Ft|AY, M IAY 1, 1X29
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admirers have a grievance in the
policy of a magazine that publishes
malicious matter written in pique.
The Mexican nation, damned and
harrangued by more fortunate
states for her evidently unstable
and certainly unruly government,,
has, paradoxically enough, profited'
by errors of her most ardent moral,
social, and political critic, the
United States, Mexico, on the verge
of instituting a form of legally en-
forced temperance throughout the
country, can profitably turn back
to the sociology teacher that lies
immediately to the north of her
boundary and witness the manifes-
tation of a legally enforced tem-
perance which from its very incep-
tion was mismanaged and male-
volently pursued.
Doubtless the Mexican move for
prohibition will be effected. Doubt-
less it will be enforced after a
fashion. If it proves successful, if
enforcement proves feasible, then
the tables will be turned, and the
acme of perfection will be exempli-
fied in the pupil; it will remain for
the teacher to learn from the pupil.
The plan this wild and barbarous
land has in holdings is one of toler-
ance and deliberation. Belligerent
and iresponsible Mexico will not im-
pose a rigid and immediate law
against the sale of alcoholic bever-
ages. Possibly Mexico, even in hei
primitive and immature manner of
thinking, has realized that traits
and customs, in-bred for genera-
tions, cannot be obliterated by
means of a wave of legal papyri
Gestures of ethical modifications
fashioned for permanence, are like
bubbles blown through a pipe: very
pretty, but hardly enduring.
The fact is that the Mexican fia-
tion has watched for ten years the
effect of the prohibition laws clamp-
ed rigorously on the United StateE
by the American Prufrocks. It has
observed the progression of years
and the consequent, ever-increasing
disrespect for the entire enact-
ment. It realizes that if the similai
law is to be written into the Mex-
ican constitution a slower, calmer,
less inclusive process must be fol-
lowed. So it resolves to educate
her people to a respect for the act
before the act is introduced. And
the education is to be rational and
not antagonizing propaganda. Pos-
sibly the next step will be for the
Mexican nation to look still farther
North for example, finding a solu-
tion to the problem in the success-
iful restriction plan of Ontario.
os TED 0_
Little Moe, the Sells-Floto ele-
phant (net weight two tons), con-
tracted influenza about two months
ago, and when he failed to show
signs of improvement, his owners
petitioned Mr. Yellowley of the
prohibition bureau (or whatever
it's called) for three gallons of al-
cohol to aid in the fight for life.
that little Moe was waging. Little
Moe was saved.
Considering this episode, we
never again can call elephantf'
dumb brutes. They get what they
The smart thing for people to do
is to raise herds of elephants in
'their back yards. Sixty elephants
and three gallons for each ele-
phant would entitle the owner to
one hundred and eighty gallons.
And each elephant could be sick
at least twice a year. That,'dou-
bles the total.
Gumley would probably say that
each elephant would be entitled to
a trunkful.
Recent research has deter-
mined the fact that the earth
is 196,940,000 square miles in-
stead of 196,042,000, as. was
previously thought. Well, well,
what a small p'aee the world
is after all.!
Tonight about one thousand
freshmen will parade down to
Sleepy Hollow, wearing their pots
for the first time. It really will be
a shame to burn all those practic-
ally new pots. But along about
this time of the year nothing will
fit a freshman's head that is small-
Mary Chase
Jeanette Dale
Vernor Davis
Bessie Egeland
Sally Faster
Anna Goldberg
Kasper Halverson
Gorge Hamilton
Ixack Horwich
lix Huraiphrey
Music And Drama
Marion Kerr
Lillian Kovinsky
Bernard Larson
Hollister Mabley
1. A. Newman
Jack Rose
Carl F. Schemm
George Spater
Sherwood Upton
Marie Wellstead
FRIDAY, MAY 17, 1929
Flirting with libel and dealing And-----,-----g----y---
An Mexico, drawing deeply .1011n
out misinformation in generous the examples of her moral betters,
gobs, that extraordinary, quasi- will avoid an inculcation of a na-
private organ Plain Talk has just tional joke, a horrible distortion of
published in its June issue an legal justice, a wretched stigma
amazingly, though unintentional- of legalized murder, and will gain,
ly humorous account, by a former I instead, perhaps even from her un-
member of the faculty, of "Why I-fortunate adviser, a respect inspired
President Little Quit" by a rational weighing of ethical
Accepting as gospel some of the and moral values, and a resultant
journalistic ingenuities that have judgment carried into effect sanely
seeped from this peaceful commu- and without antagonism.
