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March 16, 1900 (vol. 10, iss. 126) • Page Image 1

…Wbe Uof 94 Pai s VoL. X. ANN ARBOR, MICH., FRIDAY, MARCH 16, 1900. No. 126. I I Spring Announcement G. H. WILD & Co. We have just received our line of spring woolens for men's wear. It includes everything in staples that are suitable and de- sirable for the season. We are also showing full ranges in nov- elties, in quality and style to suit the most exacting taste, consisting of Top Coats, Suit- ings, Fancy Vests and Golf Trouserings. We ...…

March 16, 1900 (vol. 10, iss. 126) • Page Image 2

…2 THE UNIVERSITY 01 MICHIGAN DAILY 2 THE UNIVERSITY O1~ MiCHIGAN DAILY Pubishbed Daily (Sndays ecepted duing the Colege yea, at THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN orc: The tnland Pres, Iening Block. Both Phonesee1t7. MANAGING EDITOR. F. EEeoLAii, OttL. BUSINESS MANAGER. . H. HAte.'00 L.. EDITORS. ATHILETICS, . . . 1. HcciicoT,01IE TB . Weceioo '05 L. A. H. McDouiLi'Ot AG BOWNE. 1.E. J. B.Woo,t, L..J. totfooasoiit.O5. W. i. 1HeresY, hiM, The uecccip...…

March 16, 1900 (vol. 10, iss. 126) • Page Image 3

…THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. a A SPRING TOP COAT-AND WANT THE, SYLE-FIT AND FINISH OF ONE MADE. IAIA NO ORDER--WE HAVE THEM-LET US SHWYOUJ-$$12.00 TO $20.00 A A it~ iAlways Safe Here on Stles and Quality. G00DSPEED'S I MICHIGAN CENTRAL. ",The Niagara Falls Route." CENTRAL STANDARD TIME. Takinog Effect Novemaber 19, 1899. Detroit Night Express ...........5 55 A. X Atlantic Express .........7 45" Grand Rspids Exprrss .........11 10 Maila...…

March 16, 1900 (vol. 10, iss. 126) • Page Image 4

…4 THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN~ DAILY. -° F" ISml ith's Works 'Caleb West, Master Driver. To Grogan. Le Other Fellow, Short Stories. A, e-ntleman Vagahond, and Some Other. _A Day at Lagnewe's, and Other Days olonel Carter of Cartersville. White Umhrella in Mexico. $.10.00 In Your Inside Pocket Is whalyousasaveon a suitorsovercoatsmadeto yourordterhbyus. Weeguaranteesaperfect fit or as sale. Call ad see, no obligation to bay. Oar immaense ass...…

March 16, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 126) • Page Image 1

…VOL.. ANN ARBOR, MICH., SATURD)AY, MARCO 161901No12 ....Our Special Line of... "DO OR DIE" Bispham's Singing XWel Received Cmuiain Foreign and Doniestic Mchga'CTnailoav IHrdli ~liilisog recital 1t e('ITo ie' Editoi of tlDil' FAB RI CS Men Invalided - Snout bor.Uivesity Hal preented thb ereto i' lss sicit was attempted by Hahn, Kellogg 0pet('lel otof May lfetn111 (((nlert nIci et ly'1(ol.Tele F O R ~WithIll ee mn ofbet earn(.1 her. 0 ((010 (0ki...…

March 16, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 126) • Page Image 2

…a 'SHE UNLVEI18IT Y Ut 4It It=H1tA DAILY. Pubhisahed Dasts (Mottaysecepted)dtritg College ear, t THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN rgue Blg, Mate St. 336( S. State Steet. Bth 'Phoes 13. Nrtt State 'Pheec18. MANAGING EITR, . H. H s, 01 RUSINESS MANAGER, F. 1:GFoo ntete -: EDITORS: Ar:.EoTI Est'oat - Ca-ts. DvotAa 01 A.H.McDOGAtL.,01E. G. . HSKtoTo,'l MsLK. Sssatste3 WA. KIGH, 01 L, h. H. W,)oOWt,'O4 W. PCttAsst,'01Ll W. A. BasOoeF, '03 F.I. HOSTN, '...…

March 16, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 126) • Page Image 3

…iioit ,!v-rilY OF MICIA N 1DAILY E i £ Fir iEEE4 'aEiE .9F 3E iE3e E e FF Fir: fr3E rr i'r t: CC*vffcfCi'Csc6 :CCCFVISC c:ccPCps'sP 1E-fr:svffv4 w.. I iv irY W sir LADIES' SPRING HATS KNO~an S AI Now Ready for Inspection EXCL SIV HIRTWAIST PATTERNS 100 Styles, no two alike G117 -MAIN S'TREET cIc0 090. 88 88 40 88 4'0 ' 'T" 48 '° 45 ' 3 :3 1 3 3 33:3 33 33i33 3 3 ? 3 33 33 3 FCCa4afs = 3= :.3i 33 a 333 a = z Micbian lCentral NIAGARA FAL...…

