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January 24, 1906 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1906-01-24

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The. Michigan Daily

t or.. XVI.
Article Doesn't Represent Sentiments
of Inlander Staff-Should Be
Matter for Reflection.
1dthor The Daily:
'there seems to be a general mister-
atadng' about te motie of the I-
'ader int prntttntg Nr. Olrien's article
ont atlletic. It was' ttnoteant to he
a expressiontofflae setitmetttof alhe
msos of the stdtent body.ar eventota
representa the consenss of opnonotf
the otnt ea of te stairfalfte Intlaer
Wae itteatd tat atke tt Ilatd ratlopten
forauta: thittasa sintdtarttitl;anttt
re tillblarvearltt a galta rt
wthaatt aysttttentt tlhis-i ftewill stat
his anaetat twIathetari rts---as wetwrea
tat researtwat stM\r0O'Braenthintks
ttra'ot'ea ae ae att a et ex rsstd
sr' topinions etoatrally-
a s ot a tatatra foridiation, a
salt a tat'aterlaortotglatt.aebefalasts
t atath a atitotialatprteds stataita
Thl a ilya i s a fatr statementaofthela
otater idetof a theaquesstioandaweas aofat
like' tss atssdstatedawfasthftas atmuchI
enthusatiasmatas atas sownaillathelar'ticlel
ly Mr. O IBren. Sat ar a sasfahasta
farmedf oftnonsats toeatxretssdat
te "prominaaent trak man" ttar saoil
I. edtyar a snaot eensatharly at
cesu tre: ats is aaatattas sta nta mintt
tg camtp sWa.askayane athotakowsaa
'Dicky" 1O')Brerato faagtat it aIt las
sariad."Thetsinatcerty afofte watrasanos
Oate ord tastes II)Jrt I'Bieats
propoals atoo tavaagaeatad visoarvae
to Iecontasdered" (adafeat'snteledtaagea
tfha aatay of temtaate) r afsas sattat
one ese cast prpoe aploatat kasr
pracicaslt;afand e asur aoa thaaat ta
wiill fetgladt totat irt t.
iato ts Inlanr-ft
tilt f)CIIIf) TOA
JustatasITh atlyaaeat to ttpreatsIltst
tight te folowtitat atadteatstaNvas gvent
outatbly IPaesafeanat.Coontatof te stdeta
Te iStuden tt CouatcilsaeIdIthe air fouthtl
sestiont othetiala eekrflastevngad
cotitnttedt Iering tetmtonyaintt laseas
ofl tat ('Blienat icalase tata Id n
at. 'atshattg salhe alas nda r tta ardtta
\It atintattrsidstfthesat nitoratataawa
classand ra ofe asasosrta Iattrt ll tarts fer
fota he aarcouncil. At ta.:t,;0otaeattutcrl
cosaidetedattat all tacest .statev tea
taasalbfet atuatetdtitat tat at th5at tm
aTena t tasesiona iththtaft iewt
insal aerisio.T h indationttttnowtttatte
thaa t' ~atTh aaly il fab fa abe t publish
as fitalfdrcisionatottatartota
tOlR NItata II f(fffP\
Te junialtatftlassatilt ol a scial
electtionTt hu ttrsdaysaftatrtattatnattr
o'cockt, tat RoaomtCat aeiseathaastat
whticatastfatlrtomatlast F1ita1'a las-
tiatntforathliastudtentatcouancsi ersn
tatve. Fi'e atnridtateatsstarts ftaloted
fr, actta aeceanthe gtsratet tta-a
her oate tts ta tae sats Rf (1, tart
atook otae eataswhile'A C Id n
t. D. fralet asseatitadatfas thefther.
'Tir case aw s a asane aertoaateatstt
denat councilafto alactartshuasthat acouncitl
prefe'redato tath fajtaaior astasiae alas
mtaatter emfatselveat Prstatsett ( al
totaght teostilt'se tttirtiftottto bte
aeiadeadly fliping as coint ttat aorderedc
as eat'eectiona.
'fhe sae eectiontaotaicer olfaereg-
alar efectioatawiltIe atkeattaserand

thec samaeIballIota wilt be attest. T'ela ssat
is takinag a gresa tdesal of interest intathe
Pountd-Brdliey lie, andtt'Presiadeta l ae
it makainag ateffort Iato aste aslarge at-
t endaance.


