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May 24, 1906 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1906-05-24

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The Michigan Daily

,%OL. XVI.

No. 16) .

TwentyTwo Schools Will Be Repre-
sented in Games Tomorrow-Cook
of Chillicothe to Compete.
Tomssorrw natenninthe Micheigan
intrscolaticopes ndtin the gmnies
twilllbe overilthri-i-htndredi-hof1the tbest
preplscshool atht-ts-in lthe country. A
ol of wetyis li-ln--shools- ti-tersent
ins (ntries andsuthieri ai-i-fonn ters whoi
arc petc o ieter before -tnigt.
One School in- eseyis issets is
ins eitiyilthue liKan. i ssC ityMaulit
socsiii e vi-iiden\ceii -i thattic faille of
th li-- ar X~-is- i-initers--ti tsstti s sreat
it sisiss-' tiiii tie eiisii it
lie temssistens - wi ar tt etest
letist Un iesitySooltti trIoi-t Ce-
ra, L ws Instsuiute. Ctilicoi-te aiid
Kasa-iu is \I iiiiiit seimi te nmnsi
fo'i&IiIiiitit Chiltlicte witll agains he
rereenedby Coiiiitwho lat iiiyears st--si
-si -Us n iiitsas w lla -Svrasthiier
probablei in-tiii ii r. i) . S. h s,-s
ifcmsAtur, te str weightitmitt,
ioiepeti takiftellensptinists,
inches il tigtii1ti1is1), Wooicok
quarter-miileranit setr it tiher st-rs.
lhas tiiiiirdt ofhilt feti-i-us t e 2- po s-u
shot W feet or th disiuiitnd172
Te shtositlreadusytiientred tare Bayi
Chiiici oth. litn PssI \otrt-gsRattite
sue __ \Ac itsmyi Leis Is- tiuitute iii tli
tiisiini Dti-osit Ci-in tra t . U .,S-
Kasas Cits Maiiiilt isti t sat. Setnt
no na d te liii t iiitlets i i-ttbie
iiiiiiiitlliiiiiiit i nctie is ht e
givi-s-nisat Wa tsruimn gysmna-ssiu fuse ti'
enetinmiiiinii I f ts-vissmi i attetes
i-ayh i ght, ands it iis thoi-i-ti-s t iti he t
make theit is i i tit s- i i-epti holst a st-s
ts Aiii-ACsoti-t ti-isit s pssbe
Independen isiaie e es itoiibear i-it i
iid tst iifts-sen t i-i-w i t-tke c r i-of i-it
sii-t osi-si v atscksi-s lie esie.
bt i ls-it et-icsnfiirrig a grieati -i-ai-tr s-i-
ts -is-is -itt, managemei-.sArr -nge inrs tsn tie
DI1 II t tC(-ItR tBITS
Theljior engieersibaiked il- Ny
i-sin a b si--t-itl i--i-iis-it ts fair
ite bysisithe vis i---siltsn ti-i--he is-lite listsia-
mo d ting-s tsi--ii- i-et fli-i-i ctic- e .e
it ,slitsIting augt b m-ryrs.
Schtltett it i--st si-a i-so itd --i-iis-f i-stthe
tt sits, ibtt tiha titiessup ot tMr i-si-wstils
i-t s--iire . T e sre--yin is:
'7It- tiitiisis--i n3 n 0 0 0-7
i-Ni- Ni-ti-S --tC it IN tItCi-RS.
Tsrug a sits 511111 trtsti t hit--tteee-
tiontsoi-ithe Pus-i-s-eeriti- Si-sieyoi-teres
ti-sexs-t yeai-r i--sa s ri--itig li- tritestit
Sunday-ti's Ials T he fll-singi-tisaetor-st
ect list: tiPresiessi C C, el-ns
Vic-i-risiest . G lh ist c -
reis titistpo itiitint-si -sitere Iay. IO tIl, tX-eselte

litbrariatni-F. hi. Btonti-;s tresurteri-It.
D). Esuirdts; recrinlg secreta-ry, Me. D.
14, Koltynt; registrar, C. F., iCCratti.

