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March 02, 1904 - Image 2

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1904-03-02

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* ;TIHIE MICH-IGAN DAILY thwe dtorial commet iio the samet
OnRe uc in EI ntwitias setsailclass sater to. he Anss ir(Unatit t h°C~t; t iro otofceas Diyadsitit as reth
Pabis had dily (C sad l a l tlurists the Iaattitn to the lrpiretr if the
' atttlege yeiar, x11 1 E . i tet au egt sret I. htariliigboneto gnlit qtw siittatwel as
aflefl(basemetflar sikttrteat) Ahjoist149 31 totchtalh athorhtiiies ,yit st te-
* MANAGING EDIOR meittlttfte f tci.5ittDaltiy rect-p si-I
* S EMORY 1i10IMASON sltittittuidtheistoiiibei.
BUSINESS MANAER: tsa s-eiss-tiitittl ha
As whaetoo large a a i Iti i.CI~-Ntstiitaliiitittialupc itt ittatsa-I
*t 8 O R . w e ia v e icc-istih s a i- 5ia itth tittitof h is n t a t
* stock of fancy Rhtt. OBE T L WA ThON ttiii-ta icti-itcte Ottftta
vowsra- - - - 1JS. Ar t ofi t this numberits- foiitratcwee
f ASSOCIAES t fmtade stihet-sly ill t ie ii- iialeto i ie
* SLJIIIN~iS AND Clittrd Steetsotti.tRty ettes. r~s-t ai ttefotloi-gelossitt
f A M. G aer. It-sy . tEetin Tisi s itftmiaitrt he. lt-sam i iee
f 1 ROU[RINO~s A.O. Pound. A. i. trtcayr. ttaisas sevelait teseal i t i
** titt~~~~~~~~oeph Y Kerr. Stddttrd S. tt Mor tete.tltg it-- sx his aiii
f dtC rwtsa. I-Iat ty tte. ireiv--iat aty Ifectin i-Itt-ii--c. atti
Or D l iiwe swill Sell Go. A. Osorsi. Iartld o. S tii tciesttt i- akl ia ftltl
* - Barry It. Adrews. lits-i1t Kc. titi htaei-ornttt i nt erlitstaei ltsittt tt
52 It. S 1. Roberlt s de I . . atD e ct e
2 to ftake tossa focr l BUSINESS STAFF e eng rECet-cdceihcatbslt-incit
pr igatn S iin Ii e c r T s. I..it I--it.iatttn wiciis-t ottttts-tsaiay mt-t
Woolen-. Be stre ainti Editor Today-A. M. GRAVER, tils afort, itabtitis it amotis ltei-
itt bfore ~w,~Attitica ic lir. ititttti y iipossihle r suy ifectini to ae
call i)beoeyonttplace ~ssciptonTwo D ttlo tttper-tir, paybilli(t-e-n actiieu. 'hpitt- itr ticett i1
y orSd r . t a t , t _h a t u h r t a a e e t e O f f ic e H u n r t1 2 3 0 t o I 1 : 3 0 r a n d 6 3 0 t o 7 3 0 t t t t t t a s -th tit i t i h i e a t t l i t - tt y
f* .H IL O p. m. Daily. eisanatitn llIith alsie-hays-ee ltesl-
(1U Address-ROSCOE B. HUSTN, Bsineus Man- ts id is that tip somtistaettstttaiiit
SG H.W L & CO, ager 331 Packard Street. accden-it a lars to ite eal sas
IO8 E. WASHINGTON STREET. Telephone 461.ttndersco-okie,. aittisit atectedt-heii moire
- - ixcrsetiltep a-ie it ilssiait
ff________________________ I__ h__ halteh athiti-s iel
f i i ~ i ! f f N ~ Y th i m tt rli - sa tiv a ittt tsi tt aifii t-f l
T e (rarGa e ALENDAR. Batisienitolit(itati th I lisitt
The Game Iatmpigtolctetetobe_ ne
IMach 2 iisa, . in- lrt re.-
n ais-lsm, o tpraya n cte e tSimeses cripe tnowfor the
iiBal. to bel htitritas lihe- tlli rsitr of
3l acit21) nii ii.. .l ctint--of icl Iniai('pttlst-Waig Asottlionut
sitall Sitiitttttt gir li-Itat IBa-bouritThe- itject it the assoie-altio s-ill lit-
