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May 17, 1929 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1929-05-17

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Air* 0



Vol. XXXIX, No. 168




o U

NEA 12


Dr. T. T. Shields, the president of
the board of trustees of Des Moines
university, and the individual who
I wasecently involved in the shakes
up at- that institution, was severely
attacked by Rev. R. Edward Sayles,
the minister of the Baptist church
in Ann Arbor, in a communication
-to The Daily yesterday.
ATTENDANCE TO BE LIMITED "Dr. Shields is the minister of the
TO STUDENTS OF THE Jarvis Street Baptist church, To-
UNIVERSITYronto, Ontario," writes Reverend
Sayles, "and for yea s has been so
RIGH TO RE TOASTMASTER persistent in making trouble, in at-
tacking McMaster university, To-
Student Speeches Will Be Followed ronto, that the convention of On-
With Short Address By tario and Quebec expelled him and

his church from the said conven-
tion. le is therefore a repudiated!
man in his own denomination and
j land.
"Dr. Shields is a man of very
strong personality and native abil-
ity," continued Reverened Sayles,
"but is so autocratic, so disagree-I
able, so intolerant, so infallible inI
his own judgments, that after some
years of patience the above action
took place. He has no manner of
fitness for the position of leader-
ship in educational work. He is
not a graduate-of any college. He
represents the medieval mind in
religion and in his attitude toward

Freshmen Wilp C
Pots To Bonf

Official announcement of the
annual banquet of the Cosmopoli-
tan club to be held 6:30, Saturday
night at the Women's League build-
[[HRAing was made yesterday by Raja
Howrani, president of the organiza-
A special program is being ar-
ranged for this year's affair which
RITES AGAIN will include no after-dinner speak-
NDUCTED AT ers, their place being taken by
HO0LLOW stunts that have been worked out
by various groups of foreign stu-
LEAD PARADE dents. The dinner is being held to
honor the seniors of the Cosmopol-
Consign Traditional itan club.

Faulty Firedoqor,
{ Catig t VictimS
CLEVELAND, May 16.-(A. P.)-Spontaneous com-
bustion in an overheated storeroom caused the fire and explosion
which wrecked the Cleveland Clinic building and took the lives of
scores of patients, nurses and doctors, fire wardens reported today.
The heat came from a leaky steam pipe in the basement room,
Deputy Wardens Max Groff and P. T. Ferrie, who made an inves-
tigation, reported.
It was the story of Boffarty Bogg, a plumber, who was sent to
repair the pipe, which led to the investigation and decision, that the
heat caused the flames which liberated clouds of poisonous gases and
overcame many of the 300 occupants of the building.
As reports were received regularly of additional deaths, due to
End With Five Men Remaining we insiuious dCLat. i me IUh CS, LfIC h'/1 1iIUUl d LU#dIU LHC 1 'JIt

