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May 17, 1924 - Image 9

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1924-05-17

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XXIV. No. 168








1 2 3 4 s ?7 8 9 "10 11


Ohio State

1 I 1 0 0 0 0 0 0XX 3

0 0 0 3 0 0 1 0 0 XX






Giles, 2b
Kipke, cf
Bachman, if
Blott, c
Haggerty, 3b
Dillman, ss
Steger, rf
Wilson, 11)


Ohio State
Matusoff, 3b
Klee, of
Cameron, ss
Waither, lb
Robeson, if
Slaman, rf
Dempsey, 2b
Marts, c
Miller, p

Buckeyes Tie Count in Fourth Inning
When Three .Runs Cross



G By Ralph N Byers
olumbus, Ohio, May 17.-Ohio State
dfeated Michigan here today in a
closely fought contest.,
First Inning: Mlchigan. Giles flied
ut to center. Kipke was safe on first
he Matusoff threw wild from first.
1achman was safe at first when Wal-
tier muffed Miller's throw, Kipke go-
"g to third on the play. Blott knock-
ed a sacrifice fly to Dempsey. scoring
Itipke. Haggarty was out, Dempsey
. Walther. One run, no hits, two
First Inning: Ohio State. Matusoff
vas safe at first when Dillman muffed
ds grounder. A sacrifice failed to
Work when Klee bunted foul. Klee
struck out. Cameron walked. Walther'
r as out, Jablonowski to Wilson, both
~unersadvacing.. a close play,
Robeson was ,out at first, Haggerty
Wilson. No runs, no hits, one er-
Second Inning.: Michigan. Dillman
was out, Matusoff to Walther. Wilson
singled to right center. Steger flied
sot to Robertson. Wilson scored on
Jlonow~iski's double to deep right.
ils was out, grounding out to Demp-
sey. One run, two hits, no errors.
Second Inning: Ohio State. Kipke
made a beautiful running catch on
laman's fly to deep center. Dempsey
struck out. Marts walked. Miller
ended the inning by striking out. No
rins, no hits, no errors.
Third Inning. Michigan: Kipke sin-
fled to left, Bachman sacrificed, Wal-
ther to Dempsey. Blott grounded out,
to Walther, Kipke going to third. Hag-
gerty beat out a bunt on squeeze play.
Kipke scored. Haggerty 'Was injured
fllding to first, Blott running for him.
Dillman was out; Marts to Walther.
One run, two hits, no errors.
Third inning. Ohio State: Matusoff
fanned. Klee struck out, for the sec-
ond time. Jabby threw out Cameron.,
No rns, no hits, no errors.
Fourth Inning, Michigan: Wilson
was out, Cameron to Walther. Steger
beat out an infield hit. Dempsey threw
out Jablonowski, Steger taking second.
diles popped out to Cameron. No
rlis, one hit, no errors.
Fourth inning, Ohio State: Walther
walked. Robeson was safe at first and
Walther at second when Dillman
dropped Wilson's throw. Slaman hit
to Haggerty, whp touched Walther
coming into third. Dertipsey singled
o right scoring Robeson. Slaman
taking third. Dempsey went to sec-
otd on the thgpw-in. Marts fouled
ut to Blott. Miller singled through
e pitcher's box scoring Slaman and
Dempsey. Matusoff beat out a slow
grunder to first,.Klee went out, Wil-
ronder Tabby. Three runs, three hits,
oe. error,
Fifth iitning, Michign: Kipke flied
buto Robeson, 1411er threw out l
x achman. Blott grounded out to
Matusoff. No runs, no hit4, no errors.
,ifth inning, Ohio State: Cameron
walked. Walther lined to Dillman,
Who doubled Cameron at first. Robe-
%on popped 'out to Diliman. No runs,
no hits, no errors.
Sixth inning, Iichigan: Haggerty
#opped out to Walther. Dillman pop-
to Miller. Wilson singled to left.
teger popped out to Cameron. No
ris, one hit, pio errors.
Sixth inning, Ohio State:. Slaman
atruck out. Dempsey walked. Marts
lined to Dillman who doubled Demp-
Iey at first. No runs, no hits, no

running catch from Blott's long fly
to left. Matusoff threw out Haggerty,
Bachman going to second. Dolman
ended the inning by liningto Cameron.
No runs, o.eilt, no errors.
Eighth inning, Olio State: Robeson
went out, Giles to Wilson. Slaman
struck out. Dempsey flied out to
Bachman. No runs, no hits, no errors.
Game With Hawkeyes At Ferry Field
May Place Wolverines;
Near Top
Michigan's diamond squad will en-
counter Coach Sam Barry's Iowa nine
at 4 o'clock on Monday afternoon at
Ferry field, the team leaving Colum-
bus immediately after today's encoun-

