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December 02, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 53) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily Ivot,. x~ ANN ARBOR, MICH., FRIDAY, 012 0EMNBER _ ' 1904. No. .)3 IDIEALS IN JOURNALISM, intersting and Instructiv e Lee te--eie in atUniversitv lidu-I cation for Newspaper Men. Ii It 1111II i t t r'tor ( i li0 ct.t ,\ lln) c\ rc~fk' ,;I-M arch(1b H Ittgli f 0 i fl \ Ii l' 11 c 1 ( )1 I l ( ) 1 11 ' } ) ' )t1 11( ) 11 1 t til l I i I 1 1 k a l 1 ) ~ ' -1 " , I1 aI 10 1 1 . }III :1 1111 11 111111 ii11) 1(d1t1 ~ltI ) 1 11"a1 1...…

December 02, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 53) • Page Image 2

…1 'rHS MICHIGAN DAILY THE M~CH IGAN DAILY. ilHHtlctbri Hoftihe iii itcetHla E ~ JE WOULD HAVESFbt'a itci ,: iit 4 h ln(il tiH gi1lit Ota v i lttl Ardr YOU TO KNOW wt Hu ' HC ltHH HreedHI, -:eel tH'I'iI Y i t 1 uF. 'Hahl4Hststre. 011Ht f71 hg it i i That we are doing busines at * Manging IEditor', J. STANLiEY ISALiHY. -i XX teir huH igi'5t iicri,. Bsiness Manger, eL LiI)IA. hu~MPS ON hl ilHt'.iiHi .l OUR NEW STORE * 'h ii c ier lit. OfMhiigan, ...…

December 02, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 53) • Page Image 3

…THIS MICHIGAN DAILY Hoag s Home Supply StoreK Fall Fashions are R ip e Corner Main and Washington Streets x *Fish Nets, Padlocks, Wa.ste Bas'kets, Brushes, Card Racks, : ut TpCat ai ot Purses and Pocketbooks, Knivesi, Scissors, 'racks, Pi(Aures, Ash F, rotmte whose itorinoT'houseaof Trays, Paper \Weights, Stmoking Sets, Soaps, Towels; Strop, and L. ADlLER BROS. & CO. Pipe Racks at popuOlar prices. 'Plis is the p~lace,o ~ 5 E. G. HOA.G. .4 x-J'...…

December 02, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 53) • Page Image 4

…THE MStHIIIAN DAILY _ Cutting, TABE.SCA7LE AGEClTeS, : You will find PETER' MILK INEVY AT Hatters and Fur- cious confection but a nourish- rhliecrtized 0 ltr cl eeoara nshrs ing and sustaining food. asily antyflIat which is Mi tiatisfactory. oI U9-I iEast Wsigo t digested. Does not create thirst.'Wsigo Insist upon Nr fM wf N * The imitations are disappointing r h NT C HL r Pmotg rather iCollegemen 'find a grateful degree of comfort and service...…

November 02, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 32) • Page Image 1

…The Michig A.k VoL.. XV. ANN ARBOR, MICH., WE'LDNESI)AY, NOVEMBER 2?, 1904. No. 89 A5 OTfHERSSEE us ADDnArbor's New Thetre 1kNOb An Account of the Recent West ManagerE Virginia Game From Their o h Pint of I I 'it- View. Through the kindness of Coach 0111troll Yost, lhe Daily is able to reproduce a coe the following grapthic account of the !ft~ -ie Vest Virginia gatoe from the Daily OWDominion, published at Morgan i> a~ ttt, W. Va., where te un...…

November 02, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 32) • Page Image 2

…SHE MICHIGAN DAILY I IW E WOULD U HAriVE? ~t~ci r ", !E lcA ir qr i', t _ __t. YOU TO KNOWi l' ti-h let r i yt l'5 it sk t '' i st~ittttt l * ' s si i-tsti .1- ' That we are doing bsusinesis at j aing Elditor-, J.ST1ANLEYLEY ~i. Buiesso Miiaeoagere CLAt DE A. [THOMOPSON. OUR NEW STORE ,I 311 South State Street thttr __~~n:L Il That our New Wooles fot .OTo,.I.'TI the coming fall trade areI.\ 14 now ready. I7S S'I.TV-t That we make sup enb...…

November 02, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 32) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY Hoag's Home Supply Store } Corner Main and Washington Streets Fish Nets, Padlocks, Waste Baskets, Brushes, Card Racks, Purses and Pocketbooks, Kniives, Scissors, Tacks, Pidnues, Ash Trays, Paper Weights, Smoking Sets, Soaps, Towels, Strops ando Pipe Racks at popular prices. This is the place. FallIFa.shio0-is°< Suits = Top Coats= Rain Coats ' L. AD)LESR BROS. & CO. Rofchesteir, N. Y. SButch field's Fine .Tailoiing Trade Guar...…

