The Michigan Daily VOL.. XX. .,NN ARkIOR, MICHIGAN, FRII)IXY. Di,(kCEMNfikR 3, 19(Yx). LAIW OFFICER APPOINTS POST-SEASON TRIPS Senior President Announces Class ORENIED1 Class Committees, FOR TE'AUQ1MS ~ f P~residIent JosephlI Iritt lll I lilhea senior 1l1w5cass, lantoun~cestheoltI I t Alumnus Dicourages the Inva- ing Commttetie app~oitmnt":sion of Distant Fields for WsiX go BS(('t1 irthdlay- I:Execis1s-5.1D. Conquest Watoson, chairmaT.J.3 ii'Le ary Kb (od0 rd (i T . J.3St11 b,1 G.1 W JaX 'ckIson. iTe fol l ilt g 0r111ttticattot 1f111 Ca anditt Gown---A. (,NowIkoski, Speintenen~t Slanison oftshe oal hi caal nlt I G. C.'IX titlt ,C.I). loatschool is of interest, otaitng to the refttsal V. i.E3.HallIN. 1P. l g. o otit the Univ'ersits' 'lt I tile hilf lnit iation-T.1 J. Rilya ima nt , S.t S hol ( 1authttrities to allow Ihuirlt spct- 1ii Rhait si:i.X F. WXri;t, .,k Gali , iv foottblliieleveits to take ot-sao 1. I11. B ker. trips to tte coast. lUtfotuattt itt ttie Sottal-H. S. I stmatt haialt1111 ,t I;. iactigan 1)111 N ilnallt iceo h 'I. De io F. I . Behrtt X'I i. stt tti prottosed Itlp ttf theeihightschl 11elveet ski! C. ii. RIIIla. aeraed ittlittating lta t te ifaulty of tlt I xecalils -a.3 J.isoski, cair11an,1 C. ighll '1sl1111ol d givent its pesrmnissiontot M il. i IRe titc ak . alt gentlt C 11111he St ting re lell tt etitttt81111111 f1 . Ise.ef t . 'IXausoIllscommunAlttionlitrrrctsitse Kef I.tA.Wilins, 111-c Xbets, Ihe XImuition'IllaoIset.: Brtown, A.FR. lClae,11..A.ScaftferB. : Itl k ili ti D Xii : I sian 'let Da r Sir-_Xs aI ll umnu~l~ls iof tie~le _I L sino~tg--IL C.Ca1s11ell, haall 111111111 II)Iwishitolitexprelssi yc~tm n 111111 f tfhlla aioni o t heli a rdiltl'iin Citt- Alt .nrri TT . 3.1 1 1 Zr ~ier, r . 3T "DAVE" HEADS THE LIST Ailerdice Scores the Most Points D~uring the Season. ofsi ng iit re p itsietha'sn'y< hr thescvit ~ nns aie, l klt itstkackedi is t ct aIs frti theia tIC. o 'is 1111111 ats and ift ttttt ;at rs from111 lt~ed i u itiof ixt eenattmps 1gv ttl of points llmI ed' i ll i tlt ittatly pig-s in arists, iith list slitti i nt t b esetnlandtittt'ii' We No. 49. rED f-BARITONE SUBJECTS WILL BE VITAL SING TOIGH Sunday Brings an Unusual List o Third Choral Union Concert Presents Cecil Fanningi for the First Time. lrciii asCeilttittthaitn 't1ittalix t Itg rtI citain1111 silt 51~ haltisei ,the ittthird concert of i ttthe ChoralUnitm seies. Hei hattt' e tilt'ore the'iulic tlys throlilt it Ye heits ginttdtant'aslluredittlii 111ti til Mrlhnitti dit tittiltbeaiutifl vo~ ic has litrai t ic1111 11111 n t ' n versaiit It isn tblt'himttou givelta rtil' li ofia'5'ti It 'i l Iitt ;iii' it er st" . cc ssfulntti 118 t have itttrary1 1 I 1111 w, tt 11 i ocl t.11 T he111h ihi iii ita order 1ofMr. tit i itt iS rec1its hs it peale wit espeial tt Iitth til t ist 111inter ite 'Ii i fomt he i schioIlilat1c gra 1 111t ill a 11111b lil ofiltat ilst { t i I I 1 i 124 "I . ..' ..'. \larictse Ntrle Damte. Pennit it XV aslilturnt. RecepionIiI. J. Boeyle, chlairmano, C. R. Mon, R. Al. Tos, R,. R. Sscctli, 1,. K. Aleev'es. N. S. McCartihyILI tither, it. F. Aeit- Pite and11SteittJ.3 T. Creightott, chilrman, J. 3 S.IPtweli,3. XX. 11a1111, A. IH. C. haIesrialli F. C' Tourlse. 