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October 27, 1891 (vol. 2, iss. 24) • Page Image 1

…~~Ije ItI o , n1. Wlai. VOL. II.-No 24. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 27, 1891. PRICE, THREE CENTS. A Medic "Scrap." There is trouble brewing between the '93 and '94 medics. On Mon- lay morning the two classes assem- bled in the clinical amphitheatre for a lecture on materia medica. A '94 man took a seat on the front row of the Junior side of the building. The juniors consider the front seats as their own special property, by r...…

October 27, 1891 (vol. 2, iss. 24) • Page Image 2

…C(. of iir. icdfy. Published Daily (Suedays excepted) during the Coieire3 ear,'by THE U. OF M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION THE U. OF "The U. Of M. DAILY, of Ann Arbor makes the statement lnqt Ann Arbor is* one of the four colleges in the United Statesolhaving a Christian Association building on the campus. The U. of M. DAILY would dto vell to investigate a little before ma~king such statenments. THK AOU nue~w#O HOSE. The University of Minnesota ...…

October 27, 1891 (vol. 2, iss. 24) • Page Image 3

…THE U. OF M. DAILY TIHIElTWO SAM& E UO8 AGENTS FORw 66 YOUMANS" AND KNOX HATS. - The 4. T. Jacobs Co., I The J. T. Jacobs Co., Novelties in Neckwear. Latest in Furnishings. The 4. T. Jacobs CO., Call anti see us. 27 ANI) 29 MAIN ST., ANN ARBOR. L_ B3LiTZ. N. B.-We still have a nice assortment of Light Weight Overcoats to he closed out at Grneatly Retduced Prices. Al ro tlfiLglllry, CE~.. . GEORGE L. MOORE, Successo to ,1 + WORKXCALLED FO(}...…

October 27, 1891 (vol. 2, iss. 24) • Page Image 4

…THE U.. OF M. DAILY. 'TWE ARE THE PEOPLE:" =1. ANN ARBOR~ ORGAN COMPANY, Formerly Aimendinger Piano and Organ Company. Nezv Wareoms, - - - - - . Corner o JlfaOS cand Liberty S/eels. I will "Open tie Ball" by placing xilne stok o it liars, Banjos. etc. --.,',--The latest in the market, niatufactured by Rus 'sateiose, P R I CES T HAT WI LL AS TO NI SH YO0U.- New York, Cleveland Brown & Co., Boston, anti Ct- ter & Crossette, Chicago. at Find -WTz...…

May 27, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 167) • Page Image 1

….li C 's . ilail. cyr.. I.--\ >. 1 , . Voc. I. N. OiL -NVENSrITY' OF1"MICIIIGA-N. W'C)NECSiAY. -I XV 27,lo Tmti :i, GENTS. Mr. Campbell's New Position i'rseas anniouniid in the D i~ aeo few days agto, iitiM. A. tmp- tseeii bell bad lbeen ofttereil ai positioni at noon. Lick Oblservtor.Il ascllteamii do tecesti ug facts: ae1 Te ( bser''iatorc is tiderthtli i'ecttoii of IProif. I olden frmely l iiis of thec III\si v of 1 s n i . ,,r 1 Ilie isass...…

May 27, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 167) • Page Image 2

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. of i i. 3cxzit. Ve:' iberal ap. toi t l Th'Ie U. of M. id(1(1not in Dettroit. The tian- fared hut half that EIS + RACKETS, Admmlmm M- THE U. OF M, INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION ulc i't t til i. ,i i re rit at a l ii. t ,~lit h~ , ill i .1' ', ~ aH ,- 0 '.. i THE U.aof St. DAILY ~'.: it. t:t .ili i[ i} rtrt. it tlitthe stat i. A i glat' tttnt Alilir ltt 1 i i h~~na ii ltr 1 n in t o r THE U of M.nDA itY it',. lia tri : t 'F, to il...…

May 27, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 167) • Page Image 3

…THE U. OF M. DAILY Of Old U. of 'N. should have a OUTING OR NEGLIGEE 8HIRTS. Unvsiyo icia utr ' lU i ied (.iiii iof M'.It ic hitiiintlNIit ] i ta Vi. i ll ldttici ta--r tinosto tG. Ellj 'ndTaYO OLGA5tiT O. 11c-c. th c i .1 i sit' ii itt -ic l vi ii l u-wo ld ca ll an aits-V c-. t " ) . il tiltitil.A THE TWO -S 1113TII'Z. American + Ramublers, N it ' Itit IMAIN. Anl Ardr 1J \[to b llllfrY VOA HEIS & ITS BEST WORK IN THE CITY '. STATTE ST, TAILO...…

