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March 16, 1909 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1909-03-16

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The Michigan Daily
ANN \K1li)(Z III._l \ lItIif I~ih f. I ;SD hA M \liI V 6, igy

\ 7t.. IX

Nit1 i18.

Was Unanimously Eflected Cap-
tain Yesterday-Track Men to
Clash in Dual Meet Saturday.
ft anteettng o the hsctbatlcll tetmt
Miodalyt-night (tiltit H ayes, guard
Va-s cosean captain of the teatt for ext
fso.lather, of D erit, tas tten-
t i lit for te I itcit, uton hs m t n
nie. Ilati- cotitis tflon Cicleille,
tct t~, ieliile fotthe ta h
iat-etsteetioI le tesett saso, ht
at thle h1 i iitiit of i the scottd seteser
h a icit a pst itin at guarttii-tl leee
S n it iiiwis Ksi i tz-i-atric
n i th, ngaitt-i tttit le iaesitlei
itefSt i di i h t Sitthit h leudetided
-i~digy ett- S tu rdatt-ic. t il e
tamsi]rdsi-cti at 1bytatin i thtII]
of te , mity and Don \fay wil b ttl
for htnorin attdtatliieet iheteasif ft
hti cui- chosentitt liiith ic view t ainc
th feultie as iiceaspi b l e t ntu ith i
I iiiola i ti un i i tl it t r ly raI it sli
fm iii l iii 'I'b i ict iilic l ipoitie
f~r ll( iuu ];and hr itfo ti c laser
Iohr tIt I ttifilit ee t tili
therae= t.ic t ll a d ittit i n the
I]it tdI cha, itsn eil l ian thni cit
unlitrec lily- iwhe ian ttciofegipg
IltittiIitit cp-i hi ,an f lt
c i r t is prfrm nc otdecae rli
tilit) mee ttt it i -osibe tisttile to
I ii it ill htic l i l n Ii-ifier e stru ti t
ra Iii cint t he h l- ie e ethitand
hot ashorit im ,did ,:Ict S turdugh
lipr tiimiti it imasehi; lit i itel
tititc tit til tpaitrtolis i stiltic i
tpler ti tttittitrttattit ipibl tiehat
iyetocwiell ale tofsralittiqutiet r
to t-ie ma t i hll f srth r. itt i dhit it k
atr I if been hulleedcby Ifwess
aaac ofthe rip andas i iliieite
Sltit uti, :Ici r Iilste am--it I ie ri
Hasin ; :ly's Ilgl, o ter. itg
ttid dastiltli Dill-Kuss, fRss
X~li itTorryMe etis, T Switittl,
\sm C i lt fttllr, Xl is I egote. PHt-
I~u hule:ll-Httttakis.IT-s
le, i ti ittip thit -HoInciiCs raIi-kn-
Qua tet itt Ptlcetos I aski is
I~stsflt ticitoosiccicKefitlii eth,
titf- ie tti -a aillii el iv te
let, itcktil -it fitetas Il ot tier oil
tttig iite agsgii.o it t rl o
I tlie ticoteams-gertt e tmaystearn,
iptothcse to thetticiteofothe tiulk

diependus ott the relay, it is postsilble flint
I'e ta-o stars of the May teato tiny lie
-olfcetitly exhausted lay taking part ini
ratter events, to event til maatters.