No. 84.

at at at w i . a a ars t all atalatecrtat iataff pre ta t he ala eat rtlatsat ar fas ty es embtlyfthat s ta llsdfto stat-
tlhe ltt'gt' astrtas atatettat g' fthetas'yeast, adentt fro'a taarkatag'trata rditcataclalr assa ats ta Itoag thae l Iof thes' tudtsltt, astas
wh lahes' tudenattsa mtat c onat sider'afc the M reorst'''. tes tudaeast blas illesel 'sifis theas satassr a fa hel alas'dnt od
5 5a iasaswishedt iis stata l h tc~ry n
fpr'omainentt altl satt vstll fh faetpre s t t at- sat indsignationt eet in'altg in a t'ay, 5llff e fi t in tg still las' heldf itt 'aiv'aratt
d s t atas ssstitag'. 'Iis. it it aaa.s tatd: te scarriedt aweay byfardtcical action.a itall afat0. t's'ra'lstff' stta.1
a lato at at s tato flats art goingato saol t . a ef ids,1h 1 a ftduedasalla
Hope of Saving Football Not Yet asetatn toatst arl mstsav asial.lr ok
Lost-Regents Dean and lill istrtsucto.os tta ar tItintha I ha "tt he5 1unasseasitaty- ftre tatngiven' in
Favor Retention of Yost. tatil atay 55ossessiatat iralat r le fttera froma t ro it tt ttal a toatpr s tatntof te static
stesecretarp of theia c 1sa aa a cfoolaofftstt t5aard 55ins a containuedat tatr. fi.1
sratang'tatichigans at studttl a Is at nsit -I assistotat ntat xpef iencetIa reIeass ythf d
'The sas sstall hope. sthirscour ss at Chifatsot nderstat heaafrgreastailt mhr'saiclss he fat. ' by asb
Twootaf te reasants Ihsate xesaseal Profesort'taechem.sa I am t dtt itspoasrdto atastatse ashicht t issas a sms fndr alasado w
eslat' s in fvo-o a'stainingta ld-is tfasso anypathaaat s gointg ato ptt ath tt s att ard aunitrsitat .1pereIt
tag' H. Z'tst 55asnd asa a as' 't ate:po sestd isassasch o n atlane fa v s ."as ta stsnd tatto ts salthat booaks 55s'e attIf-
r\) to ay thss is ifal alst ae iago Rfgt 111111 ail provttses tttthoo ghtp ly saf e o as e. s t 'hre wee aout state
"T erpnt r blsttkecr f ats as rrorp t a et its lat I w uc cld sia 1.st. "a tt ta 55 at
")am nots in tat voatr a stat o tafast afor ti s trttheat ' Ss sag sa t'egent fat allft a ndsti ttt t a e ts er sdto urtsttge'
tat'or colfe'sge aalss tade t s f ltate tha la' l wiatnsg 1 5tot aty. ardingas thepas a t'f a rest' ists gvintfott
me sacting up ftsh 'aere tst't'attgo a 'aiawttt'new s ie aill aysssstaedt it heusy o
aitc s"tatin a aa'' asuniaer sty iktha slas a " Iroftessor' taost fats a goodt sof nda worksaf s thes gra dirol.


The i te sat'' of" th e g'atsaasraf Junior
tMop commistteetatyesterayafeno
sls wd aha th su -antttttis share
'he t't''alarr ''e'mtent tacwllit ass ndta
l ashe tminorata5ifs Ytt ea in tat5o
ir' elsedt at p. itc patstat ftat crat ifons
ou astlasinedsb IhairansMfccstr 55
iestacoratiottttttcommit ftttee prmses ts
hea'fieature a of itthe197f ron.- t Is
terdtfay' .s estgt-a' t lare rsentit tatves rr-
port d th proabl attds anc fthi
irowd s ad alas tasis-,rs bistas far tat
exced hatof 1evral taprevioustats.
he amuttts5 tt't.'a t hatt t (lantit n etg staff
contiue tis ycar utilt hree.1 'cloc
'''51 t' aattsa'ao ' ta'_ t ''ear' lisghts,
sasesur 'a out a :,o. hfit act Ifsat
da cig) sf asss t ateg ans siwfarets elatnttt
tha tttfr samIan ahottn atto 55an tattar andi a half

