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March 21, 1908 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1908-03-21

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If your hair is aPOTR PIE i:i r1cii clfrkerein
bother, or you have F faitntnet'tAit ro oShl
any trouble with it, JdesSletd n Trs f citi ii- otni -cilirti Ann Arbior
Judgs Seecte an Ters of. "The College.
buy. aIgood Contest Announced-Cmpt C itizenso calii lccu rf iin.Sadr
ilc ci d lideliartiieitoticici
ators FMust Submit Drawings in lie iroiecitxilhich haslicen lyiig lot-
i r M1 Brush Two Weeks. a .o liinIt ye iarsx
ghatcc Xic \uoli arslcc bolultely no
AT ~~~I-leraldedil lix the 'ninouncecent tch at iiiii i i iiiiI liie ii an
th.i1~I~S de Coucnty Foir puiccity ~nite a
seeks ca poster ilesign, tcc _non xcspring iin ensiĀ«if Anccoui
and get relief. crivial accincstpcl ccdgir e ispolight.l hl areS ciii liii hae agrctsil
The artixici talent ocf thce i cplcx ti i iiiisc i ifetini fr-lrr c
vited tic iinit dIain cgsx tic the bcarilt . l icipoe. 1 leiroc i c 1.+sa i ciiii i niit tIn
of lodges. T e ieerl ciniitii of;u.ciller, as hav e vrc ccci cithel\ii iehigan ccoe
the Councity Fcci ixciooc to dcide oli tciii iii iii
________________________________________ t ice piriefte li c i nnrciii It wxill prob-c+i \n orgi zatce ionc las 1,beat fiormedicIto
abyb ihrasle o ingciuitp or ri se te l iiiii oirci tIe nciicc ecil.
icc I as rie o en dllars.1, rni,$ ,.;ccci icc tic ci i olIlie recquireil.
Mloney Loaned . Ih Crdtccci- if thecontest arx ii c ht I tis citendedi ito clisti lic efio-.scit
On Vatcihes, Diamonds, Law nooks, iiiicciii hl cicci cxi icccc .cili ecci cxi. i
or oilier personai property. abcuciii byin 6in cese ir i-rgercdocie "OIa tw l citty: r 1 1 ns..in
Watches and Jewelry repaired,. prefercably ic in cccii i],: cccla ialccl i , i ii c
Bargain, in IWatches & Diamonds Sceichicncdliiig cccolcir -cilejicii x liii No h ci ciaiiix cl ofncc i ccc ori the
c lor iesidle lhie mccci1ccetmploydciv 101i] teil ciiidcci ofi I aI liii'
Oane at resdencee331 E. Liberty St cx cliiortintwececilaslno
Ann Arbor. Tliecolrsdonoc c edioih yllo'xIII (! ii i ''iiiciicii l
Hours: Ste i1:30 a. ni.. I to 4:30ad 7to Hlie. Ci tfiteiirs rc requestd toikeIpcili i cc cpted and servie, onlyasiai iii g-
9 p. iccilce ccMi.xiilc lc ceici i i on :l r i o lheiII Iiiitiiii cii
Ai OSIESCI DNI .~ rA~rL 1"tindli e i cud toii u-cu tiliiides-pcign ieliiici t l
________________________________________ ia tec ini fcilicrc fcavor. AuN 1cprintci iatc i ll atb slciedi northe it ie 'T he new
________________________________ - ci l io e macdce ciii lie poscxiii Theticmix "i(i"ell cccii lihi rei redici il ii cisitir i th
- clictici for lice ccntest:isix slhort-all1 ci liira is poale.i htii ccci ci tha t ory o h
cxi Icgsmut e c in cud 4pr i iobe icc xatei ill o11 wtheii c cc i re- purchase of
liesiige.4li 1iOiff1i iet ii_.li.in-hand, in
cl n taesreet indoici nti l ccii iiii Shll )?I \7 \', \ ( 1 A iii?. and in all tl
on all stamped goods, including Coll The new
MIClil[iAN P11..0W "lOPS T ieind)sslectedi byi lie comittic ee Staniii f cc i c, i -c I cixtici.1ar o
irPrf.Ii.o liliUrarici ch. \V 1.Ict. and they ar
AIiZ...rici...ill....icii cci li ~ .... cI ii: in Hatsand
k' tel i ccii uiciety eicc ittei. lhe iii icc ek ii c c ii i
DARZLINGi & MALLEAUX ciiilciissiseveractly c iiiiidisis iirh cre >S iiic-.... . ilc,
224-226 S. Staie St. ccciti at oatistc icru ercit, adaptab iiliy.l'i ggicxI 7 PayneCxl
itioriinaiclity. l ecczillic-Iticill;5.6
______________________________ Th ie ccmmii ite1hopyesx toc -ctracet a lxrgeC ox-C r ............
1c ccliii fccl ei rti sts ii toi clxeti c\! icciic i lt cc . ..... .ill-4
College esrieo it ArhnUinin l',>y dCcrsehcii . - - Reti-1
J ~ln ii ucc tanei cutelc ipartiicclectiol liicci cii ii i
tALLER'S JEWELRY STORE, 216 S. Main St ccn wning ccii. c i nformatcciii on -______ __
ci tg e ix ix isu ged tc c>Iiiiiiiiim cc ciii cciciiii x i iti -c _____________
.W elC 0 Z C outyFirpublcct ccicity 11c itte it 0 ( opeetthe ii ci iii iga i mtc iicci
Tht s iwrd ciiccic we wnts o u i2i. o I ia y claiyaci lice icoccni Douri. tcc\ s dci tes T ritoy cc uit
ofisc c-cid tto ycoichn youenef rcic ii oidy. tiiis Spito-d
cirst coce. Iti cicc maeiwethecc r I 171 177r Xiiiicc cSii
youcemtiiiioypcixicicriioiiipx~rglt\ LI.I'T } [ 3I itc tilctcn o erti Wl
tlephneitiir wiliccmit ui s justc ccxc be rei ccIVCicl tdaly a ti pm. It i
as stic iii -T cceifo ctiiin -cccicicci icacnqcici citthe lliom ii esiy I1.I' e
East University Pharmacy It ciiier scietyixcliil ie cldi at 8 o'clockNew
8 ms S Uiiiersily Ac-icc iii i eicci ic i c e 7U dcciio icl clcccccccs. .)D ffO111 A NOESX
Hi. M. BOYS, Pharmacis hs stle nI i cccbanccetc c wh icte so-i
cit a ed ilcl.Xcc Arboir for isevereci l lii ri yourc c anoe ciii tc t ue Ifor isirinig
cars. XIl ieicters are urged ticturic xc xcii;i.8ccci acnec ilciihacncd. Drop -
V .iii M .cot in crdter to macec i t a i cgreati annualccicci cc lito cW.X 11. IcTriltti6I4iS. ihaye
Barber Shop and Bath Room~s -lii -elilieS-t.,cr-caigc f ~'O[
E-rembers.g irt- l ofii ilt ecciiccite icr atthiii (I. U )- i ac I , I ili n 8, Twxo doors oth of
Largest Shop ira than City ciiiixe lii ieciit71co icc iiSix