Muodat-y nigih te Staninianclub
thIdtheir iteittar liiititlg i in t--lita
tetestingltaddrless ciinltelifttanil%%tri
tf Nils I erth AbeleNutwaistginati
mathemactic iin. i t itiili i
-vrt tinedituich suiess i soiiShrt
ti tttle Abl iea cit f i=ltgenis
weneit was iet ighteeci t citwety-sic
tie died, thus giv-ig tutuoonly- igtt
yers in wich i tole iompllitisig ral
At tflt net iticelt't-Intheriltee
if fthefalswill cliteit.
PRIL I Xli IsliisIPVI)TcII 3iO
lolIlil XXNPIII i PlC;S1i\:1'1T1t(
lThe-Mlitci tnumtber of ite flitumi
detottid to a recogitiotiltofi Ptresileti
Ulgell's wo rk atdwtrlhtlt-ideilutcic
tot onitty it edci onaoltmaittrs, but
fso tinit tiltlitc afifaits Ill( queti n iiti fi
its succesor is idispasinai tel tdeill
le newaer itcicsien-itt-ittcrentt
ndclr te captioni"IPresilet Aii ho1
fi thCe1ncr ;tipDr lit . 'I~g
itltgizes lt-e etiritngi-hlititof iiXi cli
Xttgc-lat fis Ic-k are sown on thet-
roilti-lilt-ct- tndita fc-imie fii
ote f risigat-iontis ivt-ci
The iawaik-ninttof ilt(hitSSidint itt r
i1 andtlits growtig ilt iii l o -utn
it its reglation oitf oitiisii i it illir
itti-isptutu tlls d intits uing n c
lad oii 11itt i-aS cott ar-it iii
ili t highpitt ~ionlini stitti l t
explaoiedl byiits methodtis ofcice
lFstttial y ntoicle itis thei-g--wth
f Michigantialuti tulssocititiiii ITle
\ltititts-itnit-s at sn e~t a(ut
)enter, Gin-, hid.X-Xtsitnti-ntiti ft.
MI Il lAN lhlNClRS li \I 1 Ii
The'll( ttitigan iisitnoi ls m
meuIVetieersLe-it-te iiifAmetricmet i
rutivc tommtuteetftrlthe ittclst itt-i-s-su:-
Ch iran sKiball IFletchercic et
I ran ott Juu-; er;s
ar-itt, -11111 Paul I. Ic ig lii J.
Clettietts X tcWthtea t o. Ji-til
Reiglarit Arranitgmtents emd
ft fetcirs f theiitaieticoiientrlfrith
N\etiYork.Tthfitbots wiill hliteldin i
-April a sait 3ittnd itill bticptut lll
mteitibecrs(iffiteleaeo amnt itli t iofi
a itomtittnalenttratnc fee._Aset ofith
regularleaguetiedalcrs sitill lit itwitrde.
Lnti-ic sift inadetlt tcairmaniiii
oni tr eftreI ritlas- lateilt O
Prof. I. MI WXnetlini; ttiiciii
Stuntday ight at St Xtilretit ichttct
matde te sI taliment that tie butsine- ss
of pitloophys itas1to putctre ilt re-
giots theoirits Ittltecutrseioifhis
talk Ilitrettiarkdthalt itlhtilosplht ctm
teser tbe uti scil it sustit-elier iii-
l resetnt religion.a