'MkeiiorialII iiL). Jonits, chatirmanli, 3. D). Joiies, I.'Ii.ChteetisI.kW. Iuttsilata. I?. F. Sitail ProtiteitRIse S. 1 111 tc I, chtairman511, C. I). MI'osier,'IX' R. 'Tttitipso'n. F. XAyres, 'IX.'F. UIlliirey. Class 1)ay-i. 'Ii Ira11111, chalirmanll, R. TI. litgita'1 1. i RaIseya . C.Pack- airdi, S.'PF ltck. A Brleys. ,X.S.itL11111y. i. .Lee, . .S'aites. Souv~lenir-ILI'FI.Itti'tliit,chimn 3. E.. freeite, iR. T. C'tieey,'. 3MI. Ceot- ser, T. F. heniry. "WHAT IS COLLEGE FOR?" Toastmasters' Club Consider Ad- vantages of College Life. legeFurS"lDeatttheedi spokeilse 15frlhlitt "The ttse if college lifeI is first litestr- anti a1greal daliabottita Ife-tt'intgs. Secondtl, college 1ifeIttuttishtes 51 tmanth a iter ideas lofitt' I ancdii dt' 1and ' te waotks forleieltis15tilon odetis'tltlas loings. Collegt is ittrtletultuesand1 evluaitt 11iti Ofteieaililhethan11111 1111 iworks ftrtt heis e htisi is s is5thtt hot-btt'tiof tighi iteas. Theibit tfeal ares of 51 felilitla cltlege lift arIChis frienldsips ad oia 515Itins." i DeIn Reel thtstt tastllttlistI sttttii us ue osf tis owl Ccellege life. ts toastmatsterI 1, tt, 11srepotitsllyourtissuetfsif s mo11ring, ill reftisittg t santion a trill lt the coatt ifortele sity) Ititotall iseltl alt a tm hale til it woldsiou1111sliter-it ere saith iheir college tuiik As an) official of thcity 11 shtitls I Ite that it(woull e erCy Iunwisestittantion111 a1 11111e prlonlIg'e'dtrill Ioillat ttttgae icatit ofItight schotitolutiys. 'Iouwitits errori'ill sit~g 11tting-tht tte tcltyofthe Hiight Sch1111ll's'e given th ier'contsetto sticht intg.I TheiB1a111111 EducItitto1111 1111 11o1biititia t.It If ts'e b 3toy iit till tectetd 1111hteschooaat ompayin ham.I tas wllrt , nde1 111 r111nterscitol- aticerules, le 'I scho1o1ltea11(1a1111thtat 111yhavtotolicesl tte(Ils ofttn111111111 comlpoesiti1111 'a Iflttli ISt\' BOOK IS CHANGED Faculty Censors Cut Out Parts of Koanzaland. its tdettil, tilse 1111ICFttttctlmtt idttiwals te recetyi wraiI t oesr ts' book11 Ia (tIerialychanged a porion111111thte'otilts satsthat ttlist' chtangesshavelesttts're'd Iat'er thantitaken any ith'igu'o'fivtluei fm'iir'u t 'll'fa'ctittnfta'dthe l t hilt c 111111wiseic tffecctd. 'The'cansics of FKoattzaladuuit-e to h intltiter bease hraI apsi b lit tait migts cit ((ga s omt e hitla estaifeilen(cCCffito btensu wits'th slni feinitt hatis dotets Isist11 s'itull athoit11111 thi i ts sitou ld ititeiibs nce stteintaodutiotiltfletlfew (niw J() ( )PPO'Ie>>t', .....34 '1( )k ill'S XIII. 111(1.11 I ).kAI I' N iI i\I' Y SF ,.Al) at fitt y~er,Iat ilast, to dull itle isl lt soil);g'ei' tl, oao i od c lc I i ne w11 ith i ei campai' i g i nauiiugured~i bi te tlts us o i e t msit itglassfo better1ac1uthuininc mog 'hlass memer an adsituet t oittclass I oitttgsliasiuntuThursda on e. 9. ills e11en tutuitshe sitttitlr tsh n Iomdsits hit ssf lythe liii ealie .1 te'mphhitittng tmnu Ietsubistatiail ill itr litill (ttthe miii i indutttin "1111 its itut1il recitia ti scat hem11 tis ay.t teIn-its' 't'''u'''Og'iisal is hi iTickes or te Ils st i titl iH ii' stithe lt sthoth'' d the 1,asct. hairanXihsses iliucetuce M'I andt itiMiSiiiut ti ishs Maiucimmonsuu aststutlisisehelt 1 iusioltfth execugiv ovnm tm tRlp ' ii it't' ii'i l it ig ts 1111 nl i Iiii lit Jo shi 11rner tilt tiri lstgtherswthitheIl Ilssi Dtpiiii teIltfatiltt terwrenu onhs 5 tu11 1111 aritittl T