The Michigan Daily
.\NN A.rRIBOR, [I'\IfI(.\T, SATV RD NV Fl OR' \R\ 24 1906.
No: . sof.
Virst Indoor Mee
Gym Tonighl
Hundred Entri,
'f eani s Begin So
Nealy onte 11111 crt
t II Compete - ill tillchocrsa a
Thi t formallyttS~
tatsesn anti fro
Zic.a togh rahe
[NARY MEET OPENS atnewone, sprticlartlyated nthto THE GREET PLAYERS.
INDOOR 71TRAGC1<1SEASO N esintat ion andj*gontral atmosipiere AWI LL PER FORM TO DAY
oftt heti l ay5iV are chtaracteristic of GOer- _________ _____________
Mnanattiesetime stt gestive 111 RES VE1o SO:ATS tOR TO- "The flerchant of Venice" and
;at Waterman ~ 9'ttgtof .ktttericttttlife to mtake it en- I) NVS tN (O1IRT tttiRFORNL-
t-Nearly One tirei]t-ttttterstoot ilitthlis.cottttry. The ANCO;S WIti. 1ti" ON SMjI 'tR)\l "Macbeth" to be Acted With
es-Class Relay play'tiettattticoni-.deratite eitaboratenest-9oTO '1 i2 TIii iS MORN INO AT Stage and Costumes of Shakes-
{ f ceer ad iirttmtsedtt ttiiotit NV AI RS TN I V iRSi 1 S. tBOOK peare's Tie
eri<es.'itr e
tu ng still heltcinig itt filliitg titese tie- S'T0Rflf IN SPITE OF 'IFt F ____
ttt mtttis. The iittttidrili isitowtattkintg i xs SALtI 1T ti AL'
,.,ttttt itit(iV ~ - tt 'fThe Greet ittayers makthie bir fourth
Itretersil tttt iii~iiit ~N ' iI>1,R OF (GOOD) StITS LI FS7
irel iinry tmeet r ix eafoetefoel rse-visit to Anin Arbor today, presenlttig
ermtat rt mi 1 ~ ~ranlit(-.fomti ftotniight..i 'Thte Nerchttitotf Nettice''tt 2 :30 atid
tatins triereindiotr SIRR ING FR II ItiE A ID) "Maceih tt 8:t1t5. Uivetrsity tilt sill
lil the resutis soite 07 tRhiS t hNt RtiOS;VM.T' be filiedt to its capaitiy at itotipirformt-
r tgte as yet, eait STUDENT COUNCIL -ainces, tie treimenoutts'advante's-lie (If
the new men tilupon150 ST'ATES ITS POSITION A sti rritt g'triiteiwas. thatipaid toseats pii ritg Atit n troe'-. deep finterest
11tt an -iten itt ntdoors. Fresiient. Rottseveit, 'Thitursdaiy. sleeilt hei iC 1wor t i tis01111paity.
:iatc-.~Th 1110reitlitii. iiist 'tue tono hf i Ier-
itr Havet t come iltUrges Sophomores to Refrain From dese - u stein t diit t - (cha t enilcs asatilya "tue
ittds andttihettotiest hi-CtigBt avrsSges Cottgr e--itilntSmitti sas the sipeaker at ibie a reproduiciitinttf tiheir iigiisb per-
_i,,,,,,. ~~~~~~tions fora Substitute. ...,-.._. 4.. ,,".~., ,..,, " - ormc.. acttd tl. 1002ttoti in te old
\ Neter111 it1the-wlilite of saitve 1s
Te forty-sardi tutu i- anteasy winnert~
lit tlte111111 ieiof entites hint it swiii
ireetee, t et.a-efiertg e sitI-y
'e fwh mI sortittlytto retiteittaptit
ii t11.111 -Itttttiie 1litt fotbue tiqIufel
terhck. s on oftmot 40ikOty 220dtt
daea tt -ti 11 itte i ufe in-citnid
eal w itt l toretfot. Archeltlt h
ne t IC i; tttartitig tisbeienimlulld.
petc ~ e risttet w o haucmta r f o t i l v te i te psi t e wo
ttut Iish'twuts ttice ac ml it-tid ttlte of
rii I' I lithet itain 13re -ti bougti. i
till theilimelgh.radtie ll lthei
~ terkihas btentitetdtith reitteti
asaIsil tar ithieII'4-0 . t,-t20ior
iti 'ii it tlittii a im r mtuii rate r ossii
ttttrt itt I tt lark,5lfee t I
m., 11 Itlittl
-ff1 'tirlc itt b'r'k Totgs Tonitght.
tail Corliis.