To load a Conklin Fountain Pen, jut dip it in any
ink, press the Crescent-Filler and see it fill ito own
tank like a camel olaking its thirst. Thatis all there
is to it! No dropper-no mess-no bother. Deo it
anywhere-any time.
he filled instantly without the leasxt inconvenienco. You
Id fill it with white kid gloves on withiot dacnger of
ng. Besides its convenience, is the splendid wcriting
lities of the Conklin-the pcerfect teed.
Leading dealeri haneth ie Cionklin. Ifyoucrs dccis lot, order
et. Prices $.00tandsup. S.csdatoeornsomie ecical.
eConklin Pen Co., 310, Manhattan Bldlh., Toledo, Ohio


iTouch of Spring
Spring Scarf as a special introduc-.
spring, we are offering a. special
beautiful new Spring French four=
new correct shapes with open ends
hie handsome spring coloring.
Spring Shirts make their first bow
re beauties. The new spring styles
I Cap are here for your inspection.
e, Conlin & Fiegel
For Lien
est, Nattiest, Line in the City
MACK (ft Co.
tici O Watcesi.ilcimicids, icieely, oachall
D iii, iClss stiChattel and toltici :ersii-c-c
(" ii l ustnssiistriecthy c-ccsldc-cci.atd
oipposite icort ihouse.
City Y. M. C. A. W. J. L.OURIM

Spring Styles WAGNER & CO.
It3i Now in Stock State Street 4
c-..-Men's Hats H A TT ERS
Weye.Ben ppinedRowe's Laundry EL EC TRWI C ITY
We'v Ben ApoitedTHOMAS ROW[, Prop.
Exclusive Agents for 326 N. Fith Are.
teHat' that not only Ncow Pone dd7 lBelt Phoncie 47-L S'lpplled to College Men sand
the ___________________Womn for All PirposesS 'St
made $two$ famous, but SCOTT'S DANCING ACADEMY
also created the word M6 Soth St Street WASHTENAW LIGHT & POWER CO.
"i$YLE ca58 Satu~rday. i0 A. 1M. and
7:30 P. M. 200 Eekst Wa~sxington~ Street
TRD ~KAsembil90ciiccck. ______________________________________
$two$ Hats 7~,L1v~(tI Chinese Chop-Suey Restaurant 1y arryin a copy of the MICHfGAN Daily Subscriptions Now Due
Chicnese lasey lDmxhes,clrmecmli Luhs otIHANDBtOK in yor poeet. Saefrmr
A _atl kinds Jc eythin 'imtelax for randa eatendar, speialeents, University
ALL N , T h Not ie1ldies sld g'tt men. Caendr in this IdS page book. 01ven away Subsrptions taken by mailcheeeki draft ice
A L N Th ClterSTREET Chinsead JapamneeiBrie-c-brae toi students at he University Y M. C. A. MC-mominey order.
Up Stals, one door. Husoros, 314 S. Siate S.Mitllan Bal.

STUDiO -ENTSC FILER, 319 East Huron


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