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March 16, 1904 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1904-03-16

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heMichigan Daily
Semi-Finals Will Take Place at 4:30 Statistics on the Number of Books His Trip to California University Be- New Sophomore Society Organized to
p. m.-Freshmen Entries for the Drawn Out of the General Lib- gan Monday morning-it Will In- Unify Class Spirit-Reynolds Club
Detroit University School Meet rary in One Week by the clude Several Stops at Inter- Members Give a Successful
Announced-D. U. S. a Hard Various Departments, mediate Points. Party in the Club House.
- The following statistics compiled by The date on which President Angell Chicago, March 14, 1904.-Formal
This afternoon at half past four, Mr. Finney, the assistant librarian of should leave for his western trip was announcement has this week been
teams still in the running for the class the university will no doubt be of in- erroneously stated in last week's made of a new sophomore society, the
relay championship, will compete in terest to all students. They show the Daily. He left in the blinding bliz- "Skull and Crescent." Six fraterni-
the semi-finals. The 1907 engineers total number of readers in the general zard Monday morning for California, ties, all having chapters at Chicago,
team of Keeler, Rumney, Workman reading room of the library for one where he will lecture at the Universi- are represented in the list of chaiter
and Bartlett will try to defeat the 1904 week, and the percentage by depart- ty of California at Berkeley, and then members. ''he six fraternities are
laws, Hahn, Walton, Hyde and Ger- ments. The week in question was the journey through the southern part at Beta Theta Pi, Phi Delta Theta, Alpha
nert, while the 1906 lits, Barkley, Hod- one closing the 5th of March. Natur- California. He will stop at Santa Delta Phi, Phi Kappa Psi, Delta Up-
gen, Lamb and Smith will go against ally the literary department leads in Barbara for a day, and spend the 1st, silon.
the 1906 engineers, consisting of Ste- the number of books taken out while 2nd and 3rd of April at Los Angeles. While the majority of members are
wart, Norcross, Kahle and Goodwin. the engineering department comes The itinerary of his homeward trip already fraternity men, the society
These races would have been held second: will include a two days' stay in the specially declares that it is not an in-
last Saturday night, but were post- Dept. Mon Tues Wed Grand Canon of Colorado. terfratrnity organization, but that non-
poned on account of the fact that sev- Literary ............. 646 716 538 The first stop will be made at Chi- fraternity men will be taken in. The
era] of the members of the relay Engineering ......... 64 95 48 cago where President Angell will pay Skull and Crescent, according to its
teams competed against the First Law ................. 32 35 45 a visit his son, Jas. R. Angell, profes- founders, has not been organized in
Regiment men, and it was deemed Medical ............. 17 18 4 sor of Sociology in Chicago Universi- opposition to the otherso phomore so-
fairer to all concerned to run them off Homeopathic ........ 3 7 3 ty. At Salt Lake City he will spend ciety, the Score Club. Its objects are
during the week. Dental ... W... e 1 2 1 two days attending banquets and cam- to unify sophomore spirit, foster uni-
After holding some final tryouts yes- Pharmacy ........... . 2 3 2 plimentary meetings, then will pro- versity interests, and promote a
terday afternoon Keene Fitzpatrick Total University ..... 759 876 641 ceed at once to Berkeley. stronger feeling of fellowship among
made up the list of freshmen who will School of Music .. .... 2 2 2 This is the first time that President fraternity and non-fraternity men.
compete against Detroit University High School ......... . 3 2 3 Angell has been persuaded to make a The Skull and Crescent will also en-
School next Saturday. The twelve City ................. 4 It 7 western trip. President Wheeler, of tertain visiting "prep" school athletes,
men picked are. R. Keeler, Rumney, Dept. Thu Fri Sat Berkeley, has been trying for some in this way entering a hithertoe mipty
Reiland, Nicol, Garrels, Bartlett, Literary ............681 667 708 time to get him out to California to field in class society life.
Daane, Coe, F. Keeler, Leete, Howard Engineering ......... .84 62 121 speak to the students there, but this
and Rose. Law ......... ....... .53 65 131 is the first time he has succeeded. The Reynolds club gave its first ex-
This matkes a formidable aggrega- Medical ............. 8 20 18 The occasion of this visit is an ani- clusive party on Saturday night in
tion and the D. U. S. men will do well Homeopathic ........ . 9 7 4 versary celebration at the university, the club house. Both the upper and
to win the meet. However, they are Dental .............. 1 2 - at which our president will speak. lower halls were used for the lane-
capable of fast work in all of the Pharmacy ........... 1 2 7 On his return trip, President Angell ing, with an orchestra turnishing mu-
events and a close contest is predict- Total University ..... 837 825 989 will visit Mr. Willett, an ex-regent of sic for each. The attendance was
ed. School of Music ...... 7 17 20 the university, who now lives at Pasa- large. The Reynolds Club has become
The visitors will be particularly High School ......... 6 5 14 dena. He will reach Ann Arbor upon one of the centers of university social
strong in the quarter mile in which City ................. 12 11 1 the 11th or 12th of April. life. Its position in the tower group
they will be represented by Kastuer, a Total Per Ct of buildings makes it the logical meet-
man who while at the Michigan Agri- Literary ... ........3956 78 24 PROF. MATHEWS LECTURES. ing place of students and faculty alike.