Scores 44 Points It Interfraternity
Meet; Beta Theta ViI
Places Second
Phi Sigma Kappa romped away with
the annual outdoor Interfraternity
track meet yesterday morning at Fer-
ry field, accumulating 44 points. Beta
Theta Pi nosed out Theta Chi for sec-
ond place by two points, the respective
scores being 24 and 22.
Alpha Rho Chi placed fourth with
14 points and the other teams finished
in the following order; Phi Chi, 6
points, Delta Tau Delta, 5 points, Tri-
gon, 3 points, Delta Tau Upsilon, 2
points and Phi Sigma Delta, 1 point.
100 yard dash: White, Phi Sigma
Kappa, first; Gibbs, Alpha Rho Chi,
second; Phelps, Trigon, third; Weaver,
Beta Theta pi, fourth. Time 10.6.
220 yard dash: Voelker, Theta Chi,
first; Gibbs, Alpha Rho Chi, second;
Newton,,Phi Sigma Kappa, third; Kop-
lin, Phi Sigma Delta, fourth. Time,
440 yard dash: Gibbs, Alpha Rhtt
Chi, first: White, Phi Sigma Kappa,
second; Robertson, Delta Tau Delta,
third; Phelps, Trigon, fourth. Time
Half mile: Walsh Phi Sigma'Kanna

Stuart Loses Oan
Technical Point,
Steve Farrell's exhaustive knowl-
edge of the track game deprived John-
ny Stuart, one of the prize crop of
freshman weight men, from two firsts
against the Illinois yearlings instead
of one.I
Stuart took the shot put handily,
and went into the hammer throw with
an excellent chance of taking the hon-
ors in the event. However, on one of
his attempts, he casually walked out
of the circle after his throw, before
the hammer struck the ground, which
is against the rules, and for which
Steve promptly called the throw a
foul. The distance of the throw was
136 feet. Shively of the Illini first
year team, took the event in the meet
with a mark of 125 feet, 3 inches,'
which was 3 inches better than Stu-
art's next best attempt.
Visitors Rate atsi One of the Best
Court Outfits in Eastern
Michigan's Varsity tennis squad will
be facing one of the strongest court
outfits in the East when it crosses
racquets with the Penn State repre-£
sentatives Monday afternoon at Ferry
Penn has been especially fortunate
in rounding out a more formidable

fTRA CK TEAM 108-2 9
Wolverines Distinctly off Formi as
Suckers Outdo Own
,The best rounded track teamI ever
saw," is the way Coach Steve Farrell
of Michigan characterives the Illinois
squad which trounced Michigan's cin-
der squad 106 to 29 yesterday after-
noon in a dual mieet at Urbana. It
was the most overwhelming defeat,
Michigan h'ad sustained in her athletic
Michigan's track team, considered
one of the best in the country' fromt

1 All classes will form at 7:00 j
o'clock tonight to take part inC
the march to Sleepy Hollow for
the Cap Night exercises. Seniors}
will form in cap and gown at I
Barbour gymnasium. Members
of the Varsity band will also
I form there to lead, the march.
IJuniors will assemble on the {
west side of the Medical build- j
ing. Sophomores will form be-
tween the Chemistry and Natural
Science building, and the Fresh-
men will meet in front of the lib- I
I rary.
C The line of march will start at
E Barbour gymnasium, going down
Twelfth street to Huron. The
line will then turn east on Huron,
to Glen, north on Glen to Ann, IC
and east to the Hollow. Classes I1
are requested to sit as units. I

X BlankedFrTo.Be Awarded; Theatres
llii lve Free Shiow s A fter
Cap Night Program
Tonight marks the climax - the
year for the class of '27, when at the
Cap Night ceremonies in Sleepy iiol-
low the yearlings will "take it off"
for the last time. Ten thousand peo-
ple, it is estimated, will watch the
yelling line of freshmen run past the
huge bonfire to sail their grey pots
into the flames. Ceremonies will
start at 7:30 o'clock.
The complete program of speakers
includes Edwin L. Denby, '96L, who
will . represent the alumni, Prof.
Thomas Reed of the political science

