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December 03, 1909 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1909-12-03

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day________ lttItura fl as ctt heIt t tryii i' thii Th. r t I '(tnlii for mati
G1_ II. W ild Comfpanly --- outs wre 11l1 fo t h \(cltVii 1 'hccatisc qa'ltol*IIIt tlso' ' olt' arl1.1
MtERCHANT TAILORS ..R es ERi~i~ t o II mp ccrrc othem ad )cler, ( i , iii I aseit in' b ce s- h
TBusines~s Maager 1su of1-11 111s111~i poiy as slid)11 i (c e-hn b nI le%% t IC
W~e have complete lines CARL H-. . ADAM. wri a pp(t ia-,Ii s it notrather11(1 IA111111Ahle (Il(1' fot the pro
of fine Woolens for Suit- - 1' Tet ic ta Oe na" 5cil 1he I'ivll igh l (lt,an
.Address: AhICtr1AiN XI)Ii,tMussABldg., dlet il.ttl lll. _ 1, oKt i ,,t) ~ti fwr iont ljnl tml
iL gs, Overcoats and Trou- Maymard Street. tetpac it tics e nItn gc a, mmes(Il-t. ( willite selcted.
sers, Fancy Vestings for Office HAurE': Mniaging Editor, 8-11 cmli a poo tatiti i itWpo~n 'rsn aoi'l endr((lht o tliticli-
1909 and 1910. p. Ili. HuinesiiMaager, 1-2, 78 p. ii. I 11811'ofillcII. 1 (11 ii lhre. F1ll111111 11 111' II 'I' II 111 ot1 to it IIout, .il
____________________________________ l Il i b l~ll t IA 1 t 1.. i> , ftr II it ca111 tts l it A ~t tol
We make Ftall Dross RIR i'''itIi ,1)1) '(hI'ili 1
Suilts a Specialty
News .......... lee A btte
Asitati. . .. ..Harold TRtus 1l.1 t Vitdt litiLe1ti1t'. t N ti . Lo
A heis ...... Wlu . Eljh i t, \ 1 It 1 '. Ltl,A tti A',Tifi '. L l1 1 llltA 1(1 I
_kileiA . . R t 'Iu t lttil ',,,(A ,tst litI Ill
CALL AND SEE US Womenl... Frieda Kleinsliclci , ttep.eli ieade ao
Musa nDliiLrama . Hollis S. aser 111_(I K1tnii" ,Im lc ru 1 III ((A'IGi 1(. IIIn(iI I i' 11
311 S0. STATE STREET Exchanlges . . I.I. c~lil ilewd 1,, dl ph1yrne wilhiii II~l 1 hi ff-,
At the New Str Ioldio111rCCL$ nIDAhvtIe,(,nuni isl Il ml~ f h'cm~ e
is pre =n111 1tifs1se1to11 ,t1t1 the c ar
Jamles K \\Watlkils rislaEel Shafrothinepil l l he fa"th tttc111 This11 11,11 1he n 111A 11111s11im (ies 'ell itIllr
C tharleA Good G. S. Ibaher Ide~cide uo u r'11111 ~ on ,y t1),i. :iicrI i m11 (11 t I 11(1tt ic iie~
G. H. W ild Comlpany JiiiT tii n111 ~ 1m1l 111 e1of11111ply,. T ,tiltl 1) dtc11),111et,(eO il 1;1
11rIA llIi'A i l ITirS. h o c~ s 1d.
W alillterKHi wrsi 'Il). .L_. I ll;ke , " l(ls see<tpec ~ Ir) . a d f l,) i ila
One ot the nst pputar shapes at present Arhlr }. Alclilanl Russi~el I. Jate it o1'. 1(t 1t IAteI sI lIlt it t t1 11 t i
Frd Lawtolil lrry Myel ' N11111 iii ill iii II III 111D11.t_,
*Frank RIoiaell LChares I. M yadi D r.L' ,MlIlcli tIud )II d
AtorrAs 11o1s1r A.Mallc. IttIl. DI I(, im t ie :k r d
TAD E . I MARK Wadeil llIerdIe Ilstt 11111,1:i1 (till t Alf
FORdFORl ivnern. tli liiiitnd ' ertiii hands dwtean
Q Aas., ee i i Irstii 11111tit1 withfth
2U IES "'F \11___ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ li act Ibran( i t inI\ew'lI oret so-'_- -- -
lil u iBARi ' C._____Bowmen_______________H__________or_____u
111112 1,( willitact Iic willlliOW M E1
W arran e linen _Walter______Q __Wilgus ____________________i ' attWil(elhl ' t'! N t 'of I t t.L ii IIV E St 1('i
State St Sign et the biigenchntsheh1eeliL'ill it Il t> L '
______________________N'I Et I ION LAK E NILt 'ill Liiit Lrt I inVitil(leItheAAhnds dow,
A.G.SPALDING & BROS.nnA in tin it tic oi Marih
FRr ie ags I AY, itlII?_ i Lo).11111 111111illis i t p i lii III 1 2111 titiu iccast
TALLAS Iparoin iats arbitthtriy.AitT1111 1111Ittilitail lt' callLi.t1
NT 2,6-Ma I N. eAtOCK A Y.Ic lritc \l~ 111 l t.IN,'roc '' '1 d t illor tithtt 1sttllbeforelA 1Christ-11
sotlied4 A \ ttit) da l t U t \II( si( i gs ctit 1111de h~lslswil IccCS ol dT oil eit I Arlo. m l
tall 30 11111'cnIttW1 nitit([iltill. 70
WAGN Eli $ AtlOtc Spint11c I t:iin .i 11 ul 111 IIi 11 t1 11it I 1ST JA ESHO EL BA BE
CNIVIRSTiCA L )the- - he Aln AllitTrsR rsbatg.
A .105 e. it I l B OS.li ti~tr I it'o' I hi Iio N titet ii~(1(11i(liii I iI -lilt I I, to1the11 ShOP
Dcc 3-_o Fresh LitirieceptioneiteuliI onipnrt dtilieioAlltd in I1oo niIi('lit liltdI-I lilt I iD ulit ,i A1111111ititi aw
IhS ading Wet'eas t e w orldii_ IL All.illitI ih cIi lc(Wirt
Ge1eV n' jrsns e tuiri nthweeaare- 11 41. nGEO VI STON.1 eh L Lce,-kt ,oprietor
of OFFIity. t QUIPt.Ditt' II ut li\iltouin lititt Each-i , l rgc c______ :ind______________________ 1
tpINQ, sportsand pastimes. l iu. r9s 11bsiV. C. A. bacerp udtitcc, I[,trasnidhpgAtanA
a L he i1iis. Til italsgril'b lil(uan int'Itmt, alio c rtier Ic t b ok
C ollegiate arict ter est- h d ii:30 icr.tf
till)th(student1ritoni IaIInLc Ybe c ,f ta1'(recitulil,
[tandy to Lillyind111( hpt 'tetii'iliiltinniii oft'hctliiti-
Pri~n c es: $300 ttenyeopio5 00 ieialuSReaiileroathehl th ofll ilt: teC'l hud ll ll al lg 1 tni t o p, , lti N n ,lke
the____________________________________.L 1 'ti I 'idll a t all 1n111.