cultural College negotiated the dis- Engineering ..........474 9 38 Last night Prof. Mathews of the The appointments are perfect and Chi-
tance in 51% seconds. Also their high Law ................... 361 7 14 University of Chicago, delivered the cago men are wotit rin, t how they ev-
jumper, Patterson, is credited with Medical ............... 79 1 56 last lecture in his series on "The Gos- er got along without dance
having recently cleared the bar at 5 Homeopathic .......... 33 65 pet According to John." This is his Saturday night the bawling alley, pool
ft. 8 in. These records are better Dental ....-............ 7 14 second series and completes his and billard tables were at tlie dis-
than any performances here this year Pharmacy ............ 17 34 course of tectnres befere the Univer- posal of the guests.
by freshmen and it would seem by Total University .......4927 97 45 sity.
these figures that the University School of Music........ 50 99 The course has been exceedingly Chicago's exhibit at the St. neLos
School men ought to win at least two High School-..........33 65 well attended and has been heartily witoprmves traby wit that
firsts. The Michigan entries will be City .. ................ 46 91 enjoyed by his hearers. Prof. Mat- ofan otpr uversity It is that
divided thus among the events: Total .......------..... .. 5056 hews speaks in a free, informal man- sof any other university. It is to be
40-yd dash-R. Keeler, Rumney and ner, which has a distinct charm of its idale ,by side adwith theat of University of,
Reiland. WILL PLAY O. S. U. own, and seems to bring him closer Washgtrn The thetUn ercty as
40-yd high hurdles-Nicol and Ret- Manager Baird has aranged a foot to his audience. His remarks are nev- ashington exhie b ilding e eed as
land. ball date with Ohio State University er dry, nor unnecessarily pedantic for squaren 15ft igh It will foe-
40-yd yow hurdles-Nicol, Reiland for October 15. The O. S. U. game a popular lecture course. His talks square and 15 feet high. It will fol-
and Rumney. has been a-fixture on Michigan sched- abound in bright, pithy, often epi- low the main architectural lines of
440-yd dash--Garrels and Bartlett. ules for several years and never fails grammatical sayings, the university buildings--a modtified
880-yd dash-Daane, Coe and F. to attract a great deal of interest. Prof. Mathews' lectures have em- be the astroneomical exhibit in the
Keeler. Nearly all the Saturdays in the sched- bodied the results of the most authen- form tof transparancies from the
Mile run-Coe and Daane. ole are now taken. but the Thanks- tic criticism of The Acts of John. But t of tee bservatory. A model of the
High Jump-Reiland, Leete and giving game in the East is still in in this he was not hypocritical. Me sityscau y.xt feet, sun
Howard. doubt. said that criticism had paseed the scale o 6 n t, th f
Shot Put, 12 pound-Rose and Gar- period when it is regarded as nece- will be sent. Exhiits frino the Man-
rels. "THE SILVER SLIPPER. sary to arrive at results by negation. il Trasnin. Schoosl, the Schoos uf
Relay Race-R. Keeler, F. Keeler, John C. Fisher's production of "The Its object is not alone to show what is Educatiun. Univerity Press antI pho-
Rumney, Reiland, Leete, Bartlett and Silver Slipper," a musical comedy by not to be believed, but also to indi- tographic views will tue sent. A hand-
Garrels. the authors of "Florodora," comes to cate what may be relied upon. book containing forty-eight pages,
Late last night it was learned from the Athens Theatre on Saturday ev- Following the lectures Prof. Mat- finely engraved wilt be amtug the var
Capt. Kellogg that the place on the ening, with an excellent cast and an hews has made a point of answering ious p rbliati lons-
team assigned above to F. Reeler, will unusually elaborate setting in the way questions propounded to him by the
be contested for today by F. Keeler of scenery and costumes. The story audience. He also has held consulta- The matches for the bowling cup
and Warner. They will have a try out is one which, while it does not pes- tion hours of which many have avail- offered by President Howard I. Sloan
of 7 laps this afternoon at 4:30 and sess depth enough to bother the seek- ed themselves. of the Reynolds Club, were started on
the winner will compete on the team. or after light and airy amusement, is Wednesday. Walter Eckersall bowled
still somewhat connected in incident NOTICE LAW STUDENTS. in good form and set a high mark for
NEW SHOE STORE. and decidedly entertaining. The Sil- Mr, Miles M. Dawson, consulting ac- the five games at 201, 225, 211, 143,
Wm. P. Purfield, formerly manager ver Slipper of the title is kicked to tuary of New York City, will lecture 170, an average of 190. His nearest
of the Puritan Shoe Store, in this city, earth from the planet Venus, by a in Room D, Law Building, Thursday, competitors are H. Henry with 185
and for the last year manager of the frisky maiden of the distant realm. March 17, at 4 p. m. His stbject will an Johnson with 168. Under the
same company's store in Grand Rap- She is sentenced, with several com- be "Valuation of Damages," and cer- rules of the contes the competition
ids, Mich., will open a shoe store panions, to come below and remain tain questions in the Law of Life In- with the highest average wino the cup
about April let, at 119 Main street, - until the slipper is recovered. surance. All students are invited. and the five highest men compose the
next door to Wagner & Co. In the cast are Gertrude Millington, At 8 p. m. ho will deliver a lecture Club bowling team.