March 16, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 126) • Page Image 4

…4 THE UNIVERSITY 01 MICHIGAN DAILY S PECIAL SALE ONE WEEK ONLY Writing Paper y-the puind at 25C Azure and (ream Wov-e, Envelopes to watch IO per package, 3 packages 25c POSTER BOARD PHOTO M, LUNTS TYPEWRITER SUP-LIES. Sheehan & Co. 320 S. STATE STREET. You can get a HOT LUNCH AT TUTTLE'S 318 South State St. Lectures Printed lectures for all depart- ments of the University. Type- writing and Mimeographing. EDWARDIS BROS. Oer Sheehan's) State...…

March 16, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 121) • Page Image 1

…77 R?" 54....E i n i y r 4 Lt a II Y nkIlk J DR. HENRY VAN Dy E- Ihe Distingti lied Divine, Autuiwr and Orator to Speak on Art. and Relig- 00 1in University Mall Tom-ght. }:I 11;1i4 t'1 M. 1-: 111114j i I i1"^1 11ihr41 x II 5111I *1kI 4111 11 lit4 #114 x'1 11''lEt 1 111' II , I 11 1 ' Ei t t4 : I t ' 1.1 X Ill l -i1 111111 t11 1 . 1 }34 ll.iiII {)11 1 lit( 111 No. 1--)L AMilt ARBIOtRMICH.,SUN i~AY, MARCH itfL BAND WILL REORGANIZE About Seventy...…

March 16, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 121) • Page Image 2

…'llM'L IIGAN L)AlLY'NIW lat' \ '.1~ '-fii ..r .. :. s r.. 1 wI . //r _ ... t r rwl t " S"3. R ... V .... Z Q i.I. W . i O Ci r P II rw 4 U t. Y rw ti® tir a l/y ry LL; W Q LL 3 m r L 1111 rr 11 V r TT far z Os: Qr t +t1C 3'F DAI Lt, N 6 l t r r l ^ ", The l cat I1, DAIL1 , I: t 4r. The 'VAtz'rn NE\N 5, .ltfi j'!r r. f t irz _ " 1t7, fr ,.J ;.. _I t ,.i)' r lY Ct( F.} Xo\\ }. I icl( } ld;ii - }itiit i-I 1', W ;Illwl W i;11 t:li i Itt. 1 _ W , I...…

March 16, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 121) • Page Image 3

…JI Eld: BAN LAiTY--VEW S 'oCoats They're ll ere Spr ing Ha ts m ain CoasvEery article of niens appareling approx-ed of Spring Neckwear by fashionable dressers SSprin ut D~MKh LL. Fancy Sirts° '~ ~ ~ ~it ILL- :ii,: j~ - -iiIttI1-i:i- i-ilutr I S ia u-+4 fl' it 9 : H a0 9at: i H .. JOHN J- SOH"ANIZ OHAS. "'1.I5 isAmEN TAILORS 601 EAST WILUiAMS STREET DIETAS EXC.EL5IOR LINbRT DPY WORK F, PE CIpLTY: HFXNDWORh This space belongs to Good Government ...…

March 16, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 121) • Page Image 4

…Tr f ( ? 4N )IK .$&tter tsck, 1141104 Timmings, 11ettr Workmanship: 01 4 44. I 1 T1-1 ull ,.,udi vito. d tAhat madexx th particular care for particular I me~l _ \\AG NER CoCO lX1II I SHADES JUST IN, sole X'oCnt4; -j ^ \ IiL '. _. i j # riG a w im riI ardordPOsad BowInu 707 NORTHI-(i E RSVPX AVEN (i. BETTER THP':M VER I i The SC8LEEOE0~ .a.____ t~Pi Y Nt 1 Ut1 4 THE HOCKING VALLEY RY.I I 2 4444''41 Ti'1 m tl 44 e wi fvrgii n 4 44 D04 1 .4 4 10M...…

March 16, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 118) • Page Image 1

…heMichigan Daily VoL. XIV. ANN ARBOR, MICH., WEDNESDAY, MARCH 16, 1904. No. 118 RELAY RACES TODAY. 5000 BOOKS USED. PRESIDENT'S DEPARTURE. NEWS PROM CIICAGO. Semi-Finals Will Take Place at 4:30 Statistics on the Number of Books His Trip to California University Be- New Sophomore Society Organized to p. m.-Freshmen Entries for the Drawn Out of the General Lib- gan Monday morning-it Will In- Unify Class Spirit-Reynolds Club Detroit University Sc...…

