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June 02, 1904 - Image 4

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1904-06-02

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Spring Line of P
Oxfords now in.
Tans in window,1
the "New Spud
For the benefit of our custo
Puritan Shoe Co has eeu mad
into the hands of the factory-G
Mass. George E. Keith does it
} he does ewe end conerl/thei
* meade f/the ale "PIriane" jeiee
lusive right in making our sinc
Oxfords this spring e sre and
inferior brand with the Ptritan
shapes and styles arriving daily
The Old Place, Ili
Spirit of
In c fass of acieteeyodyma its
teirit olpfulnss sts itself hot so
thintg ]ftunon.Ttofit ti ngto 0do i
su th tneet isto tqticly nd freey appy
Pond's Erct -isold if o tor -a
recognized etegenpcreedy, foroer 60
yetrs .used by nures, pyicyians antd tIn-
pitals. Eveysttudtnttshoulod aveao- tl
close t btand. Qickltiy stps beingtin
dteeuts;cues brutie, prainsadip-
vets ttsdt bembintg sofromgymi.
Sootes and freshensthe
i tchIae~e ak l o-i
pisitiitiywotttet. Peds
Etat CURttES-thereortet
5tpts0 i s 0p-icles.
tHe Sod sdoly insealedfdottle
sunder bugSwrapper.
Wall Paper, Paints
and Oils
216 East Huron Street.
A. I[[frlu[,
Forest Avenue Meat Market,
Poultry, Game and ise in Season
530 Forest Ave. Phone 407
FISHINETS for Decorating4
121 E. Liberty OSt.
-Z+ 2d Floor. At.n. T.tsSW9 oi"

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

- 1

.,. ® ..

Perfected in Egypt.
Enjoyed inAmerica.
luritau Shoes and ii o r en
Saeh Cuponse
* ee our new
button or lace, in '>7 /, The W. C. Keril Co.
'at"~ 411 E 57th St ChicagoCpanGonmaetv11drndr t.
ters we w ilt to say thatitheti0 Prt entis arrSfi ed. ti
e very titicitstroitgert bygoing Pat ins t~ot sd ttt
eo. R. Keith Compi~any, Broiktontiti cYAy . las-inClapstn Ta
trigss, /)t'lfeiis iiitf /eoliiwhOicth * 4 s Sod for (atiifeoies.
'is. He has always had the ex- - otetahr edldnsfhUoM
ses. HWhentbuiyinig yottr Puritan
buy the ORIGItNALi, aond not sotice o e o n d R E IG
label. Stuck is all fresh; ntevwo ey O an dG EEIG
Watches, Diamonds Don't miss the World's Fair
j Or ther peronal property f
value. Watches and Jewelry Ol- at .St. Louis, 1904.
IINAL PURITAN paired. Bargains in Watehbes
and Diamonds. The only cay to e Sue of it is
j Offie at residence, 331 N. Lib- t ohm i t oi n
South Main Street t erty Street, Ann Arbtor Hours 8- to10he iS.Lit- id
top.i1:301a. t., 1ht3:0p. n., 7 toin l S S -, su IPaii
DalTrasto tKa nssty
Maker of Photographs Framing, Call n Renschler, Iron Mou tain 1Roulte
,ii Pthone 39-2r. Corner Main and Huron Streets. liIVL
are .t-.lovt si St. tL ou i l d te TBis
NOTICE. Fresh Lowneys, Allegrettis, Spar- r acfat- sil7i li-ottollSoittii
______ ~row's and Huyler's Choolates at Cusch- lbti asti iaitny tothr ate-wta
Tioigliti6:615 V. A. C. A. mteetitig ing's Pharmacy. inll lftittmaitin ft-c: ii Itfite
to cosieir 1 ide Cii-(onftr-nce. H-. D. ARMSTRON4G,
AssOi tttt itqurteti will sing. r~ , Your eyes examined by an Trav.iPtic. . . P triytueronititti tt
---- i-expert optician. All the la- outetind te~Cic ct. tuby
EXCHANGED. est approved appliances and methods i.iocttshttt wAtvi. Anntor.tt t itt
--- ~~~knowns to the profession are employed. - ----
Ii thSi ptrsonitcWlii tolha ii titrit-New eye glasses ftted, lenses dpli-C ewn dK.a(Ia rsAodyeeigctfamseprd.Hlr'Jw. ram ; lhe n aln
0111 toll at 211 N.Mtititie may t ratio elry Store. tf. 'iU1IUIIIb~UUJ
it Ir hiso. iIf Stlted iPeanuits, [Hot Buttteredl
THE HARMONIC ORCH ESTRA. Popcorn, Ciattertjack fresht
NlOT ICE, daily.
- Furnishes music to- att occasions .attiyilet
Tte- iout-rn Club cwill gi-ivnStoti- Dance music a specialty. Address t. _
er1on1Fidtay ight at Nichl lItl. All lD. Bates, manager, 80 . Furth ae._ -
Siitill'twott ntitt-i. nu. 29-tf D., Y, A A. & J, RAILWAY
ALPHA REfl ELECTION. Chafing dishes at Haler's Jewelry 5CANDARD TIMV
S---Sor.tf itre toriot talflthourlyfwt-Ei i0oat. i. uti
Store. 055p m Crt. i T o nr iory atitit tttt. -tieit-
A nmtetineg io f te Altifiti Nit Soviet -y1 -itooialy at1I iii0. aod1 iti ii a.m ott Io
ccw ivi hll-Fiday eingtitcJfant- 2^VWANTED. -.- so oul rmt:i .M ni 5u.is .
at730ococt__etofi es o then atot9:st1t.p. to-doIi:Ipi.,m
at 7211erhtlt.iiii-liel il~rers'it- -witng Rosm, Hros St. w. of Mins
netxt yeart. Studentts to cativas for the lighttintg
tnlicliir. Can be carriedi as a sie
NOTICE. Iie.. Entquire at 12 . Hutreti streettin.iaNE, n O~ttisiS OLe'
NV.between 2 and 6 ,S n,8..Ci d ARtitv.us i r i. ltti.
lois Il..otoaliir hits, willhdraw-n - FRTNATIONAL BANK
isiiidtii-y fr tmi-tbltr of lii- IBtardl Any tudent wihing to earn fiveill- FIS
f Contrlol, lars a (ay ntiw or in vacation end tOF ANN ARBOtRt, BICH.
natme for partictular. Perfectly hen- CAPITAL, - - - 11(10,000
NOTICE. ittable.SRPUSANPROFITS. - $40,000
Attititl metingt0attil strtnaide f Rom 15 Higgins bork.
micai-tl eluils. Thursday. Jine 2 Itt Winnipeg, Canada. MRAN NS DRUGST R
' Roomo21. tis i-tsity btall, tBig in-

