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May 17, 1929 (vol. 39, iss. 168) • Page Image 1

… ESTABLISHED 1890 ICY Ar Air* 0 qIrw MEMBER ASSOCIATED PRESS Vol. XXXIX, No. 168 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY MAY 17, 1929 EIGHT PAGES DEAS FRoMwnLE WELAND COMMilITTESREV. SAYLES ATTACKS DR. SHIELDS IN COMMUNICATION TO THE DAILY EmrOEM AM& N o U NEA 12 MARK Dr. T. T. Shields, the president of the board of trustees of Des Moines university, and the individual who I wasecently involved in the shakes up at- that institution, was s...…

May 17, 1929 (vol. 39, iss. 168) • Page Image 2

…*THE MICHIGiAN DAILY FRIDAY, MAY 17, 1929 'r 1OUN G LAUDS COOLEY IN'yINITIATIONSPEECH BEFREHORNRGROUP WOOD SUPPLEMENTS PRAISE IN ADDRESS FOLLOWING TALK ON LANGUAGE MEMORIAL TRIBUTE READ Eight Men Taken Into Sociological Society at Dinner Hield in New Women's League Building Prefacing his address with an eulogy of the late Charles H. Cooley, for many years head of the soci- ology department, Prof. Kimball Young of the University of Wiscon-...…

May 17, 1929 (vol. 39, iss. 168) • Page Image 3

…M1IDAV, MAY 17, -102q r~T 4C -E~T~KIA r '. Winners Of Pulitzer [AIDDALIV~ irPTIIflR REEVES WILL DELIVER ADDRE[SSI AS FEATURE OF ' MID1DAYLUNCHEON, ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT TO HOLD MEETING FOR MANUFACTURERS REGENTS WILL ATTEND Invitations Are Sent Out For Guests To Inspect University Laboratories PrizPes Are Selected lifUA~IU K5LLCTURELS '! GIVES DEMONSTRATION Alfred Reeves, General Manager of. the National Automobile Cham- ber of Commerce...…

May 17, 1929 (vol. 39, iss. 168) • Page Image 4

…PACE FOUR THE MIC HICAN E)AILY Ft|AY, M IAY 1, 1X29 ;-I, - ~ - ----- -- Pubitshed every morning except Monday dosing the Universit year by the Board in Control of Studnt publications. Member of Western Conference Editorial Association. The Associated Press is exclusively en- titled to the *use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this paper and the local news pub- lished herein. Entered a...…

May 17, 1929 (vol. 39, iss. 168) • Page Image 5

…PhMA1,11A'St': IT) 1016 THE MICHI R U!3IL ' 4 Y I, ___________ _______________________ M A VATA AM .: 1v . 4 . , L 'i l s 3 r I ,; N EO CS C ' MEN AND WOMEN TRULY EQUAL IN EiNIR r WINI Lecturer Discusses H[ [ UIL RUSSIA, ACCORDING TO DR. HINSDALIE [HWINPolish Student Life "Peasant Women Are Arriving merly Kamineff's wife is president At A Recognition Of of it She acted as hostess to P- There is one woman student to Their Rights" ...…

May 17, 1929 (vol. 39, iss. 168) • Page Image 6

…'PAG &S I1 THE MIChIGAN DAILY .. #' , 1929' -1 UNBEAT C HURLIN GASSIGNMENT IS GIVEN__TO N'AFEE Asbeck Given Second As ignment; Weintraub's Return Big Help To Wolverines' BOILERMAKERS IN SLUMP A strong squad of Wolverine baseball players left Ann Arbor at 8:15 last night for Lafayette where they will meet Purdue at 4 o'clock this afternoon in an effort, to re- tain their lead in the Conference race The Michigan team, unde- feated in the B...…

May 17, 1929 (vol. 39, iss. 168) • Page Image 7

…FRIDAY, MAY 1 l, 1929 i E- MICHIGAN DAILY ~- ~DAY, MAY 17, 192~1 THE MICHIGAN 7--7 FROM CHICAO,0 5 TO 3 ritching Of Crowder Of St. Loui Shuts Out Cleveland In Close Contest BOSTON BEATS GIANTS Detroit Tigers continued winning their ball games by handing the White Sox a 5 to, 3 drubbng. Car- roll, Tiger hurler in yesterday's game, held Chicago to six hits while his team mates hammered out nine against Thomas, White Sox pitcher In the onl...…