March 16, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 118) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY Rod ucijo I Sale I.As we have too large a stock of fancy SUITINGS AND T ROIJSIRINS Ion hand we will sell I them at reduced prices * to mnake room for onr I Spring and S n in in e r Woolens. Be sore and call in before yon place yonr order. j tr,E f G. H. WILD& C065 108 E. WASHINGTON STREZET. SThe Great 6uu-ae" IExciting [un for Eeyn 4bu4 IPocket War N'1aps for the Far East, t1Sc. " ISHEEHAN &CO.,8 I University B >oksellcrs S...…

March 16, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 118) • Page Image 3

…THE. MICHIGAN DAILY =fT *J Anew lot of the famous H. S. & M. Black Suits,; ADLTl jIfTTN I T J IN~7U in=Vicunas, Thibets, Cheviots and Worsteds, made fDiorothh D S UAUI[SOS [HN in singleior; double breasted. ~ 1 L Varsity and :Regular Sack Styles $300 lO)AD[ $30 Weo haealftae T The only shoe in the world designed by a Weiceall izes in fluck ~ow and can f Iit f frACI( women--- for women. Cal ndinpet1he. 2.1 SouthbMain Sreet. MICK& Co., - -prole ...…

March 16, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 118) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY ~Notice to the Public: TPE~tTIV "* ~o sacant to 32.3 S. Mt t adDvuscall for your work. 4 We, the undersigned, wil cotinue the Clothing . and Furnishing Goods business kuown as the Cut-- ting, Reyer & Co., at fog-I i j. Washington St., A. LEiMBLE, T, a Ann Arbor. aiMr. Truman Wadhams, who has i Foestetered upon his fourteenth year in connection Forest Avellue Meat: Market.n t with the stole, will have charge of the Clothing /...…

March 16, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 117) • Page Image 1

…cam. , - 0 's.. a ,.. e y r., t 77 yr w .,-.. "1 GG , ' , n. "" ,r, n 'f. :- . . h : I "1 f ! ^ '°' r i a ! -+ r . "" rf t a-+ + r: . , , I t ^f ' T / 1 '" .... ;t. T t i V: '"' ii ... 'L f, ,.... .--+ r r _ ~ .- . j, z eJ tt J _ fi, _ r y vt ..-s .... j ' Po. _ r C. '' ... r-: J .. .--- -.-3 *va- v* - y h. , h / r. CA- . H vi u " W E^ L, , X J ' ,; ,, ' " a " I W °. . ,. v "' L " ,y' nw . ,j ; Cd r r }yy L v.+ V .., ^. i '. r .-'' v ,-7 O ^ ' r …

March 16, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 117) • Page Image 2

…T'I ?M1CIIGA N D\T.Y. o r . a." .4. *TIHEF1711 I Cli A N D)AI1LY. *fl Maf~ Ynaoging F:diter, .J. A AIAF .41F Y tBusi nears r, IA I lDtA. Ttill 0105. ii Ila &I. lb ol. o'' : THE N l-; l-; N 'V: A. ,t Ivtr a; y>I. nlr " XVOOLENS AIRE :l f'AA ,ff'.l A9 I An te St)yesre II yr V XV I. Ii a F.. I I I * J1.'.I t a . 15 '.l'y IFI1ULIIIIa lly ladsome.C I ' .0.I * Office rs:ot 12:30lto I1 :30 a d 30to 7:30) *Ptm. dailri. * ~ - I II I ~ Address:.O Clt 11...…

March 16, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 117) • Page Image 3

…'H MICHIIGA N DATL\' HAN~,SH~B A~ + 217 So.-M 1rx Sj + M ny Loaned+ 0~ 4. andcol 4t.I ',. Bus~iness Sti xvlx 7 v) ldvntxial " il1 ceCasatened1.4r igt Most Mien's Cloti rlt' ii'I t''"1 'i'I S. c : W. Clothe 111 1111 11 1 1 I' . 1,]" 0' t < 1 iti t1 ? 7 111l 4' MAK& GO, 'fing 3 1 .0 - 1> :' S PE DE I loll cc Q NJ a rry 's !'HotL rc tew B vun wick mTables RIDlS BILLIARD PARLOES TurkishL igaretles and Wipes lilt, cINix1tIy. Acade'my ofIDanc'in. "T...…

March 16, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 117) • Page Image 4