A gotod tire, bustling man who can
hattile mty rent deptarttntt alsot as-
sist in salt-s department during sum-
mer. 10 yeu are geod, your position is
gttod year round. Will give good man
tearly all rent business. This is a
raro chance, and good men need only
tiptily. Persotnal office hours S to 11
a. en. J. iH. HALLRO& CO..
tf 1-4 H-aller Bldg.

lTe1.at7EOysterswilhd aJun
The t-wso-aFa~ ~ Everybody turn out. Tickets can 1
?h igaaF aluc, obtained from Becker, Mlorrison, Wi.
ritcK SHORT LINE-- ncr, Bills. 72-77
CHICAGO Have yen had a Vibrassage
BUFFALO Trojy's? tf.
NEW YORK Bath supplies of ats hkineds at a
AND BOSTON prIces at Cushing's Drug store. tf.
wtth direct consections at Chicago fto- St LOST-Female hBrinidle Btulldo
Losts, Kaonsast City, St. Past anid the WcstWehtaot4 ls RtunoA
Per informatos adtrough tickets ctll onor Wih httd Is eonb
write toW . W. CASE. Agent. Asn Arbor. pha Delta Phi Bose. Reward.


[lectric and bias
IFixtures and Construction
J. F. SCnus'S, 207 1I. Washington St.
Physical Training
In Writing.
The Book for All the
People All the Time
-lot alt iociuttots; for hitmciniproetioct.
60 pp. illsstratted. Price 51.00. Teste-di:5tyeatrs.
'Tfe oto ntttlos' ct-espciond-e-ecurse by ott-
tioor, $i2.Fo bu orief tiooc Iitwillentt-tl ook ti
andtuirste for $t. Wittlite-st-re-ottoptyicial
tr-atinigin raobitdowrititg o 0,ogrii Sb t-stonet-ett
for$ii.'5'tCutiveo tooeathandee positive-
at-c tiir Sad onrititog.Initidulittaiy retainedt-
Binss iti etosoanttd aoe lessonit..
Address PROF. G. BIXLER,
Mbadisos St. and Ogden Ave., Chicago

Always Ahead
In Styles.


The Best
of Everything in Tailoring

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