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March 21, 1900 (vol. 10, iss. 130) • Page Image 1

…;be Uof 94. P)ath4, VOL. X. ANN ARB3OR,1I,1CR.., WEDNESDAY, MARCH 21, 1900. No. 130. Spring Announcement G. H. WILD & Co. "We havc just rceivcd our lhoc of spingi iwoolens for mcn's wear. It incluiles evcerytlhing in staiplcs that irc su itablicanoldce siraiblc for the seao.War also shoing full ranges in nor- elties, in dilit t1noilstylec to1 sit ite most cxactingi taste, consisting if 'I'op ("oiatsSuii- igs, FancyrVesis ar oilfo I 'roll...…

March 21, 1900 (vol. 10, iss. 130) • Page Image 2

…THE UNIVERSITY 01 MICHIGAN DAILY Poblehed Da1ly (undys axceted) durig th College yea at THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN orletr: The Iland Pes, ilosotg Bloc. Both Poone 14. MANAGING EIITOI. FENGat~aaa,'OlL. BIUSNESS MANAGER,. 0, 1. II tto..'00 L. FI)IITOII. ATrLL1tLll~s, G, . 1). tcvo, '01 Ii. T. IR. WOOaot, '10 . A D, MoDooostALL'1 E A. G. BoowN O. . ItJ. 11. WOO, '00, $. A. JSloostoLe r,00, t.'A KIGHT, '01 . o noon eatda.tot01iI A Evmuitat o,,OIL...…

March 21, 1900 (vol. 10, iss. 130) • Page Image 3

…THE UNIVERSITY OF" MICHIIGAN DAILY. r-- rr- i-- Wit' fir- r- r- t-- r -- i- r-- r - ="r =St=' _-= - L Wit- - r-- r- - r- rc " -- 1"° _ 7 r° F - r- t° =i t ~WHEN 91 . . . t-- .--+r-" -.r :L_.r ^_'' _'f '-'r_ f^--'"f- f :,,,( J-+l-= f=+f .f- t YOU BUY A TOP COAT-YOU WANT THE BEST-WE HAVE t- THEM--NEARER TO CUSTOM MADE THAN ANYTHING YET PRODUCED-NOTE THE FIT, FINISH, STYLE, COLLAR AND SHOULDERS-YOU SHOULD SEE AND TRYS THEM-812 T0 S20. GjOOD8P...…

March 21, 1900 (vol. 10, iss. 130) • Page Image 4

…4 THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. ed etellien-mumus h otD. fl TINKE[R & SON~ _, Th~le splendd lra as o'th Spii55e55 .frth, j "' " i is ith feeingHATTERS AND FURNISHERS Of pride which we thinkppadoabletthat weisnvite your easty inspectiona of jHeadquarters for our nJi iI V Iewtslneof Srig and SaaaaertOfrnsjs eevd fehadtmt iglas uclaveat ur's ria storsy, Over3(00 p utes frot hettBAHT, CAS.tME'S'aFUattSTItst LeadinsgTailorssofthe Wor]d. Sails...…

March 21, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 130) • Page Image 1

…be o at VOL. XI. ANN ARBOR, MICH., THUCRSiDAY, MARCH 21 1901. No. 130h F( 1 I' ....Our Special Line of.... BATTLE OF THE ORATORS for (allege at the :Detroit high school,I (10111 who-h he Iva-,graduated ill1900. ISUETS UD N DAT ore in andD OneS¢ llC He entered the law department in the Annual oratorical Contest To-night fall of 1910). with the class of '(03. Le' ABRIC Will Be Unusually Close-Winner 1lticilahted and wn-1 second in the...…

March 21, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 130) • Page Image 2