nity, the author has composedi
such laughable drivel as "At Mich- RIOTS AND GREEN TREES
igan Under Little's rule, there was Student riots before or during
erected at the entrance to the examination periods are not to be
Boulevard, favorite walk and pet- severely criticised when they occur
ting ground -of the students, a on such a campus as that of the
great iron gate set in posts of University of Pennsylvania. Situat-
massive concrete, to keep the boys ed as ittis almost in the center of a
and girls off the paths after dark. dirty, noisy part of West Philadel-
Guards also patrol the park. And phia and surrounded on all sides by
under his rule students were for- clanging, roaring street cars and
bidden to operate automobiles, but loose-jointed trucks, it is little
he authorized special permits at a wonder that those who seek a
dollar each which were not diffi- higher education within the con-
cult to get." fines of the ancient buildings some-
Another exaggeration, quite ob- times pop into a riot to let off
viously designed to create a false steam.
impression, is "His crusade against Fortunately, neurosis of this kindI
drinking aroused national atten- does not show itself in Ann Arbor
tion. Little has been known to Ito such a violent degree as was
drink, but did not consider it right manifested Tuesday night in Phila-
for the student body to do so." In delphia; principally, no doubt, be-
the same peeved spirit, twisting cause our surroundings tend toward
words and facts to blacken Presi- a more calm and reflective attitude
dent Little's name, the author toward the pre-final grind. The
touches on most of the President's campus is a quiet place shaded by
projects which encountered opposi- green trees, and one can walk sev-
tion, ending with the situation in eral miles in any direction without
his own former department, that bumping into grimy steel factories,
of zoology. traffic jams, long trains of jangling
This last includes "He (President street cars, and rows of tenement
Little) supplied the lesislature and dwellings. The roar of modern city
the people of the state with mis- life that leaves the nerves ragged
leading statements to gain his and the thinking mind in shambles
point. Chief among these was the does not force itself upon the Mich-
statement that the zoological mu- igan student and there is more than
seum was primarily for teaching enough of - God's country to go
purposes and that it had been around.
forced to turn away many students At this time of year when finals
for lack of room. This was abso- loom and we make a survey of the
lutefy false." Those .acquainted work we haven't done but must dog
with the campus need hardly to in two short weeks, the calmness
have their attention called to the and serenity of Ann Arbor comes
error in this statement. The pres- as a sort of blessing to those of us
ent Romance Languages building, who stop to make comparisons.
condemned as a fire-trap, formerly Pity the Pennsylvanians.
served as a museum to house the
invaluable and irreplacable zoo- Now that Governor Green has
logical collections; many of the vetoed the death penalty bill, thus
specimens were removed to a vault saving our murderers from the
er than a sombrero.
And tonight at the Cap Night ex-
ercises you will have the opportun-
ity to listen to all the old grads
prattle about how they used to'
raise hell here and what a swellj
place it was then And then the
Council members will get in a few!
words about their pet peeve, tra-
ditions. If you happen to miss it
this year, don't bother about it, for
they will be the same things and
say the same things next year.
That seems to be the Council's idea
of a tradition.
They are bringing a young
gorita over with them on the
Graf Zeppelin. They had bet-
ter keep it out of the pilot's
room if they want to come over
in safety. You know, monkey
with the controls.
In Jackson an umpire had his!
leg broken when the catcher, run-
ner, and umpire all piled up at
home plate in a cloud of dust. They
at least might have waited for the
At the University of Illinois
engineers have been at work in
an abandoned house since 1918
to determine the efficiency
point of the heating apparatus
under different conditions. The
landladies in Ann Arbor have
found the minimum point of
efficiency in heating apparat-
us since 1837.
** *
A wife of a policeman in Chicago
is sueing for a divorce from her
husband who is a policeman. He
has, she contends, an insufferable
pride in his complexion. He spends
more than half his salary for cold
cream, powder and perfume. That
probably, is the reason Chicago
policemen cope so readily with the
At last we have found a ra-
tionalization of the theory that
the good die young. Theodore
Bunte, famous candy king, has
compiled statistics proving
a woman eats twelve times her
weight in candy before she
A woman reported to the police
that her husband burned all her
clothes to prevent her from going
out nights. That, we believe,
'wouldn't stop a modern woman.