…111H t M 3-THTG A NDAILY. G R. ~'0 A P H E K I Iv MEN, ii .7- V s. t I & \ 011 00 Mo{ OXFORD hat v tor Stuy wtha Good Light IIee i,+tu ete Iight than lI"E\\ EL5LACL1H READING LAMP~ AL L SITYLIES AT ALl. PRICES. The Ann Arbor Gas Conmpany. lA.S1.SPLINALLI& lL Y2NSIM I (iOWNS MGd~to Ord r (1 EnfcH"k ~ sted 7 EC.ACKGAIO&M(.CO . WRI5TE TO KAL IAMO TRAINS EVERY HOUR To ALBION, MARSHALL, BATTLE CREEK, KALAMAZOO, and Paints East and West On C. T. RY....…

March 16, 1906 (vol. 16, iss. 118) • Page Image 1

…The MichiganDail y ANN ARBOR, MlCI--I(t.hA 1 Rh)RIDY, MARCH 16, 1906. v'ol.. XVI. No. 1 f8. INDIANA ENTRIES ARRIVE SUBSTITUTES SUGGESTED~ SINFONIA TOGIVE ALL IN READI NESS FOR AFTER SOME DELAY FOR HAIR-CUTTING hINSRl 1,SHOWV Hloosiers Have Several (food Men - Representative Committees From Lit- A tmistre show of the Sinfona mas- O A O I A O T S Samse Good For Over Eleven erary and Engineering Classes Will tel fraternity is announceed to tak...…

March 16, 1906 (vol. 16, iss. 118) • Page Image 2

…T14E MICHIGAN DAILY THE MICHIGAN DAILY. 6.n.oWILD Cos.AborF7otofic. theFollee yar, at 17 t"'aosh~in-ton THE tret. Bell phone 8.2). Hoe phlie 76. LEADING Managing Editor, CLYDE L DEW Business Manager, WALTER R. HANS ITailors Louis 1). Sticke I-x1', . .........Chle s 1K. Wins~tead uc. ............. . . 5A. l1i. Os'nieyer N0me 5............ El6C 7 .Amtong Makers of Men's Clothes. 1110 A,'P All the latest London styles 1 h i...…

March 16, 1906 (vol. 16, iss. 118) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY orArt ad Skill in Idilorinq Call oft RCHn OFIELD & CO. The Recognized First Tailoring Trade of the City 106 EAST HVRON STREET Class Caps and Gowns A Full Line of Smplesaot tie, W, c. K-])n (apsiaidot " i5iintIi-i-i-lid anid walit ie tnt-inisdth ii : nmiiitt ofath differ tnt tclasstes imln i-iti in-t. (ayribtinseed i ithtiis so' 'Phose are the tap-s minnn It frrliintnitallin-e ti-aiig ielasse- of' t199,ait n with swern ann...…

March 16, 1906 (vol. 16, iss. 118) • Page Image 4

…44 THE MICHI1GAN DAILY locking Valley Ry. NUArtTS SFinest Quality Roasted Peanuts per lb. l0c. E CONIUSiEX LL T Salted Va. Peanuts, Bleabhed per lb. 15c. 2 lbs. for 25c S YEkNSRIE~Peanut Brittle per lb. I15c. j__ We buy Peanuts in car Iota of 25,000-lbs. "-" You will find Doing our own roasting, we give better and freaher peanuts - for less money than any house in this vicinity. Four Trains Daily 214South.DEAN & CO. Ann Arbor From Toledo ~~....…

March 16, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 121) • Page Image 1

…cn tom' c- ro =: -- 7 r 4 1 . r tom' I' C h " "+ > . y p a o y JCZ _ r; r ... i JK 1 T r-* r Jam: f. """ ^" ' _ f, _ y t i_ , , . r. ..... i .. '-^ 'J: .. ^y l: ...' .... '. _ , -J - _ .. ._. Y ,- 'r: . . :r 7 J:. IC E r. 77H 0-0 _ J. , - u i. r W ~n- 2 C ,H 77H i o3, ZI 4 Oil 0r H j', ,, ~° vr r r' ff 1! /'' + ti+ / ../ . i /.r 7 '. C~ . - .. - .. ,_ 1 ._ ... n - 'C C., - H c ; i' …

March 16, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 121) • Page Image 2