…2 THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. _ 2-i suit of the holders ot the oki Stock 333333313 ?333133333333J33?3a ~~ ~~ ~ ~ aning on to it ntil they were of-UN V R I Y H L f_________________________ eiudl inre thou par fr it. P'ries T d Piubished Daily (Mosndays eacepteddring rngd roM111rtc2hpe cnt23y~~ Clege rea, at 'Ito-iran busiiness is ow) in tic le q m EvenM arcO'c8:15 THEU INIV[RSITY OF MICHIGAN for ea onnui ide. IrthM aeloe tiohasnot come ...…

March 21, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 130) • Page Image 3

…THE UNIVERSITY OF MICIGAN DAILY k*F t E~EFL eF~fEtl1 fEE:* E1.Er: - * E Er E E rrr* 6*6v~dT3E irfr i£5fr'C *f is is i6 Uh7e Celebrated Spring; Styles: is You' r a' w it is+ DES Hat. Now Ready. e Invited To Looi.. Sold Only by 'O' EL EI s3T DERBYs ON * 1W'S. Is TRETIs 1 4lOODSP 3 33 3 3 3 3 3 ?. Ba'? a'S3 i 3a'a'a'a'a'a'3a'a'3a'333 Michigan Central NIAGARA FALLS ROUTE THlE SHORT LINE- ANN ARBOR TO OH ICAGO BUFFALO NEW YORK AND BOSTON Wit...…

March 21, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 130) • Page Image 4

…THE UNIVERSITY 01' MI HI0A N DAILY $PECIAL SALE ONE WEEK ONLY ine.....;r Writinog Paper y the pound at 2,5C Acorn and Cram Woo-e, nvetpen to ,match 10c per package, 3 packages 25c 'FOSTER BOARD, PHOTO M- UNTS, TYPEWRITER SIPLIES. Sheehan & Co. 320 S. STATE STREET. You cans get a HlOT'LUNCH AT 338 Soth Sta St. Lectures Printed lectures for all depart- ments of the University. Type- writing and Miimeoraphng. EDWARDS BROS. Over Sheehan's) State ...…

March 21, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 125) • Page Image 1

…T= . - 1 _ r ,-, _ _ _ / ,,,, ,,,, 7; 1 _ . 7_ "' _ _J :! . W _ e 77 r °5 ^b w, ° _.. r. tc7 C! cI _ _ _ J r ._ ' , , . r' :_ r = . ' t; ,.. c "I, r .-. ' . w i . '.- -- t i. l: . -^ _ - - -- _ - -r. " f' -- ~ r _ I' ~ ./ R ~ r ._. I / . - :.. ; _ . - _. i .__ __ " ,. _ -- .r. t- " ' -_ -' _ . 7: / ' r 1- r ;> _, a.: - ' 1 y' 4- Fi .ti , , , ,: .. ' : . :,_ i C, 0 z r r .. - .- 't J= . j :! Cr . CJ Cr. 0 O cr zz Cm J. _ I)- fl: -4 m C, 0 z -I ...…

March 21, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 125) • Page Image 2

…' CH11- 1i'JG A N )AILY-.NEWS '1 E.9 O (5 LLJ z"7 C1L DAIL EWS ~ Fn SAll'I S ISMN tMhe ,ustiA IYNEWSP :: C ! Is . ,; II INI 5" 1',)i V . Ill!Oil Demol tI}CluelElection. I ,iS+i ? !t1] ' tt'i lf i 7 Private Corporations $4.50 At t 1. ~P FRESH STRAWBERRIES Served at the Fountain Today. CRUSHES and SUNDAYS 20c QVARRY' Ptt WL U". (t;I URpU"15 ' { } 1<RAIUNS Itt '' ill 1-s Ci. ll 1l r c~~a. ^i4~1i _ti~ t o 11t olj)ald Lt l)i.11i1I ,,;-1:it illl {)L...…

March 21, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 125) • Page Image 3