COnSatrday umonsing, fri-i-i-9 Ino i-1
si-li-ik, the junisrs of te variotts-de-
tpartmstnsts wtitt eet asseiate rei-tos
ti-r the et year's Mtettga itttsat.
iTi-te iter-ry etartmtentt till tbe atowed
tthre associates, tlaws ttreei- engineers
tthreei-mei-stisni-e, sorrities si-e, ta-
tern-ities ti-oiti-andi- isie fromithtetepart-
si-ri-ts at large. lTe tmatnagig editr
fisr the 1907 annuttili istt e Sterii-ant
Dowsvneyi-'07 issuw, witti-J. Eare Ogei-
07 liitsi-ess manattige.
Michigan Union Arranges Outdoor
Fest For Friday Evening-New
Songs to Be Given Trial.
Ass ssutttoosri-s-is mteeting wi-ittte tetd
sit tthe rititipistomorst-nroswi-eeiniig at 7
o'ctloct. Ti-t Unions tioties at tis tite
ti- tsreiatble i-s arrange for te proi-uction
i-f ttte est sif, the songs t end.in in
therecetcmeiim fti-cw coi-shti-ed everybody with tave a
elii-t-ie to jtusge ti-r tt em: eensri-to
tti- stierits of tte vriosi sons.
Piresidet t--isghl-Atn of th - Unios
is ini-tisioies ttiat e-eryone wiltat-rn ont
ti-r ttis ti-ist giot song est anI hepi
tos msatte it i-i-e i-f te est of tte year.
A tplstforsttfromt whitihs Jo-e Ctris xwiii
rlei-sthtte sotsigs sd yetls and introdusee
tthe si-ake s of the evening. wittbe
ti-ti-et sossth- of the mnen-
Ti-t-c i-rpi-se of the - meing is iot
oir-try-bt-tgoodt fetow hip. san tthe-
ri-i-i-imitie tirosises ttiat the speakers
wil le fewi i--sistthose whto dto-speak
wilt i-ctire i-i-es irTe goodi otli soigs
i-itt tesuni-g ti-ser anit if ttie gee etssh
qtuarstet tisis si-si-nsew oi-ies wtiti are
goi-d it si--it te a ine ti-e fuseve-ry-s-se
ti- lerristhems.
Soo-s-s- tiere is t-t e ai breakisg of ties
ti-r i-sfi-motist liteast, andi-tesery
lititiigan stisetstw-si--ts to seet aistest
onci-ei-t-re tieforete crose, to ti-i-ctrit--
u-te i- sosng ti-stteir si-msimstiisaer. i-t-si-e
this lst chatncte. asd everyhody- outt at
7 ti-mostrronss igtt. tringyuvoic--ie
i-si-sthettg-ootdiltdsi-t cthtigan sp irfit switti
Ti-te iterclass tbasebattlecontest ti-si-
i-s-si sli-si-isiated al btttfie teas,i-te
'08 h iste si-6ii-stet07lasssi-atd tte
ti-6s -stilt07 egineers. Ti-eec ttsi-test
itshsets csulattsions as to ttie outtctoe,
i-si-i-s-si te of ttese teasi-i-h as as-
excetlentt sttwefoetti-htampionsh-tip.
Ti-li-i a l-- r ie wisit te t-laye tt o--St-
dii-m-sndsstat Ii-reyel . Bu t ht-ii-iteamsisli
te lit ii--i-e si--itt awu r dis-ed aps
liTe tfitalselestti-isw t ibe asfoitt-tis
\tttchiX- 'oVsf1ltsvs.- o6 eginieersi-
i-i- Souititttersryfildt-t4 is'ctock Ti-i-is-
Mtci-i-i-XVI-'6 tii-is s- 07esgi-i-
erii iis Si-stiutsFeriry 'eti-ti-3 o'ctocki-
i-i-ttsrdayisaftertiotsn ti-May 26.
\tati-XIs it -iit- - - f MatchrtiXV
is '07ti-i-s Si-i-ti- Frrefiseti- 4 tettki-
' iti-tiXVIt tt (fii) -iners of
t tchtes XVtI-I-itdXV oi-te vasit-
dits nd st Saitt'iitutdysmioninsgi- Juie 2.
i-ePthlitieti r --d of Weisoisin has
etieteid te folloin-g smai-i-agers for nstx-
?yeair: 7-anager of footbi-llttteamt, Goeg
XX. Blhtsiitard, Cobiy; vie-ommi-odor
of crees, Williamsi K. Winker,- Mitwa-
kee. -Te board at.so deided to plane
-biaskettialt asd cross-coisstry ri-s-s ona
evet with- otter sports y awardig ten
officiali-iWi-i to students i-vho tave playe

