Pond's Etct ois a everydays taid-by
among college stodents. They know
that t is a sovereign reniedyfor the
many accidento incidenta1 toiscool
life. PondsErtract-Ihi old!faily
docto-might with equol proprietytbe
callid tie old collige docftsr.lorior
60tyearsPond's Etactlhasiteendoing
aworkiofamercy-curoincto, beisses,
eastng sufferiag, ad outiog life
brighiter.I s jutas elitiesitto-day.
Atbottle shiooid aisaysbetkeptcoiis-
nieat, Soothes and freshiestheifac
aftn tinvingIDon'texpeiimesit withi
so-clliedIsosmedies said to
re"jsa odiPod'si
ie9et Ettim-is hereiis-eny
plSceiofPtns trct
jCCP-h.DSsT eiUTE.
1 ri te' Itoiou rl islle ild Drito s a ntc u 32.; S. "a1 Si.
andsihalioeuca itfor yourcwork.
_ i i Under New flanagemeA iii
illill -yew Billiard Outfit.
Khips&gisn ond for an wsere injthhoe.WL
CL TFE S ree [(ineh.
itters and Furnishers, oet .[ IIU in n aC UFFA S
" oetAvenue Met Mrket, Ln n n U F
109 ana Il11,5 Wiclington Street Ponltry, fame and Fist) in Season
ANN ARBOR 0 30 Foesct Ave. Phone 407 ARE THE BEST.
.ey K. . e+ -1+ ar. . i . w. ae.*~rr P <. eJ <. wBarker's4 .. Collars.,1 +arekr'stamped re sampd nen'e
*4+ s+ Oiber brands advertised and Sold an Linen are
AU44I Rl * OT stamnped ..Lines." Why?
bi(.1111Y I I: O i RIelidble Shose Dealer 6 Sold by Wagner & Co., 2 for 25 cents
l2d S. Maiti Street
R EN T S C H t_ E R lii atythini n i s Ie tIle ii' '";
laker of Phmotngraphs Framing, (till can Rentns-hler, it s-
's Phone3:2 r. Cerder Main aniii titrin Sti ecits. 'i W 'v o
c 42.
> < 25 sgs c ti) _, i5it$ t itt h3tto ~ i y f ists at st en 4 'tf'fa5 ixis <y}ito cs i tsa { y w. -
RtiCKiY MOUE.rTA~r- CLUB ELEC- Fireshi Lowneys, Allegrettis, Sitar-'
lb citie's and Huiylorn Chocolates at Cush-,
_____itgas Pharmacy.
(Ii itc
1 7 sc~,
{Ii ''3S
e wl ho it iii' it iof the
iail 4;-Idy119in. ttr at
NyTiCE 1906 LAWS.
cw ihea mci ctig of the icas
n C is ut u onat i 1:15 toi
Year oene examined by an
expert optician. All tke lat-
est approvedl aplianctesaneil methoids
known to the profennion are enipioyed.
INweeglasses fitted, lenesidupli-
fcedfrmen repaired. Hailer's Jew.
elry Stare. tf.
Furtnishtes misic fcr al'.ticcasins.
Al. fw
Have Yotu Seen It?:;
6* Haberdashers ... Hatters 1'
I hr
l E'E
t',ti, })i1St:1)i l Ill llii'_','(_'I', clTiC3
lratrrwl e e le. A Ii llat tia ce monte a specialty. .citests l.. . ........*,*,..
A.J W ~ S.® tnane ii ii- ir chi-t A ititi D. tBates, mhanager, 8089 S. 9-cirttiavtec
itle. ___________2.)_____ ____f_
Wall P~c, Paints
216 [ast Iloron Street. edi "K".at Ctu9 I I Moalytitittit iii (itii tlilicttr. tant te tarritedias-a side
Special Prices on it.liforiihits wnif between 2land 60. +11 O ~L
friad u1 Pllow, Pilow NOICE.Any atutdent wiohing to eart i liettel- -19Isithefinettdi ttt Choiolatec
Toffs and Banners, lt iii-i u-alttt r iityitWO l aaio oi
Thelis u..t -crF uih- iilu wi ll Nc it t 11001-tlir a o otivcton sn artictilars. Perfectly tut- to to ild- tCiltIl
At Darling & Malleaux's Iccsoutherntlt Iinv iiiitd. tiralc L. T. ATRES. - the Swvissi Milk whlich
----- - - -Room 15 Higginsoc ':ite.