Inspectors Find

ire As Finale Of

President Little

.... . .. .. ... . . M
Wi rl Yi® ii i

Tis man in no way representsI
Arrangements for the testimonial the Northern Baptists or the Ca- Ceremoniously advancing to
banquet which will be tendered nadian Baptists. He has been re- higher rounds in the class ladder,
Pe esident Clarence Cook Little next pudiated officially," concluded Rev-te stuns of e U esi w
Thursday night, May 23, as an ap- erend Sayles. the students of the Umversity will
preciatory gesture of the students E1Reverend Sayles has been with assemble at 7:30 o'clock tonight on
for his services in their behalf are i the Baptist church here for the the tradition-steeped slopes of
virtually complete. Tickets, which; past ~eight and one-half years, and' Sleepy Hollow, for the annual Cap
are having a rapid sale, may be se- before that was occupied with wel- Night activities. An address by
cured at the Union, Lane hall, and Famous Cambridge Professor Is fare work in one of the motor Senator Royal S Coland ti
at the Women's League until Satur- Most Outstanding Man In His mpanies in Flint. ally known health advisor and
day night, after which time they Line In England Todayn
will be withdrawn. Lien ngan Tda formerly a professor of the Univer-
to stast conductingtheGprrgeIEIRich,I0IwillserverFssity and mayor of Ann Arbor, will
eorgtaseE.oRichigQLewillosel FIRST APPEARANCE HERE111 LflEbthhilgtofhepgrm
gram arranged by Thomas C. Win- be the highlight of the programy
ter, '30 B. Ad, as follows: Short ad- Lecturing on "The Political Ideas In preparation for the ceremony,
dresses will be made by Elizabeth of the American Revolution," Ear- UIthe four classes and the University
Wellman, '29, Martin J. Mol, '30, and nest Barker of the chair of politi- Iband will form a procession at the
by Thomas V Kgyka, '30L Henry ns"Bakrothchiofplt-poesoatheIIF O OC A [ IS I
G. Grinnell, '28, will follow these cal science at the University of _campus, then marching to the Hol-
talks with a speech on behalf of Cambridge will appear in room Compelled to A b a n d o n United low, east of University Hospital.
the alumni. Grinnell was a letter- 1025 Angell Hall at 11 o'clock to- States Flight When Motors Be- Here activities, culminating in the
man, and a member of the Student (morrow morning. The lecture is to come Badly Crippled tossing of "pots" into the huge
Council and the Board in Control be given under the auepices of the bonfire, which the lowest class has
of Athletics last year American history and political ECKENER COMMANDS SHIP built, will be held under the di-
Carson To Play .science departments of the Univer- ;_rection of Councilman Jennings
Next, President Little will give a §ity and is open to the public. (BY jtsociatedr=45) McBride, '30.
response which will culminate the
evening's pogram. Bob Carson's Professor Barker is reputed to be FRIEDRICHSHAFEN, Germany, Yost To Speak
orchestra and a selection by the the most outstanding man in his May 16.-The dirigible Graf Zeppelin Student speeches by Kenneth
'Varsity quartet, supplemented by a line in England today, according to tonight slowly c uised homeward Schafer, '29, and Eugene Easterley,
number from the Girls' Glee club, Prof. Jesse S. Reeves of the politi- from the Mediterranean with two '29E, presidents of the two largest
wilpoietemscfrteo-cal science department hrfrmteleieraenwihto s9,esa idents ot tolares
will provide the music for the oc- sof her five' motors crippled and classes that will "go out into the
casion. C '"Profesor -Barker's reputation as eighteen disappointed passengers cold, cold world" will open the pro-
Chester C. Bennett, '29, who is a lecturer in foreign universities who had hoped that Lakehursgram
chairman of the ticket committee, should insure a good attendance N.J., would be their first stop. Heralded by an appropriate se-
has announced that the allotment here," Professor Reeves added, "and The giant airship in its first 12 lection by the band, Fielding H.
of 200 tickets for the women of the the talk will afford an interesting hours of flight had covered nearly Yost, will be next to speak. No
University which is being distrib- sidelight on American affairs as 1,000 miles and had reached a point topic has yet been announced, but
uted by Mary J. White, '29, is fast seen by English eyes. He is the between the Balearic Islands in the it goes without saying that the
being sold. Invitations have been most eminent speaker the Univer- Spanish Mediterranean and Gibral- "spirit of Michigan" will come in
sent to the fraternities and soori- sity has had for some time. tar. From there she was to have with no little mention.
ties, to which numerous responses This will be his first appearance pursued a course over the Azores. In final appreciation of their
have been received asking for here as a speaker. and possibly Bermuda, to America. athletic appnenarsit blank-
blocks 'of covers to be reserved for Prof. C. H. VanTyne, head of the Instead the motor trouble, appar- et i batainment, Varsity blank-
members of the same house. history department, yesterday said ently due to the crank shafts or n M' e byre Coach Yost. fo
Student Sponsored that "Professor Barker, who is this connecting rods, caused her com- the Athletic association.
All independents may buy their year's Lowell Lecturer at Harvard, mander, Dr. Hugo Eckener, to swing Following the final address, giv-
tickets, which are priced at $1.50, has been a student of American the ship around and head for the en by Senator Copeland, the class-
at any of the places named above, colonial affairs for many years, home hangar here. His decision was es will be officially promoted with