testftill hats-cs in chsamspionshtip basket-
b atl gas-ies or woni a place in cross-
rout-try runs.

Michigan Men Expect to Make Finec
Showing Against Chicago and Wis-
consin in Triangular Meet. 1
\ictiatiisosi-tases sit productinig the
bs--i-gui-f teas f tier listori---re gui-si-
say te enthsusiastss.XW itian sinterol
legiate meet oti st Clii-agus fist cenfet
rene i-seels the hloal tlyesmare platiti--ii
ti- try- their ismetle sagisti-mW ismonsilnti
as-tiChi-carsgu's est. Pi-muitiisi-i-i- si-itt
X-Xdniesayt- sfterntoonsitouereigten
iles oni-tie At-ti!ArborGo(suitcli'
li-iks ti-ittwillhe csisi-ti-i-ii-cthtitsafttr
sire Cai-ltai'C let-iSmitost li-vssuitItti
i-tcess oniitiii-tat-i-ltift vuscit histhis
gradion1551lst yi-ar-si IC-st"Ki-si-nt
a tdozen newii- mest. ClAsi-tsIfifieentptlayrs.
in sll patiitciatedithi-eii'qiualyi-s- try
ti-ts ste-irutayi--tern-tin.i (f tese
_ hai-upioiiship of i-si-i last yea r show-h
Li-it- sweli, scoing 4-4441f. Rlph.slJest
siisi-t-s i- i-ini-tienesi-niercemusfi-thiii
best tilaiyenOhetiltniiivses-sitofC-ti-i
caigo teti-si two years-i-gi-tasiittru-i-iertp
i-stht-ti- igo stuurban-us-chaio-u-nsshi-
lassst-smtmer, is pain-sg ii ohutfuseti.
Tru-ebol ed-is i- ii-uscer i-sterdasy, 42-37-
79 i-ith Simiot li-se ttti-43-37-10 si--it
Beker 4444-88.
Ti-t-l- tuiercolegiaite i-uitaen-s-ti-tot-i
coniference-eek sas set its foost by
Msihigan mii si-tastse n drr as-stue
ransgedetIrsng thie si-st tiree i-eeks.
X-iscotsins siis ihCiciasgos msill sediteasri--I
for ti-cetre-coriered-tc-utest. lThey
sire li-i-st issisi-oss is iq unititesi- utu s-e
or ltswsisi-ii-i-f ec fiarkowCt
be i-ilos-cthe -ter-ige oi-ti-i linkhis.Ih-nu
the pa-sIti-l-thr Nieas ictigan-iliussits
Chicaigo i-uasl 1tollsrnasistnts i-isir
tises losinsg only-suie if thisi-teti-si-sut
tii-sni- lustei-tuisnsin.tist
Catti-st Smoot si-si-iourtueamsiusmi-ls
expet-etousleamveit-sne --st sy foCli-
ci-g, this tour-sii-tm iien -iit-i-i-g h l-s-Itnlllthis
JacksonttiPFri-ilinki-s itithatitcitmfiosti
Wedeth-isay tisntil Stussy Tamit
mtche-t-ii-sill bh ued ttiofffolosweii-hti-
indivsiual -atcthes fus te liesirroleg-
Cut-ttpiritimey i-stttleitsrist hss li-esi
shownrin s-si-i-f liywesten colegs est-
i-i-tishoolstsI havi-h-itg edfursoime ymrts
it thsbahutis-iio-f atlesstis Prin tceon,
IHi-ri-atst. Yali- Costslubia nsit sls-
alitiuhotuld i-ssitti-li-slt easihiautumeitis
tikeismse -t N e ii- nt sii-stlsigus sfi- i
issue solleges ITe scisi- insiniai-isiiit i
giv-ent ts tiatmi-sm-imi-ti-s it si-i-ralihse
Ti- icN-sigteami s-t-i-i-t tri-itlyssti-ai
tisssi-'-s orani- za-ition.sis t is ni-ut-ser
no si- pori-int cris-ied u-ti-er its
ri-tes Cni st yi-arih-i-llexiesies mere
allowedmcstfuss-i-tslminitence.iiI- t hisi-
i-eu ra i-iti-e-s setsti-nripsexcisislt suh
ti- si-t-m ss-is en. -i- ti-isiyerustheAt li-s
'etic Xssc isuint uspi-Iti-ofitthisei-s
li-elis-i- tins--o ti-w, i-i -umuh s si-xt
yersroti-si-s-isii-i-ei- ai-povserty year for
atheics, i-le isocicatn rbalsy i-ill
f sush feeli-s ati-ositntoid -iitthurgolfers
te rai-st fruet fit ym-sideili-ittndosubts-
suly i-si-iriitt sillse Iitiistaist only
mseans sf si-hininsg it.

