~Notice to the Public: TPE~tTIV
"* ~o sacant to 32.3 S. Mt t
adDvuscall for your work. 4
We, the undersigned, wil cotinue the Clothing .
and Furnishing Goods business kuown as the Cut--
ting, Reyer & Co., at fog-I i j. Washington St., A. LEiMBLE, T, a
Ann Arbor. aiMr. Truman Wadhams, who has i
Foestetered upon his fourteenth year in connection Forest Avellue Meat: Market.n t
with the stole, will have charge of the Clothing /ePutrGmead[lbiPSao
Department, and Clarenice Caiusley, who has won50Foet v.Phn 4y b WLieaa
many friends by his gentlemanly dealings, will
have charge of the Furni.slung Goods Department. CO OS ILADHL
A. I;. GRENE, Pres. Under New fr11ngemeSE
JACOB LUTZ, Vice-Pres. NEW Billiard Outfit. Lie and CUF .
F. H. BLSIc4mfm, Secy. Chls given good for anwere in ET-E E~'
....... . :.M" x 3 ~b~r r~r3Free [unc.
--- - - - -- Barker's Collars are Sampe 1,l -I
A odPatent Leather Shoes ther brady dadrtisd adMi
Wo dNor asspedI~r r
To St dentsSold by Wagner & Co. 2 for 25cdo.
TotdnsALBERT LUTZ, ,rr +
C4 *$~AWe arc sowiog thefntrselectcio
too ,ti,;to , RE N TSC H L E R For anything in the line of 't+5 ofrxcosiepttersin
A ou-'so iau ' Makr of Photographs Framing, Call on Rentchler, +'5
it, I 1t, floe Phone 3892r. Corner Main and Huron Streets. '&
I o icei t t-$ JIt as lr ebe or pleasr. to
YPINO~ tdjttttto v NOTICE DEMOCRATS. 'i~ Yer eyes examined by an 5hodl enecoraty speakig the
.. All University (ictloratoS are re-exetotca. Alte st I ptrtsesto rd akcoo,
yi xetOtcan l h a-j bot the neat. coseratiseseallt
Iram ctil oooo to i t tot .oit=jqested to meet in Newberry Hall, eat approved appliances and methods fi ges asd stripes are altwys to
t etctu, rt ucotot i oes t1etcto ilt..toa-known to the profession areenipoyed. ( dm td. Wettttve them atintodf
sopei tecityi -tWednmesday, Miareb if6, 1:00 p. in., to I N w eye glasses fitted, leses dpl- frn legh fsevscl'at
'tait niorgnizina Ptker Cub. ewne eet eioii le s ai t
at it,, , ur x-t o t 5aiti ogatzig. are Cts. Th Gated, frames repaired. "Hler's Jew. tCa c te rsprtate.
O.1 ototIt " ' I Pturpoit,, ,,, ,.- tttttse of the clib io to urge the , ery Store. tf. ..
Iina eriitto iti tttt 1 availability of Jtdge Alton . Parker - r WA NR1 O
iyu titi itttoti1 ottttt 0 tt"t ttItttttl NOTICE -1904 ENGINEERS. .: W G E O
ltititio oltlti tktt '[I tit, r It,,tttIttof New York, for the detmoratic peso. -soe et orcp nd goo
ttt i I otto k tlii i tMemiuramenttomonataomia17-itwns Haberdashers ,iAHaters
t o , ',r i ,,it ti,,,, nt, lie. tt ~ a nti ntt o n.l7 1 8 w ill h o ta k en a t M i sa L o v ell' so o n s
'v 1it , E cyittittl tto teoli eoteeyI ttie -State treet, Monday and Thurday
the e totd si~l rlt totottitttrtttt'ty 5$1. ANN ARBOR MUSIC CO. CAP AND GOWN COMMITTEE.~ ~ .l~..4~oI4'*+i.~e:
QurysCmuDeqSoe SENIORS NOTICE. Jst received 223 Mandolns and
---- --"-_-Gitars that we bought at a remark-
--FINE- Do you intend to teach? Secure a ably low price sd will sell thm atTH L X
Pictures an Frailes pooition now by writing to or calling onetsirdtneeua price, This isEX
upo A.Peace,615S. ngals tret. an exceptional bargain. All Instro.