The dinner is to be restricted ex- and his views upon the Revolution reached at 6:35 a. in. (12:35 Eastern the singing of "Where, Oh Where
clusively to student attendance. will be presented chiefly from the Standard time). Are the Verdant Freshmen." "Sa
The various campus organizations political scientist's attitude, rather It was the first time that the now in the Sophomore class," the
participating in the arrangements than the historian's. The Univer- Graf Zeppelin had turned back members of the class of '32 will
for the banquet include the Daily, sity has been particularly fortunate f.om any of the long voyages which throw their freshmen ensignia in-
the Union, the Student Council, in obtaining Professor Barker for had been set for her. The first voy- to the fire, and then with the other
the Student Christian association, this lecture, inasmuch as his tour age to America was accomplished classes, follow the band to Hill au-
the Oratorical association, the of the United States following the despite storms and called for heroic ditorium.
Michiganensian, the Women's delivery of the Lowell lectures is repair of her fabric. No hitch de- Will Show Film
League, the Women's Athletic as- very limited. His ideas upon the veloped on other flights except on
sociation, the Michigauma. - American Revolution will be pro- the second Mediterranean cruise At the auditorium a film feature,
On the day following this din- foundly interesting to faculty and when for the fi.st time in mid-air, True Heaven," starring Lois Mo-
ner, President Little will be en- students alike." it was said, a propeller was re- ran and George O'Brien, will be
tertained by members of the press moved and replaced while the ship shown through the generosity of
who have interpreted the news is- Storm Causes Damage hovered nearly motionless over By thetintodu the Michi
suing from his office the past year. Spain.Bion o e Michi-
Last year, President Little gave a In Lake Superior Areaan theater operator and special
dinner for the press, and the ban-' _a Delivers Talk apparatus into the auditorium pro-
Se a ec io ooa p of ss o al s o w-'
quet this year is in the nature of CALUMET, Mich., May 16.-(A)-{jecion room a professional show-
a reciprocal testimonial. It is ex- A storm that had all the fury of I On Boulder Canyon ing for the picture has been ar-
pected that various development mid-winter bitterness swept overh hh , manager
attendant upon his regime-at Mich- Lake Superior and upper portions Speaking before an audience of of the Michigan theater.
igan will be forthcoming at that of Wisconsin and Michigan last several hundred people Thursday For the parade prior to the pro-
time. night to cover the terrain with a evening in Natural Science audi- gram, the classes will meet at 7:00
foot of snow in some sections and I torium Prof. D. W. Mead, consult- o'clock on the campus and proceed
PLANS MADE TO smash one vessel on the rocks. ing engineer to the University of by way of North University avenue,
The Eagle Harbor coast guard Wisconsin, delivered a lecture on, Forest avenue, and Ann Street, to
TRAFFIC raved heavy seas today to remove "The Boulder Canyon Project." the Hollow. The seniors will assem-
the crew of 31 men from the Pictures and charts were shown on ble on the walk between Barbour
freighter Ralph Budd, bound from the screen illustrating the possibil- gymnasium and the Chemistry
Double Artery Planned To Improve Duluth to Buffalo, which ran on ities of the proposed project, and building; the juniors on the cam-
Street Congestion Existing the rocky shore of Keweenaw Point the various difficulties that must be pus side of the old Medical build-
On North University during a gale last night. overcome. ing, the sophomores between the
_____Chemistry and Natural Science
That the unused lane on North!Drawings Submitted For Booth FellowshipIbuildings; and the freshmen in
Thtte nsd aeonNrhfront of the Library. Swinging into
University on the campus side of Now On Exhibition In Architectural Building processionhebehind the band, the
be recommended to the city council students will march in the order of
by the street committee, it was Drawings submitted in competi- date, a written statement by the classes to Sleepy Hollow where
decided at a meeting of that com- tion for the George G. Booth Trav- candidate explaining some feature placards will mark the reserved
mittee last Wednesday evening., eling Fellowship in Architecture of his design, student opinion on places for each class.
This action would aid greatly in re- are now on exhibition in room 301 the design, and finally on the merits i Senator Copeland is now repre-
lieving the present congested con-1 of the Architectural building. The of the drawing itself, possibly with senting New York in Congress.
dition of this street, the committee 12 drawings submitted will be on the consideration of earlier draw- --
says. exhibition until May 21, when the irgs of the candidate.
It will be recommended further contest closes. With the award of $1,200 is the r atherMa )l
that the University be requested The subject of this year's com- stipulation that the winning can-
to remove in this strip of land, and petition is "A Municipal Boat didate spend a year abroad in
that the University be granted per- House." Candidates for the Fel- Istudy and that he submit regular' %'
mission to straighten Twelfth St., lowship are limited as to total area reports to the committee which
on the east side of the Michigan of the building and as to the area (makes the award. t