May 17, 1929 (vol. 39, iss. 168) • Page Image 8

… FA L THE MTCHTCAN Fr!DAY, MJAY 11, 1021 DAILY OF FICIAL B Publication in the Bulletin is conbtructive n of the University. Copy received by the As dent until 3:30 p. m. (11:30 a. m. Saturday Collection Of Historic Musical LiteratureI UJ L L [I N Placed On Exhibition In Main Library Corridor ice to all members The first program of the Choral ; especially significant to this year's tot Union, isued fifty years ago this presentations by t...…

May 17, 1928 (vol. 38, iss. 171) • Page Image 1

…ESTABLISHED 1890 At Lwr4i 47a113 MEMBER ASSOCIATED PRESS I VOL. XXXVIII, NO. 171. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, MAY 17, 1928. IIHT PAGE~S . _ _ __ __J__ _ _ _ _e_... . MANY FAME0 ARTISTS TO GIVE PIERNE WORK ' AS FESTIVAL FEATURE CHICA0O SYMPHONY TO PLAY INI PRESENTATION OF FAMOUS 1 OPERA ST FRANCIS IS SUBJECT Choral Union, Children's Chorus, And Montana, Davies, And Koch ' Will Sing Tonight Pierne's opera, "St. Francis of As- s...…

May 17, 1928 (vol. 38, iss. 171) • Page Image 2

…1" ,, #THE MTCNIGAlq T ATL Y rrTTTT NGUAOE INSTRUCTORJAPANOP POSES. III I I FV MHINTES LEADER Gustave L ichaud, of the romance languages department, has been ap-... pointed head of t1- same department ~ in Battle Creek college, it was "an- noinced yesterday at the offices of Prof. Hugo P. Thienie, of that depart- ment. Mr. Michaud is now teaching one day a wi~eek in Battle. Creek, and will leave Ann Arbor, July 1 to as- sumie full duties as...…

May 17, 1928 (vol. 38, iss. 171) • Page Image 3

…HURSDAY, MAY 17, 128. THE MICHIGAN DAILY P. PURCHASE OF .PLATES WILL ESTABLISH NEW UNIVERSITY TRADITION PLATES TO REPRESENT MANY FAMILIAR SCENES OF CA1tPUS WILL BE ON SALE HERE Sets tPurchased From Importers In Boston By Alumni Association For Use At Ca mipus Functions A new Michigan tradition is to be established with the recent announce- ment of the creation of a set of Uni- versity of Michigan dinner plates Un- der the sponsorship of the ...…

May 17, 1928 (vol. 38, iss. 171) • Page Image 4

…'T HF MTrT4T[;AN nATT .Y VrT- TTIl.Q"A "V' M A V i rl lu, r t rn j I t bconnecting link between the student body and the faculty from the Stu- Published every morning except Monday 'dent council, or in giving expression tring the University year by the Board in to studentthought through the col- ntrol4 of Student Publctions umns of student publications. Theirs, emei *' Wster. Coference Editorial also, is the office of representing the The As...…

May 17, 1928 (vol. 38, iss. 171) • Page Image 5

…T. MAY 17. 132$. THF: MICHIGAN DAILY a.M4Yn. 1( auu 11 1L WT 1Y A DAIL w °/-?S-2sZ r- AV UWAvA 5 ' ANNOUNCE VACNCES FOR EUROPEAN TOUR Group Of American University Women Will Travel Abroad To Promote World Friendsliip IS ENDORSEDBY LITTLE Announcement has just been made that there are four more vacancies in the Open Road tour of Europe which is to be conducted for Michi- gan women this summer by Mary L. Lytle, social director of Bets...…