May 27, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 167) • Page Image 4

…-IE U ()"t- D~i 71A TIME TAL 01. ISTNilO . l aNW (U Lo 'IlAN"TI ;t . '' I I II IN 1; tel i .. ' )), , I. ' 1, (.;I ) Ill" NN 11.1.. e.'~ .,;),N' 9."5,i N 1I0.5N5 , :. '11N t IN I l.0, CASl=N.ol..'N ' NI l 'W INN)N.NN 711Ave. B.F. CLAtRK, M1nT er 1 >. e'PIANO'IIat1,)lob ('IN H IN", Ni,..: -. L A& D.~- 40:li "Ard shbv S i ca 1,' "Asliby," ixfolwt.5ad1 . rins 'HnSunai' ll.stdl' iNNha'Iwt t at 1el NIIIIicll tN, 1111 111 N tr iN'il.. 1 A l r 1) .I1...…

April 27, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 141) • Page Image 1

…Vol- I.-N 1U1..LNIX EIISIiX 01F IICIII(_x MONDAX, AUIIII 27, l;1.I 'micE, Tmu ECENTS AN5 TWO HOME RUNS. The Indian Pitcher was Pounded Unmercifully. Score-24 to 6, There wtere abioit Goo at tile fair gros Stuirdlac afternloonto see tie farmlers of the -N,.1. is. "dsoneo Up' t was a ser'tihie ilnlini Umatch.'sWilkinslontand. Booth lifted tile hall out1 to tile track for lo021 rolls, withi perfect disregardt for tile ftelings of tile Initan twir...…

April 27, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 141) • Page Image 2

…THE U. OF M +. of"Inc,$20,000 by 'Mr. Waterman. While l Soo 30 studlents at Dlartmnouth raisetd 1,200 for at lase-ball cage several F T Publis~hed ilyor(Sunays exrceptedt) taring te Collegea' r, by MHE U. OF M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATIONI Suscipio pice o.t(toproea, invribl iv advancet'' in lc copies 3 aetst. (tnialeairt cneaisandtosiaat tM 't' itt stand at f ocoknoto.aitatoript in ay behleft at hehratirvat hrtolaact'ittort'ithar ork t Communtitca...…

April 27, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 141) • Page Image 3

…THE U. OF M. DAILY OUTINGOR NELIGEESHIP 8Old T;7.o T OUTING OfOfNOldIGEE.vof M. should havea Yo ae10 outiuee~e1 nth boehu ui swe University Of Michigan Guitap. youareno oub ineretedin he bov lie, nd is e ae Pices tow est, Quality h,igest.(i 51 uiteed every incli of th eroad V iianidGuiutau Si igs, 0 to s.; Bano anid Manudolin -tiIg, moade thietr a spec(ial study, wishi you would call aud see what we 5 ets. Everytlh ing nroportita. have. We kLw...…

April 27, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 141) • Page Image 4

…THE LT nP'M. FDAIL-Y ' ¢mizi i . IIW q, 0 MOLE 11019 7011077 77TOILE'S -- SOAPS TiIME TABLE. Mlnitiilllre l foim theiroot if lte; 1'css rtIii 11 ,: t 0. tc11 St. 1:. 5, .'t, 1, i> 0 i.'{ . t, 1t. 1 ts. M I I C E l Lt) A (~oI: .i? , 1:'U? . 1-1 roi's Liii N 155 3111 fr1 m l oi ur t im .at TlI I e :mole nnp. is it coninis llii 1:0 0 0 0 , i . E . nd IIt,;.o 1;111,C-0, 119.!5,i10.55) is i . 1ii el lits thSu e hin"t forIliiiiiheal- F. CsiC fIRK,)W...…

March 27, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 126) • Page Image 1

…'Ij ~tof Al. Wlii. Vt I.-No.16 Newberry Hal Meeting Ia.t evnng the Chlapel was pretty well fillel, in theiteretists ot New- SIey hal. Ihe netig- op~eed I h rater iiiilsong, and then resltiingc , howasinhis1 11100(1modgaetcgnialetl ek ou th ttesubaecit fthe eeing.l 'Next1 br inr1din1n spoke fthetltS(. A. fianes, and PriofesorIY itgte fol iWed with aspttnid taii lk on the iistr and puposs ot Newbt erry- Presidient _oigi then calited for tudge(ra...…

March 27, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 126) • Page Image 2

…'UorM. INDEPENDENT AOCiATION.I {' U " : THE U. OF M. DAILY. 1ewish to reheat that this is I~"~ ' norfecinaponi the ioratons ss G1 CAqFLlO# Iresentc. n last becuse'!VWE ILFRTill INFXT 10OUR11WIEEFKS u we do not c riticise their ( 1l1os'- Offer floe tons of paipe.r of all kinds tolie soldiby the poond itre tion, but siom1ly stat, that the «-rit- j tMill rates.'Try our ('riniiImperialtLiiien lit 25cenits 1per ers miade i boor select i)otofsill)po...…