* * * ,
A city ordinance in Ceylon
has been passed, forcing all ele-
phants to wear both head and
tail lights after dark. Pretty
soon, we suppose the police in
TONIGHT: Play Production
present the Kaufman-Con-
nelly extravaganza, "The
Beggar On Horseback," in
Lydia Mendep sohn Theater,
beginning at 8:15, curtain at
8:30 o'clock.
Reviewed By Lee Blaser
Play Production gave the "Beg-
gar" a terrific ride last evening.
And the Kaufman-Connelly riot,
to be done at all, must be done
well: hilarity, logic, syncopation,'
all pile one upon the other in a
chaos of satiric laughter. The
whole essence of success in an en-
tirely different type of comedy is
in entering wholly into tie spirit
of the thing, in catching the
rhythm and the glittering satire.
Play Production didall these things
I and turned in oner of the most en-
joyable evenings of the year.
The play is highly interesting in
itself, it is the foremost of a rising
field in tonedy. Curious indeed is
the history of the thing; it was
written in answer to a challenge,
by two critics who had been deplor-
ing American comedy-this was
their answer. They received the
Pulitzer prize for the year, started
a new technique in satirical fan-
tasy, and-they have been trying
to equal it ever since. A hurried
procession of silhouetted treat-
ments scintilates in chaotic detail.'
The transitions from logic and
tragic-comedy to the main body of
the play, the dream scenes, with all
staccato din which marks it, are
handled with such adroitness as
to emphasize the values of both.
The logic is so cold it hurts, pre-
sentation of the very real stifling
of artistic genius by forcing it to
fit into the machine age, to do
hack-work to live and dream of
the foregone masterpiece. The
cruel truth is so brilliantly veiled
by comedy that one is tempted to
disregard the fact thatj the Widget
art factory is a very real thing.
American civilization, with all its
foibles, frantic systematic mad-
houses of industry, hysteric leisure,
standardized living and conver
tion-nothing escapes flashing
blade of the author's caricature.
The ingenuity of adapting the jazz
rhythm to express a jazz age is the
making of the play.
Producing tl this rot is one of
the most difficult bits of modernj
staging. Director Windt has done
a very creditable piece of work In
its presentation, everything is
schyronized, and the rapidity of
movement leaves no room for hap-
hazard directing. He has missed
some of the minor touches which
the professional productions of this
same play have grasped to heighten
the incongruity, on the other hand
he has added some subtleties, and
taken advantage of student fresh-
ness for the enthusiasm.
The sets are, with the exception
of the pantomime scene, well de-
signed. The silhouetting in the art'
factory scene is the outstanding
bit, and despite baby spots and
borders which refuse to focus prop-
erly the full lighted scenes are
good. Whimsical treatment has
been given full reign.
Arthur Hinkley as the furious-
ly businesslike Mr. Cady was esily
outstanding in the cast. He was a
perfect type for the part-only an
occasional lapse in tempo marked
his performance. As a struggling
and impractical young artist,
Charles Silky was unconvincingly
suave and self confident. Lillian
Stetchel played the hysterical
debutante in the required noisy
I manner, Kenneth White, as a doc-
tor who takes his patient's pulse
with his thumb and forgets such
rudiments as the traditional face
front, is a bit flat. Edna Mower
nearly equalled the performance
of Katherine Wick Kelly in the
Playhouse production. And as us-
ual, the O'Neill twins were a huge
success at the oft appearing butlers
and what-have-you's.
This reviewer has seen this same
play 1. four different productions
and although better productions in
part were noted, this one easily
ranks with the best of them.
Robert Henderson directing and
playing in four shows. Program-
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday
matinee and night, Friday-"The
Green Goddess."
Thursday matinee and night,
Saturday matinee and night-"You
Never Can Tell."
Sw eetland
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Would Vote
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4 Days - MAY 22,23,24,25,1929 - Concerts
Musical Director
Orchestral Conductor
Guest Conductor
Children's Conductor
Edith Mason
Chicago Civic Opera Company
Jeannette Vreeland
Distinguished American Artist
Sophie Braslau
Metropolitan Opera Company
Marion Telva
Metropolitan Opera Company
Richard Crooks
Premier American Concert Artist
Paul Althouse
Metropolitan Opera Company
Lawrence Tibbett
Metropolitan Opera Company
Richard Bonelli
Chicago Civic Opera Company
Barre Hill
Chicago Civic Opera Company
William Gustafson
Metropolitan Opera Company
Josef Hofmann
Polish Virtuoso
Efrem Zimlaist
Hungarian Master
The Chicago Symphony Orchestra
The University Choral Union
Children's Festival Chorus
Samson and Delilah
Saint Saens