liTue Di-isiseer Vereini -iill itoldi its
li--ist ieetisig osithue seasossi i-iis eveninitg
i-s i-letiators if Basrbosur gysiti-siisiis
P rof. Lies- viwil addsress the Vereiss si-
tihc subjecti- -Nh-ertens i Eiusss as-fsir
f rauszocsisctse Literatur."

--- -- -- - ---- ---- - - "-- ,

Nlosusi y a 11artv cosising i-stthus
officri- i-f ttltheGeaiti-s-hes ShistsidiingL
compati-ni-sai--sitheitso-tissis--f thes Marsines
Rin ois sfCliesveli-s-it, rii-i-e hi-s-Cns
Csrblistouwiiti-isis thur semostratuuisssimosf
w meo ii-i--l-s i-ii ii- s-iiii-tilt.nai-hi-ti-i--h
muissr-r mi-rc ess favo-erbimp uttressed-e,
ti mi-i-edth te o iionuthlii--ithis hi-iti-Ifmi-
this corytit -m-suh heespeially-ishonisse--f
itsui by- slue stuarine'mssi-kiim-t-- nwhitsg N
conucistedu by- Ithe-sngneseinig iepah-i-ti-i
- hi-
Third-Year Men Plan to Hoid Series
of Evening 'iSings" on Campus-- f
Prominent Men Participate.
Tth r-tyear sii-r-io-itthurlitera-rIt
i-iti- engineie'ring dptmenii-it-i sts i-uei-u-
augsrtueda ewreceustomit iINiiiligei-st.
It is pt i--ii--td t-t i-i-i-ve i-i-sier'is f guii--s
ilet-tisse si-stsg s- he i-tstsillesitie
hi-ili- at-7c30 Satusrdasy erei---niig. f
Fsor si-eralhyears ter liasbti-rsm-uris
ti-lk if tai-rting- egu-lariclatss sigs sli
te c itits si-cal itgtugsdutrig eschst
werk i-i-sthi spi-t-i -Ci nisiitfal hiti-i sum
these hiass fauiltti-msitei-i-s .AtCa i
mseeinsg sif csmmsi-ttes fri-sithe tinos-
i-hsses hisitight it i-s i-dseiediti-shi-i-m-sl
this 'peisng si-itg iti Sati-rutausecmnintg.
1h li-s 7uj mens-ti-s i-sr - enh'us-stie-
i-usr usc establisimetsnt tif tis custmsit
si-ti-viri-y et xwiiili-si-s-si-Ictsmake
tei tst appet-iaacei--n-sii--wshi-elitill
Ci-aicasitee futusri-isi-i-sis
Jo ut tss lia si-ensi-urii-ii--ihti-sre-
si-Is t thismsitsinsg nt i-u ti-h tot-iu isthe
programi-i-si--tnusgs'Sicsies..Ciii, Hrry
guve sthsut tlksCG. S Porte insltocs-
cti-ys-Pri-i-ess-uStisii-s-iys uti- sit io-h
AII ltsh ir -srmncru-seusted sto --
i-si sk- i-er fort ti-s-i-t si-si-
ti-sisersi-lu si-sthis campu~is abot sev-c-i-i
uscoc il-si-kvhu t ig iti-irsrcs-d e-
unes--scei-emi-i-isy sliesthsitBitrris tes
thei s i-thr lime i-sisi-saery si-citi- t i-stnt
nii-i-s-y-osng soiitriis hi--sii-itheu ior
la lust ss. I iese se ti-ufl-i- thetmi-ils
reus fit i-te rs soce
ti-ua s-si-hes ih bell si-i-a i-di-ttuter thre-s
hai-i stie s ti--i-hud hi-to -tiihe istc ibu i -
tug i-sitsre thurl',iio0515uthi-si-I iti-inihg
siiiti--ss iuthis stoks -X sloms aitus
sl-m-nI marchuii arouni- d Ittheistms i--ttmse
vi site sine tunuandse slicitrs ie
estopii-s t-istd n esit- itestsothu if felt
i- t Isthe iaristites rooson mS ti-si-
wriredultyl isi-i-ttesher tutu stet
si-i-s gives- i-t thCutfi-ting-cafe.if
Tse onedct ismuni-sce: iG. IIL
howss-s A ti esr-iis aintsH. IB Ciller,
C. Li-ins (Gri-si-sChue NIl. -ussles C-r-
i-tii-h Natetu anti-iut gi-IC (i-ti-i i-iiiti .
PurofNI musts Fei-f the-UCi-tiesiy
sif XX it ichsste ri-ianiyli-sli-cussvisit-
tng themsticti-ualipatset oftitthii
v-re~-sesi uig thisslst cuple oi-sf clys.
ti-cut -suitPrey is IEuoes- ain -ihg