Nrcientttx. 1,. C. iFieritige, i ci~pitte,
Roe li-'Richardison vnl t'gtntkin-t
hut Cjnl 'itCi ititt Ste ,1igerRicit
tirtistt Feri stit CakIt iie inittgole
Quarth r-itle idu' it- t' Ba-rI nitti
Mire trunttions;Mi pnlr ih
Phelps, illIMcttitny enos~ is
te, Catcat, I- 0ig- 1 * Vet M l
11111(1 o l tt t - B ~ i s , S h e , 1 l t t
I()06 inl t-. ts. t 0lit l giee
'ilt ]lus vs.i'tt lit i:s tatr. R ct
i 906gi SectrtVs. 0 t tis. Icl Sttu
NIt0engati netuis. .'o8ldetsi.
tIR00 iieigineers vs. 07'IeRnis15
it' its Ivsi.eit'ari' 'rs it. tti
The lIt eoffciasti ttritt' rtt-Ktt neit
Fitzparicis -,ttfilt er tiAri1cc t a-.m;t ailt
btefore a1 1numb111r of piroinlient sophot-
morlIes. 'ihe mieeting li-s Iheldit n the
witre requiested Ito ippt'ar before the
lt'e etoun eils poisuitintbut to get the
attittud'it the -.ophiomotres. The coiun-i
eil explinetd to tilt -ophitomorest that its
sigt etek-.of disctissitoniandilinsvesti-
gatlothadabstoluttly co nvined th iemt
veyprobabily will got by strenutouts
ai n o n thle 1)111ttof he faeuityif the
fTetttil iset fothliits attitudtetto
..tug-tof-w1r,1 1s itis vatriouly)calledi.
lTh coni t mett ittrtely rtecommiuuenidetdit as
ueittse itor hair-titting. If anysbody eani
ihtlpthtiltto lit solutitoniofllthe itrolem.
All tcot mniati soilthti ubjecit adt
Th litMicigni Daily si-ill rectist' the
eaiet a ttentio11111ftilt' unil
inntha tt i adno de-.sitolie aritry
agaist Ithetibit iiththlett, for the
bet .iterit.s of lttitusnitersity. It stas
showtn't hotttlvtstirlie inlteret'sotf the
sm an daghtrsiere ibecaus-.t'of liii
iyt) heii ptre--.dtinghair-cttig. 'fle
fatitrmer prsetative's initthe ltttelegis-
latur hav iite refuised to grantthleuivser-
My tnuight montety to ttllottw it tofully
expat.eatuseteylt'believt it is tile
Sott of ftotlu-ihdissiptioni.'tile)'wiil-
inlug)-inctreas-.t'the tapiproptrialtinsoftifht
Nlit'ligitu Agricnltural college, btlsit
dios-i ott the rtuestt-ts if the stall' univier-
-.ity' with a ntefertene to ihal-au' ttitug ts
a fitualargitumeit.
'The tctuncutiluteminitdedthte sotphomorest'C-
thtin yearso lutst hiru-cttintg5sveral
ut'iie lud etentstoppuiedi because ttf very
seiu u ie t t) iipiats.i Knises
tilt r etvtsers havle atlwia's tigutrecd in
Ithair-cuitting 'atudisili eotinitue i)todoso
nullhiincreiasiing fret1li-ec-,sittce studtetnts
rart- becomttingt miort aindiittore failir
iniecienitailly-poke of fRooseselt's site-1
cessitul lift' aiitiibuting tii-.sues-s to1
tue fatueitutthe great uptesitdetlwaysl
Iurtildt'he stighttpathitlthaes-eer
tet that ticlhug its hull'shollst chthe
itdent Roosevelt.f
'Ttetmaiti hurtttf Sir. Smtithl'.s speeeh
an optimiiistotingi' st-siNVasingtoni e
wast1 ani ttoptimist.f fte ttsaidin part:
"flTt'ritwaslieter aumoteti llthe I
uter '-is o is i dciI) tthIt NCasinugtonl tidf
siltngi cttit ry. l totoinllthe tosser
aull siltsbeondttih etltwtontdterfuli future .