…T ' r Ia'A\ DAILY--NEW .Y.L~ hy're ANXi1mere Spi _Hts SRain Coats Fevatceo esapaei apoe fSprfi,,ig7Neckwear JONdSHAN7-HAS. DIETAS FYCFI S1AI UI~ i To iTA t ORS +Ia 1.a is; L, .s 1 1a :ar J-s ,.. 601 EAST WILLIAMS STREET DFY V1CRK F. SP ST,.LTHMnDWO013 This space belongs to Giood G4 EGYPTIAN DEITIES "No better T urkish Cigarettes can bemade," EGYPTIAN EMOBLEMS (rk Tipped.) Lcii dof tfoin I.13a. o e z?.4 's BURCHFIELDS=FnT Trau 1 1106 E. Huron, ...…

March 21, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 125) • Page Image 4

…THLE AlCUIGAN DAIL'i NEWS -11'//N IM/IM TAILOR~S, 123 South Clain Street. - - - °i'' PIGKWIGK Billiard Parl101s and bOW1iIIU BETTER THAN AVE TEMPORARY +.111 THE HOCKING VALLEY RYA !; "rtiI'~- r>-rTOLEDO TO COLUMBUS IL WriteJ. WLANDrIAN, (leneral Travaeling Agent, 1t. ' SC it )EiTR~OIT, MtiCHAN. O e way to ywa Ma^ke. . v-.. .. ,,R , . -- , . ... .. e _____ CALENDAR AND READING NOTICES Woolen 5uitings sr ,..,,The Tailor.a.. 1 ade to 11t) S. M at...…

March 21, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 127) • Page Image 1

…THll Us. 012 N. DAILY. VOL. XIII. ANN ARBOR, MIH., SATURIDAY, MARCHI 21, 1903 MICHIGAN WINS EBATE Defeated Wisconsin Last Evenin by a Vte of Two to One-An Intensely Interesting Contest Madison, .Wis., March 20.-Special to U. of M4. Daily-Micigan wins the debate with Wisconsin by a voe of two to one. It was an intensely inter- esting contest throughout. The ic- igan men were at their bst, and were able to meet consistently sit the ob- jections ...…

March 21, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 127) • Page Image 2

…Spilug Ill alt igo Inc al (18I. W:d The Amoertican o THlE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. THE U. F M. DAILY SENIOR SWING-OUT fl 1tflfl :l'l t1G'lrtdi ' tt3>i 0 -irtte at NettClass 1110 ttt ~iD ictionary IIItilII1 lIt l"1ei, N ti, I~i M~iN~tIN~ EITO, lwlililt il tli ryjt~t 1,11. l'tr he 0ffice Standard lI1t (}( I BU11 ESS 1. ittt- I FRiiilN .h 'Oil '"tltit l t i t 'tlnt ' 1 '' :ii 1111 1 ( tOs O 3.H SS Fl Ni'I -. d I, l 5 l) t il lo ii . 1'10 :1I...…

March 21, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 127) • Page Image 3

…%: x s _. _. i- . _ .., ,, _. , n , " THE U- I t'RY ( (l it( iG DILY. .o- i t ,i .: p j t ;- it ' ,; . _ . .: ;,.. °, ; ,.. _ , ;,: R 1. S ' # ._ '__. ° .:% v ll 1 112 S. Main S-1;t and 342 S. State St. , PALACE AND PA- ';S]-tN ~ lO d I 'fat'stiepicte where Val Q I ilf lhlii gets up~-t-dte;t worki, «Witlit 1111 I iiIli selves. iDomtestic- fitnislha specialty. M. F. DOWLEB. Agt.1 Phone 657. Office, 402 Maynard St. F Sri ntC7 Clothing, repr o it...…

March 21, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 127) • Page Image 4

…THE UINVERISITY OF M110 IGN DAILY 'OXFORDS P0 S""PRING1 Puritan ARE COMING IN EVERY DAY Custom $3.,50 ASK TO SEE OUR NEW SHAPES $4.00 PURITf1N SOE 60., III S MIIIN STW!ET RENTSCHLER, ARTISTIC FRAMINGl Windsor and Newton's We Sellj PHOTOGRAPHER. AT RENTSCHLER'S.Waeclr Pit Blicken sderfer Cor. Main and Huron Sta. Photne 35, 3 rings aeclr Pit AMUSEMENTS CALENDAR AT Typewriters 5 ~ $~ 1Cak~DeFRIES CALIKINS PHARMACY. in f Ii sititict 't s ' i ittti...…

