Hoag's Home Supply Store V
Corner Main and Washington Streets;
Fish Nets, Padlocks, Waste Baskets, Brushes, Card Racks, *
Purses and Pookctlrooks, Knives, Scissors, Tacks, Pie-Lurres, Ash
Trays, Paper \Veights, Smoking Sets, Soaps, Towels, Strops and hr
Pipe Racks at popular prices. Tis is thre place.
f E. G.HOAG. {x
iiBurch field's Fine Tailoring :I41
Trade Guarantees... :
Y o the. mot skillful and artei seervice to It had ainywhere.
ens. \Ve hare the agen 'y foe Beach & Newer's custom Shirts
and ean show you a large, beautiful arid exelarive .me of shirt
is'peifect fitting.,0
Burchfield 's Fine Tailoring Trade, 106 E. Huron;i 4;
r..Y O dr
t....i O "
1 )
Fall Fashi ons are Ripe-
Suits = Top Coats = Rain. Coats
rmtihe rWholesalertilrrinrr; hrorruso
Rochestrer, N. Y.,
I Ilustratirig the latest imrovrrred
dfesires,..are now ready. We t
rave exclursive sale if L. A. 1.
CoU. crotlhfig firthin lrea'ity.
MAen rwhoinreemonre thranordini-
arily p rtic-ular rabourt the style "
and fit if their' elothies are es-
peeiarllyrnv ited to insprect these
pr outs of lrrelreter'smritst p-
to-drate elothing rnanufaetory.
Wadhams, Ryan & Reule
. . . . . . . . . .. N .. . .. . . . .t .f.
M ioney Loaned t t "ALLEN'S FOR QUALITY" 1 SpIaldn' OfficialIntereclegatae
err Watces, 1D.isho hci r Usi-s-,I), fed by AltLeading Crleges
other pronlprpety o . THEYingto w a Da rown S itthis sasn.Foot Bll Pants 1Lace fro,
W~t~. _.modJ.-ry P -i'i itir erne srips.
________NewYork Chicag ener
O. urtn,nire-1 ttrrr A. M.KAll it nyes tonpoldings Offical Football Guide
cofdn ia. For 1904
JoepthrC. Watts r ALE, H T HIR, S RE T ditert by WaultUrrui. rie iC.
"MICHIGAN DAY." Job Printing. Meyers' 213 Main St,Pb1~,Td2 3N .;qr1
Yagawnf The following proelanrationi by south. Phone 281. tf .
SGverror Bliss bas been received: Sg akDw O
H dL n h 0To fbie People of the State of Mtich- Try seie of Cushing's Fine Choco- Sv akDWITw
luoaLu che _____ tf.
f igan Greeting: Iae.~1 Get yor wates, clocks and jewery
*f At u Ttsl'n. 338 S. State * The tUniterenal Exposition commen- Semai rnhdycenn n repaired by the best watch maer ad R:
Sta n rnh r laigad+egraver in te city. All work gar- .
NNNH N crtitnsthit crlrrsiriort iy tie l itre retairing,,at Fuller & O'Connor's, 619 g, aiteed. The best listeof
- _____ ~~tates o the vast territory known as H William St. Puec
Cthe Louisiana Purchase. is now ifr. 'fM. PnsFObS, SrrenrOtC
~o~rioatn s otony neoftie Notice to Daily Cnvassers, jt our $1.00 alarm clocks garnteed loe
co 1fo. incillg rost imrportant in the wld's history, The rnames of alt stbscribers should 3, State Street. F CIED
Gronddoo o htynud tret, bu e position itself i hetiret- be hne nto i(,between 6:30 ard2
ttteitriStet etansi most complete exhibitionr of 7: :0pI. i. very ay. +. CLED
OesrtiweSorru. tire achievements of the humni race (LA UDE A. THOitl5SON. -b I~ o3 ' :w-te i: i"t
- ever rad. 331 Packard St. Ers. Mgt.
Ihv Iu tcugtte lret n iet Michigan, though not of the Lotis.u
Turh Cst iarretitesi n ie traditions and her people, closely re- church work. Inuire 312 S. Division Parker Fountain Pen
ever brutght to te ity. ated to that great event and the Street. 6
FINEf LUCrti ES IN CONNECTION nmagrifiscnt states which have grown a
t': eriut frit&Net ..1m1.aini i Pciean out of it. Her natural products and Piano and Voice Instruction-The M annsDut tr
308 S. Sltbe St., R. E. JOLLY rnanufactures find at this exposition a Kempf Mtusic Studio, 312 S. Division
___ ___________prominent pace, and have receivert street. 6 213 S. Mi S.
deserved applause. Her prgress in- - --
New rufswi~ Tales ble education and the arts has been sig- Stits pressed, 25c; trousers, lie. Yoru wot tiss eight clock f you
New BfllswJ Ickta J11IUU natty recognized. terlainFullr & O'Connor, 619 R William St. hive onenofor
REID'S BILLIARD PARLORS tf Michigan to te extosition, the Leave orders for ine piano toningDOLR A RM C CK
Fine Clars and Tobaccos, event which it celebrates and the at the Kemtpf Music Studio, 312 S. Di J. iB. EILER, Jeweler, 109 W. Libery.