Oratorical Contest


EndWit Fie Mn RrnaninT he insiclious action of th eturves, the total mounted toward te e 3t
In Race For Prizes mark with indications that this number would be increased before to-
oOME DY CONTINUEThe late afternoon list contain-
Final tryouts for the $150 in Sed the names of 124 dead.
prizes which are being offered by Bogg told the authorities he
the Thomas E. H. Black foundation found the fireproof door to the
for the best orations on subjects vault open,*'and the place where
relating to the New Testament will
be given in the First Methodist the films were kept, full of steam,
church on Sunday evening, May presumably from a leaky pipe. He
19. The program will start at 7:30 Play Prduction Will P r e s e n t was unable to find the leak, how-
o'clock. Comedy Throughout ever, and finally noticed a brown
With all the preliminary judg- This Week sticky substance on the ceiling
ing over and five contestants re- - from which steam seemed to be
maining in the .race, Prof. R. W. SECOND PUBLIC SHOWING issuing.
Hollister, in charge of the contestHu a e t it
has assured one of the best group He used a fire extinguisher with
of orations in the history of the Offering the second performance no effect and was overcome a few
award. First place winner will re- of their first public showing this minutes later by the gas. As he
zeive $100 in cash, second place $50 year, Play Production last night was attempting to crawl out of the
and third position a fine edition of again presented the "Beggar On room, Bogg said, an explosion lifted
the Bible. him through the door and he
nHorseback" in the Lydia Mendels-eventually reached the outside,
Those remaining in the contest, sohn Theatre. seeming to none the worse for the
toricals, are Susumu Kobe, who Th'e current extravaganza is the experience.
will speak on "A Challenge to culmination of several week's effort Dr. Franklin H. Martin, president
Christianty;" Fenelon W. Boesche, on the part of the technical staff of the American College of Sur-
who will use "The Crossroads of of play production to interpret the seans, said tonight the safety
Christianity" for a subject; J. Cal-1m standards of American hospitals
vin Callaghan, "What Think Ye of 14 scenes in as whimsical a manner practically preclude the possibility
the Christ?"; Chester C. Bennett, as possible. . The cast of 50 makes of a disaster as resulted in the
"Life More Abundant"; and Carl this comedy one of the'most com- Cleveland Clinic holocaust.
H. Urist, "A Seven-Day Religion." plete that the organization has Pointing out that the Cleveland
Judges for the final contest are presented this year. institution was a clinic and not a
Professors Thomas S. Trueblood This departure from the usual hospital, Dr. Martin outlined the
and James M. O'Neill, and Dean policy of free .laboratory private steps that had been taken by the
Edward H. Kraus. Mr. and Mrs. T. performances for Play Production college 'to insure against danger
E. H. Black of Detroit, donors of patrons is the first in the list of from exploding films in hospital
the award, will come from Detroit the nine offerings during the pres- laboratories.
to hear the finals of the event. ent season. The proceds from this "For a period for eight years, the
The changing of location from showing will be used exclusively .to American College of Surgeons has
last year's campus building to a further the policy of gratis per- had competent doctors survey 3,000
church auditorium has been the formances to its campus following. hospitals in this country and
idea of the committee in charge, The entire comedy is set to the Canada to see that they meet cer-
who believe that a more apprecia- tune of modern jazz tempo which tain standards looking to the safety
tive audience and one better suited makes possible the employment of and proper care of patients," Dr.
for the subject chosen can be pro- many extravagant scenes. The ris- Martin said. "The hospitals are
cured in a religious atmosphere. ing court room, the jazz wedding, examined as to their staff, labora-
The speeches will act as part of a the wid-get art factory, the multi- tory, records, and related matters."
regular service and will be judged plying butlers, the triplicating
immediately after their comple- stenographers all go to make the LANSING, May 16.-Word was
tion. All orations are based on offering a credit to the technic of received by his parents here to-
facts or quotations from the New the Play Production staff. night of the death of Radcliffe
Testament, following one of the Two more performances of this Fulton, 28 years old, sop of William'
specifications of the contest don- production remain. Seats are still T. Fulton, 925 West Ottawa street,
ors. available for both tonight and to- in the explosion that destroyed the
morrow night, and may be secured Cleveland Clinic today.
Capital Punishment by calling the box office of the' The young man, who was a graa-
eLydia Mendelssohn Theatre. They uate of the Lansing high school
Vetoed By Governor are priced at 75 cents. and the University of Michigan law