May 17, 1928 (vol. 38, iss. 171) • Page Image 6

…THE Ml HTr:ANI "TATT V -W rw a y- llT~AN. TIYATT - fTTT lAVCa.. /*~ *tL .L **L 1 .. "^'.a*Aw./.,K.&JS+-,ASA. * =.,x. l:)6c rrr BALL f TEAM TO LEAVE TONIGHT FOR TWO GAME TRIP PURPLE AND BADGERS WILL MEET MICHIGAfl ILLINOIS TRACKMEJ IN WEIGHT EVEP Editor'sNote This is the sec- ond of a series of articles appear- ing in ThoDaily comparing the relative strength of the Michigan and Illinois Track teams. Rain Forces Squad To Indulge In. O...…

May 17, 1928 (vol. 38, iss. 171) • Page Image 7

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY AN!TAER TRAIC EVENT INTRAMURAL ACTIV PS ADDED TO $SRW'S , HQUSE)D IN N E CAR4 ER .ON $AL FIELD Next semester Michi-an's intramur Another peculiarly tragic chapter is a sports will behoe ise n one of being added to the career of Georgei the best, if not the best, intramural larld Sislcr, the "Michigan Marvel." buildings in the country. This beau- Acknowledged five years ago as per-. tiful new structure, built where the: VIT...…

May 17, 1928 (vol. 38, iss. 171) • Page Image 8

…''THE' MICHIGAN DAILY THURSDAY, MAY-17, THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUURSDAY. MAY 17, I DAILY OFrFICIA-L BULLETINJ Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Copy received by the Assistant to the President until 3:30 p.m. (11:30 a.m., Saturday.) it play, "Le Docteur Miracle," may see the proofs and leave their orders in Room 104, South Wing, office of the Romance Language Department. All orders must be ...…

May 17, 1927 (vol. 37, iss. 164) • Page Image 1


May 17, 1927 (vol. 37, iss. 164) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY 'i t-riST)A IMA 17. THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY MAY 17. 1927 University Student T{ells Of Relief Work In Flood Area I ; Wordi has been r ceived by the so- I ciology departmnent from Miss Cor-t fdelle Kemper, '27Lit., who was called 1 ~a shiort whole ago from her work in the univers ity to relief work in' the! Mississippi ''alley flood disaster, Wrlt- _ inig-from Stuttgart, Arkansas, to The!' Daily, Miss Kemper tells f...…

May 17, 1927 (vol. 37, iss. 164) • Page Image 3

…TUESDAY, MTAY47, 11927 TH ± MICHIGAN DAILY. - 'C .. . ~ . :, TO MEDIGAL MEETINGI Seven members of the University hospital m~edical staff left yesterday for Washington, D. C. where they will attend the sevenity-eighth annual con- vention of the American Medical as-r sociation from Maiy 16 to 20, which more than 12,000 physicians from all lilarts of the country are expected to attend, Doctor U. 3. Wile and Dr. G. H. Delote of the dermatolo...…

May 17, 1927 (vol. 37, iss. 164) • Page Image 4

…I AGN POU7R THE MICHIGAN DAILY T TUSOAV, MAY 17, 1927 Published every morning except Monday during the Unvsity y b the Board in! Control of Student Publications.. Members of Westera Confereace Editorial The Associated Press is exclusively en-1 titled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwiseS credited in this paper and the local news pub- lished therein.I Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor, Mich...…

May 17, 1927 (vol. 37, iss. 164) • Page Image 5

…THE MICHIGANDAL DAILY ' V PIT PLACES MANY Plaeenlent! of Teaibers] In Lover MIfeigan;1 - For Detroit Scl FEWER PLA CES Placements to teaching next year which have b the .University Bur~eau of. already number 128. 'Thi appointments which ha recorded and others whi made without the assistai Sreau. The majority of plac( been for schools in thes i gan, a large percentage troit and the lower pen ever, several prospective1 'signed contracts for...…

May 17, 1927 (vol. 37, iss. 164) • Page Image 6

….I PAGES SIX THE MICHIGAN DAILY TESDAY, MAY 17, 1927 1VETMEN AND GQI S WI N FR- OM BIG TEN OPPOI) DENTS TENNIS TEAM BEATS, GOPHER NIETMEN 51 3MATIIER IS (OVL~~'N MICHIAN LFu TEAM 1 o I t k Take Three Singles And Two Doubles a Matches To Win From Strong h Minnesota Outfit Y BARTON STILL UNBEATENt r Wolverine netmen gaiigd their sec- e ond Conference victory of the season le and advanced a step nearer the 1927 w Big Ten title by ...…