March 27, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 126) • Page Image 3

…THE U. OF M. DAILY Uinnn ufl' wNorth 2,)c ser pair at 1 c, 2 for 2-5. UniverSity of IVichigan Quitar. Prices lowest, Quality highest. ( taracte eeyiici ft, ~l Tor Ihon olasSii s re ri t' ia I Violin arnalGuitar Stringqs, 10l cli.; IBanjo 1an1 .Mandolin Strinigs, ii I l T r l o n (ol oSuh a reslcfc-2lca (e t. Esvcry thinig in pIropoirtion. taItor 2for 25o.. I I. ('lenient,1 L ENI( , R 10L 1G: uu0. ii. -(IT nin 2 '~ N 11Y OM THEY ARE BARGAINS!.,...…

March 27, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 126) • Page Image 4

…TV-SF VA(jt 1-STDit ~m== -F = moot. 'Life is Uncertain! A":,t Ni 1"tt[CTIME TABLE, DEATH IS SURE. n Knoto tt7t~ , t lL. I.o .1' 1, 5 K l K K IL. F. (ZLiS(tRK<.,rcna ' S 11,c4 t,, to on Obe , Atfi lf 1oto 1 (iiA1" .IoO and ''5at the lot. 111.45)l;?IIWo0 IO o.l 1t)11,11in1the;rAnWain Rea an foroo at on to SU c er n ,Veecd IScu e 1I' I OA Iat I .5 , lO i 0 .I, '0 1tl i sc t i a I Itt~iffI nsuatt'(JNR Ipa ELL iIO TT & SHu TTS, Propfrie torsc YOOKI...…

February 27, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 101) • Page Image 1

…or. I-- x1l .I NIVEibsITY O1 '\II..III \.N, tn. W i , FRID)AY, IlIZUiilAiLY 27, I1591. PInci.:, ZToIn-c .Y UNIVERSITY FUNDS. j Where the Money Comes From to Run-.This Instituticn. 1 . lie onIe-twventieth If aitnmill tax is a gixeral lax, and~ was author- izedl by section i, act ;2, laxis of TIhese are the characteristics wichel dleterine imthe kin;g()t ti)-ilxi. N\u- lxiii iii5 iilistraiti~Sio s eelriiu-it tii I' -(Il~iiiistate Ireasarer Dais ...…

February 27, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 101) • Page Image 2

…THE U. OF "~.of 1Z 7'III. U fM. INDEPENI 1 NT AS.SOCIATION l hiio's andiiPosct ti c 'ew s ;1116 ever t~-nn tHEi U. of t. DAc IL, taio k Jok, it hethan , Annt Al ebo ,c, Iiti,'t' thin wis expctedI, owting to the ab- sence of snore)\and exIceding]ly cold weater. he rick cwork of the sout ,%ing i cale i i] ) I the sec()rclstoy amvthe stone bae- '. i' .1 i i l c toliii: ihtt i Iin r o ciii tiel' Or(lni- M. DAILY. G1RCAT $Ainp AF 'IN I Ml ,1FORTIlL...…

February 27, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 101) • Page Image 3

…THE U. OF M. DAILY Ne1w Youman's Hats, =77==R S=-T =IT T1- ()f ()d(I IT.of tM. should have .a Spring Block Knox Hiats, University of Michigan Guitar. Latest Shape Silverman.Hlats, P'ieos 1011(duiy lis .14 (al 0 01(! 1 epsInch of the road. Vi ,oli td Gtarlo s'dings,10 cts; lj' 11 101 Mandolntin > lip <P III I II \l~i ~ pg0111P1 L . . Z°tin ll rot1TinL. 1+1 LG L 0 THE TWO SAMSM Y, 13 Y17 ATZ. .. A.ll or ty l bll~Y VOORHEIS & ITS BEST WORK IN THE...…

February 27, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 101) • Page Image 4

…M HAE U OF M. F) A 1 L SALE oF-"'ATHES~ MY 11NI lli" sTO( Is I1, J LILL 1Y, IYE5aLL171 0001 ' ut le losd ut. Sale:everyaftror i an v m4 IL.T. IL.IMT"E1E'T, Life is Uncertain ! .I 9.S DEATH S SURE.TM AL fl' 1 N' I ( t 5 1 1 1 1(5 9 1) t 54a 9~ :5 99 1. 51 9 IA NN A1li 119 ~I1OR il i (ri9 - r S11":lc i l 4 1 sei t;"11 I i liwe o il( i 0 i1.o si t 1 Y 1ti1 , IJ 1 11.t. 919 11/1:'tli tl 99;ov .5 9 t ?1 il Is oii i t' tiDAY ''il;.is. C 1. it 1f( i5...…

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