-IF \ ilt - WANT, WANTED, WANTING. Winlnipeg-, Clltittl. gives it a richnesstost -
Pi, r S Ago iteihhailing 01011who toon9sessed15 110noiler.
tuli l, lt chan itemy rctldepartmen-it:, alctt as-. Complete stock it Brandt, Waldo, -
P i l ii u iscti intstlesdpatetttig sumo- Washburi, Regal & Marlin Mandolins - -- 10 Cents upi.
I) ki1 C.5 AR~T 5TOR lullaper. ii40aregotot, youir potsitionlisa an hand. .Prices the lowest ft
(, ) th Aveue. g.,od oar rundt. Will 0110 goodma i
llea1ly all Ireiii businu-cc. 'Ohis isa L X-iuuaic le rindtle Illltr hacadgod m n edoly 'W. .:.,
chate til Etodnio lt-Iti(1119 tei-ht atiut. 41) libs. Rtulrni ioAl'-
h; .in ...t.IIALIII O ., pla telta Plii Iltosc. Rtewsardl. 34 S A E~
:. _______ ALPHA Nb ELECTION.
f!: h ~. 1Zte bt 16 ravec yoll lid a Tibrastagonta e-tti t o - To the teachers and students ofthe U.of M.
- s-. rojyns? . A mein fteAlphta Nn itet ty
l 316s. .liliti. Atn Ari-t itti-. will tic-htldil Fridaty eisi ntg~ tutu-e8GRG ETIN G.
.. Chaffing dishes at Halters Jewelry' at 7::th o'clc-toil l ecttofficcrsfour
+ "' k - ~i 'Store. tI. nsotl yiar.w
Don't miss the World's Fair
A Wor i 0URPO IC yat St. Louis, 1904.
___________Thetonlysty tlto b de iriofit is
Stud nt PThebulildlin~g tupof a0"telephoneo System iIth eveory possiltmod- to1)o1
toIIc. oc~ rn aprovementl; tiele ivinlg of botter service t1101 was ever thlougttMis011Pcf
ANC ,,,,, d ~~~popshile before. I 7 ontclolirable, coiurteotts andtIjult ill every dtl.M s o f a ii y
K, e lA's trietacy remtedtec to t~o anticiteo f ug iretlhdlts. To olveror mte impe~duimentls. To 1)0 tits-
DR - - WEUS( toleaetep ied wi ~th iotl5itlg shiort of theloCtlhiffill ce011d1good will of every citizenl
onslci tutu WAe21[N4W the cIountI1ON
., .Dr ClwliAl-4,IranMonti Route
spiaye ri iii lknow5 t13IPORARY OtIL l- C ': Liberty strt, near Ifourth,
th f ii n i ___of itua sirinsi itt le IockI
I ~ l~ hs to all poitso Xector Soutthwst
l beinOIL erI en- .. arne aslowhu svi t.Louiss dtheIt 'lis-
hss s'1 crR< er and presideiito
thiitackisoni Coutyt
Phuarmac-eutical Society aniditwusdoinisbelit-
tatetotr-coimmend itioar tradhe hits oil asa
superior- remedy ini tll cases ofclprainis,.brirs-
es. soeemuscles, lamuenes-sadfor generaltap-
lictiontaftiter gymniium wi sorki ir violestlex-
eris.] ,is a iguhlgradeprepariatiho ftsc-
ihol adessciu isli s d sistintiieaishel
in iesihial ingredieats thaTticpeerat
qicklly aid allay all sorenscsanadlhiliammaa-
thun, lcaving (toe skhit ndchotttitt feefrom
stains. Thiereiissio ecse oftany inid used ii
D~r. Colwells Nlwis Egyptian O(l.
We tare snch confukleslie iri Dlr. Ciliwell'
Magic Egyptian Oil tliatsee sell eery bottle
wilir hessiiveguaranteet(lit w sill give
satisftictliia. It it dies sot poncanretun
the bittle and we iwill refaitiycar moneay.
Quarry's Campsus Drug Store
G3rolvn in Turkey.
Perfected in .Egypt.
Enjoyed in America.
Casktot1 ens e.
Sase the turn..n
cool-iIPacilic tRtilwsay or Ironenta-in
Rutc ac via, any ether gitteiell.
frillin lfortsIion frec: call.hir write.
Te as hs. Act.Mo. ni. lRy.. Inlesn 31 ina
Rouitte an(ITexas .S:Isaifi- Ily.
12: 1W sltenawisAue. Aim Arbo iiicli.I
Mlandolin, Banjo and Guitar.
tier F. WasitongiuuPhoit
Brasdt Mandoin, Fariasd Binjo asd Marlin Guitar.
Always Ahead
In Styles.
The Best
of Everything in Tailoring