May 17, 1927 (vol. 37, iss. 164) • Page Image 7

…0 TUES DAY -MAY 17, 1927 THE MICHIGAN DAILY ~PACV~ $EV1T~N :< It f11 ;11I~111C~i1IE11C .I1 1ll l 'lI II H dllllil illlAgailln11itt11was111tlImonsinttras d mon tra td att W u J !~~~~~~~ist hian TT E l CKMi< n s c cid plac e honors in the WITH THE AC~k ftN ammer throw at the Big Ten meet 'thro n i, mores finn..,1 10foo fhints to the Wtio IA;temdto he bell satoairda yat f(lolizilml. ~I~1) ~ WAT THIS COLUMN CLOSES AT 3 P.M. SIEADVERTIS...…

May 17, 1927 (vol. 37, iss. 164) • Page Image 8

…THE MICI- THAN DAILY THE MCHIGA DAIL 9_ __v - -" all members be present, for election of officers will be held at this time. This is also the last rehearsal previous to the Senior Sing of May 25 at which the Glee Club is to give selections. Mary Kent-:Hiller, President.. University of Michigan iBand: Be at Morris Hall at 6:50 tonight in uniform to play for Cap Night, Paul F. Schlanderer, Student Manager. Publication in the Bulletin is con...…

May 17, 1925 (vol. 35, iss. 169) • Page Image 1

…4 DEDICATED TO JUSTICE Sir ian Ar Section I One VOL. XXXV. No. 169 SIXTEEN PAGES ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, MAY 17, 1925 SIXTEEN 'AGES PRICE FIVE CENTA R TR C i ,. ' ,r :; , s UER i i MINNESOTA NINE~ EVNS SERIES IN CLOSE WIN 1rO1T GtZY HITRMS ALMOST PERFECT I 'INYlNt EBONY INIS hES FIRST IN D)ERBY RACE Louisville, Ky., May 16.-Be- tween a brisk shower that sprung u:v a few minutes before the start of a race and a ter-...…

May 17, 1925 (vol. 35, iss. 169) • Page Image 2

…IDAGWTWO TIHEI MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, M-AY 17, 19215 lIflt 1Bears Famed Bag Students .Employ Tflt n held at 4 o'clock Wednesday after-i any other class in the literary col-j' PL N SHOP POSA W N [ TRYOUTS FRn mnon in room 302, Mason hall, ac lege. For their work the mem ~rsia 9 UfI\ Uique ]elathods Cording to an announcement made by wiill r eceive three -hurscrdtath To Carve Nam e ' Mr G. E. ;Densmore, who is in charge jcnd of the semester....…

May 17, 1925 (vol. 35, iss. 169) • Page Image 3

…SUNDAY, MAY 17, 1925 TI-IL MICHIGAN DAILY I ECONOMICS HONORS1 COURSE INSTITUT[ED! f(iuniatee Now' Receiving Apieia-- t ions~ From Juni1 ors For Eniroll- r unent Next YearI REQUIRFIMENTS STATED Answering a demand frequentlyC made by interested students for a ttr course allowing initiative and self di- rection instead of exacting require- G 144 Ients of lecture and quiz attendance, * and assigned work, the new inde- pendent reading course ha...…

May 17, 1925 (vol. 35, iss. 169) • Page Image 4

…PAGE r~o tr THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, MAY 17, 192-5 i qq yl, b, . , a himself to be swayed y the over- ~P' ~ zealousness of any group. He might have taken this oppor- S ED R LLM USIC during the University year by the Board intut to Ug th nay pe out U AND PontbliofShed eery m ogexepAMndyDl ConrolofStuentPulictiossmuggling on our coasts, i 'possibe, and might thereby have listed his! HW'S YOUR D R A M A Members of Western Conference Ed...…