Coughlin, .Illinois, second; Doyle,
Michigan, third. Distance 132 feet 9

The first four teams in the Confer- first; Chase. Theta Chi, second; Lauin- squad than usual this year and in their
ence standing, Illinois, Wisconsin, berry, Beta Theta Pi, third; Grab first two tilts of the year have come
Michigan and Ohio State, are well Theta Beta Pi, fourth. Time, 2:13. through with wins. In the first match
bunched, but a shakeup is due to oc- Mile: Stoddard, Phi Sigma Kappa of the season the Lions defeated Du-!
cur following the games today and first; Chaddellee, Phi Sigma Kappa quesne University 3-0 in a meet that
Monday. Wisconson meets Illinois second;1 Banister, Theta Chi third; was halted after the first three1
today,.and a victory for the Badgers Delta, Tau Upsilon fourth. Time 4:52 matches on account of rain. ,
will place them in first place. Michi- 2-5. Meeting Bucknell last week . the
gari's chances for the title are de- 220 low hurdles: Snyder, Phi Sig- State netmen crashed through for
pendent upon the results of the Ohio ma Kappa, first; Walk, Theta Chi. their first win in four years over the
tilt and the game with the Hawkeyes. second; Travis, Beta Theta Pi, third; Rucknell court squad. The Lewis-
Iowa started the season with fine Weaver, Beta Theta ti, fourth. Time burg racqueteers have had little diffi-
prospects but dropped a close game to 25.4. . tulty in disposing of the Nittany Lions
Illinois and then met defeat twice. The 120 high hurdles: Walk, Theta Chi, in previous years but they clashed
Hawkeyes have four wins to their first; Snyder, Phi Sigma Kappa, see- with a tarter when they faced thisf
credit, but these were sustained over ond; Walsh, Phi Sigma Kappa, third; year's outfit.
the weaker teams. Travis, Beta Theta Pi, fourth. Time. Lead by Captain Laws, Penn comes
The Iowa contingent will arrive in 15.8. to Ann Arbor determined to avenge
Ann Arbor early Monday morning for Broad Jump: Sheppard, Beta Theta the defeat that the Wolverines admin-
the fray. Coach Barry has, not deter- Pi, first; Snyder, Phi Sigma Kappa, istered to the Blue and White aggre-
mined upon his pitching choice, but second; Robertson, Delta Tan Delta ration last year. Laws will be ably
either Duhne or Marshall will toe third; McIndoe, Phi Chi, fourth. Dis- backed up by Geuther who plays num-
the mound. Duhne is the Hawkeye's tance, 21.9 feet. ber one for the Lions, -Webster a vet-
best bet and will probably be given High Jump: Sheppard, Beta Theta eran from last year's squad, Price, a
the assignment as Iowa is particular- Pi, first; Walk, Theta Cli, second; newcomer to the State squad, Malpass,
ly anxious to record a win over the Radford, Alpha Rho Chi, Robertson, a Sophomore who has won his matches
Wolverines. (Dla n hiteIDl
B. Bares Delta Tau Delta, and Whittleson, Del- xgainst Bucknell and Duquesne, Mc-
B. Barrett is slated to work behinde ta Tan Upsilon, tied for third and Vaugh, Hellmich, and Eggleston all of
is as fo-ows oesel, ef fild; fourth. Height, 5 feet 8. whom have had much court experience
up is as follows: Poepsel, left Aeld; Shot Put: Amos, Phi Chi, first; and who hope to pull through for a
King,, second base; Hicks, third base; Schravesand, Phi Sigma Kappa, see. win over the Maize- and Blue wearers.
Scantlebury, short stop; Flinn, center ond; Sheppard, Beta Theta Pi, third; Michigan will be lead by Captain
field; M. Barrett, right field; and Gow, Beta Theta Pi, fourth. Distance Rorich who has been playing sterlingI
Laude, first base. Laude and Hicks 36.8 feet. tennis so far this year. Brick, Hodg-(
will be remembered as two of the Half Mile Relay: Phi Sigma Kap- man, Crane, and Vose will complete
basketball stars of the Hawkeye quin- pa, first; Beta Theta Pi, second; Theta the squad. and judging from form
Wt .y a Chi, third; Alpha Rho Chi fourth, showed to date the Wolverines will
.With Stryker and Jablonowski work- Time, 1:38.8. make it hot going for the Eastern
ing on the slab today, Jerry Benson ____________qua d.
will oppose the Iowa batsmen. 'Benson quad.__
has exhibited great form in the last Smokes Fag Twixt!
few games he worked and should hold
the Barry clan in check. Michigan' First and Secondj V andals
will take the field with her regular O "U'I tthbratt
lineup. In one of the interfraternity baseball !
Marts, Buckeye catcher who 'as games last week at Ferry Field, aICa h Ear.y
.chwas member of one team pulled what isC
displaced by Brashear in the game known as "one for the book."F
with Indiana, was given the call today. One team piled up a lead of six runs There is something tremendously
!in the first inning, and were able to fascinatinre abort a bonfire. There
I hold their opponents well in hand. is a thrill in watching the flames leap
( The afternoon was cloudy and rain up-and thrills are much sought after
I EXTRA STAFF I seemed imminent. The. leaders were by some people.
( ( anxious to get the necessary four and Thus it was that a small group of
Editor i one-half innings finished so that the thrill-seekers happened to be in the
j KENNETH C. KELLAR 'game would "be valid and their vie- vicinity of Sleepy Hollow last night.
Assistants ( tory counted. Each time they came to There, before their eyes, was a huge
JOSEPH KRUGER bat, they adopted all the tactics at pile-of wood, ready for the Cap Night
HANS A. WICKLANI) their command to bring the game to ceremony tonight. It was a wonder-
( GEORGE F. FISKE a conclusion. ful chance for a bonfire-and they
HERBERT C. BEHM ( One man, however, accidentally hit took the chance. A small Cap Night,
SMITH H. CADY Ithe ball to one of the opposing field- without the Caps, resulted, and this
DAVID C. VOKES (,ers. who dronned it. Being on first I mnrning there was no wood: nothingI

