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June 03, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 177) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily 13NN11 31 OR, MIC3HIGAN, 'TIHURSDAY, JUNE 3, 1909. NO. 177. Voi,. XIX. DEPAUJL DEFEATED IN TIGHIT CONTEST Eleven Innings Are Necessary for Varsity to Down Chicago- ans in a Listless Game. Wod1110(1 aten.Aterl(11 310 te Catih ,)tics Mar scor in hTile lellh, Ithe \\ .vcrinio managed to shove 11' 0twoa taliesa1rssa 4dwon 1:lto 3. Micign hd ll ors o ace s '1to1 s 511181prferrd 1tolof, aditer11 t i inte third. 1111d(m ...…

June 03, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 177) • Page Image 2

…> Z ICHI GAN DA<LY ITH E MICHIGAN DAILY. disisiiis itthiss toii ttre n thtis. If WCe sre to ii nint stit nareptation for 41T C mp nyCelia, sptoetstosttlike athletics. twe mut Wild Coial /tnbn dsubonrdisnte our desire to Nvin to a feet- ('it.eNCe 1 s.iniztoc. to fiedlness 1N5towardt Ioiutrsoppoi- 15IECIINT tILOS I1 5 lar ents.Visiting teamsi are entitled to JOHtN tF. \Ven. respect frons both tplaners nnd spsecit tsit t., innting or lositig...…

June 03, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 177) • Page Image 3

…THIS MICHtdAk DAlly A SEE RED GIANT AT Quarry's Money Loaned Ott WatcesDamnd, Law eoks, orohrperonlproperty. Watches and Jwelsry repaired. Bargains in Watchses & Diamonds Office at residence s331PE. Liber-ty St Ann Arbosr. felo'rs': S tI1 I to4:3ad ;to nLL Sise-st vCNFtIDENTIAL JOSEPH C . WATTS THE FARME1RS AND MItCIANiCS BANK MAIN AND HURON STROEETS capital $50000 Surplus and Profits $90,000 Geineraiiianiie Bisiness. 3ipercent pa...…

June 03, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 177) • Page Image 4

…THE bItClOCANhiAlt C.ooH.'M AJOR o THE ARTISTIC DECORATORS, CAN SUPPLY YOU WITH THE LATEST AND MOST UP-TO-DATE WALL PAPER, PLATE AND) STEIN SHELVES, PHOTO RAILS, BURLAPS, PAINTS, OILS VARNISHES, BRUSHES, GLASS WINDOW SHADES, ETC., ETC. Or specialty is fine Decorating, such as Papzr-hanxging Paint- lng, (interior and exterior) Wall-tinting, Kalsomiining, Fresco- ing, etc.,.etc. We employ only skilled workmen and guarantee or work. Goods Delive...…

June 03, 1906 (vol. 16, iss. 177) • Page Image 1

…The M a a JToy. XVI. AN AR-BOR, MATi iIGA , iA\Y, \xi 3y. 3 )0(o . Ni). I77. M %ROONS DEFEAT VAR- STY IN TEN-INNING GAME Michigan Loses ExtraInning Fight With Chicago--Errors Responsi- ble For the Defeat. torthle secondtti ime 1his vye iCi h- ip cashed yeterday a trnoon ,i Fe l feld with Stag'. '-- V iartoccnit ml lie ltst cntest litigo -te '' ont i ol s"T iei n et enth111 111 imii Walertadilarliii wii reit 111110ciiion th l abant forthe...…

June 03, 1906 (vol. 16, iss. 177) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY THE MICHIGAN DAILY. N ICHIGAN WINS INTERCOLLEGIATE TRACK CHAMPIONSHIP OP THE WEST G. B. WILD cO. I THE LEADING Tailores IMakers of Men's Clothes. All the latest London styles Iand fabrics for any and all occasions. [FULL DREfSS SUITS IA SPEfCIALTY I 311 S. State St. Ann Arbor, Mich. For Second-Hand Text-books For Le~w Literary Medical and all Deparments of the University AT Sheehan & Co's Students' Bookstore Money Loaned ...…

June 03, 1906 (vol. 16, iss. 177) • Page Image 3

…'I E MICHIGAN DAILY for Art and Skill in Tailoring Call Ork SAM U HFIL&CO The Recognized First Tailoring Trade of the City 106 EAST HURON STREET Trunks, suit cases Harid Bags, in Newest Styles 'Fleenot corniprceire collection of every up-to-date convenience for craol may now beo had in our eceonocmy basement. All filoderately Priced. ISe nor newcc line of lainmocks and Vredor Chairs for the porch o ornaw. M .CK. (40-1COMPANY HALF-TONES and ...…

June 03, 1906 (vol. 16, iss. 177) • Page Image 4

…t~l M~tGAl AILV- Hocking Valley Ry. CONTINUES ITS EXCELLENT TRAIN SERVICE You will find Four Trains DailyI ,From Toledo; Carrying Parlor Carson Day Trains Sleepinsg Cars on Nighst Trains Union Depotsio Toledo and Co- lumbus S. EI. CLARK, 32-i Campus Martlus Detroit, Mich., F. J. SCHUH SANITARY PLUMBING Gas and Electric Students' Supplies A SPECIALTY J. F. SCHUH, 207 E. Washington St. B AILEY & EDMUNDS %porting3 Goos 121 East Ltbrrty Srert. J ...…