May 17, 1925 (vol. 35, iss. 169) • Page Image 5

…SUNDAY, MAY. 17, 19251 THE NITCHTGAN DAILY PAGE : SUNDAY, MAY 17, 1925 THE MICI-IIGAN DAILY FAG!~ ~tVW ___________________________________B A NAIML v -11 la V ALVA= M MffAvA ,t::.5 - ? 15 .......... X/ v NIZ r../ ) Music- Anywhere!! LANTERN CEREMONY1 PLANS COMPLETE Houses are Urged to Attend Picnic Supper at Palmer Field Before Activities SENIORS TO LEAD t Complete plans for the annual field day and Lantern Night celebration hav...…

May 17, 1925 (vol. 35, iss. 169) • Page Image 6

…PAONV SIXSUDYMA17125TEMC GNDIL THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, MAY 17, 1925 _ _ _ _. Mai , ..n-..... .,:.......i.. .,.. .,,,, r ...r .. , m... ... , ! . -- - waympm% __ . . . .. WOLERIE NNE UFFRSFURTH (Continued from Page One) Ij] T]( Michigan's nine played fast ball in I EiG the: field, Coleman's slip in the eighth being the only error. However, In the first inning, Cherry made'a Guzy 's remarkable( pitching was too vain attempt to ...…

May 17, 1925 (vol. 35, iss. 169) • Page Image 7

…SUNDAY, :IIA 17, 1925 THE.MCH IGANDAL DAILY PAGE SEVEN SUNDAY, MAY 17, 1925 PA~ 8WV~ COCRL{AS COE At 3 Pt. ADVEfR 1'OTICE .Box 100has 13 answers. Boy 108 has 2 answers. Box 107 hats 13 answers.I Box 67 hats 8 answers. Please call for these ais soon as possible. 4FOR IIEN T ~E e t Constructionon theaddition to the *p E ent University power plant which wvill ~ FOR RENT-First floor, two pleasantI house the new $50,000 switchboard is 1 N...…

May 17, 1925 (vol. 35, iss. 169) • Page Image 8

…r'A(3 EIGHT THE MICHIGAN DAILY INDAY. 'MAY 1,12 DALYOFIIA L BULL ETIN, Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the UiniVersity. Copy received b) the Assistant to the Priwent until 836 p. mn. (11:30 a. m. Saturdai'; Volume SUNDAY, MAY 17, 19125 Number 169 Ii. classes i Oral Interpretation. Those interested are invited to attend. i's Education(Chit: The last meeting of the Men's Edlucation Club wvill be heldI...…

May 17, 1925 (vol. 35, iss. 169) • Page Image 9

… Feature Section Y Ar Aw Ititr 4 t n :43aiIt~. Feature Section VOL. XXXV. No. 16:) ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, MAY 17, 1925 EIGHT PAGES SPRING BRINGS TtE MAY or "gram .. +?- 4,fl Annual Affair Will Be Presented This Week In Hill Auditorium Weekt- Return To More Classical And Conventi V Many Stars Will Take Part In Ann Arbor's Music onal Music Characterizes Program Planned By University School Of Music Will Present "La ...…

May 17, 1925 (vol. 35, iss. 169) • Page Image 10

…IN t PAGE TEN THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUND,'AY, MIAY 17, 1925 fT list in Spain when~ he produced his IElR ido Ajeno, produced at the Teat- worthwhile <oontrliffuItiIn to -the litera- year, gr 11h h a r --In F e rnIetrst ai play, Realidad (1892). He was iode la, datedi in Madrid in 1894 ture of pain and of the dram.Teceyi notaL imitator of foreign models but'SIn ce that date Benavente has been a itrsar o ob numbered ramiatis 17ie T ea redera...…

May 17, 1925 (vol. 35, iss. 169) • Page Image 11

…SUNDAY, MAY 17, 1.925WEMCIA DIL PA" ELEVEN SOME O F THE ENTRIES IN YESTERDAY 'S R AC E Why Not Now? ,E ffuture Is Is gi]$e< get feit (OldtAeiul f (S Bl Y i Fps,, r . k'S s . , 7 iyi ,1 3 / n ' p Q 6 qy faA yy bK h S t ' r. "'"'", ==suw"u j77 Brin- *, Your Fa 4ther Here for SiwdayNight Supper. T1endterloin Steak Fresh (k-etoble and Cafetri 506 LEast William vWhc-e the bcsl of food is .4cved. Reviewing America's Greatest T...…

