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March 16, 1906 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1906-03-16

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The MichiganDail y
ANN ARBOR, MlCI--I(t.hA 1 Rh)RIDY, MARCH 16, 1906.

v'ol.. XVI.

No. 1 f8.

Hloosiers Have Several (food Men - Representative Committees From Lit- A tmistre show of the Sinfona mas- O A O I A O T S
Samse Good For Over Eleven erary and Engineering Classes Will tel fraternity is announceed to take place -
Feet in Pole Vault. Act on Matter at Early Meeting on 'Marh 28 and 2. The great sccres'Tonight in Univ ersity Hall-
___of pst attempts his enoourged the Medal and Cash Pries Offered
A n ~i tl(l ii otio t i poiitelto1v ifni i netkntPtniatie-Spakers Will faintain igh
oLa to hetIniat~na etriresfornte ci ngl" ni erla-eseof thi iteratry ad etti ttet itoutan i othose of formier years
ait iwillhbeioth it to tie i heStandard.
inertwr ie t I I) ettti rdI'i t e erngta' etartai-ttt to -suggest or on
tfiice yeterday afernoon. lthough irivenstmesfor 1fitercle.ss contet.tostat- htrselititnroll One nottl fe- Th'ietiost if: arngoeett-
onlyten m n aeetrd ecta it s take tie lefin.' i r c lit teldte ir t retl-(itilifl iieinI arobit c et ote ttfch tin- th pt ltof r i the ortria rmititott
e oillldotthIiltire tntumerable.iThetanditrduousteld Itnlit nitousrpnepaia-
citlie t-itt s llier l t ie to i t oe im- rt e tingttieS tititBaritr ro mso h lt c s it te Siiot s mltata i tilnc tn f tl i
ciat~ty i ie illtn tr htle At riin mii ot l(otttceal vcl tlety istlotttettittie, soflthepat tt thcoltli teshtant
p reilc tioil.jut whopoties iited iateiuoi n.ad:licom telei rseI-i Ot It tctithi riril iltte tit111ilt i iiti s tii eie tt
\ yilit i'a thlete, willthIvel inthe iresi Png te -tue hiC uiii litndiaso tishieftlnt asest-ihe wthisladi p ue to proa ue i oiet lint the line
In d a nta m fo lo w :_fhe C o tw ia dre idtts H a ri-ost e t o ig t:tih enll efo nt e f ntWe. atyswlly e r, n o
lhtpt R y il ' ler. ittcony. t at d ti-teti .4i het ot llrit csess n ig ihtnigtefc hthr aebe
stl cii itt I nkrlees. fiiacteeit iii letim inaryt anid M~ICHIGAN MAY' IO0E t11e1-reete' t, tilt tutu i d heii I a eecai dbu
ior tiltard hut il e--Imckliii iSewardif arranidioerlueftie eitethods o r-RtittC t; ion ncdwwt r
Johnitson.t eetii be fo ietllowiid.nThIle s cnt.ne-Cmts PROFESSOR M '.ALJGHL.IN lie itt of lmo, f)Pt r~ itt it it) P Is tilt - r< l iii sy mlnseieratofth
1 ll tile / iteitri 1hhtttsiittCar.11 w1hichItItave Petuoffeedripil to this tie llil t ft ii itetathis t sec it 111piti ese tirtn
ItiuittpSti se111rMilleri wote-revsiesed-itn'talar ssiiidtitid ittChicago Makes History Instructor a on____ li iitil e adiniretitti thrillole x
Foriunreiat iott yaris-Jo11111 Sutdistutmorntingiofext werethe coit- Flattering Offer-No Action Taken ietuy itt teunrsityctcl the IitiltDItt ii li (rhyefotil
soni Tompson, "till arii tt \ li itt-ilt tilit ec iiwill dibtth i te. tillland otisin the Matter as Yet. Anitel tredeihit s igna'itiontott ithe 1 lilttill''o te list fort sthsya
ile Z immlter. iiTompfsont .111r. 1f earh lant. boa1dt oft r eg uentus andithfis is noti<fn r to 1c otil ~t n tilhle itm u eiof s many
titv~it -S m cB cleyi 'i T titp tist-thei ten1tl 1 ttitin de sietoiico- lice'Utitle-r'sity of Micehigatntis i utl i- e fat that t le is le s -tatwliso fft M n wt eod s te ls fls
,<ittform lit the itit "itentiailtd itis f lie get f lesilg a inothe steittg' membl-er resnt pient, b inis egiisn v al eote tits still tltiem ns hav
tech uttae- 1itnpuuuusitu J it1hu1 tll,/11.1m- in i ttu osfii lciii denitiibtods,'and with- f its falucilty. Cicagoetis uagai uiego-eof hifsabiliutyta s well is his poular uhits .ik d % h sc n lefrsta
