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October 27, 1891 - Image 4

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1891-10-27

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Formerly Aimendinger Piano and Organ Company.
Nezv Wareoms, - - - - - . Corner o JlfaOS cand Liberty S/eels.
I will "Open tie Ball" by placing xilne stok o it liars, Banjos. etc.
--.,',--The latest in the market, niatufactured by Rus 'sateiose,
P R I CES T HAT WI LL AS TO NI SH YO0U.- New York, Cleveland Brown & Co., Boston, anti Ct-
ter & Crossette, Chicago. at
Find -WTziEY~'S .Ls~ S= M=,
;'.i> ontS orti Aveno, Clty.-OSign of theIRED) S7111.
~ T~~ ~~T (O TO
Oin tno nSoe 7xi~ainnofI Patents, We aneselling Nikel Pitot CentrecDat Lamps at _ u T TS
greatly tIxnduce li'esn. $Il50wil go as iaxnthisndear-a 8250nodst year. .1..
oxn (,a o s tomntxxes r11 a nt xf the iy i 10cent lo n .
OIL CANS of al izsiand at Lowestaprice. Sho e n-lastacking 'al Treit
Art~mles a ~ne-Trm ilesstanxsual tprice-._Ne-oxGoods, er-all Goil. itwsWinter Goods. Full 1)res Sitings,
DE R & + Q PA SLilk Vstinrgs.tomemgit, LondotSitings. ~toxserigs it specialty.
D ~i~I~ * ar~et andxlmost comoplete ',tok in Sh he city, at te loxest prices. Please call
jTHE CAMPUS. York. The grouxnds will acconxxto- Chemial '= Physical Apparatus
REJLL _-O dat 51,00 people. -
R.~ ~ ~ ~~A th6LLe ~G l.Ctd xiotox.surgery clinic yesterday, hare. P. nd r
SELL ..The students' feet anounted to of
____________________ . . lat year. espcialhinterestpresented were o Rre t~rimals irsopcl Supplesn
$114,472' 1 .98 hvlla ghsano-epcalitrsone te removal of EBELIBACLI & SON.
fire_________i nilywr, aw' ,ha. a o-the riglt half of te upper omaxilla,
ANrDis ayar, lt the other a fracture of the glenoid -THE ARGUS-
ADAtSeven of the glee clxb boys are fosa of scaula-a very 1 rare case. {,I1 IN IN ,
8usn& cppissignitthdiernchrls. Dr. Earl Green, '8o medic, of Mt. AT LOW PRICES.
IVe ream SoavWaerond, law'9, is prac Vernon, Ill., hax sailed for Europe, FIRST NATIONAL prI A BANK
tiyujRNwctmGrandisuntioento to conplete his studies in Germany. liSmofANN ABOR.
FLLE II LJITCII11'sE TCEI. J.RNecmrisapeen A few years ago he was offered one tCaita, $10,t000.Srplu and Profits,,3,t0
___practicing Iis profession at talo, ,of the leading clis itsBellevue signscantslgeteal txxxtt ttna5,,x xstnt
0Wc keepth ie vey Set [liie at 11ll Hospital, but declined the honor. fr travelers atra.
. Suhrad law '9, i ra-CH. RICHMOND, Pres. P. BACI, . tes.
j Sixtln1rlatoxl, is le eis very well known insouthern S IV. CRKSnON, Caier.
11 } fJ 5 tcnghis lprofessiono ito Muskegon, nmedical circles. _
pntxhelC ciy. M~ich. Mr. W.'T. Livitgtot, of te frmx
Leamen orer foralW\N"'m. Hindimat, lawe '91, has of R. 1. Fyfe & Co., lDetrot, woil 1A 'E '
ATHLETIC l GOODS. I beetn appointed deputy district attor- e in Ann Arbor, at the Cook House, SClHOF ORD NC
ney at Huntington, Oregon. with a full line of the celebrated 16N
YOU CAN GET J. W. Knipp, law '9, is taking IFyfesootFornm" sporting, dancing uuL 6RD
- -- the A. B. course at the Sate Uni- and street shoes, for the inspection Now oen for reception of Pupils.
IFllgill- llnmtoiimtheIicem/ctil be versity, at Bloomington, tnd. of students, Monday, Tuesday,
/9/tmlJ. W. Curtis, law '91 is a nem- Wednesday and Thursday, Oct. 26,
BROWN'S DRUG STORE, her of the law firm of Curtis, Oster 27, 28 and 2. New -Styes in
----- - - ~~& Curtis, at San Bernandino, Cal. The Yale Glee and Banjo Club LIEIOLAS
Mis ae .Cok,aspcl have planned an extensive trip L;E OLIS
OGQD PTT L -,- r TRU student in the University last year, through the west and south durng
STDENTS' OIADQUARTEIIO. ix teaching Englisht in the schools at te Christmas holidays. The Glee New Effects in
ertends, taera chair in the locidentl dote Monroe, Mc.Cu ilb composed of toelty 4
offor te" in utes.towill Mic.Clubwill b NECKWEAR.
tleem.r exx mck inerSYundais. Smyte Dr. Gihbs has nade arrangeentts one nen and the Banjo Club of
thee..Fioethetonll of therjunioramt.icsmehoal
__________________________sotlat lloftle jnir iedcsovnotwelve. They will give conce rtsxin
mENVIABL tieal pathology, the latter half of tie Cicago, Dubuque, St. Loxis, Nash- 3 WITlE SHIRlT.
Fmix(s eOR a 15 t. year. yul1e, Atlanta, Savannah andI Charles- d
Y OUR .smDE Mrs. M. VV. Willianms atnd C. O. toos.
y Stimxpsoon, '91rledics, are practicing Foot-ball games: Yale 30, Or- V T (\TInJ F ,
A. D.SEYmI&11 SON in Eaton Rapids, their fortxer hoone. ange o; Crescent 36, Weslyan ; CO
* Op. CortmOos. Dr. Stinison is associated with Dr. Harvard Amherst o>; Bucknell TALRADSttIHtt
J. B,. MIDDLECOFF, Walker. 32, Swathtore t2; Rutgers 12, Stev -_______________
Type-Writing. S. M. Dick, who secured a Pi. D. ens o; Princeton 8, N. Y. A. C. o;
Stmnl-anand cd1AtioxmamtlixxaTxe, Cmt- from this University lastJue is U of P. 42, Lehigh o; Cornell 3, Handsome
7ectpotxdemeLeeluee, exlo Proofs foe ' Ju e
__________________ll______________owan nstuctr i English at Al. Lafayette o; Dickinson 52, Johns ( OVER(COATNGS.
BILLIARD AR3LOR3 bion College, where he is highly Hopkins o; Penningon 18, Prince- .(
Nielnhrutri ueite. espected. ton Reserves o; Penn. State 26,
ie h ontyreetddr incothecpatone. The Thanksgiving day ganme be Franklin and Marshall 6; Trinity 34, ml$tyiSh
BUTTS & HAZLEWOOD, tween Yale and Princeton will be Columbia o; A. C. S. N. 22, Man UTNS
STATESTREET, ANN ARBOR played on Manhattan Field, New hattan o. (jTIGS

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