t,. of Al. representative Lewis Teach-pamnsSeou
D IE l AR~T 5TOkI ~ feos' Agency. w. t. display in window-Ann Arbr MuiPR[$50
21 .borhAou. STUDENTS-Insure your Bookand Pantriom, 336 . State. Cleaning
- ---- Wardrocbe three years for $300 at a Pressing and Repairing. Clothes A 9-ounce Kodak for
cot of $2. Removal permits granted called for and delivered. Leave or- 1x icue.Iha
PHOTOGRA.PHS free. H. . Sellman, 615 William St.,dr oe asigs rg tr o ak ictures.sIt yet
e.Od 2.'phone 58-3 r ' the K d norlmplstyye
CALL AT - - - - - ,__ _- j -. lacks one of the essen-
31$.0 'S SIVIOANNSt DRUG STORE Columfbi a Unier'sty tials of good picture
5[ykj4)~~~5''GRAD UATE SCHOOLS '1 tie I oestttiosofl'oitit ig
213 9LJTI1f"AIN ST. 1ertaieratge if eusesesaa o tothete- No Dark Room
frees1ifeA. 11dotursti Cali leteocott
n 11.1 U utsoco-SoimetlmimugNew ll-- - - ogs r scliti os tre adi tteii with- Required Now
sot wannssitN: OSE SCHOO5L eFLAW ]Threeyiar corse. Coian-__
too 'lIt. Vlrsidet dititestrtdmiossilonw ist t e tdases f a
Michigan rillows w SAKSxasie. OSqOgOLsceOFictan ho rsocre
-eqiaetnFIRST NATIONAL BANK SCHOOL OF ttohl c MDCN ourotoopw ourse. Calkins
At Darling &- MalleaulX's 00 ANN APoll1 ,ti,1Ci- CR. teil iiaetitige or sOSC AP~neiexami siloisriist
O CAPITAL. - - 10,0550StHOOLSOF outeLoI se Nt i i eARCHI-
5URPLU AND PROFITS, - Oos ETREfa aras40,00 liet iltg, it.324 S. State St.
ooto~g.lleittry, C tel, nf'- f t..ot-
A. J. WAISON Cea IL OCady rad atocoeotgeanoroado-nocae e t i cttlo ic osOi
Wall Paler, Paints ue uiwigCn Sadietrnhseegwti.dawr
Sitod Poanuts Rot iButterod itt Edcatiititf stryitg ir~{ttotst inetlo
- and Ois Pitptorn Crackerjaok frsh tdegresoad ipii lptos. ttailr tts riiiI A 1
ilatlvuercolt ofo wrkde tt~at oe r owilegcsor 1 Arkansas, lexas, Mexico
0ad~ae .B ,B 'tnona apyt h cceayo .ad26 East uron Street. Coody5ostaetit. VB.GIBE[RI. lurnbt i t uni4. eo reorY. if and Caliornia...
Are lest resched via
O UR1.? .IOIL IC V1 St. Louis, World's lFair City
Theguldup of a Telephoe Systemi with every possible iodth
- .~ ermi iimprovemntn; tie givimg of better service than wat ever thought Ir r lount ai
possible befeor. 'b eotorable, courteous amd just in every detail
i 'o otticipaote requirments. To overcome impedimmemits. To be satis o t
he wthnohig hot f hecofiene ndgod il Roeeruttie
in fleonty.ooiii luto ~eoofditeai odwl fc r lle
- ii t~m couuty.Two daily tras to California
WAISh IEAW 1104ElTEII[PI1ON[ CO., Three daily trains to Mexico
our daily trans to Texas
THiPtosRARY 'O le C: Liberty street, iear Fourth' Four daily tranw to Hot Springs, I
Sud aly trains to Lttle Rlock
EGY!PTIAN eh0 133 Washtenaw Ave.,
doe wearers every movement. Grown inCTurkey.An Arbor, Mich.
Comfort. Style and service ....-0
GUARANTEED Enjoyed in America. A[L1JS bA.lfHAiL,
Trimmings cannot rust.:
Trmmng0cnnt0us.. Views of city and cawpox. Flash lights. In-
oke awnd$i.00,sanysstoreeor alprepsid. to5 f0.P~ or s t iortrs. tenlprs, Grasps.
T BExe. 86.ShirleyTNMO.. Save.the Coupon. t316 ". "alo Street, Ann Arbor
With Seymour Studio. 'Phoe8i9
K1vcays Wzal _%MIL WARD, VTHE TAILOR. The,,Bet
la S'yle S.t of Egerythind lnTailoring