November 02, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 32) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY 1 oQ 1",. art ' p Ct p P N - I ,mac ILGURN~ iN AEVEAR HA . * Is~tro crotssltr * Th Cotet loranteWearft.isatdare isfsAuthori zed to replace, Free ofCharge, w' ant Hat which is Not Satisfactory., CUllING, REYER & CO.' Sole Aoseats. Leading Clothiers, Hatters aaA Fv.,r- n 1shers. 109-1 11 Fast Washington Street IIII oil KEEP IT ON YOUR TABLE. You will Sond PETERS N151K CHOCOLATE Not only a dieli- cious contection lbot a nourish...…

October 02, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 6) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily VOL. XV. "rICflI6AN 33, CAS[ 0 'Varsity Won Opener After Haro Fight-~Hestons Run the Fea- ture-Good Showing By New Men. Just fair,'. tas aCotaciht 'st's smerdc <fcyetra's game, and Captait l isul nd tI]tin lla i)thtin etam echota tihe cacith'setimnt s. ITerea sn-at l' inso fotalill test-ra'a t sttt' - go adI andtiintlifferent.T htetrtwa omea;oeawrk inthtatfarsi t hlfut ba tasiatrte a ere f tltaatraa: itt ittsiii t tittalitt ...…

October 02, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 6) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY ..N .HNTHE 11ICH IGAN DAILY.i CONSOLIDATEf SOCIEITI ES W E OU D H VE Entre asset~n-cassnitle a th An ES.C.A. and Y. M. C. A. Will Prob ® IN ON IIIR S! E O L A E v e rir foviohee at ably Join Their Efforts i W YOU -TO III4fKNOW aO.td1 ii~ ieii~art University Christian 0 Wo re0 t i Secilt _ [r iih ti ly ('lat ,- vF. ttiiioin striet. Work. I X 1 i -its - -v, ie i -sie -ais Concerning the tproposedl consolia rd lg That we are do...…

October 02, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 6) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY Hoag's Home Supply Store V Corner Main and Washington Streets; Fish Nets, Padlocks, Waste Baskets, Brushes, Card Racks, * Purses and Pookctlrooks, Knives, Scissors, Tacks, Pie-Lurres, Ash Trays, Paper \Veights, Smoking Sets, Soaps, Towels, Strops and hr Pipe Racks at popular prices. Tis is thre place. f E. G.HOAG. {x iiBurch field's Fine Tailoring :I41 Trade Guarantees... : + Y o the. mot skillful and artei seervice to It ha...…

October 02, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 6) • Page Image 4

…THdE MICHIGANl DAILY - Ae yeu aware of howKLL UI STAR [RS~lilzNRIGT ~ dirA $12,00 SUIT OR OVERCOAT, (''1i>T. wrltil ,1 r I <n2' ,A Pedoineter SWISS MILIC 'Leading Clothiers, flatters, [urnishers as C t OIUA redomeer will regis-0+ * a[t a tr h istance. 109-1ll [asl Washingtasn SI. P'eter's Is the Originlal - - -P22torahr.Lf+ _ MICHIGAN 33, CASE 0. LADIES! ..T - ( t hod toaceleae 011.) You wcill find a fret-class ontisepct es ATSI'N ! eyelhete ...…

June 02, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 175) • Page Image 1

…The Mlcigan al VOL. XIV. ANN ARBOR, MICH., THURSDAY, JUNE 2, 1904. No. 175 ME[THODISTS NEXT. [ILECTION TODAY. S[NIOR REICEPION. SHARP CRITICISM. Northwestern will Cross Bats With Student. Members of the Board of Con All Departments will Unite to MakeI Mrs. Fiske Makes Caustic Comment Michigan at Ferry Field Saturday trot to Be Chosen at 4:00 This This Year's Affair a Success Concerning Appreciation of Drama -Last Game for Majority of After...…

June 02, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 175) • Page Image 2

…- THE MICHIGAN DAILY THE MICHIGAN DAILY- G. x.U MilCompnyn " Etered as secoed-class Mter at the An U. H 11111 U II~p~llJArbor Post Office. * 4 Published dily (Moday excepted) during the 1Leading ecat alr college year, at117 E. Wasingtoe street, ± la (basement floor, side etrance Phoe S93-3r ________ _______MANAGING EDITOR: 9 S. EMORY THTOMASON * BUSINESS MANAGER: SPREING WOOL[NS T lROSCtOE B.HSO EDITORS: For Suits, Top Coats aud Alties. - - R...…

June 02, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 175) • Page Image 3

