnitm seies. Hei hattt' e
tilt'ore the'iulic tlys throlilt it Ye
heits ginttdtant'aslluredittlii 111ti til
Mrlhnitti dit tittiltbeaiutifl
vo~ ic has litrai t ic1111 11111 n t ' n
versaiit It isn tblt'himttou givelta
rtil' li ofia'5'ti It 'i l Iitt ;iii' it er st" .
cc ssfulntti 118 t have itttrary1 1 I 1111 w,
tt 11 i ocl t.11 T he111h ihi iii ita
order 1ofMr. tit i itt iS rec1its hs it
peale wit espeial tt Iitth til t ist
111inter ite 'Ii i fomt he i schioIlilat1c
gra 1 111t ill a 11111b lil ofiltat ilst



"I . ..' ..'.
Ntrle Damte.


XV aslilturnt.
RecepionIiI. J. Boeyle, chlairmano, C.
R. Mon, R. Al. Tos, R,. R. Sscctli,
1,. K. Aleev'es.
N. S. McCartihyILI tither, it. F. Aeit-
Pite and11SteittJ.3 T. Creightott,
chilrman, J. 3 S.IPtweli,3. XX. 11a1111,
A. IH. C. haIesrialli F. C' Tourlse.
'MkeiiorialII iiL). Jonits, chatirmanli, 3.
D). Joiies, I.'Ii.ChteetisI.kW. Iuttsilata.
I?. F. Sitail
ProtiteitRIse S. 1 111 tc I, chtairman511,
C. I). MI'osier,'IX' R. 'Tttitipso'n. F.
XAyres, 'IX.'F. UIlliirey.
Class 1)ay-i. 'Ii Ira11111, chalirmanll,
R. TI. litgita'1 1. i RaIseya . C.Pack-
airdi, S.'PF ltck.
A Brleys. ,X.S.itL11111y. i. .Lee, .
3. E.. freeite, iR. T. C'tieey,'. 3MI. Ceot-
ser, T. F. heniry.
Toastmasters' Club Consider Ad-
vantages of College Life.
legeFurS"lDeatttheedi spokeilse 15frlhlitt
"The ttse if college lifeI is first litestr-
anti a1greal daliabottita Ife-tt'intgs.
Secondtl, college 1ifeIttuttishtes 51 tmanth
a iter ideas lofitt' I ancdii dt' 1and ' te
waotks forleieltis15tilon odetis'tltlas
loings. Collegt is ittrtletultuesand1
evluaitt 11iti Ofteieaililhethan11111 1111
iworks ftrtt heis e htisi is s is5thtt
hot-btt'tiof tighi iteas. Theibit tfeal
ares of 51 felilitla cltlege lift arIChis
frienldsips ad oia 515Itins." i DeIn
Reel thtstt tastllttlistI sttttii us ue
osf tis owl Ccellege life.
ts toastmatsterI


tt, 11srepotitsllyourtissuetfsif s
mo11ring, ill reftisittg t santion a trill
lt the coatt ifortele sity) Ititotall iseltl
alt a tm hale til it woldsiou1111sliter-it
ere saith iheir college tuiik
As an) official of thcity 11 shtitls I Ite
that it(woull e erCy Iunwisestittantion111
a1 11111e prlonlIg'e'dtrill Ioillat ttttgae
icatit ofItight schotitolutiys. 'Iouwitits
errori'ill sit~g 11tting-tht tte tcltyofthe
Hiight Sch1111ll's'e given th ier'contsetto
sticht intg.I TheiB1a111111 EducItitto1111
1111 11o1biititia t.It If ts'e b 3toy iit till
tectetd 1111hteschooaat ompayin
ham.I tas wllrt , nde1 111 r111nterscitol-
aticerules, le 'I scho1o1ltea11(1a1111thtat
111yhavtotolicesl tte(Ils ofttn111111111
'a Iflttli ISt\'
Faculty Censors Cut Out Parts of
its tdettil, tilse 1111ICFttttctlmtt idttiwals
te recetyi wraiI t oesr ts' book11 Ia
(tIerialychanged a porion111111thte'otilts
satsthat ttlist' chtangesshavelesttts're'd
Iat'er thantitaken any ith'igu'o'fivtluei
fm'iir'u t 'll'fa'ctittnfta'dthe l t hilt c
111111wiseic tffecctd.
'The'cansics of FKoattzaladuuit-e
to h intltiter bease hraI apsi
b lit tait migts cit ((ga s omt e hitla
estaifeilen(cCCffito btensu
wits'th slni feinitt hatis dotets Isist11
s'itull athoit11111 thi i ts sitou ld ititeiibs
nce stteintaodutiotiltfletlfew (niw