mtti ) ilt tutu ot 'Sewadsthsi lifs tey met an deas :forea titig fo'onit of Michi ca' dtbe mni Ihefat thafl t free scolsui s ae b lrponu~ ld m r efc e
int he litter ctntinintutu' he list of e-I -till huersn, to sine memr ue dttr ts ure s the Ronkefeller uisttu offerdufofutis hiteldtrut s onu t hittc e h ylii intoi it i tness o rfso
tiles, apfinttuSams hscu rcodef -fustdet tom itteeli oeu n x1thtu io1111 wil ibe successl.ti It wa-i s sua e Chicargo isitutioncintendi to mkute B liiitiltof Yps1 ilan ti iltn I thur iail itsio i
ii eelt inic', ifor thie futle i .vau url tta udyt ri ng.ittiknowntusui tt terday -a fltteringu''offer hadimtcte r biing c"outusmie e s ht to ie Pro esorut St ttu io f si li it ttund
is o fo fe t hnites itiilit' it () h t w 15elliy hll'c utestots i hllbheenit tutate tu Irof undrewt c C. NMe a- liiiof. rcugitit elitst stnis t it ma b iii iii it iibutliv
itutu uu Millier, ithlue ilth ti uu hut itnitt ii liii lo hit tutu te imprcttiteatile Iuginitutu iitilerthur hutadiof thur hitor t 1r 'ettdy fo trothege whilett hetie min- h ut fi igsuimsteth of .ticm~ d . P o
;fe ti ic( rt et thle, ac ailt-- tie tli ts of reasternus departicentulat Chiago, writ a ctles- of tder o the little fonkge: il]tiirheey fc riiav .:,g I pn fictitltIwill
at r hietlihuedhut tic t i nc innati guuuu uym fili ni derait- i on.ttli TIhe ucmmittlie s cwi fete lute childen.uti Prof NuMchaughlinutat hisis 'nlullthu frslie ffrtC Chi lmieu lefrtwl e mae t
tutu )Jatutarus27, tutno iitrte' i sien: i tous.Iit infionstitiiupon thr 5theevrou- ptretitt holds theitule f trfescr of cago utivcersty t e ue ProftMe- niiisuthop fthCki t>iii it N i itsIatiy
sit tut definitle k(tutu he i to hthis ahilii - uti hitt iiiniioniandit tutu hb r wo ld be -A eritan ii lstrts .and letueti n-La gh i ttoe "go ig sill 1ehtiseriousph rte- le N-Is" of \ tch theti
Indiaa's minsty in he hudles hay-advere, a the ase ray b. in he dpartmnt oflaw.Whefitserteethlastiightbyith thft thejudgyrare'tiltsshopWill
ing ion t emwetlltitie Cinucnntuucillm T hi-eu- iatsentumentinusfavoit of ot Ile his been onnectedl with thie stsh D ily PCo.till tIitgiti i d i-ra tilasen hut l uth u i cih eyeI tt - i
cub i el se tutuing i te having tany substtutelifort Itiiir-uttigtucg tilurulsitter t i utihe t he cre ehere etao ail euuc e nua tno r smute ftie a ciuiotae n a sot d rssbb
In in -sfi tthit t l s thspring.h nd-til hofse' ituho uhbor thits eel i i ll umtas uinstuctoru min atn;thliii followi'ig iit-sch 1Iae it ne lieunmuons ieig. Ihi twuud he otf grea tutucitch it illui-
Nx x t Cafptilt Sa1111c. Thompsonuuuis conft er lvu ponu tuuliihe ordini a- i aieat .uCtcs i tra sferredtotlie deat- ae unothitg futthetoCutstie exset fthai tase b
1111oubw ly te ;tr of the ndiaa prsingthem of tis fct. f ay moe- m nt o hisory herelie as' ssisantlityeiI hvethachd nciecittn n thtT fir'nestiwillbeiteilie 115-n
tua .Tu thm sonli whocii ai Cthn Ind-i iii mnui i me-tte it lis t bes'it cfty ua ust- tutu itt r n d sitnt p c r e n s uslsor o t u et." nh candreinciiiheut mliiis mult iii 1 il
o f , ; fo t e 40 on -o f d o rs a d P~ rt of th o e n t re te . u l n m b eri mcin sth heS ue nifs iiL ec ut ure a yso t-
hecht himtuum hli st i i tck h idoesh h ii u ucnie i -ileite r a ellsp o s tue l "nseuran -isC f bli ty his lineouc1 catationay soulsN hf t u li e ul
o e cr o in 111itthe t i-ie'ie intdruoicy useeeitt'iceit r~ ec ied ta torofhusor yruebtolie whochastaeee
no saper .e frlidamm ftle ias his fist filloing -m m enli:ill Suelnt Cotnil, "Spil tnduthus receivedu re qurfiet offet-sIfront uAbo ut tirty tintfrom thmie CU situ
mioor efiiormancuue- i s s Theslm emutt Cte-i ,fii' Jauu1" lie'lsell -uandtChmeles oiler intcitutions. H iie s recrntly e- Pninulaihu met mumthe lw lm ingmf ut eis prep11ring mum speashut Inl rii th ie isonig