March 21, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 121) • Page Image 1

…1Vv I Z'(}l 'II4I '1 . 1 I AYE %I>''1 'V l'>N . CRICAGO CL ONOS RI1R L-FRES.H T!RIALS. IANO RLTA L. Miss Anne [Huber Holder of 1 003 4 Scolarsh,p loprtd Sudai at Newberry Ha ll th-isAlm1 ~ 11i i e, ( 110111 'n~n~t c (1111, it~rl ~ 111a01 tn la - it r; ~ r. I t 1roy ' '.1111 cutI i 11 i 1" at tltr , me1a0t'for 1 1the 111hull. l i s 1Tah, < ,lx11 , :" ,ltilcI 11I (1111 ide l t1 1or11 11, 1.1at~n:lr ~~ 11111n III~ ~IInth,~ r 'mll .tt! , wc l if 1...…

March 21, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 121) • Page Image 2

…['IfGAN DAILY. \ 1)A1LY a> a TH NI NI ,\V XAN i t-IL iATL. ,t lavwod asrecetved fromrn S R[C[IAfDf 'ita Dvk(t that he would appear ont tud(itt Letutre as-oci-ation- course t~nt0of Xlprtl 2E). Hit- daughter, A Big Consignmenit of olctited ii tot opital, O U A , N V L it-oig ndhr contdition xwili P PUAlN L peit D Xatt Jyke to il It ottoMatey trinlg April, j at I ± \VOO :LLN s k titi 00 -i i iii 0. Iii 1;IIP ON. ttot.ttatrigg Adt'-tC.ItltA Andi l...…

March 21, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 121) • Page Image 3

…somomp-, /S i 'i 0 t { .y s ' S r j 3 4 4 t t "yE a " r wc 4w c 0 - - ' r 4. 4. 4. -V to. 0 n - C ~2~ . Q t r <u a r. ; 4 s . " + O~aZt o l . 7o ~ 0.0~. .- z"P - ' p «0 U !7 *tO aI 0 - v Col a 3 o0 0 - f, + --* CL0 W /: 0 C r MC ^c L ^+ _ 0 r I. ~ s° " C j '" .. . . M ! 't. u J .''; tt . ; , r. cn t ' ': . r = v ' -' ' ' fi r h f, C. : n O t. Jy ,.. f a ° ;., fi a . ,a N .-r rv. rt i .. r .., .. .., Lz. r- r, 0- 0 . ! .b tS 0 " 2 c ; o +, .. 4...…

March 21, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 121) • Page Image 4

…. . FATLY. $3.50 For Men THE OVE R 4 SHOE i V .,-:ht T HE,\ To Be Well Dressed Walk=Over Shoes S RwH U it ei t i t lwarit ow h a Lstan WstSHOP V at ~TVE REEK 111 S. Mg~.mSt. and Women $4.001 I . I 111. lIJ ast Ituron St., opposite Ladles' Library a""-;csto se ri ors In c allDepartmnents 3zI, 'lI INTlNG-Meyer', 215 Main ,~leiiN Try somie of Cushing's Fine Chioco- iates. tf. Latest niovelties in snitings at Fuil- er & O'Conni~ors, 619 E. William...…

March 21, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 125) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily Vol- ..XVII. ANNRMil I, 71(IIG[AN. T I MAR\Y tii GARRELS-COE MEET WILL BE CLOSE CONTEST Ramey and Coe Meet in the Half- Alumni Race Fresh Engineers -Seats Are Reserved. Thei Garels-Cac track meet Satrday poietobth cscst idor cn- teto hr sason . Ii pickigthe l team ti oliect ]tas ])(it it baantic thmso cavtnlitthat, o apetatr at last. heeis co dilercc i thec itumbeir af its that Will Sll ito acit tamtt Ery ,uet will futrt...…