FOIL WARY SOPIS tnn h hr itot il litill -~h
i tvai t t f ii tiaiti otm iii
Annulal Banquet Prefaced by the hw:"ihgn"UrcCmpel
Keenest Fight in Years; Toast-' Dhatito C ilotutu t-tirs e
I. Kuihni, B tli ht-i Pi; c- ietii
master Captured. Xiii ft --XWadettiv.X (livci ii Diiielt
lr l iti its histry. ft 4 o'cloth o fii 11-" XX ilt I I_ I ekiDlt ii'a
Moda iaternoon on itligbout nit lity t)ils T heF cut," W ltn S,-tih
lie oflt nc tillie te ha e liiiaphat l ts i i- u-hrauh niies
hall alloitthe emainder of thllob weretPaulit.itt-utr; i-l til t- r
ic ll . iftetitthliutoasti=,litheillicittichere111-
'tll ttu-e -in t nd c---st hsut-s-lleih ga ft e a cs
noedfr h huct fhudis ic th erive t~itf X ss Xi1Ii\ u
la ht , i i ft thehisueiatIconXdl ~ il iN~h
t liom ( t Cir.5 ndi t t firs lt- XXit Ilim- ls se
ial wasthirstofth ftceshuteni i i s )lc:l. D~ ,)phalf itour 1eaier-.l-
ithe X iaet ic bitligto iBlaet e l cp.iPIc-uM -esii t ateris-
isutndeistaiban ti w icht seters-i-si l it ttuit Stuet Cii i tutu
,, th lilt .frshmen iXiiingIr' tiltheder J I Stll ii ii
s--t litore holdig few hi sitea pliatdozen iututi Iutubi Aljstc- e
lin rs ma efie iv b fo e ihe stpli Xltsi -i Cstccui liy lututumitulee l oth
it-t I - tu itu 11 a 1slot)io i l oca lltsi of turt it sup tiuti til t 1111 andI get
tuluult tuenrge cup utuitu smtadiceii ii tll
lee icthimi thru ghit onI ofiti heils-c ttl n t ishh i l t
itndtii il t t c uuult a doit lilt 111ig shos1or111 1ice ofon
;loo 6 S f ir fee t h I ii ,i act I tit it ist lllItti aw it; lucig c ron
'l ock hittt- phon- e']iit to his acliiit th, as eein hed1t h11aj
-Ili - ta done ta ilt NI ilmei t <l Jein a cs ar re rrd a a
rutiin j up old n~, p lle i beoi. cifii I 'there re tt Iofi
lii h b t 'c n theiiliiliii tc andi h lit-ligetiin
liii-- 's tius s-Si t Stialcut.p flth o tcoc ' I'l gl e cl i tto l l lpitIt iilti-t
\ uch o lish ct icllt t hcus
icr o icl. et erut ilcullnaiii tuft
lit i lii 11111ii tui~ Julii C hit Rlit it Al tit lci 1th Is 11111 t utu othi
tic tilldhung Iblictilt it ill ii
u orlin th s ex t. ttccl' 1liltly we e hkc a s, "I "ti c111ilubi i l nee1111 t t plii ii ii
111111 a tn inutsi p te tthe fresi te-ht- -s i -i tl- t-t i-iti ti
-Itt- tiltdi\6111sow it ppe ain il-bi
-ft tutu I u t- oii the ha lttiu rln, u n fi t;uutupunuful eli es t ]iti
thus thuee isothe ust1 e hime lut lwdi ii osI s cth y wl e l~ h
'r m n he sa e an er 'ob g ne al ma ag r shilldI ti"t\,c t u ii uitgc uuuiit
tiepl titutossetifistiialttc it
Su da ti h 1111 f ailtt u'lointhetl u i ii i iAnlni cilct ii it lg
gt-tlli - - -ut hit Ni t c ers n tucntgu
v or fIci tut uid ut ig t iihrtmpt - ete. toia il e ii e
,tlfrs me iie atue alit N ght :dlhis "pe " an hpc iitu e ndll s h uel t=
)iv i a temthu ing-iitoi jnntp lice tet t top o uttae tutu itrIc itetic c.t Te-tut
mtel ciiaht ilI'elli isi ng t it it-nuhu d i ts cimuc-ighttse is m einhutsirci ilu evitaiil tuuhoogb
Wle t e irs t m k sti tutil o ui t hc i t and-- u-s--ilo ter i ll
ci l- :Acab drio v u pututi hefouttur utCctC GrSilain-IX XI
it ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Iu wi-thuta-lt tt-it ttumitihic;houttt,1file-_bit
err wheii t i lt I titt abby'i s flit ft ill Ilct utu sajestic hs on foru l t e tuu til
u-l-tt ueuluht tich~u-uuuu hh is t t fogtte nc-salager Lan
tutuh catuhc t i hutee tan itcthf pie as S at T he g' cur claw it show-s
cut gghcshl 15 ies tti N i it hat1 theyu-uwi-liike stffcciuu asthot e
t d ,;ll( ca pe t l i itltics so-cue - hutb i izii it hit iii lul- t X t
cuug tb If o tt e o ttsul ga i thesroof. Ttu s Nut thuXlas iuytou y 1 ti. tell
Soo aft erii th X s ut ts th ulghus fat 1centutu ikets. -tuuututut ut beu ed i nI ute riu
fte thusa I attilt tthI ci I - in,-- hh It t XI it eservedit catii an} i ghtii this
fitc uhtututtc u utuihiteu ho weekui suut neti tutu -u c-ut iiird
rig as sit upprclasmanbutifiled