tasr. i. ePop., 312 S. Sarie' tri'tt achievements it retpresents, the vision street. 6
_________twelfth day of Octoter, 194, has ___________
lesbseiii itl.s.te.teen set aside as "Michigan Day," Michiganensians $.00 each at 4.N+.-+"-++++++
S. W. tlarkIson, tashier. s hereon can lereebrated by atilro- Sheehen. ,tf~ GEORGE BICHOFF
IR TN T NA BA Kachievements of our great state. FENCERS. . FLORISTCoctFwesd
Of Ann rbor, ilch. 1 thereforec proclaim Wednesday, thiirS.tesei ir~r r
OIctobler 12. 904. s Michigan Dary i Meeting of Feners' lub at 207 S. MstrrrrAe. itririe 5st.
cptllt I niO Surrrpisaril ti ttus.ortiro. the Universal Extposiitin, St. Louis, Isgalls, Mndiay, October 3, at 7 ti. r
and invite all loyal citizens to attend, KARL ZOLLNRR, Pres.
STATE[ 5AVIN4I5 BANK( that the celebration may be signal-
1 ti rritrrn, li edrs mritdfigit ad3ntu-Got ushn'bo l if ~ &The Ann Arbor Savings PBank
tiI o ldDitC-i l tie, an Gise uttder my and antI the c pt l irriistol5,(1. r plus.r',or ,0
t s F ae 1.i. F. tils R~ues
N..t yi'r torn tarrer Great Sealt(f tie Stain of Ltet novelties in suitingo at Fil-A enrlakigBsesTasctd
.threir 'rC t . S. tarharrrt Michtiganr, at tie Capitol, ii tee & O'Corrror's, 619 . Wilianr St. , isrtBnigBsns rnatd
lal .Gsrir e rs~a atnIarreirg, this tlrd day' of mer iir-c , Cts. ine 0' sc' Si IPterre W.ristir
tr. (IGreat September, in ihe year of one Job Printing, Meyers, 2f7.5 Soith Harrima._VicePres.;___ ritz._______ashier
I.j t NC N Z ea)iLohredfOne Thourrsand Nie Main street. Phone 21. tf.
'eN'agara Fatl Route, Hunndred ard Four, and tof - THE ANN ARB )R RALROAD
theIntldependence of the Get your Gym supplies at Cshing's. ANnDci TX1irfPrerns.
THEESHORT LIRE United 'States tieDne Hurn- t, TM AL-Tbo irtJun 12. 19n4
7 I CHICAGO -A. T. BLISS, Governr. Pedometers free. Read Ctting, SOTrtoarn
ANN ssi B F ALi'.h G vrnr eyr&ios d t. 1 t o. iii 1ort .rir. L. Ni. 1in9r0tat m
-li ARBOR to BFAO;ytc oeno:Ry11 o' d iittrm.1r. " enm-re.
BOSTON FRED M. WARNER, "44t nil 01)ii l." e':3p r.
~NEW YORK ScesrFiSit.oneUteo-date Neckswar, Hosiery, -"irn:r i. "'ss'titii
Shirts, Clves, see Alen Main t Dily e e7tiSunry 1 ter eir Anneo
with tirect connections at Chicago foe erste Vrinwh ol t(rn(tre.36( i~iit5 i l ~trrr
St.rran 'r'eo 'rlrr. s-cr ir r ai nsre daiy iexceptr
the West. lFne information and ireetinig Wenersdayitob ere5, iiat . nun irrero. Iret-eli'ir ers sirNs. irnd 5.
throiugis tickets call on or writs to W. tit., ERomriC.. U. 11. - For the Best Bats in town see W. ''. wrlLt, ts,.n.,
W. CAS, Agent, Ann Arbor. NAGELVOORT, Pres. Allen, Main St. 56 J. J'IsIRsir, tiG.1.AAlnrbMih
Wadhams I& Co. will open their Nw. tok.N [ WohigfltsJnOFr [ihns. StraOc..san.ilb
pleased to have qou call. EMER~Y ARTICLE NEW.'.
WE A E ~U7* Formerly occupied by Wagner E" Co.p