ti-hysioulogistati-i-si tius musstot-sthis coiuns-
try tsosdelivr isansaddress ibefore te
Ami-tcasinMedical Assoiations i-t Si-s-
ti-s its Junie. He is tiowr ti-i-kisngi-uti-ur
of the .Amsiericant unsiversities, asi-duising
isis staty here i-as a guest of Dr. ti-m-

Jndergraduates G1ive Financial Aid-
Union Adopts New Measures
to Raise Funds
i-i-i-orn i-i-Imail ill i-sii-il ti-
veryi- i-ti-hi-t i-i n ees-y tepliarstmitiii-tt if
ue sliii-essitu- i-sms-t-sll tssusslet eti-n g
mt t e tIs bjets sii-tn t-ii-itii-ioii-s i-f, the
ti-ii-C iit ni-oini- milut is-uch uiss
si-i-i tomstuentssi-timotiers- sige- i-i-i-
sr-sties i--sit mmIt i- i--a t sh a li-it s e
wil i-ro tb i-lly i--ti-us- \ti-u ctihigtai.
I-i the si-ti-i-i l e-itis a- inlsetti tiI
ti-u Imihg se-sus-ACChati-ti-t-i HepIts," - w-hihts
lts fortth i-ti-titsishell styli--ime-thod-is
i-s wh ts -si-em isituenti-h lsi-i i- li-i- t -s-ss
sIyca-n-u thettptheUsnCi-nsI-us h-treassis
ITh obji--i-e-itt Itst Cl-lchi- no
ie manytt--irst -isi-m fore-mosustohi
hue- studensgthugsilus--gi-ig'themts-iseu
si-sutmity ti-u'h<1i-mseaieshi-oter, sandi-
it i-iuse great siui-ursi-y.
Ti-uacicumsuhitsithis a chibm ht-r-usc'
see-is ttneessar-. Si-Is aluildti-g sm-i--sli
iurnishs i-uc'smsmnu lls-t ilaues-i--s-s
i--i-shoiusd st dubttubecoess thi e tieste of
hi-s soc-iallife i-tfti-e miuniversit.
Ir ordi-ti-tic o his -s -us -ti-s bs-muiig te
help oif alli ss n i-li-u. Itsi-se whol-i--d li
mi-st fri-- htey s-i-hn -ioffer li-mmsias upii-I s-t-
islt i-i--usfurther i-le- i-smcn int-i-yi-t-ls-lig
i-thuss- wshsat it is -sisid t-i-i-lihits tills> i-
iuets-us stostm rie-i
This -tisumeiuc-it i-s t- i--i-e i-ru-pto
fuse the in mon-i-tuhi--s ]Wl-u ts-Ili-si- ili-r-
oughlu nchtedssrs and-t-mtfro-ii-sm-owsc mmmsit-
i-eits fetelthy- asi-i-it i-s---it-o-f tilie, uni--i
vrisity i-ill lii--ssiedt-il lisub c ie it
si-es tistngpassedh sarousssd samonmg te siu-h
i-eits i-i-it slressdiy- a li-rge a mo-mi--ti 5li-sm
li-est pledged.
Th vi selli-ssi-i---ss sihmi-sums tl-i- pr-li-i