past performances, was completely
outclassed by the Orange and Blue
team, and although the Wolverines
were distinctly off-color their defeat
came at the hands of a much better
aggregation. There was not a depart-
ment in which Illinois did not perform
well, and Michigan only took three
first places, being forced to the limit
in each case., Ray Smith leaped 6
feet 2 inches for a first in the high
jump, Jim Brooker had to clear 12
feet 10 1-2 inchesin thetpole vault
to beat out Dean Brownell, and De-
Hart Hubbard established a field rec-
ord of 24 feet 5 5-8 inches in taking
the broad jump.
An idea of the way in which the
Illinois squad was performing Is con-
veyed by the fact that the 100 yard
dash went"in 9 4-5 the 220 in 21 1-5,
the mile in 4:20 1-5, the half mile in4
1:57 3-5, the low hurdles in 24 3-5 and
the quarter in 49 4-5. The field events
also brought out record breaking per-
formances. Schildauer outdid himself
by putting the shot 45 feet 7 3-S
inches, throwing the javelin 193 feet
4 inches, and sailing the discus 132
feet 9 inches.
Even Michigan's most steady per-
formers in several events were badly
beaten. Charlie Reinke and Bill Roes-
ser failed to score in the quarter mile
and Captain "Hap" Hattendorf was
third behind his teammate Freyberg
in the half which he had been expect-
ed to win handily. Callahan also fail-
ed to place in a fast two mile, although
Mason of Michigan ran a good third.
Illinois slammed in the high hurdles,
the hammer throw and the 440;'
Summary follows:
100 yard dash-won by Evans, Ilhi-
nois; second, Ayres, Illinois; third
Hubbard, Michigan. Time. :09 4-5.
One mile run-Won by Hall, Illi-
nois; second, Makeever, Illinois; third,
Hicks, Michigan. Time 4:20 1-5.
220 yard dash-Won by Evans, Illi-
nois: second, Schock, Illinois; third,
Higgins, Michigan. Time :21 1-5. New
Illinois record.


Broad jump-Won by Hubbard,
Michigan; Wallace, Illinois, second;
Sweeney, Illinois, third. Distance 24
feet 5 5-8 inches. New Illinois record.
Hammer throw-Won by Oakes, Il-
linois; Talley, Illinois, second; Mc-
Innis, Illinois, third. Distance 131 feet
5 inches,
Total points-Michigan 29.. Illinois
Ball Team Has
Won 16, Lost 2,
Against 0. S. U.
Michigan's baseball team faced the
Buckeye nine for the nineteenth time
in twenty-nine years when they met
this afternoon at Columbus.
.Of the eighteen contests held Michi-
gan has won sixteen and lost two
scoring 122 runs to Ohio State's 44.
Although most of the games were won}
by a large margin, there were several
close tilts. - Among these was the
game played in 1921 when Michigan
beat the Columbus team 4-3 in the
tenth inning, scoring their winning
run by 'a single with two out and a
man on third.
A complete summary of all the
games played follows:
Michigan O.5.&U.
-1895 9 0
1896 . 20 0
1897 11 4
1898 7 3
1906 6 2
1907 13 3
1911 11 4
1911 6 45 1
1912 8 ' 2