…-- - THE MICJHIGAN DAILY r When you think of Eating Think of Pennycook PICKWICK BILLIARD ROOM AND BOWLING ALLEY. 707 N. UNIVHRSITY AVNU. Win. lbocbrein, steam & Gas fitter. Ilbonle 667. 303 Z.C State 1t rLIECTkIC rANS Uectric Caf ih i'Dse5 Electiic Table Lamso Y c . lli hleo.- i pay...., WA5ITtNAW LI6HT & POWER( COMPANY. Cu. W-.ion and th iA..Pa,o27,> .++4u9*i.++....v~ukz"6. .I..I.*+ ®N THE to.; TheIL AK N ALR UEt TIME E7 TA L A' A r rv e ...…

June 02, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 175) • Page Image 4

…THt MICH4IGAN DAILY NOI Spring Line of P Oxfords now in. Tans in window,1 the "New Spud For the benefit of our custo Puritan Shoe Co has eeu mad into the hands of the factory-G Mass. George E. Keith does it } he does ewe end conerl/thei * meade f/the ale "PIriane" jeiee lusive right in making our sinc Oxfords this spring e sre and inferior brand with the Ptritan shapes and styles arriving daily THE OLD ORI( The Old Place, Ili Spirit of Helpfu...…

April 02, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 133) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily VOL. XIV. ANN ARBOR, MICLI., SATURDAY, APRIL 2, 1904. No. 1I9 3 SENIR LW PA TY. S. W. V. "EASTER BALL ALUMNUS PRACTITIONER. AADf1 oiSIN E Given at Granger's Last Evening- Yorefadrensaeivtdo bnWs kow to .ofM Botany Section Gave Interesting Pm. Quaint Features-Amusing Pro- ated the Annual Faster Monda studnits as "Tug," the star guard o1 gram in University Hal Thursday gram Prepared of the Dances Dancinige Party, gte tnlby...…

April 02, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 133) • Page Image 2

…' THEMICHIGAN DAILY "+ffff+ +fffff f~f THE MICHIGAN DAILY /U Abo os OicG I W l n nnu Entered as scndelas maste at theAn -_ ___ W ild --. -pG----b- 4 Publishrd daily (Monday ecseed) during the e ~ at Ucollege yea,at11i lt.Watsigton street, Leadillg MeIrchlantLTailors (asmet lioSleide citrane)rlPhoe 912-3 * MANAGING EDITOR: S ESOIY TIHOMASON BUSINESS MANAGER: Z ± ROSCOE B.HBOSTON SPRINGi WOO[[NS EDITORS: Athilics. - - - itOnER K. 'iATON For Sui...…

April 02, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 133) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY DO I T N NOW State Savings' Bank. GEORGE BISOHOFF, W.J otwo . Sh5eehan5 rLORI,5T. l.II. Wade iFiP.\Mills cmoicr 'CUT PLOWTEt5 & PLAN-t,5 Ino. KochProtl tlCrat ai it,btwen lai olasn it. andiller iAve SOME PEOPLE Prefer to pay 6oc a pornwd for factory made CANDY, o0 er utwto months old filled witlb preseivatss es to kepliti fresh. OUR CANDY ts 5isc a pound, Made Fresh Dotlyoo very best materials Before sendiiig your Eaister ...…

April 02, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 133) • Page Image 4

…THE M-ICHIGAN DAILY Full line now in at the popular $05 price - - ALL [[ATI1[RS TAN, PATENT COLT, FRENCH CALF AND KID ~ fk; ~ ~ ...~ inada im I MOGUL G;rok'n in Turkey. Perfected in Egypt. Enjoyed in America. a' ''MOGUL SMOKE MAKES EGYPTIAN SMOKERS Cork Tpoin ~. Save the Coupons. -- - G, _ 4 1'f it ,. ..' del [ J e 1 V . ++ . tir """.., .. . rc SSE T S "rt - -.... i .. .. __ The W. C. KernlCo, 4t11 E. 57th St., Chtcago. laps and Gowns made...…

March 02, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 106) • Page Image 1

…TheMchigan Daily VOL. XIV, ANN ARBOR, MICH., WEDNESDAY, MARCH 2, 1904 No. 10 'VARSITY ME[[T. CLOS[ [lGHT. PROFEiSSORS UPHE!LD. CHIICAGO L[TT[R.. Many Entries for Saturday Night Con- Result of Election of Managing Editor) Figures Submitted by Professors Ad- Washington's Birthday Prom. a Great test - Fitzpatrick well Pleased of Next Year's Michiganensian ams and Cooley on Railroad Pro- Social Success-First Prom. to be With Showing Made by Men Mu...…