May 17, 1925 (vol. 35, iss. 169) • Page Image 12

…PAGE TWELVE THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, MAY 17, 1925 THE 'THEATRE I".N FERMENT. ...ITALY In Which Prof. Michele De Filipp On The Italian Moves In l T i T By Prof. Michele De Filippis (Editor's Note: Tfiis is the fifth of a series of six articles by members of the faculty on the adaptations and re- actions of the various continental countries to the present progressive' tendencies in the theatre.) Any treatment of the Contemporary...…

May 17, 1925 (vol. 35, iss. 169) • Page Image 13

…SUNDAY, MAY 17, 1125 TJ rE M ICHIGAN DAILY PAGE THIRTEEN PAGE THIRTEEN C) } -A- "ITT 4 q I . ilS1C and Drama -A- d rfi . is made up of real sentences, intend- temporary theatre should be lone than a dozen plays, and has given evi Sancho Panza; the creator, who saw - final ev ed to be spoken naturally, emphasiz-away with and should be replaced by dence of a most remarkable original- thir nobility and pathos as well as the tit ...…

May 17, 1925 (vol. 35, iss. 169) • Page Image 14

…" PAGE 'OURTEEN THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, MAY 17, 1925 SUNDAY, MAY 17, 1925 44 r t University Women aa* * F . _. .__. t _.. - - Freshman Women Will Present Pageant At pageant proper begins on the bi [hday of the princess. iplaying with three of her compalnions and becomes w Annual Lantern Night Ceremonies ITheslay suapste . Ilan N ight uesda~ ,,dease her Ithe companionsb the mirror which one of th By MarIon Kubik from the juni...…

May 17, 1925 (vol. 35, iss. 169) • Page Image 15

…4 SUNDAY, MAY 17, 1925 THF: IMICHIGAN DATY. PAOV, PIPTIN Cinem~a TDe Arecade All the charm that marked Zieg- field's production "Sally" is caught in the screen Yersion of the same flay, with Colleen Moore in the title role, which will play at the Arcade theatre ay forlorn inmate in a foundling home. After a free for all fight in the alley, in which she plays an important part, she is sent away from the home and We see her as the drudge...…

May 17, 1925 (vol. 35, iss. 169) • Page Image 16

…PAGE SIXTEEN THE MICHIGAN DAILY SI':1DA , MAY lir 1925 Cinema (Continued from Page Fifteen) evolved and startling developments in ahe way of a shipwreck, -a battle for the girl between the hero and a gang of rum runners, and various other adventures. The management will follow its new policy in present- ing vaudeville acts with the picture, as well as the usual short reels. The Majestic! "Men and Women," a Paramount picture featuring Rich...…

May 17, 1924 (vol. 34, iss. 168) • Page Image 1

…W'EATHER IND WARD,[ER TODAY t t 4h A& ML. no tl ltmww t I ASSOCIATED 1 and WESTERN CONF EDITORIAL ASSO No. 168 EIGHT PAGES ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN,SATURDAY, MAY 17, 1924 EIGHT PAGES PRICE, FI I t1 .MEN MED EET' Colorful Costumec Feature Arch HA WAL MOST NS THREE OF FIFTEEN bard Breaks Track Record In ,od Jump; Smith Gets High Jump; Brooker, iPole Vault By Ralph N. Byers ampaign, Ill., May 16.-Michigan's ty track team met its Wa...…

May 17, 1924 (vol. 34, iss. 168) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY .. , a. .0 CLITIKS DRIYEI ILL CLOSE TODAY9 cs on Campus Filled to Capacity As Contributions Come lin Large Numbers ESIMEN WILL GIVE' T()QLLES TONIG~HT TO AID I N CAM1PAIGN 'ontributions to the European Stu- t Relief fund old clothes drive e in large numbers, according to erl. Stevens, '24E, chairman of! committee in charge of the drive. boxes' on the camlpus were flled overflowing yesterday, and dona-< s from frate...…