sch m''A 19 a" ill Iaa"g a erachs sasd atoite' framets'ansiarts'startinag amuch
tail sal thes auanninag'' rackt whales' 5il- fraste'. 'fI'(, ighs jumtas a sars sttracte'd
assiwil e s tIsated ao tal alas p-s~ everral nata me' a nd ass a rge s tsIsq a rwa:
stat' sbsasshala thalaa loftckt''-\I"tooite'. 'workiangaoa this statst. Noatratempslts
ta' ilV ta sia ith fu lcrc floodttighasts tt'tattarn fr laiglaht ttw e'e ala'eas tthe ssmen rt'
upons t the anee r rs asassganatal efetrr fromta wotrkring Ifor larms.
tiaralseiesa shulda betavaeryp trsetip' a fs'ty.saeaRssdeithsa'ge asbe Sof trat:
caliumaa ligha t s s atave ben tprohbittd s a adidt s s asoaastaer aaunches atraced'
wtas sts isn at previastas sae. iTae stnsisefabteft attett ion.ttt hlteis t'a'ass Ill
lasso a a lrd 'oregents taook suchfa latai ts ise- tem aoftumblinfa t erisaales stitruc tat
tiau sa fthalas ntgertofalifats Ift sw tta as s iss assly to th asar s o f te 'aafasss'aaaaafreshmen.t'
rare goodatitci thisatfiarrealaistat restThe5o115r atlacto as'sassgym'tett,
assist nsat cieetn astt Iaftieaiums atmahtine atolast et aworktingao'a t hef ar' aseil' barsrt
faaststei. iras:farotectiaont aill far pro-s Tfit wstat embersti os t i st sede 's'art
astral laptafar oa itta eetis tt adtiotot ti o chansass s assI btklstat. T i
ditasn asig wtss t s e satsm igts 'Tt 'ftshe 55 i stea sias atat w rkir efrasts's' owtas'
deot iontttttsst ittt a s tisat ta las ec-s twtaratis aasa t aiattaft alintg ftems ta
sass foo lisaa fghtss furnaai i stsh aas sbter attlc'Creek atf assallesitat n
lg t, ssatw's'r, sotahi ee stall lbe sitshastd-
ship~ iniitna tg upa te caiavichs ai tai'i''RTiIIiSPItb S
fash i assbe at ased ittig 5155' at't ears.'SCIRFil A b sC't..'C'('i


