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October 27, 1891 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1891-10-27

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C(. of iir. icdfy.
Published Daily (Suedays excepted) during
the Coieire3 ear,'by

"The U. Of M. DAILY, of Ann Arbor
makes the statement lnqt Ann Arbor
is* one of the four colleges in the United
Statesolhaving a Christian Association
building on the campus. The U. of M.
DAILY would dto vell to investigate a
little before ma~king such statenments.

THK AOU nue~w#O HOSE. The University of Minnesota has such
a building atnd one of wvliic we ire
WEv have published for the past justly proudt. It is built of brown
ten days a notice that subscriptions stone atid supplied with steaim heat
10 the Gym. fuind were due, and pay- and all other mnoderuniprovements.
able to T. If. IHinchmnan, Jr., at 67 It was built and is ownedl by the Stu-
denits' Chtristiatn Association. Score
E. Washington street. 'Te studtentsonfrMiest.
last year subscribed $3,382.52, aind . _
of this amoutnt tiiere still rensainssaudden Death.
$911.25 uiipaid. Those students
wvho save sot yet paid op cannot Jaick Clanscy, '93 dent, died last
consistently gruimble becatise the an- night at 6:30o'iclock, at his tionion
thsorities have beets slowe in takingg Willianis street. He tail beets ill
sesto pushthegmaimocr-for abouit a vseek witll tonsilitis,
pletions. Wotrk cannot tic doneewstll- w-hichs gradusal lytuined into conges-
out msoney, andthie quicker tihe stil- tsssssof te lunsgtstwith te above
scripstisons are taildtsp, the sootner isaiesifatalieffests. ir. (lanscy
the gymnstasiumts till be built. Its satwell-1knowsnisthsroughsout cllege
thse msajoity of icases paymsent cat s usaItgoods tint asssla bright, cots-
ite msade snssyatseli as assy stie. ;eI:l compant~ion. Ililtsdeathi sill
bs' sitlrileli iytall twhot Iknewshimi.
'ts cstmeisbert sof teglee and liheIftncrali scil is.lieldto t-mosrrowt
ianjotclusshasve beets chsosen. Th'ley( aftersnooss.
are nsso iswsusci or ssizdad essdy for - '
binssess. Thie newsesvsnsaisiearto BUSNsES LOCLAS.
be all righst, andcithsestork still sti- Cooitict.ScIttsti.-A oustlte ini csstk-
Ilossiselly lie upstssthusussal stansd- lug, cosistingslofieighst lessost, still ise
ard Threis nethig, owver (giv-etsits Hasrris Ilsll fruits'Nov. 2 his 11,
ant ileceis ssetis ts, lotvt c, by Mitt EtiaIrivcinsgprice' $i fur the
ofh ass unpileasant nssare whiichs has course.;501cents inc sisigle lessons. Timie,
reachsedithse Dmu.s th roughs several sOO ft .:00 ip. ieU.o M Ds s
different sources. It is stated tisat cant ie obtsiitedi at Stoftlet's News
ciscrinmination hs beets sadte in Statid, Opera House Btloec.
WANTED.-By ii competent lady a
facor of certain society mnt, its the plosition as matron in a Frateriiity
selection of the mseisters of both or- house. Rhef eretices given. Atddress t.
ganiatins.We ave adeinqir-of M. DAILY.
ganialins. e hve sadeinqir- Donst fitrget we keep sweaters, best
ies of those in position to know, and duality, $3.50to $4.2.5. Mack & Secimid.
find there is no niore casise for corn- Rooms. 48 Liberty street. Htot and
plait tan i fomeryear. Terecold water. Bath, closet, furnace, etc.
plait tan i fouseryeas. Tere A few nsew atid second-hland Bicycles
ought to be no inisarmsony. The at greatly reduced prices at Brown's
only sound basis for the selection of Drug Store.
"Michigsin"atnd "Ants Arbor" son-
these men is merit. Social caste venir spootns at Watts, 10 S. Main
should have no influence either one street.
wayor he the. o oly the Hot atid colid baths 10 ceetts, at Post
uvayor te oher.Not Office Barber Shop.
DILYtc bust the commiunnity at large Full litietsew style collars, 4 ply, t5c
wtould discountenancee any such or 2 for 25. Macek & Schmidi.
mtishocd. F. J. Schleede wtill bitiiiyour books
.-t- ntdtsmagazitnes front 25 cts, uptwardsl.
"'THE library at Williamss College Furtishbe'sll tisintg tnimbers in peri-
is nw kpt penfront 2 to 5every odicsals; 260lisheets of linseii papler,.
is ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ b t11 ep ptsiyI, for 2.5 ceiits. Photos suit vieso
Stunday afternoots. At thse 1.utter-itt the U. of M. Msinufsicturer of tnote
sity of .Michsigans, alsothse library is books aiid tablets.
A lnew linie of Neckwvear just received
opeus Sunsday afterisoois" 'lissaind ito better styles still be fiunuin t
stalemseint appears intswtyo of osir toss-ti.Yout vsill ssny they sire otse-hisif
lie price yot ullsy firth iem elsesshete.
exchanges, "'ris eAcs" of the Mack & Schiid.
Uivsitiy of Wisconisinandsi" Te Lathes of lth' U. of M. still fitid it
Arid' of he Uiverity f Stusne greatly to their advatitage to csilsts us
Arie" o th Uniersty f 1\in viswen ii netendof Cloakus, IDress Gooids
rola. Wie ipresumre that it is itseless or Psancy Dry Goods. Maickc& Sclitiid.
to correct it, as it alwvays happens Wiait, Wait-Do yoit cotitemplate
tha th eroriscopied store widelyorderitig a tiesw suit, overcoat or pair
that theerror i of trimusers, if so, it will psay you to swait
in college papers thanstlie correc- till you see Mr. Rose, representiiig the
Lio. Te ibrryof he niierit Cutstom Taiiloritng departtment of the
lin relbay o eUnvriy Goldein Eagle Clothing Co., Detroit,
of .\Michigan is tnt open on Sundays. who swill be here Friday, the 23d inst.,
We ae ld tohav thi oportuitywith aectmplete line of samples. This
ieaegla ohv bsoprtnt firm msade hundreds of suits for stu-
to call a ball upon -the " Aridl," for dents last year, to whom they refer.
thi ishowit roats"us for an These garments are always the nobbi-
this s hov it roass' ot cut, perfeet fit, and guaranteed a
erroneous statement that it clainso a saving of from $10 to i$15 01n a suit or
f maing:overcoat. Office swiths Goodyear & St.
wve arc guilty of aig: James.