department, for the faculty, and Os-
car Brown, '24L, for the student body.
Jack Kelly, '24L, retiring president of
the' student council, will preside over
the .ceremonies. Mr. Denby, while in
town, will be the guest of Mr. Kelly,
and will be in Ann Arbor only for the
Cap Night activities, no reception has
been arranged, as the speaker will ar-
rive this afternoon, and depart prompt-
ly after the program.
Following the speeches by Prof.
Reed and Brown, Coach George Little.
will award "M" Blankets according to
the annual custom. Those who will
receive these blankets are Ray Arndt,
'24; Jack Blott, '24; James Beresford,
'24;. Louis B. Curran, '24E; Frank-
in C. Cappon, '23; M. S. Crosby, '24;
Gilbert Ely, '24D; William Hattendorf,
'24; William Henderson, '24Ed; How-
ard Hoffman, '24M; Marion Hunter,
'24M; IHarry G. Kipke, '24; Edgar
Kahn, '24M; A. Byron McWood, '24;
Charles Merkel. '24M; LeRoy Neisch,
'24; John Rorich, '24D; Hugh Smith,
'24 and Irwin Uteritz '24. These men
are requested to sit close to the
speakers' stand to conveniently re-
ceive their awards.
After Mr. Denby's speech, the pro-
gram will be concluded with the sing-
ing of "Where oh Where". The fresh-
men will then form for a snake adnee
i arciund the fire, throwing their pots
into the blaze.
To Use Magnifiers
The committee on airrangements
for Cap Night has secured a system of
magnifiers which will enable every
one in the audience to hear the speak-
ers. This system was employed suc-
cessfully last year, and this year has
been placed under the charge of lner
1 Dreese of the engineering depart-



120 yard high hurdles-Won by
Johnson, Illinois; Kinsey, Illinois, sec-
ond; Warner, Illinois, third. Time
440 yard dash-Won by Fessenden,
Illinois; Koonz, Illinois, second; Car-
ter, Illinois, third. Time :49 4-5. t
Two mile run--Won by Meiher, Illi-
nois; Marzulo, Illinois, second; Mason,i
Michigan, third. Time 9:43 3-5. t
220 yard low hurdles-Won by Kin- Y
sey, Illinois: Yarnall, Illinois, second;
Loomis, Michigan third. Time :24 3-5.c
New Illinois record.}, a
880 yard dash-Won by Ponzer, Il-
linois; Freyberg, Michigan, second;
Hattendorf, Michigan,. third. Time
1:57 3-5.l
Pole vault-Won by Brooker, Michi-,
I gan; Brownell, Illinois, second; Mc-
'Hose, Illinois, third. Height 12 feet'
10 1-2 inches.l
Shot put won by Schildhauer, Illf-
I noi- TTarev T1inois .unonnd- flnvlaE

1912 7 2 In accordance with the custom of
1918 3 2 Ann Arbor theatres for years each
1919 s 0 house, except the Wuerth theatre
1920 3.. which will donate a free show at Hill
1921 4 3 . auditorium will open its doors to the
1922 2 4 Cap Night crowd. ntirely new pro-
1923 3 2 gram will be shown at each theatre
1923 5 2 and the feature films will be entirely
1924 $ 5 new releases. After the. ceremonies
are over in the Hollow, the Arcade and
Majestic will throw open their doors,
but admittance will be charged to the
WOLERINE GOLFTEAM first shows. To care for the over-
flow crowd, a special program will be
given at Hill auditorium, also showing
APUDUE a feature film never before exhibited
in Ann Arbor. Each place will carry
By making a clean sweep of the the same pictures, and the special re-
twosome this morning, Michigan's leases will be shown only for the one
Varsity golf team established a com- program. The Wuerth theatre is do-
manding lead over the Purdue squad; nating the performance at Hill audit-
the score being 12-0 at the end of the orium.
morning rounds. Prof Reed has had long experience
The high wind which blew through- in public speaking, and was the prin-
out the play made good golf difficult, cipal speaker at the first Activities
rendering it nearly impossible to Night this year. He has taken part
cover the longer holes without two extensively in extension course lec-
wooden shots. taring.
Captain Smith defeated Captain Bix- Oscar Brown, who is at present a
1er of Purdue in the number one student-instructor in the public speak-
match. In the remaining matches, ,ing department, has represented Michi-
Quirk beat Taylor, Broderick beat ; gan in the conference oratorical con-
Gude, and Holdsworth defeated Mur- 1 tests and is a former member of the
phy. In all of these matches, the Varsity debating team.
Michigan golfers took three points The ceremonies in the Hollow will
annh ahnting net t *h. 1ninImIonnrohahlv oat until 9: n'oin"l aen-

,venth inning, Michigan: Dempsey
urmi to, Jabann~ski. Giles fied

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