rospect of Eliminating Yost Recon-
ciles Chicago Coach to Objection-
able Features.
lIt~ atne' hatl.s hasa ppfeast ta sia fo tarsast
tuneri i ats interiew swiths A . Alaisa
itaggipriatediaatisin tse 'Chie as Sstdala
ien-Hl. a Iie spotless (Pittsass
tht e atroves taawork sasstof las
fc eae nd folost use ats' bystatingei t'
fbtetlas sts als ts everyaone t frithae
resti on exi eptta.i t al raonea compllafisa
foota ll coaichi s tea a cuaaaa lay as bsta .a
.Intoters wos s, atheas pro li sspec rossli tat
as'n assildsans tts Yfit fromfoostbasalas'n
A laonzo t he tat fcits f eastust slolf
th e ou in s '"T'tIi ts atllswinatas ie.a
tag d otl fa voras tit( sy provstmas ofthe st
confr tne si steardtofits l(,snoass'comf airs
tto ofa du atudn s siabl is-
aig o rlri ty spactieandis ats
grai "ing tala t heis tat g ofth
tat s st atsivtfes ' a. af las r'did '''s'a a
idat at a H a frths fiat as s tgsatsiong ia
at'n. Sts tt t at'scolst"atvsIri ht
taurs racis nt s tat ptet lisa
"Its wouds crta at"Il un as snot 'a'
fitt he[er s'to einracttie eatata
athlaacseal statt rchIol yearsaffT'ile
lass iatd.nc ilsaveiai g sas' tages
salow llae Sassd ino aeyshrs I t s aoftime.t a
assl als'asaiuind taair t th s condatias a las Il
fsatn sibet ch oelis 555' sables ttto agju is
they wil be mttlrlr n Stit he irssf t
atainag sa tsitbe rgardias moliistase
Slit 'Pusi, it as fintun StasispI 'sta
taaon i a autato ftal alas th t om o
th tlt s tats n t pfits' ira a rd.ia'
Weitshavstllitn stad t ittaatira le to iso it
i'~eetcat iii l fstef i ts n elg
abl' i'tt.ist t o o ey a ii g 'oa' e. Asfs
stdn rw aet alas rail t eiasfrs in
itsle e for salm tigfcitt fii t it S tesh-i
letic. It willals 5555p o 'bailsd stil
'stetisifstsoSttse Sithaft fesmen
ruthlar of Sitsiis'at sthectle
'It- s es ha t e atli et funds
hul in thelandftoftth' e Isf aculity
asfth'y ar' asstla ied atloos ely s mti mes. tt
'Pl i-era ' isin fcfo ne aaisat
of'theas'iss's s s irs' trlfl 'stno t' a sem uc rat "
Cliff.th btliclfun1)11T'is;pricelea.
assu Sis .siltoe( somalas.i.m sshres a s fl
ifke aesolass tthestatsests.asIstdta
not.cpareto i lscsitt heas ufit gain est
Johsnis 1).stsis caIsfasl ftrtiati a istartda
to teiwa th ft e f it rsitiiSifstahilt-
cago as leO ansasjsot s gaies thsuis stsi
stt ttt fauoo. sa es hifs t otl e
faston olaafe'a'h's anssrtaoi
$z~. oolast 'I'lsat lias te r.Iarpfa s i ii
$ofa aaaa ss's' >oo st ittoalns osseersa t
ot tints apisa sii~t bt s'a alpra bi l ian
fitsislieaefathts a i~flsti
contiue hisshower seth tlsvcIs
s'Aaaaafe asatuecfss l stafr es als rt itsat
tag0,0)0aresetsa asie teir ntereIst as

jlaug aasol tonaightf. Iflls tsbject is.
''I"fosa TaStWber, anl Bos ait
Waear Out.'