J() ( )PPO'Ie>>t', .....34

'1( )k ill'S XIII. 111(1.11

I ).kAI I' N iI i\I' Y SF ,.Al) at fitt y~er,Iat ilast, to dull itle isl
lt soil);g'ei' tl, oao i od c lc

I i ne w11 ith i ei campai' i g i nauiiugured~i
bi te tlts us o i e t msit itglassfo
better1ac1uthuininc mog 'hlass
memer an adsituet t oittclass
I oitttgsliasiuntuThursda on e. 9.
ills e11en tutuitshe sitttitlr tsh n
Iomdsits hit ssf lythe liii ealie
.1 te'mphhitittng tmnu Ietsubistatiail ill
itr litill (ttthe miii i indutttin
"1111 its itut1il recitia ti scat hem11 tis ay.t
teIn-its' 't'''u'''Og'iisal is hi iTickes or te
Ils st i titl iH ii' stithe lt sthoth'' d the
1,asct. hairanXihsses iliucetuce M'I
andt itiMiSiiiut ti ishs Maiucimmonsuu
aststutlisisehelt 1 iusioltfth execugiv
ovnm tm tRlp ' ii it't' ii'i l it ig
ts 1111 nl i Iiii lit Jo shi 11rner tilt
tiri lstgtherswthitheIl Ilssi
Dtpiiii teIltfatiltt terwrenu
onhs 5 tu11 1111 aritittl T hankgivt'itnIl', thts
iii asit Xuttslightly 1111ertthanno-
mtal tandias lutst itAteuasenthus Nitve
'atcused ittt beoeandu t he ii itctlt is' is
it it y itoiifall 1111111,
cs. ti!tln tI';l5'X?:ii us uuu i t u u tsts
nslis tl ll Istaf o te A~its us It tIt i'wlas
dleathioithits huttitt Lulls lvtnctiti in
I ,atffaI ii

th Xba i't 1rt 1(1 ansn ad1e
Ne tuYta okcttes~ w;Ania
itnter isa'uhs '' l iesuavey ougt na
'His 11 sulushas huche tutua'high dge
of Kn 't'is . lNt ityisri theicom
are1 underiislo it thrI lo11(1 111((1 (lt' g
Iii itas a. well1(11 111111 an
trltstIss'ited ivoce of 'he ihi hr r'ghste'r' of
ts iihe u riitttton hooos anthu c
tilt i littt o gut lits'. I is'
XIii\ _II II XiII\t=iiit IXi.1i
Atia mseting iot til t' hlei't'ic tittuil 11
Dirtost i t was t ecideds thattti lit -
tail iRs woldbe ivntutt t' 111111tisYar
itralt ura th~sa lst ve t I dsiiteis' d'e-
the Juio ht us the iteu l s s tbit
hlre is a lirded is t ecl w
cohtlisnts atSu e u ls tt s 1CirIthir
sw aes. S e i l i itilta ee e
vied t;, tetu s water ii a o tb l
is tite ttova l. 'im! numealu is ad"a
ifte nl i itu easw r waddt h
luls uu nhut xi huIto teftuthalit
itscsi flasut lass, tiltntl he lit till' failetoa
lev atui it gofs ti it's 1) l f tui let
nuealsiweretoiehits'nututiis itfthelii
m iifihas no1tet dittttn 1)1tgit' nmact' Iost.i
Fiften nie on te zqtr eniner v

