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October 27, 1891 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1891-10-27

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VOL. II.-No 24.



A Medic "Scrap."
There is trouble brewing between
the '93 and '94 medics. On Mon-
lay morning the two classes assem-
bled in the clinical amphitheatre for
a lecture on materia medica. A '94
man took a seat on the front row of
the Junior side of the building. The
juniors consider the front seats as
their own special property, by rea-
son of their being one year nearer a
sheepskin. They immediately re-
sented the intrusion and proceeded
to "put the Sophomore up." The
'94t men who occupied seats on the
opposite side of the amphitheater,
couldn't stand this. Their blood
began to boil, and soon '''94 to the
rescue' sounded through the room.
A grand charge was made upon the
juniors land they soon found their
hands full. The struggle was at its
height when Dr. Abel appeared upon
the scene. He rushed into the
midst of the fray and mistaking the
junior medics for dents, shouted
"back, dents, back-'' The disturb-
ance soon subsided, and the sopho-
more occupied a seat on the second
row. The trouble is not over, how-
ever. The juniors are wagering
money that the sophomore will not
occupy a front seat at next Thurs-
day's lecture, while the lower class-
men are just as certain that their
man will occupy the coveted position.
Co-Ed's Day.
The foot-ball management, under
whose direction the races and foot-
ball will be held next Saturday,have
received, already, quite a long num1-
ber of entries to the dashes. One
member of the committee alone,
has received eight entries in the ion
yards,seven in the 220 yards and six
in the 440 yards.
Foot-Ball Practice.
H. G. Prettyman appeared on the
field yesterday afternoon and coach-
ed the 'Varsity eleven. It is ex-
pected that he can be induced to
spare time enough from his studies
from now on to coach and play with
the eleven. He will greatly
strengthen the centre of Athe line.
Fifteen men, to be selected later,
will be taken to the training table at
Prettyman's the latter part of this
F. J. Ross, law '91, is at Weston,
V. Va.

Foot-Ball at Harvard.

Inter-Class Foot-Ball.

There isa little change in the foot- At a meeting called in the :Psi U.
ball outlook at Harvard this week, house last night, to arrange a
and the feeling of despondency schedule, the following teams were
which was rather 'general a few days represented: '93, '94 and '95 Lit;
ago, has given way to greater hopes. '93 Law and High School. It being
Several of the new men-notably understood that '92 Law would en-
Emmons and Gray, both freslimen ter, the following schedule was ar-

--have shown up remarkably well,
and EImmons certainly plays the
game at tackle about aswell as ."Joe''
Upton did last year. He is strong,
quick and a sure tackler, Gray, at
half-back, is playing a fine game,
and already men speak of him as a
coming" 'Jim" Lee. There is a
possibility now,or rather a probabil-
ity, that Corbett, '94, Lee's con-
fere at half-back last year, will get
off probation and be able to play
within two weeks. This, of course,
will greatly strengthen the team.
The weak place is still at centre,
although Bang's coming out has
slightly improved things. Harvard
men simply hope that the centre
will be greatly improved before the
Yale game, else good-by to thoughts
of winning. The men who have
gone to the training-table are Cap-
tain Trafford, Lake, Hallowell,
Newell, Vail, Burgess, Rantoul,
Gage, D. F. Shea, Emmons, Gray,
Bangs and Fearing. Speaking of
the Yale game, there have been thus
far no arrangements made by either
Harvard or Yale for their annual
game. This does not mean, however,
any misunderstanding between the
colleges-such as existed last spring
in base-ball-but simply a signifi-
cant delay in making arrangements.I
All Yale and most of Harvard would
like to have the game in New York,
and the general public would be es-
pecially pleased with such an ar-
rangement. So far not the slight-
est step has been taken to secure the
Springfield grounds for a game on
November 2r, the Saturday before
Thanksgiving. So just at present
the signs point toward New York as
the theatre of the annual foot-ball
struggle between Yale and Harvard.
-New York Tribune.
Malley plays right guard for the
Chicago alumni team. Holcomb,
Yale's old centre, plays centre.
Cooley Club Court was organized
last Friday,inhonor of Judge Cooley,
and limited to twelve men. Knauf,
'92, is chief judge.

ranged on that supposition:.
Nov. .--'9, Law vs. '92 Law.
Nov. 5--'9, lit. vs. '93 Lit.
Nov. 10t.-High School vs. win-
ner of Law game.
Nov. 12.-'94 Lit. vs. winner of
professional. (High School here
classed as professional).
All other teams desiring to com-
pete for the championship must en-
ter with 'Manager Farrand, at the Psi
U. house within three days of the
publication of this notice. If '92
does not enter, the first team enter-
ing will take '92's place in the sched-
ule. The next team entering will
play the High School team on Nov.
so in place of the game now ar-
ranged for that date, and the win-

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ner will play the winner of the Law R. H. FYFE & ,
gamle on Nov. 17. "'
The referee is to be chosen by the I>ITRO T, MICf.
foot-ball committee, and the umpire
by the captains of the opposinig Chap. Speller & ,.
teams in each game. Any team re- I University Outfitters,
fusing to play on the date arranged, 201 SoUTI STATE S'., ANN ARBOR.
shall forfeit that game unless the
referee shall have decided that the Neckwear,
weather was unfavorable. All ques- Dress Shirts, Gloves,
tions not otherwise provided for,
shall be decided by the foot-ball Underwear,
committee. * GENTS' FURNISHINGS, o'lest
4-,"- _Quality.*
Communication. i 3T IJ1,GOODS,"
Editors U. or M. DAILY:
Next Friday evening, at 7 English Mackintoshes,
o'clock, in Alpha Nu hall, the ath- Athletic and . . .
letic board will meet. AC that meet- . . . Gymnasium Goods,
ing the board will elect a base ball or ESERX iESCIII\
manager for the coming season, and
for that reason every member of the

board is urgently requested to be
present. Much of our success as
an association depends upon an ac-
/ive and conoical management of
base ball. I therefore ask each
member of the board to think of
some one who will ably fill this
place. A vacancy in the board will
also be filled at this time. It might
not be out of place here to suggest
that the players on last years team
elect a captain as soon as possible.
This should have been done last
summer before the team disbanded.
C. A. BOwEN, President.

Bi Buinig Youlr

of us while we are here.
114 Monroe St., Chicago.
50 S. State St., Ann Arbor.

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