June 03, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 176) • Page Image 2

…- TillS MICHJIGAN DAILY. eeooooeeoeo**ooooo~o .ay:"I'llHE-I I CH lI A N DAILY. '.ot' IaugtLLtDLA ia o ring 'o Managing dtr .SALYBLY f A tt c --- - --- - --- --Cti so .. I es. * tr s ....... .. Jot 11 Y. D r THE NEW 1111..... ...........Ida Ml. B 00krg TENW SPRING .COISAFF:' WOOLENS ARE o .4SICNTi5 *.Goe .Obr ArthurT.I'.luge ,t In c il t 1.. I il cll :" m ilI l'I 'a t e il i CIc t511 'RAW 'N0 I 11 1.1 Nil (1 l l* .cl l ] 'I'll I 'SC -, \II -tiS...…

June 03, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 176) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY. 1. S~~iltR icas opCasad"''ousers for sprig of ii 5o ready fur your inspection LUTZ The Clothier,4 y 217 S®. Mv%.iri St. r Trnks and Suit Cases * ul heedt on one or the other. perhaps both before leavinig town + Vi n titfindthe kitni you iwant ill the Low, 1Mediuni Priced, CI* t the 1}cyscostructed ini the market in foil representation her I 0 N .l WJ.LOURIM. 1014th Ave. Op osieorteun BusiHnessiStricty Cnidcniiai. ENOCH DIET...…

June 03, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 176) • Page Image 4

…PpH0T 0 G K A P It 11lI CHG AN DAILY. 3.50 and 4.00 r Study Witha Good ih Thre is nobhttetr light than S THlE WEL.SBACH RADINIi LAM1P SALL . r l~liSATI ALL PICE'I1S. ° The Ann Arbor (gas Company. Reward ofN r -t1.f 3 ti A. G. SPalding & Bros. ATHLETIC IMPLEMENTS BASE BALL BASKET BALL GOLF BOXING GLOVES ST RIKING BAGS GYMNASIUM GOODS A. U SPALD)INGJ & BROS. L NE VYOLK CIClAGOI PRESIDENT Suspenders gie ontot o " ~r tMV12 I tt oftichod . ' rt t o...…

June 03, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 176) • Page Image 1

…The Michig a Dily VOL XIV . ANN ARBOR, MICH., FRIDAY, JUNE E8 1901 No. 176 frICI1I6AN VS. THEE WES. (iIRLS' (i[[[ CLUBI. AHLE ATC ELECTION. j Wolverine Track Team Meets Pick of Admirable Concert Last evening- Largest aumber of Ballots ever Cast! Western Athletes at the Con- Small Number Present-Lack -Many Girs ttend-Close Con ference-Team Leaves this of College Songs on Pro- eta For the Offices. Morning. gram-Dancing in-- Barbour Gym Yese:...…

June 03, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 176) • Page Image 2

…- THE MICHIGAN DAILY SG. HI Wild Coupally 0 4 SLeading Merchant Tailors t WSRIN6 WOO[[NS THE MIVIC-IGAN DAILY -enee on one evening of at enagage- I net tto(f several days. Anti so ,a slimo 0 E n eas sec~od cluss nsa ire at the An~ audtience its Ann Art)or by no pmeans Abor lost otcer. inticates that AMrs. Fise is nat, an lets c s 8, ftsstti'litdtdailyttyoadttiri elated. Ausdnthere, t0ttsts iiy5 ass srtet ire thotugh attn wotttd not gtuess it...…

June 03, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 176) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY iv hnteHart. Schaffner & 1Marx OUTING "VARSITY," coat asd pasts only-made in honsespuns.. TiIH LOW-PRICES I,'DiSIIM1 AND FtINEST MADE ; Scotch tweeds, cheviots and Einglish flannels -ten to fifteen dollars. HNBGGASOETLSOE + HNBGGASOETLSOE SHave yen seen the new .. TRUNKS IN ALL SIZES AND STYLES SAILOR WAIST TROUSERSAtMOETLYRID 4 The snly perfect itting peg top pant made + $4 an~d $5Sh dohe MACK & CO The New Store 217 Se. Mal...…

June 03, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 176) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY College Do*ctor Pond's Etct ois a everydays taid-by among college stodents. They know that t is a sovereign reniedyfor the many accidento incidenta1 toiscool life. PondsErtract-Ihi old!faily docto-might with equol proprietytbe callid tie old collige docftsr.lorior 60tyearsPond's Etactlhasiteendoing aworkiofamercy-curoincto, beisses, brs;reievisngaclhesandpis; eastng sufferiag, ad outiog life brighiter.I s jutas elitiesitto-...…

June 03, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 180) • Page Image 1