~ &Qo., 8f ade 0t.,
have received for the opensing of college 20,000 Books, nesv and second
hand of all kinds, Greek, Latin, French, German,. Law and Medical Books,
which thsey will sell at Greatly Reduced Prices.
Mathematical Itnstruments and Laboratory supplies. See otur Note Books
for 1891-2.
Issdhe LEDIN'GSCHOOL of01 1 SttESS
t p , IG, innnn ;Fureiepartmenst-Coortieeal, to textbok
uotanusceriptorkh- &nsh.lShthansd sod
__---1-5. Penmanhip i. l dant ibildting, latit. nt
tetudanee efficietitutorustork thor-
ough, iingodsextpens etrtemitelw V5to
12350 pere;sC tudentsassistot us positins.
enr eatalogue, aidress 5'. IR. CLE.RY5Pesenet.
"The Xaga~ra Fulls Rnate."

hANs. T 1. yAfUhlhh.


FBK NJ E Thu Loadnier ____ ASTwARD.
it siontus 11 STAOS M idDaty f"hut NTYNit Nt.uci
\ T e r e ia n t a ll - A . o p M .l P . . P I H P .s a ri t
1' 1 O ' 17 . F1 11ail ' dean5 -1S 847Jen 4ts'n 1, 5(
- Clsea ... 'sit3.9 tdi ....5.t30' 71tits9as
C t tsi.IVs Der.....41t4 t.5 54.145 72 55
llitie ttf Pico Dlh itil s sit
eNillAlBIR.. 4 41 5t,"ust ltss
1LJ.4 I"i J Goodis s )S'eCt 4lfn1iliiti 7.5({ 6 ? 1
frolii. (C sll fior Detroit, or .65,' i 41 7 5. 04. 51It!itsit 1- u +11 u s
fitie btitpt11 Buf o.....I C 4001tt 5, 55 60s en
195S. MAIN ST.., ut ! uSTTONS. nutuiChi. Limt Rye. SbrsPac. Mii
1 1\o. 1 (9 xp se Op Exp Lxp. jtinsExs Aci.
sN sensR.MCe. (S. Alaini Street. Buealot..... nn.0,ito 951 340 1SU 600
A . . M. A . M. P. M . P. ' .PM ..
DIetritL...e8Ott 7 1t 12045 541 911 15 4u5
s WayneJunce9555.. 8015 .. .Sti4 51X
ANN AROR..15955392 19 9018 1G51to10nto 5a
nelhi Mills.t4 ... . .. u.. 15........
7k 1 ! t 1k J Dexer.:. 5.. ...25-:. 6057
Cihelsea . 1010'6i5I 59.09... 18
SJacson..1100 32 t4ls0tt25 F 114t5 5
LEAVE YOUR ORDERS ithiosen. Ar. 751 35,0110 6050 80o5ot1n5
-AT- ( ODely. *5Sday excepted.
P. 0. IT S OTAITE o. w RUGGLExS, uH. W. HY:
FOR- o. P. & T. A. Chieaoi. Ag't Ace Aebor
Newtspers, Stagaznes, Poriedicals, PFine
('nfetitoes, dietrs sod Tobacc.
________________________ Toledo, Ann Arbor and North
Michigan Railway.
time Tnable going into effect Se'ptember 13, l591t
srrivltofIrtilit .n Arbotri.
Nit. '. Tiuruut Mii sod Expresi... 7S40 s. so
NO . 12 W. BHURON ST. N..XtAn o &TnlednAieto. It t50..
__________________________No. 6. Care Pa'sngoer...5.. )05 p. mo.
GRAND PERA HUSE Not]. Cloneanod Toledo beeno... 11 itt a. ei.
GR ND OPRAH Ne. ThtrougihSoil ..... ttO920p.M.
-N. 5. Ann Arkun & Tnlets Aceuo.. 7 20s. in..

Wednesday Eve., October 28
AV i ll its 5FamousuFeaturesi.
50 -:- R=1_ - AR/TIRSS :00C
Rces eautiuliExtravaganza,
And C. H. Smith's Clever Comic Players,
MtSS HILDAi THOMAS, - usuries.
MSSssPATTI STONE. -' Eaethwiui.
MR. JAS. 5. MAFFITT., '-Asoe iiern'i.
MR. GE0. A. SHILLER, ' Lo Shatic.
MR. EDWIN STARE, - - Bcneict
MR1. IRV'IN T. BUSH, - Catharine.
Sotendid Company, Full Chores. Army of
Amaszons, Bliaiint Costemes, Charming Me-
sic, Magnificent Sceneo.

Traionsoadc5iru betoen iAutusArbornd
Toledo stile.
Cetrael Standard Timee.
All Trains Doily except Souday.
ucen. Puss. Ageot. Loneal Aget.

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