Sltsartsss aas' nrsas raf tais' r lass' la ieid a 1515SfI11111'' l'if "fIIass Th'si r S a tat ifdepartme't'i t o't Um -
ta ' a'a s ir . 'fits aas ' stitstt lsT aia a i tais'
sash s asseen asrsail neet. Tafef Junatioar fhopt s'ommitteea'a' s toas ''of ts'e sas-at Comed',p' ''5" A I ttict' m
b''sts's'sa's'''aasaft stti srrs s ee i alsh'etaCom led Clubain "The O'utsidr a ''''at,"an ''ine:a t 's's'.e,'Xii
ac rian'-iito ts eaaommittees lan. i ls lias ass'' Junior wesaseI. fTs ecluba costats abits a Bonsit ,"in F iee M mriralItariff
]co rt icr than St1has5iiin 5555 yea,. s a sit ta thesir amtist actoss tais ftass n_ il d y eenug age a de c
ala' r. Mc lue a atlas ala t at lass itatitesth as tu sir tomedys i llass t beasS tieu s' ia stis iottii tittssitotat his
s~at of itse'arrangemnts w i tas a osta ''iipresenterdl tfer Satuass's'rid tai ir iialas tgttu is h p i t ls tthe ii irtins's'.
afar ''sitr's1a ssCo ssmitee smore aa t asa ly io T he l sa enaStirsaa iitmetofteho t tttit S le profi at 5.5 5 i a5 desieds credit ito
ote fau'st h P o asis lust isse te ar voStais its prodtin ass sial alt ai fl- the firtss i1a ndassail eftt'lti srcto
thtanti d 515 55 ti555 s th m f eatin i nt loisgt"'resolioas a 5s aotedt as lihe' iof blis ry51 Iii iiili a nsisalsog v wi
former years, ~ ~ ~~~~senseaof satye s tat s'Sat''': fctc of tailal 1last th pr o I shedcoatos nditss hih "Tatsecgnzas's avr it sai)th csas's'isesVra 'uk
t ista mo ruco taisi alIfrom te sauesesa w ihthes'U'i' sit y Comedalas' l ubs has hst a nd Sis raS Ilire e' ut' 5s r e sin
at aS<iwtsmoreitopsis t the55 5 g aleriess awiay s fiat reise t he Jtni or hlopa fa t h playsa showed J sass liii stai'ias
taa l aig el t 5555 siand ' is aas'arsite'raa't stass farian e pasalla lsy Jsa ist f in charater Sf rk, whilatt estttsal aiilap
atato isaacm515c' tasit .alas's'ost'-id "st lvetht" aat thpes eofthi c in- E a illeen ss a a ilsoy a Stasiswere siuc.
trat srasa saaasssh s isassa nnucd thog istts siatpv sifteastsresatnttat its' Ifabovetiffavags am~Ia's ebsrs in testa'ssei
alas sailtairsoTat eliar iasaly, h sia ts(asssraTSelastsalar"aSatudy Feraryt p 0so I P stion ofi t h e aa ir ftpaits.
stacirs a th ala sss thelslassratistatitli 'a ledgeifisstuptatt o tis eals ame.tihe two riorm aces''''''' eaing
Fla".i it utitcfora tis Sasso DroitsaaC1 Cis(a 8 ' 5iiaii ati ateamemersf ofsthS assis
fiats fias''trenesr'tiasislarsished. shey decr- 'alit DPt '51181 tittt'stages'esttingas 'adpol hg~ig
atedl alas cassist ionsit itall sat St. ILouist fil er t las waeals.
lass Stse rpubilic ansnatioal cosnvenstiona :bithousagha lws aseisravass aassedstirse
assisths alaa colria attuns sars acommenrutedl the aopeninsg saoafatrainig asia Sr ark asi tts he.as sas''etang of tr'brthe udrn a -
ass ssa sats cc iii tidao erth a t ss ta - t Is t hefr s at sees to bsela itcre asng guange asoi'satioStat Iliaverrd'Icollfge'
ar.T' esml Gr.aaas asasi h S i'a.ge thes a thths isuaan i iaas intag. fTs'e tsquadsi n theafa r istmas va''cation, Prff Is'. N
dfe'oasssitin a s afo satSe au tmoile shasainin ithel aiasstars ees'a a r so'' atrsge list 'Scotsi 'a' it 'S' a s'pe aeniatlef "A' ' N5sais' ota
New us'sk'afasts a'aaoilast stir r. ne is sc arsisy fatse Isa tail athtcit parltataft t maans a PIst ys"p Profssor-
XI>. B o n flois tt tilkewise sat le- ifo far'e stinass is leastnsat'' easbunsach. Sttt ia is aassvice sprsaidenat if thes
Srlt ' hatheLo ai ecr''aionSas ii 5cin Yseslapafternaoonta Rssaa'Raseter' iiatisassfits tae reiiseityetari.
ctarge tool:ti~iatautilrs a slstata tils' iii4:;O,
'ihe'''gena.r'f alseme sofldecra taists is ald Capta ilt Ramea'p'ssqadji ra deasais'the ,Se aa y rss agfo t' 1ard ofs tuste
555i5e dilfersesSntituso lahat of Iast pea a f i nf 2:47, aoinstg ri al l iar' setsento at Cicrago announa~sicedt h irtyap-aypersa-
snthat islits effecs twiffl ur be auuqrue see s saa with tlar paradte. iodlosal oassist ntttgfist'ltretidtent I lrpr~i.
ctin ttshfisrasisl nillibe hsung chastely liiitliarfloor of alas'gp'tmathesepriatters afuritngaewhicha ste uiaversity frag stiff
wals ta strasis iof yelloand uulbialutisut-us ualtrsdlers at'sre veryfautsy. PTe sqadt rlat athaiffmast andthSie asudenutsad
aug, asieticSiegafiery aldsiata potacstafr iturdlfes tas beentagrotwing durinag facutyiptffwerar flueofficsialt badsge' sa
wshii ae iddean awa aia th witeu hutingaaasauciid ue lass fast' says, atarindtoer'the ecoacha- muruningtaaamo iificatsioaanI alas'easmarsoon
gree. stagsalf earetathe atew nuns are sdoing auut atack badsge.'wtrn at te fuinerailap'
Foutr electra'aigas atialt compatet a.the gooda asork.I fussspritersare gettinggtifstashonraryp' uall-besarers.

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