May 17, 1924 (vol. 34, iss. 168) • Page Image 3

…THE .MICHAINDAILY ; ., r _ --_- -Ir w .I- 5 D. A. li. CHJAPTER ELECTS OFFICERS I L _ _ _ NILCELEBRA9TE STEWART BUTO NUPTIALS TODAY' Theodosia Burton, '24, daughter of is: President Marion L. Burton and Mrs. ~"Burton, will be married to Dr. George Rippey Stewart, Jr,, formnerly a mem- ber of the English department of the University, and~ now an~ instructor in Ej)nglish at the University of California in. Berkeley, at :3 o'clock ton...…

May 17, 1924 (vol. 34, iss. 168) • Page Image 4

…[AL NEWSPAPER 01? TILE IVERSITY OF MICHIGAN ed every morning except Monday he University year by the Board in if Student Publications. ,s of Western Conference Editorial on. Associated Press is excusively en. the use for republication of all news :s credited to it. or not otherwise in thi paper and the local news pb erein. d at the postoffice at Ann Arbor, ias second cass matter. Special rate, qe granted ~by 'Third Assistant Pest- ;eneral. ipt...…

May 17, 1924 (vol. 34, iss. 168) • Page Image 5

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY -.-. OKs PTERS Isian Scholar And Authorlty Aeronautics Concludes . Lecture Series ELLS FEATURES OF MACHINE DESIGNED AND BUILT BY HIM Dr. Georges de Bothezat noted Rus- an scholar and authority on aeronau- cal problems, concluded his series four lectures here yesterday after- >on, when he lectured on "Helicop-j rs", in the West lecture room of the iyaics building. Dr. de Bothezat who is a doctor of athematics at the Univ...…

May 17, 1924 (vol. 34, iss. 168) • Page Image 6

…_____ _____ ___ _ _____ _____ THE MICHIGAN DAILY _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . ,,,_ .,.. ,m/m nmm, . 1 .t (SilhUIllhllfull.I Or.r..,.I " I IULUIUILUHW I fl FACES SIN TO DAY FOUl!1 CHEATS STUART OUT OF WIlN IN H AMNER THROW Johnniy Stuart, star freshman weight man, narrowly missed winning the hammer throw against the Illinois yearlings, as well as the shot put. Stuart threw the leadt ball 136 feet, more than 10 feet farther than the winn...…

May 17, 1924 (vol. 34, iss. 168) • Page Image 7

…___________THE MICHIGAN DAILY . :.. * 0 A OFF IV j /1. >r/n A.7r/ /\ fN, A I lIluM ll l .. .rte.. « ..,, - --..,r ' / /\ 'J:. mmm "L -your best warm weather food. Drink Iots of it MIS1k Is Good For Pineapples ..19c 10 Bar Soap 45c 3 PKG.20 1c EANS 20c Peas ..18c K AMMNH &Company 411 F. Jeffo sn S 't. You The. Mc CRUM ahGrocery Our Motto: "T he Most for Your Money;" SATURDAY'SSPECIALS Ten pounds Sugar, (Pure Cane) ...,.. ...…

May 17, 1924 (vol. 34, iss. 168) • Page Image 8

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY e r lILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN catfon in the Bulletin is constructive notice' to all members of riversity. Copy received by the Awssistaiat to the President until. p. m. (11:30 a. mn. Saturdayi mie 4 SATIUDAY, )YAY 17, 1824 Number 108 e Campalgn for League Building: ire will be an im portant m eeting of divisional chairmen, team cap-d w r e so M n ay v ni g M y 19 at7 3 in B b ur G m s lease bring your work envelopes and p...…

May 17, 1924 (vol. 34, iss. 168) • Page Image 9


May 17, 1924 (vol. 34, iss. 168) • Page Image 10

…____ TI-r MICH1( AN 5AILto - . . . , . , __ _ _ . I Boxes o'n Campus Filled to- Capacity As Contriutions Come In Large Kumbers_ FRESHM~EN WILL CHIVE TOQVES " TONIGHT TO AID, IN CAMPAIGN' Contributio~ns to the European Stu- dent Relief fund old clothes drive have come in large numbers, according to Ty~ler~ R. Stevens, '24E, chairman of the committee in charge of the drive.. The boxes on the campus were filled to overflowing yesterday, and ...…

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