studsenss nset-ut ti cui -i l i- l i-i-h i--ii-ii-s in
offering li-i-i-si-i-mi-iit tsi-s-i-i-si- i
concussiv-e-ytht suchsi-stcmi-i miss te
eli-i-h ti-s - -sk i-mssw iisie i-of tik -u- n
ti-i-nuts-i-utuhiversit-si-us uppei-si-
inth m~u sinsusof ti-esi-o t-s--ssmm-sli-sushi,.
It is si-uhintestIto. mtha l-lsis-m
si-l-i- rsult- misin te- realizt~ ion-usof--ithis
clubi-l i-t-is.
I heai-ti e -ttiei- -sitd lankt-its whilch
seer sent om-st usiutuisuss si-st im- Ci-ss-
i-e- aseds-lfor Iand te si-siemiadopte-
ti- sri--sre this-s s si-mi-le lTe si-l-
si-pio; ill nusbeIl-s-liedIfor-i mi-sl
sear-u frssms lte anditi-ti-i-ms li-s tomos e-
hi--lf the m utsusib . si-sliest timerm
li-alf seill li-i-payab ili-i ii i - m i-tsi--l-s rto m
thtI-- i-Iase. C ihi-is et as che i neiisis mfore(-
thisre- sesustitte ti-si-si-hiyi-uuvsru
si-sr houd In ti-me is tii- ai- e--i-n-- ilii-
list if he is-i-ti i-ssi-siin mu mo mrsss-
sndsres to i-sge
hiheison-uusis limitt,-smowee, oumh
subtscrtittiont sn h e irecor c-i
th ti-e laiiiii- its te sif snditii iiilu his
itersature-is tmuadveteissstme- Cni-iisn
Whlen m ansii-i-sliieseste-ihssersii-l tisi
of- the usi-esiity i-siththe-l-- -quei h-stis
XXha hi-ii ithusMichl i-n C io- th
i-i -tbi-i-tut oti- st -se i-muttli-s i-itt him-s
Thisisi-ii-----iorn iees havti-ius ilism lir
i--ii-ictiliit this i-iresi- smshi i-isuts
port- i-f theU n i-si-ni-u ii-ssll titi-Ihve
i-ii---in ii--utti-iusirsiseniosss sto i-s s-se 5ihou-s
sishd hi-i-Is fhomitiii--clisi-beid
tis-t si-s-oi-it itu ot-d-it fussthi-l icsNIieganii
Cno -t--muttel.sTsi-liis ari-sfallinsg
rustl tutu-us i-sfaliii- te m oreti-mils- i n-es
entuen ofithicl- aii1 si-essssrwh rivebenh
Ni-i-ache hav's wilingly smsreitims
i-s i-tt u' e t tosisuret-is luscritions-
oriter istes-i--s-usentsesbutIs i- i emli-i-hi-
thtthn senko lse tles iltk
Subscsription-iius cant he g-i-itini-toy si-
thin si-hiers i-f tie Uionmsilsrutsinilys

tthe MwichligauniC ios-, or he-ft inith the
seretari-n stheurm-tttiinsisosms.
(Coninued on Pate Three,)

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