…1 t rt !! c=.., u f -... . r s :-: . y 0 >.t: f r -- , - '°t ,® r' .. r; .. , ' .. . *n rc _ ,- - '^ . -' ,_. : ,. ;-" r+ . - .. s. "' ' , . ("~J P r ,.... f. t.wr W /: t^ '': ,_, I rf ,. r ^' ( . "r -t . w r .. .- ." :. .. 1 'J: '.: rig '°' I: t; rs .. .-". J: 'v rJ; ;+ :3 w v. r ^a W __, i+ r f 1 rf; r r ww 5 . 'J: f; *= *=s T 'I. .- ot) ru= CL C j. 4 0 0 C 0 0 0GtrC) _ - cm .-.H -#--oa 01 ~I ,- :! - U - . f, n n '' J, ; J v -i ...…

March 16, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 121) • Page Image 3

…'1THE MICIiGAN' DATLY What Style Clothes Will You Wear Easter Sunday? t T 1S none too early to dtecide i.ndut hat -oi wax nit t jnow. Shalt it be asmarit sack snit' \Wihat style oxverco(at W wxitl onuxxearii5Of couise i. (illittant garimints thtit ttiat iook xs if toilored to xyout speial to di. - ~No inatiexxwtit ion fancy, xxe cats i.g i i . 'eitx xii it 5'ii ~~ xyou nnt ill stlteinmater it's, xx 01k nistiit 'indtfit in thy f mtools College...…

March 16, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 121) • Page Image 4

…TTTI' N I II I C AN N' )1 N I. I 'ALALZ1C LOCKS HAtCK AMD CARRIAGE HIREE EASTER i CAN DIES Al legrette;'s (iuither's Easter Postal Cards E. E, C'*alkins, 32.1 S. State Street. D ., V., A. A. CaX J. RAILWAY CnpalsJewcory Store a 2016 S0(fiiMAlN Slid I1 IlilANCH S! 1:1.AlT N 204 South State Street UiNIVERLSITY NOT ICE:S 1J I ltCill' r 11 t'~ ') i . ltt< 31' 1; I ll ((l;1 1 ili 1't l~ l ,tlt3t~ l r11 ilit a lr l 1{ 1.;'(: ta 1"i 4 i' llai 'i ...…

March 16, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 118) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily ANN \K1li)(Z III._l \ lItIif I~ih f. I ;SD hA M \liI V 6, igy \ 7t.. IX Nit1 i18. HAYS WILL LEAD BASKETBALL TEAM Was Unanimously Eflected Cap- tain Yesterday-Track Men to Clash in Dual Meet Saturday. ft anteettng o the hsctbatlcll tetmt Miodalyt-night (tiltit H ayes, guard Va-s cosean captain of the teatt for ext fso.lather, of D erit, tas tten- t i lit for te I itcit, uton hs m t n nie. Ilati- cotitis tflon Cicleille, t...…

March 16, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 118) • Page Image 2

…~ITiE MICfiIGAN DAILY. G. H, Wild Company MERCHANT TAILORS :. Have received a large line of woolens for SPRING and SUM- MER in (Menium, Light, and Dark Art Leather) Silver Drab, Grecian Drab, Light Mole. Royal Gray, and King's Tan. We have the Blarney, Hudson, Cumberland, C heer, Orient, Pet- ham, Australia, Cymric, Bullion, Federal, Empire, Raebrn, Irish Boatsng Twed, and London Wrs teds Piease come early and have your Suit reserved G. H. Wi...…

March 16, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 118) • Page Image 3

…I X1;1' I hi ASDIQ,11 A' THOUSANDS IIE..RD IN'011DO 01,. C1 " j SPECIAL CHOICE fyic i cicrc -- I t"*icc li PRINC ' O AE V' i itUU .r, jii~ i ?a' 1i lc ABuying Opportuniaty Enormous Price Reductions I Hot Water Bottles AT Quarry's MnyLoaned r r M othrersoalrprty Bran V atches & Diamonds Offce t rsidnce331E- iberty St flotr: A1:0ah n.Ito430 and 7 to 101 'ARMtRS AND fWCfHANICS BANK MAIN AND) HURON STREETS Capital $')0'000r Surplus and Profi...…

March 16, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 118) • Page Image 4

…I r C. H.MAJ0RrC~o. THlE ARTISTIC DECORATORS, CAN SUPPLY YOU WITH 'rHL LATEST AND MOST UP-TO-DATE WALL PAPER, PLATE AND) STEIN SH-ELVES, PHOTO RAILS, BURLAPS, PAINTS, OILS VARNISHES, BRUSHES, GLASS WINDOW SHADES, ETC., ETC. Our specialty is fine Decorating, such as Pap~r-haaiging Paint- ing,(inttrior and exterior) Wall-tinting, Kalsoinining, Fresco- in(, etc. etc. We employ only skilled workmen sortgo.arantee our work. Goods Delivered to a...…

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