s Zimumerti who flitit onehut' 0.1'in temu ry"C ox, 'liii Sevns olt '08 eh-c-semce ii\nasintiuuou n er he uwas on- hiCsame lute asute-tctieh e iii-stite lso e omithe moist mirsin-(Iatut htfun'ue-hwill
tuuutiutile Raty Camumr -iltdIJolhnsoniha..cusin'miers Roscy'-IRowce"Benie" IBergn, timngicereseattchi wok iut Iis nintharltmet A c atit etic tsutppoinit todraw mitt -igih and'mt Csties iilt fst hg fad r o h itsppntum .wl
don vuerunt medtuture woriii alims fiii firms Cuahmis til 9o literary -hArntin Ilie'eturnd t ic ihigetan a iincuteaese a.constlititmiiton rich mcw i he thesentedf st tsg imm u ii hni ituituds
Tihe' lthr sitats thatit him titt -a er , lit etc it lid tennteti 9 e- of stututeyand-iiut - siw c-eciv i" $.$No t thlie nex omeetng. A sherear i tefillI he mc ii em m flethinitti utes til refresetl
rela-i am wth Tomptsont Johnusn i ncuuue-rs Lathrop.c T5uill Bowman. iiiii alumber i tuentsuh froms leu u notih ithe itts e ity ii thin Nrhiii Omfr utcal
N\if till smithndStilt I sems. as adtAryhilof thesemen stidsread n dtuu itwas utmure tthan hintedmitimiaNt o- m t ANbo rel heic'outuookmiformua strongi ' I cncsta Ob r i '-Maytm4tticcie
unil fune 'utle tim it-cthe bethat i ch-mlt (Cotnued on page 2.) M1aghlin ws i inue hutr lie pie e ui 11 tteIttttrtmlitms m l t
t n nguit emit togetheru'a- hard' fittu thiedal t tu d neii tillllrsingod
lihe'rle- tls-ts forreame ot -/j /tekgiftiof'stiNa -tthanoiufmnfNar -
tid ilda ystrdyan pesntini ie Senior Lalps Are Trying JM any Important Cases qtiute i. Ill(, ii tis otithe tlii d
frtie r otutuhmc .liiyeamur i flh itcian The dmomust uetraordinuay happenigs S ae es li e co nu or spit eairtereis
scetera titnrthe hirlegetiaer liy ehuu lc tIe tol td-tself itt his Ifeutirnu ttul c lhes adaso e fydol is i l . Th
N fewc of teathtlete-wethrlltthin gy iimcIftie secondthfloutrioi the law bilditg his fChesefieldifanitenessletis corluteicted tuorthisiontes teco. i~v
yesterdaymi tt' t it- t oh aki a liht tiese dIts.-T in seconttdlsemester work -bIlyl ejeedntfomun etiminauay ar t P ahroumi SenatorCiiihareiIis C Smonstic
intkuitt but 1 cel eal tithe tumlt hit ema is h e riii tie iuecourt has egutnt.attdlr lie ted of atcnucutor's hue whimle t e fin nildsuat i o I b tm, l
rah-limitnit Keenetie Iticpa irk wfaii inI someid3 u llatc t lhsomiutdCe tc es are ri g ithe att f ri -fariter ccliiienused to1mm tlieuttumaii IProf.i1' NSittuon mu1of Ysi-
tih mt ttr ttie NerpIratd n il h y tteutly' ilpanto- } p1 ay his fae ];ash siue' ac six se-t - mt i uuci i' u(e xt u
fl'etrilt1 sumtile' titus'-catmultelmeitarundii me.us i n umterae mturcers ave taketn 1 uesses at these farceocurnetrtatne- tu e v.Chres D mWittmmmi
ist u n let1 ,hiv i iis ii uiegi ntutegtleeyttoe ueetvoadecttdtheuy poucdae uoducuedl mlthin rial Jutre li e tiulers miii t lnt suetu r s te as
hilteyenofiCammpi ftithR~ue I (CocifRowetientamebn mrtassauled ad left for of twele atensworentito mmsit o hilta. t uniti nn ls i rdrtht ladictebrtiltgtofdycntacscae adevrypruef rceue sJ - n "h Cimuti" Cnur,
Mn~uesyiiiht he come iudtohi haveticeietubrokentatd maty etreputa- gine thoutgh,.jurorshettgnchlengedeloyd if tm miii"lefes friu oiinesluriotli"
fuuei turtSentilr ie ion uherstwhile faifeand spotless has een -adAimisdatiat)h.ms emet ealie; hurts eNc'rumthitMnfit
ha mlii to itgo itom ro i t tie uil-dr gge n itthe tuid and the inraenof attstus tof aemondsernt juy truthl heig I ' ie "iim N u e fCu i
tie's'will domile tur ating.ralut n d t srtue leatder. lbruught intoutptay u A lost evrnt)altr hune," C I Smw yr;I I voui til:thCe
It his limt 1beethdelidit Intl wheutther Thin cases of this senmester uhffer frntnt nottithere catt bei-seets in thinl tw li-I'awutufIGCmowth"i FI N' Krham.