14ItiliE. C e ' ecea' of Ihe
tuselan 'IY.i. C. A.tutu lsieak on "A
Oucnicm f Iouor A chsilan hal
nex't Sutndluay \cting1(1at 6: 930Mr. Lewis
i amoist aleimIll.(IMXliLewis esail-
lkit( a branch of1111 5theIY. (Itit.t's iiinugt
Stanlaiii is uiulmine(tutu houh
It Ic\Xliii ithitllSutntuyaftfernlon,
I Ii 4,, iat o si u'iuup n tha's uject
-I'll tutelaioofthePIhysicant to te
Generali helth ofitIhe Comuntiity
Theiall utilit be mstiusnfortaltan id till
less1t1e numbs 511es actge asittfoi-
hd ivill be 'giv'e'u intt hit partors of
X1:ii b I ha uu tll It is hoped ftat t hut tiei
ilo (lt I ist a wilbeli iteihd strtctly
lul X \ ii tts ittiseakat ' n.
dn %c'shpi~scna itch tlsinderthe au1pi1
re itsli,-Hotli'gu'(il (etXSndly
c 1am 1g1Tism ttInt is tent esp-
ii iltl frit'i 'stuns attdlalhioaghlthe
11111 usa ot ;si beasnttiouiited it
toi111 utiluht tlt ita t l ionie. Bishop
\\ il ilts t s uttnti x tsw ears ago
drt iftue Cleveland11cahedal after
wh11 ichIII-xws appinttsdlBsop of Mich-
ia. IIms wittent ua ook: entiled
IA (aitt 1nsti1 1(111 focrhToday" awhich,
togthr it illscoluarly sermons
have ilt liifotiloutlu(Ichntilce aid
'rii tuor11111mith 11(1ame '"he Rooseelt
of uet~icpali ihutcit"
1Cxli. ,XINS I'I' SiICFC
( ;kyleI Dull, 'uu8 lit, cptinttof last
tr~ns trct: eamtool firt plc ii th
tros ututt itheld ai Fobes Field
'I'Ii iiis 'i" lida rt' uhut' uhspces of
th ' tue' 'r, AhlticII A.ssociation.
Mmi h ni'st thu s 5 'c r nntes iatici-
1.111 li itll te titlist
tilt colsh toerda itsan~ce of aot
:ism 'lsitn tats 'utrke'ditten ills and
taly ih flags 'and1 cultfeti, the r-
tuseig' itorcedl 1o Ils s scorees ad
1. uq-Is irras 11sI a oin11t s.
tll. rcutese'n'tin the ic ttsbunrg Ah-
!e1i , Association 11ea iytok firs place
ixtihlt ead o fthunttlmiuteIs and fifteen
hod.Iull xcovtaxi thurcotrse it
I uuuuuuuh mi ut 7 seoids and
1 lSpesntdith Igosldxhttmedan we
Iull this is enintox furPittshurg
Xuhluiu hiskssuus''u tut ionteof the twealth-
it <t1 atleic ubs inthe contry, this fal
hc ut f is slteidthowtuting in one
Illi en'tered'iI UichigantuthIe fall of
uool. .Xthough hi le 11(11 ueedone ay
lontg' istanlce rutntuuttgeore he enteredl
thlelhatntd iapuctss countrys race that
fal'to sirscttlc'.Thele.t year
he matt tutu teamitsh11t rIefresetted Mich-
ig inihei (11111iimt iof 190. Last
d a ill\ ,i fosm atin u of tle
TheiiCommheltial xc lubisp"lull pleasant
soileen'snguut st hue hometuof Professo
I~ctca(I ).Toncs ast]lgt. Captaiti
8u'auiienttai nedu Itie lubhix tihltsae
,Torie fromhis atperiece All h e
11smber ilt5 sf t t alnoics facultyseee
itt's 1'II.

Room C Regent Chase S. Osborn 4:30 P.M.


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