hankgivt'itnIl', thts iii asit Xuttslightly 1111ertthanno- mtal tandias lutst itAteuasenthus Nitve 'atcused ittt beoeandu t he ii itctlt is' is it it y itoiifall 1111111, cs. ti!tln tI';l5'X?:ii us uuu i t u u tsts nslis tl ll Istaf o te A~its us It tIt i'wlas dleathioithits huttitt Lulls lvtnctiti in I ,atffaI ii th Xba i't 1rt 1(1 ansn ad1e Ne tuYta okcttes~ w;Ania itnter isa'uhs '' l iesuavey ougt na 'His 11 sulushas huche tutua'high dge of Kn 't'is . lNt ityisri theicom are1 underiislo it thrI lo11(1 111((1 (lt' g Iii itas a. well1(11 111111 an trltstIss'ited ivoce of 'he ihi hr r'ghste'r' of ts iihe u riitttton hooos anthu c tilt i littt o gut lits'. I is' XIii\ _II II XiII\t=iiit IXi.1i Atia mseting iot til t' hlei't'ic tittuil 11 Dirtost i t was t ecideds thattti lit - tail iRs woldbe ivntutt t' 111111tisYar itralt ura th~sa lst ve t I dsiiteis' d'e- the Juio ht us the iteu l s s tbit hlre is a lirded is t ecl w cohtlisnts atSu e u ls tt s 1CirIthir sw aes. S e i l i itilta ee e vied t;, tetu s water ii a o tb l is tite ttova l. 'im! numealu is ad"a ifte nl i itu easw r waddt h luls uu nhut xi huIto teftuthalit itscsi flasut lass, tiltntl he lit till' failetoa lev atui it gofs ti it's 1) l f tui let nuealsiweretoiehits'nututiis itfthelii m iifihas no1tet dittttn 1)1tgit' nmact' Iost.i Fiften nie on te zqtr eniner v 14ItiliE. C e ' ecea' of Ihe tuselan 'IY.i. C. A.tutu lsieak on "A Oucnicm f Iouor A chsilan hal nex't Sutndluay \cting1(1at 6: 930Mr. Lewis i amoist aleimIll.(IMXliLewis esail- lkit( a branch of1111 5theIY. (Itit.t's iiinugt Stanlaiii is uiulmine(tutu houh It Ic\Xliii ithitllSutntuyaftfernlon, I Ii 4,, iat o si u'iuup n tha's uject -I'll tutelaioofthePIhysicant to te Generali helth ofitIhe Comuntiity Theiall utilit be mstiusnfortaltan id till less1t1e numbs 511es actge asittfoi- hd ivill be 'giv'e'u intt hit partors of X1:ii b I ha uu tll It is hoped ftat t hut tiei ilo (lt I ist a wilbeli iteihd strtctly lul X \ ii tts ittiseakat ' n. dn %c'shpi~scna itch tlsinderthe au1pi1 re itsli,-Hotli'gu'(il (etXSndly c 1am 1g1Tism ttInt is tent esp- ii iltl frit'i 'stuns attdlalhioaghlthe 11111 usa ot ;si beasnttiouiited it toi111 utiluht tlt ita t l ionie. Bishop \\ il ilts t s uttnti x tsw ears ago drt iftue Cleveland11cahedal after wh11 ichIII-xws appinttsdlBsop of Mich- ia. IIms wittent ua ook: entiled IA (aitt 1nsti1 1(111 focrhToday" awhich, togthr it illscoluarly sermons have ilt liifotiloutlu(Ichntilce aid 'rii tuor11111mith 11(1ame '"he Rooseelt of uet~icpali ihutcit" 1Cxli. ,XINS I'I' SiICFC ('111SSCC1N"IRY FUN ( ;kyleI Dull, 'uu8 lit, cptinttof last tr~ns trct: eamtool firt plc ii th tros ututt itheld ai Fobes Field 'I'Ii iiis 'i" lida rt' uhut' uhspces of th ' tue' 'r, AhlticII A.ssociation. Mmi h ni'st thu s 5 'c r nntes iatici- 1.111 li itll te titlist tilt colsh toerda itsan~ce of aot :ism 'lsitn tats 'utrke'ditten ills and taly ih flags 'and1 cultfeti, the r- tuseig' itorcedl 1o Ils s scorees ad 1. uq-Is irras 11sI a oin11t s. tll. rcutese'n'tin the ic ttsbunrg Ah- !e1i , Association 11ea iytok firs place ixtihlt ead o fthunttlmiuteIs and fifteen hod.Iull xcovtaxi thurcotrse it I uuuuuuuh mi ut 7 seoids and 1 lSpesntdith Igosldxhttmedan we Iull this is enintox furPittshurg Xuhluiu hiskssuus''u tut ionteof the twealth- it