Mr. Purfield is having the store who in one act appears as a boy; on "Fraternal Insurance," in Tappan
newly fitted and decorated throughout Isutz Edwards, who has one of his Hall. Mr. Dawson is probably the Director Stagg has announced the
and will carry a fine line of shoes for funny German roles; and many oth- highest authority in the country on schedule of outdoor track meets for
men and women. ers, with an unusually large chorus. this subject. The address is free and the coming season. They are as fol-
He will be pleased to have all his The whirlwind-like champagne dance open to the public. lows:
friends and old customers call and if is said to be a sensational novelty. April 9-16-Trials to select Chica-
you-wish to see the new swell ideas The sale of seats will open tomorrow IMPORTANT-SENIOR- LITS. go's representatives at the Philadel-
in shoes you'd better wait for his morning. phRa meet.
opening. Cap and Gown committee meets ab- April 16-Trials for the Academy
"THE FACTORY GIRL." solutely for the last time Wednesday and high school relay teams to select
REPUBLICAN CLUB ELECTION. and Fridays, March 16 and 18, from the western repr sentative for the
The annual election of officers of "The Fatory Gloefthesses 4 to 6. Every order whether for new Philadelphia moot.
the Republican club will be held at eon s greattrmelodraat thesses gowns or rental must be placed this April 23-Philadelphia meet.
the Y. M. C. A. hall on Saturday, Mar. tomorrow evening. Tue week or gowns won't be on hand in April 30-Homo or Freshman Soph-
19. The polls will be open from 9:30 wilt evenng. Too prodctin time for swing out. more meet.
to 11:30. All c nddates must hand te great factory scene and the real BMay 7-Illinois at Champ
isau. ,~ , -,- th hebeoigh heo inactinciedng RBERON. May7-Ilinos a Chmpagn. w~n~i a nt etotriMay 14-isetnsi atMarhal

Thursday noon in order to g eltc plant which operates the ma-
y e ge othecie. h ayc t f3 FENCE RS' CLUB M EETING. Field.y 4-icni tMrhl
bualloL. Members must be registered chinery, The company consists of, 20
well known players, besides a number Important meeting of the Fencers' June 4-Western Inter-collegiate
and must present tickets at the door of popular vaudeville headliners. club will be held in the trophy room Conference meet. Place not yet de-
before voting, of the gymnasium on Friday evening cided.
Signed M NOTICE. at 7:30. All members urged to at- June 11-Interscholastic.
JMSCBYRPe.tend. 58-20 June 18-Class Day. Princeton at
615 E. University.s. The University Library desires to F. N. NAGORSKI, Pres. Marsh I Fie yPd.
secure two or three copies of Vol. II,
'07 MEDIC BANQUET. No. 2, of the publications of the Mich- MUSICAL CLUBS. The indoor meet Saturday night
The '07 Medic class will give its igan Political Science association. w w
first banquet at Oyster Bay on Friday Any one having a copy of this number Important meeting of the Musical with Wisconsin was lost by the score
evening, Mar. 18. A good program of and willing to part with it will confer clubs will be held Thursday, 7 p. m., of 38 to 39. The feature of the meet
Gner in Room 24, University Hall. Man- was the way in which Saridakis, Wis-
teast has been prepared, and a menu a favor by sending it to the Geea ger's report. g8-19 consin's hurdler, defeated both Catlin
which will appea to one of the pro- Library. t. D. VERDIN. and Friend in the high hurdles. Cat-
PENNSYLVANIA STUDENTS lin was picked as an easy winner, and
The Freshmen of the law school Members of Iaw department from '07 LIT MEETING. his defeat was a big factor in the out-
will give an elaborate dancing party Pennsylvania are requested to meet At 4:30 this afternoon in Room C, come of the meet. He got a very poor
at Granger's March 25th. The music in Newberry Hall at 7:30 p. m. to- University Hall, the '07 Lit class will start and was thrown out of his stride
to be extra fine. 18 night. hold a class meeting. (Continued on page three)

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