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May 17, 1928 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1928-05-17

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Gustave L ichaud, of the romance
languages department, has been ap-...
pointed head of t1- same department ~
in Battle Creek college, it was "an-
noinced yesterday at the offices of
Prof. Hugo P. Thienie, of that depart-
ment. Mr. Michaud is now teaching
one day a wi~eek in Battle. Creek, and
will leave Ann Arbor, July 1 to as-
sumie full duties as departmental head.i
"Ipieteopruiyfrgetrliberty and freedom of action which _
wtill.l be mine in the neyw position,
sadM.Mcadysedy A edI of the romance languages department,
I :will direct the teaching of French,
Spanish, and German. I plan to co- i s
ordinate the courses of instruction in
these lan~guages to .a greater extent ;
than pas hitherto been dlone.
"'Of course, I shall date to leave the Ij
University," he continued. "Particu--
larly shall I miss the -resources of the
library and the opportunity for -doing
graduate work, but I shall be so busy,
that I probably will :have no time to'
feel lonesome for Michigan,"
Mr. Michaud 'has been instructor in (At
romance languages here for the last' AboutN
eight years, entering the University as;
a teacher in 1920. He received his cations rar,
M. A. degree here in :1!32. recent cla
A native of Geneova, Switzerland, Japanese
Mr. Michaud came to the United Statest which he
as a young man and went to college,! tionalist
in a small Massachusetts institution, greatly of
F'or eight years he held the chair in gagement
modern languages at Costa Rica State provide a
college, then. spent two years as pro- i Kal-Shek
fessor of physical education in Pan-, his, armny
ama. - provi nce


"Tie Death of General Wolfe,"a
famous painting by Benjamin West,
is now onl exhibition in the Clements1
libr ary. This valuable picture was1
purc hased for the library by Regent
William L. Clements a mi"nth ago.
Ti painting, one of three portray-
ing the tragic fall of the English gen-
eral at the battle on the Plains of
Abi aham, shows General Wolfe pros-
trate, surrounded. by his subordi-
nate officers and a group of allied In-
diani soldiers., as he (lied in the,
midst of his famous victory.
This1 painting, known as the Wal-
dek copy, is larger than the other
two andl is dlone in brilliant colors.
Unlike the usual paintings of the
time, the char acters in these are pic-
tared in their regular uniforms in--
stead of the customary togas of that
classical period. The Waldeck copy,
now hanging in the Clements library
was originlally from. Germany. The
other two are in Ottawa, Canada and
in Buckinghamn palace, England:

--aA" AVA%- A%-IA-aa 'l AJs 'A .1 fl L I


en. Chiang Kai-$hekI
whom international cornpli- Saginaw forest, three miles out Lib-
re at hand as a result of' the erty -street, is open to the general
ash etwen atinalst nd public during the May festival and
sh etwen atinalst ndevery week end until' the close of
troops at Tsinan-fu, in school, according to an announcement
swas the leader of the na- ,of the Forestry school. During the
arm. Japan is said to be summrer the forest will be open con-
&fended by the recent en-[ tinuously. The forsestry farm .has
and will without doubt previously, been kept closed because
znew obstacle for General of the danger of fire or other forms
who is at present leading of destruction which would destroy
in drve acrss hanungthe farm as far as being of any re-
toward Peking, search value.




Christie Comedy

\TOUTH and love cannot
be denied ! - Florence
Vidor will show that the age
old story is true with her
strongest portrayal in a grip



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