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January 24, 1906 (vol. 16, iss. 84) • Page Image 1

…The. Michigan Daily t or.. XVI. POUND EXPLAINS INLANDER'S MOTIVES Article Doesn't Represent Sentiments of Inlander Staff-Should Be Matter for Reflection. 1dthor The Daily: 'there seems to be a general mister- atadng' about te motie of the I- 'ader int prntttntg Nr. Olrien's article ont atlletic. It was' ttnoteant to he a expressiontofflae setitmetttof alhe msos of the stdtent eventota representa the consenss of opnonotf the otnt ea of...…

February 24, 1906 (vol. 16, iss. 101) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily .\NN A.rRIBOR, [I'\IfI(.\T, SATV RD NV Fl OR' \R\ 24 1906. xvi. No: . sof. PRELIMI Virst Indoor Mee Gym Tonighl Hundred Entri, 'f eani s Begin So Nealy onte 11111 crt t II Compete - ill tillchocrsa a Thi t formallyttS~ tatsesn anti fro Zic.a togh rahe [NARY MEET OPENS atnewone, sprticlartlyated nthto THE GREET PLAYERS. INDOOR 71TRAGC1<1SEASO N esintat ion andj*gontral atmosipiere AWI LL PER FORM TO DAY oftt heti l ay5i...…

March 24, 1906 (vol. 16, iss. 125) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily ,;b O.XVI. GREAT BAT rLE BETWEEN PICKED TEAMS TONIGHT Keen Competition For Class Relay Camponship-Archie Hahn to Run in Exhibition Race. M ichigan tack foloers hve viced anprecederiledl intert tite ig special dual mee to e held tnigh~it adtindtti- cationis point to anttevnxx larer crowdi dvaii tiaxtihicatitendetdtitithe varsiti ist. ''Te sca t sale for litthmet iegni sist rtay aftrnoon t 1:3, atdilest la beeti sold Bfor ...…

April 24, 1906 (vol. 16, iss. 143) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily dwo. XV. PREPARATIONS FOR BIG SHOW NEARLY COMPLETE Results of Committee's Labors Now out--Advertising Posters Are Wanted for Souvenirs. Ilia Mihigan is lo hav\e the greates ;adntmntl ocarn11leveroxg0ve1(b0 h 0111111f1thebif Ameri1atounive1sfiel ii< r all ssure fact Pr 1(1at till)o L'ioni ns'0 t re1' carnv1111 (1,111h ifisl n111(h1 ago o11r1antele deals to1f111h1e <!°,ul1u 1 bdy has 1demost11ted th11 1111111 11the ietlithat ...…

May 24, 1906 (vol. 16, iss. 169) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THU"RSDAkY, MAY 24, 1906. ,%OL. XVI. No. 16) . INTERSCHOLASTIC MEET ATTRACTS PREP STARS TwentyTwo Schools Will Be Repre- sented in Games Tomorrow-Cook of Chillicothe to Compete. Tomssorrw natenninthe Micheigan intrscolaticopes ndtin the gmnies twilllbe overilthri-i-htndredi-hof1the tbest preplscshool atht-ts-in lthe country. A ol of wetyis li-ln--shools- ti-tersent ins (ntries andsuthieri ai-i-fonn ...…

October 24, 1906 (vol. 17, iss. 26) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Dil Vol'.. xVI1. ILLINOIS EXPECTS TO DEFEAT MICh IGAN Review of the Work of Cham- paign Eleven This Season-- Prospectnt for Saturday. ()nd'ltthat tenew plaintg aide will givt thillttta blter chancetagainst Micign tanis iit iii byte s a "d p-t i viti it it ofa Ili n a t, s f ot a lli titt s rea li, tr te aut tiolyAtn 1)e iwring \ii rtilthe g titru les ii, i~tlll, A icigal g ie tittiewstyliie h iii iii iati p ctcair i ghly atd i...…

November 24, 1906 (vol. 17, iss. 53) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily :\ N RB INI I i - NI It \ N V I N I)_Y Nt)V I *, I nI _1 9 VOLr. XVrII. VANDERBILT VINDICATES i t'1N-nIN I R-ANI'I)-, T , PITTSI3URG ORCHESTRA -'l lb II4 1w \tlintt WESTERN FOOTBALL NIIIlIl Lbi IttN GIVES POPULAR CONCERT " ' :, " th inaln1 n i lt, ite- , Indicates Strength of Michigan with -ti--t i- iii nw-i-n it tcn ti-n lii inn mil I Curtis in (lame and gives Clainm j tnitii-i-nand thl 1w unii it'-tn tint on C to Wester...…

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