Preinier Senior Students Elected
--Choice Falls on Many Prom-
inent in University Affair,-.
Th tit c1hut-n ofit 11 tic cutul*s sot10
it 1clas weeho oed b te Ph -'t
ap a cit t-u sltati u flot ti ulshi
sits-n f-filet-ue- tirl , fc 4l ,
liiir J it itliuc utu it-tnt ( ac \
tutu itt loX ece hut l ii C wvlduII
,ardul, hamcev R uci suDoi-,u
h itJ. rtutu - - iide crly ueiuice ii.
lerna A, ClrkC;1rlJ.{. ciluceu ti C
l~ighc ~ ilIda Jfilt) 1)
Ma-rgaret I',.Sett.ilX li-tutu Scaor
11111o X c: cl usualr un-csol
1'v w aIR-ldhItndii lIrI oy c
11111 lii 0}11111 siul 011til t S tly a- M a
WM I bemd sc(byPo.Vn n,
)ft" ~ ivlsHtiNofXl lica ii --
- . 1,..1. A{)ll\.l1 I)\ te:llS1

No) t titi h t s l
-iii ii'1 ltd i ts el t

1 it 'I

T h. h:,contittiiutonuadtheit lowing
if nomtinati itilts: Nointi on, tutu ofi
-iri l u hisuu asusi al ti tutlluhits rlit
ita m s t i nilt w i ;(Ii licll l
tilthe u iveosi tyia tli iae. '~i
mti tutu lI uethn e cled an taptelided
wv l te rsie t f thetilit i a
ion run tititlaite i lSatnrayin ,lrc o
tiltyea stilth W 111111t a1 h icilt
aeti saelttisyti~ theul cliihii ue
Iitohitshitcii rdtilt ill ohit Iccimtst
wtutl f theetappruovtluoftthell-uuulclM
i mnahe i (w tilt- hlciofltlls i- c
estileandipseto li amtiulcoethe
With stroll aI -it-ill and11 i dI o hi s1 1
nemblirh iint th siionto -the
flute Studets cltin i te lptm entif of
11111h h ilo t sI iiit r<i t 11111a1) lii S
Ar1 shal nogt behit liI il itooh nto
it 1111cin s aln tp e e t'1)"~
iil to hiii Xc a it nidaeioi a
io i gne ullult -ten- to)hu membersiuA1til heul
iseiation and hitalmrovcii11 h cm
suitc tutu -alti outgan isatinhilt
,he un iersi ity. tit 1
XNeelctinhill b hlfthXX i XXX
fturifyint Aprh il,11the h 1t.l i T h s:
Itttu i tI eto v si t fltseanu al meti ngi
ithe Xltsouiatin hiritheuelctiont hut
ticicersumust hitmemhuts ofth caiisn.
Ico th S ltcuo 4tetces


'1lehuthicui tslfottis out elthoratsi-- - ---
Memtibersoftuffle NMichigan.i Uniuto- will f -ot uuhse tutulise-i ftor o8h eouiples. - IfRAfEt()IitSt-h Nil ifS XXIII,
lite togethue Fridap- eeenitg hueltree- loi nu tablesideeoratedh t-itfbflo- ~l<I1 Ni) 5Xlf P i' t(lit I-
Utuintis plannting ho gir- aseres of ii e ndclssco orwere plaucedhlentgi
suppers at a mnodlesi prict, ifthis lite to-isc inthliiihall. The three freshmeuteutnirits atin h la bit 1
to a sucees. kehecommittee ill chasrge uwuhiott-e ltre stontidto toasts, hut -iuiikor'Thursdatup-uighut.Nturch1u, in
hopes ev-ery member wt tiill tic- presceuhnt-ri-esautglutt-crc- It. V.NocumttoaIucst-Ithe Xi ci itt CUliitiu clubututs-e, lTis
so thact soeial gotud felloowshipitmayciphitmttstrsubtstitutetd ftpHutgh Piulkerton; -1 till hue hueosithflewottitues tail whlichi
pea-ma-led.XXilliilt hitchk. tuandWater S. Smtith.ithel eniitcaniiall teeItic-lure gradution.

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