f unq [r vryn y C51lub tntesiali.,tiltti-ms oti h le tite (i iilu( lst ari.
Exiin lunlol Eeyoe Marcit: I 'ittitsiap eel ang. he switi iaiotid tmaiy stdenttt s.Ttti-
4 vittiiti -fros t tentttogy., ll- i-rinattpearts--dro i ts gooda g iel d t-t
MVactO -Titutsdlay eresitisFat-sul ititi lters- for alig arc- ~tllittt.j
cslncert FlPitt-a e inmorial Hail. i stalisite-d tilla s-is-tttillscbasis ist:
a aceh 4-Fi-iap 441p. it---The Tiach- tiltscta sitlenii tatitng llsi-.it
5 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o ias a mebrofot itthe Cmmuinis- cisii l ttititttitetc-tmaie-mstrn-ha-
* Pocket War ~la~s fortheptlt. 0. S. latint-it ala- I artlitts aditeciingstaitglf. iy'
I aaatrq . TatpilHall. (iiittlthetlub15t neiticotill ]tanti tow
far East, I c. NMachtt4-7ip. a.-BitdC'luthMet-i tns. iifod tsictx51 tttch ul islirrlt ctsiitt
ZA mat-t . h i. t. V rst tittc l tmhosibteatttuc stsit is nt to eii
Mach 48 ail i-5-1-Ps-ry seies ioi hopedti-ti itittr that t - ascatin It
t CO. ectresabyiProftesoc ShatsrMas-lit iii i-at tliattd ititia ii it-tttcil
SHEEHAN * tewa .mP.isTapia HalSi mtcttfooittig 11ti -itheicetiltpaiir,
(ltat- at 1tsivs ity Hal. PTt- iet sa itgesi 11fttr it ititl ofarmst
I I lt llyIittkstkr Sa- Macth 7-tiislap-Mt-I tillsie ci- fotriwticitt51 l ibses t- eiatillrcut
boer an nrvr.ga'rtel alsne ats-tiAtestaTeare. stittietingtitia sitatill ethli nthtet
11)15t 111 sig a es 'arh ct 11 Thrayttip es -"tit 't- raslitalt- iilhuly ion now itlitislong -
*320 South Sate Street. iFviiestsicfromtDisPtriutiTil -Ar. at ttaItl-ecit uuit stts
S* Atanta Al sta-l et-tie tits liii godtt easet-til- ats,
Iac,1Tute al p. m.- A pitltry-sowtis abinlg ithe l i ythei
GC. 11 JR COM1PANY IRural SttootlIoftittt- Ptitict-Hothe IcolgofarctCrnell.___
Spctlt-hiin Dls Fall Altion. TappiiI a i l. Te Siot t tltaat Wiso-sinlutti-i
lintrior Decorating i- P0RTNTotwiitiltiitrilttttit ihtcit tnofttr Iie?
U5 o M*ai t ew tic B alP rb « C rs ole~ o s pperS o rewil re u tead iy t he1 5 ltush n .'
Paihne'sseti literadgasrnolt itt-a Ftrht- 11 Th-at 'iit a l grts-entellit-sid
AND OATH kOOM.5r.qs-tdth- wrigite i-shapartlca l-t iiw-ciislg-IsisitIsitii
J. R. TROJAOWK, Proprietor osiateit that the atcl-shich sit-lI eit.asit will itttots- cittsierdtIal
Fate Maate a Specialty. ieredin llSatraysptDayuniidecte a tplegii ig asit itchy fr 11ti 1tc hanc-5 ti
322 SOUTH STATE STREET hedt itt"Niat Ptisning"a swell asa1ote ea.

Sweaters and
Sweater VestsI
25 / OFF
For a Short Time Only
$5.50 Ones for - $4.12I
$5.00 Ones for - $3.75
Colors 1White, Gray, Ma-
roon and Navy.
Walr's Book Stores.
Now ready for inspection.
You're invited to ook. 44
Tuior. 110 E.Wshintn
Don'tuit trifle withs
you ti face.Us
Williams' Shaving




The Next Number Will
Be Announced Later.

OLCANhM. 57A BOLT, .Manager
MARCH 5th prstist ONLY
Mlr. Jobn Sturgeon Z
In Alexander Dunmas'
The CoUflt of Monto Cristo
In live Acts.
Rest-rved seat-sale t-. t taleat'sNews Stad. Ptict-sA i- lt
Ciimiinq--Ihe Gredt Lafayette

Season lickets, $1.00 3 3 single Admission, 50c


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