Cahtmln memIfithwsill haveto iiuueasuciopliithocsn ohlat muemeter in it material rry ri stuttent wihicarewortntlmimi
uth i/mmmuier ili tttorowumult eethor nmit apel ttnthe cases tried in the cottrt mPROF. in cxumtuexue nn glatcing tuer thi nettien hu ray asIhe SKEThi CUB fiff-\ f/liDI
Ii tustu Stimuli tie mtartier-miiilem, wll itthe last semester the facts were lialg<' oft ihu Jracic Cmmul paces ug atdidowtun t ai e ts.he 'Iis st- ITwentuyfue stiuliete hit inmutie mitraw
le mstd tto aen"I Ii cc oteru tie it geediupotiatdtlhe itieret it the case-- -- -- - - --detistnotorn oustless ltttn the sheriff ingurtiom o he moiiiemgieemingmumld
hael muf hus rmut oe vse as uZiinr entredtabut thlie leadtfings andtieii' A [Daiy reporter sent t get a story Itie it tariculattday- tryfing 1mm srves-n s i ' a 1 steeingu andi ormii i zedru auuc t ui-
ihas metly ecorinuitfi 2:04mfot thehinlfi lacx-Ths emester the facts are acted on lie practice court work csas cr- poetis orutsttwillitg tuntsisodmedof versty stchnub.uGeoniteCGatell wes
Ramcu-y' runningultduhuslutset fmu mwmeillut i thin presetce o infesses and prisecd to tii himself in the midst of a cwhunt arc as tutu ti lcaitebyh um b- cult erted pmmiii mum; Ioutmue Vin 'Voor-
epriet rn'tutdtifiulmttmimdeetiig h~ imtecase let comes to trial on these) melee' while half a donthuky individ- poeta seteees the iltinktgUver husien-trsient:m.N).iSitwusecrete-
ennutif1 h lies umunitaee tie avtagtelmts.No psis are spared by judge anatepotttdedl each oler as if they were kitd o cse is tried nittie patulrienuourt tytrasurr
ofi a pale-mak tenr. Bogle whocihis charge of this work to atemptig tnt distose of teir worst en-1 in this secon half of te pratie curutitProm misise of sumppoutehaveireer igvet

'ihn igh jttiti5himtil iihf it .mcuke lie fues as realistic as possible, ery. -Liater four studetts canme along wurk, abyhi edasa lrai shtucu niscumbmm eritf Irodentnomlitrsnutrum
ite cntmeliurtsnen incmuehi mndl.hiler.a' uthlencenit s ot surprisitg to see groanitg uttde the weigti of a table life itself The seiorutlaws semtti lt ighmutts meug. andmitifis ielies-nu
Ilmthi itve dot itmie feel, andth brekensmelose ine udciiua pounced upon by whichtey were carrying;1 that, in their like this sort tf work that savors soitlit ithefil e rshutiwilslteceedltiry
rern tumhiis eventcatut tuurlly litemiln-a alf dozcnmothters as he attempts to foniminaginations, represetet a half- keenly of the actual practice, uit lltlie et mehetig All tresntuwere
sieredlantimposutmsbilty. intumlthax ptck t tuk out a door, or to witness the too piano. war, pleasanthafternootn fintsmauy a etusiasitier tie exelletprospects
beenrit hmung ery cmd um ut mo ee ntlu nuusral sight of a pugnacious law allow- Students are nade to assume te most grumbler who prefers to etjoy the s-o succtmueessulte cliumumMmd reulars weel
as ie ot nlyhasdon si fet o ttcig hmeft edragged aottepecuiar characters in the matllludicrous hine rather than to sit in a sttffy court meetng have bcent arrngedfoluT'hus-
(Conitnued old page 3) j floor y the cola of his coat positions One student who prides him- room as a witness or a jurer. iy eeings in the stmenroons

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