March 21, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 125) • Page Image 2

…... eau to tCZ 0 rTf I I II II A III I I I- II IMS I r F++) CD c) 0 0 0 f no s r) n rn 0 tJ r rr. v rr v r--1 td .r. (TJ !.n t1: r M 7 " tD v r 74 t C C'" -t (D J= dR (^ t C .u . lti v; w c u 9 c- r s r n u i d O O - ,-..+ .y 0 a . Clem on t~ 4 C)- ~ r: r- A t C: /.. ~f ..'i tt! i' ,...' C. .. ./ . (- _ y, x C Li w ', t f z U N y T, -' .-- - .- '' .- fr - ; s : o ,r ci w CD %^ ' x ! ;-n w x to ry tL' .-. "" s ' .; . vii -o u) ( ...…

March 21, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 125) • Page Image 3

…TilIE MiChiGAN DAIL.Y I t¢ .yam ' n . k yt r t : J i9 h V, R d .J y ~f What Style Clothes W10il You Wear Easter Sunday?) to IS ntone too eairiy to dlecid'etnd get wha t iyoxxwdot ntowx Sitall it be a sitarinsack stttt %Vhit itstyIe oxvercoit wiii you xtear? Of course voo will wxaint gamiert.: that are fasbioniably correct int exery tdetailipetret un fit, anti that took as if toilored to yotur special order No mtatter that you fantyy xx can ...…

March 21, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 125) • Page Image 4

…TilE I MICHIGAN DIALY EASTER CANDIES Huyler's Lowney's Allegrette's Oiuntther's Easter "Postal Cards E, E. Calkins, Druggist S324 S. State .Street. ID.. Y.. A. A. M~5 J. RAILWAY Sisicil carp to lick 'ii (-;:o ,.Il. 0 t vr ~ t.)h 1 11ii 8:,;o p. l 1ir lo al iivi to 11ai i 0i t a. lto ) t; 1) 3n , hen t :ii' ; . i '1w )ho r b al ji c toii. ,() 7:15 :ii 311 l t" .[ 1 : it . /P. M. A LA RFIC LOC KS HACK AND CARRIAGE HIRE, Cnapm lan's Jewe!t ry S...…

March 21, 1908 (vol. 18, iss. 128) • Page Image 1

…The. MIichigan Da-ily VOL. VIII.ANNARBOR,. TCfITGAN. SA 'IRDAY. MARCH :r, 190. No. 128. FOUR MEN HOLD p HOPE OF MICHIGAN N Tonight's Meet May Go to Strong1 First Regiment Team-Varsity Outclassed in Field Events.r Mieligan's hope tonight is practically1 in the hands of four men-Cse, Dull, Bebrook and Honer. Several of the younger athletic stars will le asert from the meet and of "M" men only Coe and Dull will compete. The FirstI Regiment is ...…

March 21, 1908 (vol. 18, iss. 128) • Page Image 2

…T{Z MICHIG~AN DA L . :.... - ; G. HI. Wild Colipally Our Spring 19oil line of fine Imported and Domestic /WOOLENSI Is now ready. It includes all the latest Novelties, Shades and Up-to-Date Patterns in Moose Brown, Caribou Tan, Leather Shade, Grays and Fancy Blues. Your patronage respectfully solicited. G. H. Wild Comfpally 311 South State Street First Shipmerit of 'Mchist o' ( the new game craze 1 was quickly sold and we have just received a ...…