oftis ih t'll at ionututansdtlwithuturageiut
stuece-.stutu it the itrld still cti tlt'ns' at
-Ciil tceliounite tf this st-unitisnt
'ts adrat if ttonflit. ftn hattie of
peae e t-titlist tnteadItssth wile fprtss
taltotetutn lteeit s-ugireaterdtefeilse ini
thecre is. tugreatt te ittuest ill tedueation
taniniibttletshift-.andtitotrpetdo boats
his i tcoutry of t homeiis. Amicait
igret-tbiettaus-Amtetictaof Ilcoutries
wsife, if chultilntatd of tatruttismti
T'eet'is.absltutely'nouciittto tile
lie, fur tot-are ofthe right buuildlatdtiftf
tile tight tutu. fis is the vttoting matn's
till), til'he ay oftvuextted hopportunuity-.
Followthflaltg. fitttttutflaitg uti
Amert-icant ullllibe thte tuiis' lt
tuntil Amerutttica ittuue Shatlilibethue
stonld'slitertuure: unutil iNAtutrictatn-tunes
shattieit'hie situ-ii's wa-tes ;"unitil Amtetr-
icnmnyshuttllit'ethe slttaatdtfall
ite worldIand Aeritanis sut-llidue
on til'etcesi tof tel)'rsswtvetatutushatll
itt-tin siuthtilt ivhite flatg ttf teact."
tiThetexerci ses tipenetd iwith.sesertal
selecitin t lt tile pipet organu by Prof.
Stanlly tintimutisiciby tile kUnisersity
(Glee ttuand ftanluoin cltubs. Ccongressmtant
Smtutihtwus-t-itntoducetibiy- (uy f'. tel-
reniting presidfentiifthe settior laswcltass,
isiwti stilted tut for uottr a quatr'otf
utacinthury- isit etit lilnteiustomlif slu-
fletis if thuiit'rsityto luoblsereWaishi-
iitgtott- birittdyandu thatt thlese exec-
ieuswsetrt-hldtiuutnerthetauspliies of the
Blue Cttt School of Lodonit, Ctrist's
llufsitali ti sciool, oss- defutet which
EdwardtniVI foutntued iandtfrtomu whiich
mnty if tile yotug aetrs f Queen
Fiiiazabet's itte twere cotten. One sort
ceeuenut somte thirty lies are omitted,
wut btrief intemtissions,tftr. Jessia's
light, tutu tlso before andt after the trial
cetle.Durinug the casket senues, two
fmu iziubithin tuntes tie intro-
duced;i tfon the Printce of Mrooeo, "'he
ig's Moisco ;" andt for the Prince
tf Aruigoi,_ "Spagnioetta"
-lTe origitat muusic of the sntg, "Tel
Mte Whiere Is Fancy Bret" ieitg lost,
a itew settig i he tiieaiettttitstye
The ntusieciil the mottonlight garden
sceene il Aci V consiskts tf three Vete-
tiant times :, "Alt Regna," taitd"Bassa
Dueale.' twit exqtuisite tpiees for the
violiatie gailtia anuteit; antu"'ta Fr-
ant,"iagrtuefuli tancc lurtwIs tvios
anti ti harpi-eiord.
fIt "Naebt'ii'sixll'ilue-.artin t' lted
taitt te itnutas tumttbenfour n htoder
to gisie thtuomlete text of the flatys
the lilesitmust bestenu chi uemoitre
quickly thanuiniatu"tmotdernu" lintsenttiotn
atutlhu eutt playestint' ftliosingthe
customutof Shatkespetre',, itte The
sceniery consists f a singe iee -of
ptitted tinitts, wtichuie s -ust-tifr tne
cf te weirtd witch seetes Itclutedinit
the tinttperies are thundtiter, lighting
wintdsatud suites tueeis
'PTt' greatertpateof lt' ustua ic er
formitetd itt "Maceth"iclinist of six-
teentht etrSeotuchtI tisttken fromt
tile Stalochiutuuuuusciuti ta preitus vol
ulit.eeonutiuiug tie ltdtest Sotchitmutsi
knowii wit115'prtstertedtlinithe Adtvocates
lirtary-in Edttingh.Tthesnird ca
aelen oftf tileimelotdies, andtitheir strauge
rutde harmnities, ate been leftuta-
tered. The toriginafusic f the songs
"Comiue CAwaty" ancd"BtltkSpirits," e
tg list,el o itsti h hitias writteit
netw settigs for tis peformance, it
the sty-e, of thet imue of the play
Thte dootrs sol te clsedf at 2:30 il
the afterntoonuanuhatulS:15 it t hettevenig.