hv fa l t kcc )i tEucnewe itors itn-
IIlavitig purchased a job lot of lcr "ii li"1cii'iisii
Flien we are Iplacing them c dit o l'cueiheIA AlIi1' Stir failutre
at a picee in reach of t ive iUpliislnore saec tu the suibject itt LOOK AT THE PICTURES
exit> tudent idebatte. In repdc~ingtrtiheIleIttert',il
evlYeryll sstiudentluuiie i oit They show y Ott 11118tiieMtoto Cozti erilile GAvecoit I OEIis onttstortm
3 x 5 size - 40c ltetiiitre liliertal in is assignmnlt of attd in cetat weather.'1Tle lpaltete collar tntedistno turinrltg tip to pro-
4 x 6 size - 50c spac ini reporitinig imttersAofitheictes tt your throat atid ches t.Nii othe r Overcoat htas this featture. Muti
unitder cottsidleraltin- Overcoaits areLdesigt'ed and 01aiel by experIt tailors. Thelnltlngs and
Exta ars c erhudrd tiitr heIAII (detatled work are ftnely clone attd the patternts arc exclttsive. Clte
________I nottitce with surprise glaringiiicoii-
siiitcc in the twit last issues otf the pieaaevr ioeae
STUDENTS BOOKSTORE II LII Y.In Wednesdayu'.s111111r 1111 OUR HAT DEPARTMENT is as usuil futll(Ifilhe seasotn's latest
tirget Asupport Stir the detiig Ptnas.styles.
'I h n & 0* "his ediitrial pttlicy is mot lcomimiietti- WADHAMS ". CO.
abciai o illle.Wy itent, lito11o1uiiotllowa it Ctothtsrs Hatts eF'.aeentehsp-

Laboratory and
-Supplies -
For Bacteriology
(Hoods and Price (luerenteed
University Bookstore
C. [. BARIN[[[


Largest Stock in Michigan
Second-Hand Law Books
Lawe amid Meidical Dictiontaries
Qutiz Books, etc.
Comiplete line New and Sec-
Oid hooks takent in Exchange
Second Floor Tel. 761

Pins, Fobs and Spoons
Optical'" x Dept$
Fine Witch and Jewelery tepeirheg
218 Sousth Mhten St.
Ke ep these on
Christmas List
E. E, CALKINS, Druggist,
324 S. Stete St.

12 Wsint% RANDALL & PACK, Photographers

I'Iiie $91

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