March 21, 1908 (vol. 18, iss. 128) • Page Image 3

…_ THE MICHI A.,N DALYI UNION OFFERS F CII.1R1t)7 L\T' If your hair is aPOTR PIE i:i r1cii clfrkerein bother, or you have F faitntnet'tAit ro oShl any trouble with it, JdesSletd n Trs f citi ii- otni -cilirti Ann Arbior Judgs Seecte an Ters of. "The College. buy. aIgood Contest Announced-Cmpt C itizenso calii lccu rf iin.Sadr ilc ci d lideliartiieitoticici ators FMust Submit Drawings in lie iroiecitxilhich haslicen lyiig lot- i r M1 Brush Two ...…

March 21, 1908 (vol. 18, iss. 128) • Page Image 4

…THE~l MICHIGAN DAILY - -~ CALENDAR. OOK a s 'l ar .--First Regiment of Illinois TAKE A LOO a ter'meetopa.snsTAILORS T CI High Class Co ar,'021--B en ee om erany i HaJll" H 4 T T SE R S MerJi 1 Pop lar ries Moqem :5..I nyfurwesof ete l 2i-Webstes soc ety banquet aat H T i SPplrPie \ s ny ou ees f. ete Mcign nonclboue Latest Styles-Regal Shoes-See Our $3 Bot yMar. 23-Ben Greet company in 'Ro- Directly North of Law Buidng \ look at the half thous...…

March 21, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 123) • Page Image 1

…The ichganDail y Vol-. 1Lin. (), 12" MAY DEFEATS DULL INI THE MILE RUN Haskins Wins Over Horner and Craig in Bfoth Hurdles-Dull's, Team Wins Meet. i te~) captairi Sa trayii rpi l th til i cet tet tt ll tl: u l Ilet tic t r ival' oh i n i fatroftiec tact. ii, rxit ,t k o i1cto . lii:I to Ma tic ii lIt ltilt' ied i~c t ali t i ri itwell n front it f tr M ni llt- thill it tofLecr h lottle (M , .cod;R ics (SN ,i lls-iifQ7Jt. ji wrIADTJO-i...…

March 21, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 123) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGZAN DAILYI .. _. _ _ ;THE MICHIGAN DAILY.caa7 i P 4 L R C H ANtaI~TloTA I L O R S ..h u - t1" (.'. a. S il 1C i I' . II "'1 i. iN 1.11 ii I G.acH.eeoApany Will \ Ateele . . K lerdn . 1 Vlsc . . I-i s Si<l s1 ii.iiclil e \'ieccc cl c'> 'cECre(ltrinLghhdD r aci~ . . ~ iaiii Csiie ciii saf Iiv N it . il'a h, 7vai c '>1 ic.ma1 0;Nir Ac arr'Sle rb rca c' 1a 'a viialiii AXviirlte ~i i aa, Lgal olecRoaleGayandci 1111t.d i P. 1111\1i11 1'...…

March 21, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 123) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY Sam Burchficld's Fine Tailoring Trade Can Deliver The Good PR1O3KF. 13000 NEW 13OOK N\\ , V , 5iiR13 1110' PROM isisS I IPR(SV1SSI NTS I.\Pl;l,lP\' 33ilRl.l\ Tht 'I1cw s''"Carlsis'issIbook Iri mikalPnp QS(Trid clnum twlth kr Sam Burclhfied & C.EAST HURON ST. is to TI- IASi &Co. . 308 State St. HOT WHEAT or BUCKWHEATI'CAKES THE [ARMERS AND MECHANICS BANK MlAIN ANDt)UI'23N STREETS Capital $1)000() Suritlus and Profits sw0o0...…

March 21, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 123) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY ur aster Suit Sunday April 11I th is EASTER, you will w ant your Suit ready, By purchasing here you will not only get the best that can be produced in Hand Tailoring. But you will ,,"c at least $8.00 on a single Suit. 5fF SUFF [S KEEiN AND RIGHT D)OWN TO NOW. yr U45 E-ME NTS M bte&BOTH PHONECS 480 UNIVERSITY NOTICES OR tichit cicili Pc0 1 i H Al iti i orlt ore caad ot " Inn (i n ct-to t Mt Indav t 7:1 1. ]((. nch17 il lbei...…

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