As thle intevals are fetever-eyoy
shoudbeittit his seat at telloening of
tile performtanees
Spiey toasts eattuiifulh decrttiost
anid joly goodf felowshititwsrre feattre-.
of the oW engineer ectss banuutet t tt
Cook Hotse last nigttiDetn Cooey
Assoiate tDeant Dais ath Pf oud-
ing sote guests ofoior tant respondedf
t totss. Fowes fotrimedftie greater
patrt of tileudecoratiotts Following is
thue programinof totss
'Toastuaster-CP Spaniger
T'iniigs NWothit leti-D ettutCooey
The Cass-MelvintD.)Baladtwin
Clippings from at College Paer-L
13. Ayres
The Uniexpete-Assoiate tDean J3
ft Davis
Camp Nttes-iMt E, Gichtrist
SWarped Surfaces-Prof. Gouudng
tAthletics-Floyd Rowe
Virtual tmages-H-. C. Brnizece
ittchetstPinchtl ;fee-i11 intehues, andtitiity -ill leto11 preseill, itnttfor-tuit te ituttut tieltawtwsill nit
ydNullttt ftetitIitctuesttwill Cindetvorletigitlanuaitgetaimtdernitdrtmticalastuto-uuch t'e feliilw'titwh-o'tshds ltuoud ifht'Sf N'I N S FRVShI
to isvtetutthe ir t u-.eitrfttmnci'tes. I tt-nu tiu'dftendintg his httir. AfCSV OINfTEST
tl'h t cbIe111ins rimt ply'ati 8 tulock Selylsa1r1e l theintert oftfhue -thu ThtugretlyO'impreu'tssttd ltesotill
tl t'e cult Isitittx inthue forty-yard en ctt oy illithet Git'lmattt tliiubitpendus motres, twas tilt fatethattt ot thle ctuncil I hut tilt' orutictal contesttueldf tushtunight
datitsh, 11uuitI hefrteettretexpDied toine upon-.thisuteatlytpIuscting.tut eatitszinttsi-tnill'motifau-st-n haer-utt1ersthite une--bytthf t. ut-tiiinst.utotuet.ouitt C tne i
Inthhutflorit thatcut ittmuehe ei ietfthiverit ot us ptbetiout.delctthoieivsi hahshevtrikown.iThi-ites the- stuti .Pa.thu o fiaut's C.Boe, ttfoCtrle -H
Fortiy-yarut lahIiilustu , Barlowseindiicthe unduertainthu Igilt'it tilt-gtuYartetithe custom asl a u stiiu-t getle- 'Talboti t, f fstutien uton rrgilt second.
koin-ttu Clrk, tutut t tll, tPieree, tquateit lilttioli and apprtuutopritte tac-itmatnlysportonte thttcomitneits tll ll tthe u wre T'Ftoote, utf tHartftrd, NWtis,
WebblerI ttuaxter.:MuntSteintibiiiert,cecorstr-. IThet cas.utitus betienefutlly ftascintiing eeitets-of tdeernitinlgantd tas teentelectedutoattstituster of thit.elass.
fOtitz, telier. Zinstr, Daveyi ftrpetr, citosenCwit vie w s otutseutrinug persnshusiighwtay robbev. tu tuafter thorough
filvintuoulSulliivtttnWtury, Atitison, most faiiiarnwtthe.tit'Germntutianuiguatgteive stigation antuttdeeptthtoughuttion the 'fle students of johnt -Hopkiuts univer-
.Kerni Detcker, Cttotin,tangley-.Peut- tittiextperieneetd inlaetitug tandI tmani)of tevisutf hair-cuttiingthtese frienids of sity tune inovesigating thteinatuire unit td-
ututttFintnegtan, Ctrliss, StoffeliMeaed.te favorites ttf last year's ttrod~uctiontthue sptitavte betomte ismost iiunn- miitraionluf tehontor systemn as
Shuot-piut -D~unlatp, (itrrels, Foe, Gra- stilt takue pant, as iseli assomtunewten' ues ptmtisinug enemties. This contversionl prctiedtat tile Uivsersity of Virginia
hatml, Curtis.trwto promise to rival those itore cx- seemts t carry a great deaf of weight twitht tie purpose of introducing it at
Fhort-syard hurdltes--PostSinithi, Hul- perieneed.Thte play itself, altotugh not with the would-be hair-ctitters, j that university.