LANSING, Mich., May 16.--(P) Michigan State Holds
Capital punishment again was C Day
denied a place on the statute books Normal Day Program
when Governor Green today vetoed!
the Lennon-Wood electric chair EAST LANSING, Mich., May 16.-
bill. (P)-The 13th annual county nor-
That the controversial route that mal day program at Michigan State
the measure travelled would lead College began tonight with 500 boys
to a dead end was forecast weks and girls expected here for the
ago. The executive's action was no convention.
surprise. He was known tQ be per- Pupils tonight were entertained
sonally opposed to the death by the college dramatics depart-
penalty. ment.

Backyard Gardeners Pilfer Trees And Bushes
From Arboretum, Leaving Ugly Scars In Wake
More than 30 recently planted pilferings are in vain from the
trees. disappeared from the arbore- standpoint of those who are re-
tum a few days ago, according to sponsible.
Charles L. Moody the superintend- Numerous fir trees have also
ent, and nothing remains in. their been dut and carried away-evi-
places but some torn roots and dently to serve as Christmas trees
jagged holes. Evidently the pur- --leaving bare stumps that will al-
post for which the arboretum is } ways be stumps; and unless the de-j
being cultivated is not understood i struction is stopped, Moody claims
by those who continually pillage it, ? it will be necessary to employ
Moody said. Instead of a place of strong-arm methods in the form of

department, had been employed by
a Cleveland firm of mine apprais-
ers, since his graduation from Ann
Arbor in June, 1927.
Radcliffe had been a patient in
the hospital only a few hours when
the explosion took place. He had
been ill for several days and enter-
ed the hospital this morning for
a diagnosis of his case.
While a student at the Central
high school here and the Univer-
sity of Michigan, Fulton took a
prominent part in the activities of
both institutions. He was a mem-
ber of the university debating team
and ranked high in that work.
He is survived by his parents and
a brother and a sister, both of
whom are students at Ann Arbor.
William T. Fulton, the father, is
employed as mail clerk on the Chi-
cago & Grand Trunk Western rail-
U. S. Leads In Tennis
By Singles Victory

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