March 02, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 106) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY." * ;TIHIE MICH-IGAN DAILY thwe dtorial commet iio the samet OnRe uc in EI ntwitias setsailclass sater to. he Anss ir(Unatit t h°C~t; t iro otofceas Diyadsitit as reth Pabis had dily (C sad l a l tlurists the Iaattitn to the lrpiretr if the ' atttlege yeiar, x11 1 E . i tet au egt sret I. htariliigboneto gnlit qtw siittatwel as aflefl(basemetflar sikttrteat) Ahjoist149 31 totchtalh athorhtiiies ,yit st te- * MANAGING EDIOR ...…

March 02, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 106) • Page Image 3

…THEM MICHIGAN DAILY. b' a ' o-' ' o " ''r4''+, 4.4.4.r4rsr . M+ . * i+Yi +r 'a +$+*r . I O S O4SSOS*®@,S4I4.O4S 1 ®S4.* * 1@*S,,4*@( a . . iVienna, Thihets. Cheviots)ndWorsteds. made DrtyDd' in single or double breasted. Varsity and Regular Sack Style, 30 O [D[ 30 Weblll al $18, $20 UL' T he only shoe in the world designed by a We havo all sizes in stock nw a1n11can)tillyou ThClothier wo e --f r om n nicely, t'all and insp(ect them. A . Ioen...…

March 02, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 106) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY. *a ' 4 ' 'H a i' i~t++ , ~o+Afs a+ t Wt+r~s4°+t r, r +f+_____________++___s________+*:+ ~s +irtl !4 1i Y ,;. g. f+ DISSOLUTIION S4111 SlILL ON Some Special Bargains Left in FLANNEL SHIRTS a AND SWEATERS 1 CUTTING, REYER & CO.I 109-1I1l1[as~t Washington FUN FOR TWO FUN FOR A CROWD FOOTBALL POKER... Combines all the interest and excitement of the two great American games. i j WL . /'.COLLARS , Lin1en and c-UFTS ARE THE ...…

February 02, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 91) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan DaIl 1y VOtL. XIV. ANN ARB W, MICH., TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 1914. No. 91 "PARSIIAL." of Parsifal forbd str dwelling on the ( VONROE DOCTRINE. KILLIFER MAY PITCH I____lw eisod55(es whici are istifed by- The annontcement tat Karstens Professor Stanley Lectured to an in- bte great anti helpful lessons. Any Professor Hart Begins His Course of wht tas retett tpon to be the stand- mose Audience-Lantern Used toI one who atstrociaes the cor...…

February 02, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 91) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY. - - THE MICHIGAN DAILY R~dI~~htiffl ~ lted s ecelieo'et'at he~n colg ear l at: 17' . Wa sg onsteet, S ale basemnt, flor. ie ntr ecvPe Seeh25' ± ~ U~t ~MANAIN I IIOR: S. EMORY 'PIOMASON BUSINESS MANAER: As we have too large a B HUSeE T iOiN stock of fancy lElrol tlS: Wse Aliii c-c - - -- lI .ET. S . r iix1 : 5 UITINGS AND ASSOCIATES: f :. - tlfo cc. v ewn 1{y Peeblels. : RO1JS[RIN%.S A .Pund. A. Ii.teyr ..,Jseh Ii e. So d...…

February 02, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 91) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY._n A'X1CHIGAN CENTIw m.rm emOOAeOmI.0m1 Thp Ni nra Fll nutPon'' Ou r ,Grteatj THlE S4ilifT LINE-Dnlu nni ANN ARBOR toj IJ BUFFALO [UI! IUV~ i NEW YORKI AND BOSTON1 24Zto 50 pr. c. DISCOUNlP~T COFFEE SVITS, OVERCOATS s4 $* Trousers, House Coats M OCHA AND JAVA II nderwear, B athrobes 214 Maiss St. DE AN Ca CO. $2.oo, $.0 10 Fe nysus 79c New Brunlswick Tables a STAEBLER ftW IERTHf REID'S BILLIARDJ PARLORS, ° ° N ''N°"''a ~r F...…

February 02, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 91) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY. e . .. - ^r stir- - -i- - - +at- -f-4-soo- - -+ - --+-' --e- a- -e- -w. - -a - - Gjrok'n in Turkey. Purian s oesPerfected in Egypt. Enjoyed in America. Foror Fronts ~ al~~The yfW. C. Kern Coll. tnv -' "eas ~'~411 E. 57th St. Chicago, * orTfld LUIJ } f~i4' i 21)4adtowns astde to or- uI' (let, and reted. y '1 ,'i I ' st' . ts for all collegsand *. LU I '~ fiat et-iities carried °"111sVi Si-ad for Catalogus tMONEY LOANED ON...…

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