…XL'u.ANN AillUOII. MICIL.WE] NE_'SI)AY. JUNE ,S1903 No. s.Io AN ITERSTIN RP Stewq'tt in Five FLit SQUAO IMPROVING.S I eal r Fl dcs Trip. t D llsiss-}r i ,i t As 'ish:t Ail- ck Isisr Sitit ria11 h LndBagsdae.WOW a h s WVkFas., Ti ______ i L ' ss i _______i-- I reI ''s- ,lei ts 555 .,s' 5?:ii ies - siesiii' 9iimi 't t O s. .tisi lt I stjis 'sit'acIi d© lap i ",n ' iii-: .Iit \'s's't s ci t s «'s Ii ' ll ' sit is i ,, 1" tisits it ai 'ts at.' a I...…

June 03, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 180) • Page Image 2

…THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. - -! Spinlg The largestandtostalS comleite linecof' THE U. OF M, DAILY Entered at ac wt-c1Lccca matter at Ann Arbat- Punt (S tt. Publishted daily (Mandays excpted), atring the college cklr at the tUniversity at Mlii- he bythe MiehipaacDaily-Newsa Publing (Caetany It sCc. ' iev mnti with pidae, for new team- as it is, it has onte better thtatn could have beeni ex\tt id . An f:trfays i- arty aehieventetat goes w...…

June 03, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 180) • Page Image 3

…Tifl UIVERS1rY OF MICHIGAN DAILY -FURNESSA: 0~~ib THE RIGHT THINGS AN Sprin gENOUGH OF THEM I what keeps this store in close touch with the young men of the iuncverity. Our xhihil of Suits, Overcoats, Hats, Caps, and all the Exclsiv Patern innewest Men's Furnishing Madrs, hevot,55 Isneru cadinjtere ting and Madrs, hevotinade up of just thoetiiss Linen and Percale. thatS gie tone to the wearer RAKET RANd ' M I i swho lik to hi wel des ed 't mod...…

June 03, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 180) • Page Image 4

…_ ...1. derilii.s!+d. y++ aaP.s+ t,:. x s+ [.wilr s "sidsi. l , F; aws1.. Yn1:.. \; / ; ' _. . 4, \ , ! .a ._ _._... ._.._ ._....: ' ' 'r. b Ln , ..... . ' d l " !_ t. ~ / . 1 i s Y Li. - i d r TJ ', rI ! f' - ,_. 4; ,,. isL f. ' t ,, 7. - Ls ti:? {i _ R , ' ;. -,fie : _.: ¢1= .x ': F - 7 - r .. °_; ; .: ." :. 7 ' C' 4 .: 4' L A [. . y ,_ .' -! -af9 ,, y3 , " ..; f : ' t '" e'' ' . ,? ; ."e . 4 ' ,r+t AU t2 '1 vf r V^I , , . S S _. j ", '..Y ....…

June 03, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 177) • Page Image 2

…TH ilL ii('1J1GANL)AJLY--NEWS .cE._,~f i11 i~ l !I;I 1. - ,I~Ile iI1 4'U _ - WS ta' IIo ( t4ll I a44 s1 V 0b p" Ir tn 111310, -. .. ^.-re -V A N .. ... . ., .. -. . .... .. , . .. . . , . 1 I i , ., ..L ... I I' i 't t'I l\ ;I..i I SN 1, 11 pIIl if. 1," 14 1 i 1 1 ll~~1 1 ('1 A l t (1t I1' i " ; II11 w I. ItllI .1 " o! 11:I sl~ t ;r ;' 1 ~ 1\" ;I2 i l" } 'li1 1I . i ly .il i I ri l Ie m vcI ' it c (M i ',t' ;111 1 Il ;!1" ]11 i 11 .1II Engrave...…

June 03, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 177) • Page Image 3

…THE jMICIIIGAN DAILY-NEWS *Vgpv HH+ ++44++++i4++ 11++ 4+" ++41*I'i i i I I 4. 4e I, s The Most 6onvin~ina TIna ghat we could do that would tend to induce you to buy tv STEIN-BLOCH CLOTHES :ol be to introduce you to a msan who has worn them. We cannot command the language with which to telt you how good these clothes are. The msakers attach their 7' Oseath the coat collar oif their coats, and they are so prouod of their reputation, that not the...…

June 03, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 177) • Page Image 4

…THlE M I[CIIIGrA N DAILY NEWS I ake "a Kodak wthyo1 You will miss half the enjoyment of your vacation if you don't take one. Our prices are very* 1.low. Come in and see what we have. CM=LKINS PHFMRCY. 324 S. STM TE ST. II'iG k BiIaridP rlFors ad d Iowuio~ 707 NORTH1-IUNIXV1ERS1IY AVI'NULI THE HOOKING VALLEY RY.I!I Ta t theht of etoytl 001(0ER IC 000001IMENT 00 ODBEDt w t1Palo1 Cr TOLEDO TO COLUMBUS Write JW. LANDTI1AN, (jeneral Traveling Agent...…

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