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January 16, 1900 (vol. 10, iss. 80) • Page Image 1

…Wbe 4I *O 94 PaiL VOL. X. ANN ARBOR, MICHL., TUESDAY, JANUARY 1 h, H190 No. 80. WI L T Pine HWINTER and SPRING E Suitings, Gol Suis, Fancy Vestings. T DRESS SUITS A SPECIALTY A We CarryJ the Larget I Stoch L In the Cityj o 108 EAST WASHINGTON ST. -R W IL E WILDER'S SPECIAL trseh that wlltnat -tat ther ites. Weplact all deetie (106 Wilder's Pharmacy THE OLD oee severswe2etwets RELIABLE "y.adnw r L 'tIL,!S A SpasOtAL. FY. R. E. JOLLY & ...…

January 16, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 82) • Page Image 1

… ARE, VOL. XI. ANN ARBOR, MICH., WE Announcement MICHIGAN MEN STAND HIGH AL. O r spcial lineBar Examinations in Ohio Prove that Ouupcil ln Michigan Law Graduates Are in of foreign and the First Rtank domestic fabrics The last number of the Legal News For the Fall and Winter of 1900 has gives some interesting data concerning examinations for admission to the arrived and in arranged for inspec- Ohio bar. hell nder the new rles of tion. The ...…

January 16, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 79) • Page Image 1

…DAIL~:c F IRST YEAR. FOOTBALL SCHEDULE Michigan Plays Minnesota at Detroit Oi0 Thanksogiving and Chicago Abost the Middle of November. u(t1 It le ill i w -t lI " H a lf \'I' lli;vlii iii Ii. 11(1111('1il11 l(1 IS l0 4 itit Imot t ~ t 1 l i ts I' ll e il\"(t i II tti ia tiri~ Il 1 t 1 ( s ) , I ) t i t (1 151.; 111t~'l 1' I ii~ s ie iw(i Iil('Iil Chi 1 :ltl11 St lst ' 1, i I: 14 1:1 _ t 1( , : 51 1 i l N l h 1i 0 1 t '1 t i < ': t ) 1 1 ! } 0 a...…

January 16, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 80) • Page Image 1

…y' 'VH UNIVERSITY OF MIOHIGAN. ANN A.K1OL RMICII.. FliI)AY, JXkNUX it ' + !, N. 80 NIl ! &HIGA'N-CHICAGO DEBATEI University Committees in Legislature1 SOCIAL. SETTLEMENT WORK( This M sning.-Helfinan, nd Kensy Will Defend He -oner Against nt g Chicago Team T 'l , Ic kt i .t ' i i H. i d' I3i' 1rll at~ l v11 }' Ii] I 4 i r HI...H. 11(4it, TheI',]]] III,(144.II 11411']]the. l o st SI']]I(' -SI 44114. 4II1]I4. I']] 'I 4(1 1140]]] -5(,'Ill]]'444t=1...…

January 16, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 77) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Dail VOL. XIV. ANN ARBOR, MICH., SATURDAY, JANUARY 16, 1904. No. 77 COMEDY CLUB, RESOLUTIONS OF CONDOLENCE. Resolutions passed by the Dental Large Crowd Assured by the Advance Class of 1907, upon the death of their Sale of Seats-A Synopsis of the late classmate, Gustav A. Goette. Play:Whereas, in the sadness at the Play. death of Gustav Alfred Goette,awhnm the Divine Providence has seen fit to The advance sale of seats for the ta...…

January 16, 1906 (vol. 16, iss. 77) • Page Image 1

…The -MichiganDal ANN ARBOR, lMICHIG XX ,TX I S1 1Y, JACXM",11"1' ir to VOL. XVI. No. 77. BASEBALI L CANDIDATES WILL MEET TONIGHT L ITS, MEDICS, ENGINEERS ',\ { c 1ff Cl I 'll' LOS RATIFY JOINT MEMORIAL KI 1 ,1' Captain Wendell Issues Call For Candidates -- Three- Vacant Places on Team. Tolg t ini te toitN- r,'()1II of th \-ilitl W] hl d osftiitst ithanfHit hiave- bal titic tit ( fiarthe f}eiar. Troitai' f"Moli-.. Wendll asCrquetedtt alv...…

January 16, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 79) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan. Daily VOL. XVBOR. No. W D EDYJll: :'') 97 VOL. XVII. NC . 79. --- ---------- --- SENTIMENT FAVORS LEAVING CONFERENCE Geeral Opinion Is That Michigan's Athlone Plicy Should Not be Reg- ulated by Smaller Coiieg~s. student sctimtitatis still runnin, Iigh over th action of lthe conerecee in sunmarily rejecting th lieral atl- letic ties urrs iwhich o vitally 0coo corned Miciga's interest. Eery- wheire on the cmipus stnd at tes ari...…

January 16, 1908 (vol. 18, iss. 79) • Page Image 1

….TI Vol- ..XVIII. ATHLETIC STATUS AGAIN REVIEWED Conference Advocate Analyze Situation, Giving His View of Real Situation. te Edior (it The Daily: 'Truly enugh has a membler of tlhc Hoad (i'Cotrol sal that the loniver sito lhs tmade a leap ithle tdark ad one whlich, it the oiiott of tle writer, itai leap ndatwtill ii later ear e sicererlre(gretted. I reahize that the li-ci-iontis lto all iapplernctes a dfial stel. buti in fainteisiitotise stde...…

January 16, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 80) • Page Image 1

…ltoThe Mic iganDaily \\ Ri~R\hIII,'a\CR)N\\tgliif10DCi Voil. XIX. o. 8«. FAST OBERLIN FIVE IS-HERE TONIGHT l''ractice Shows Varsity Stronger Than Week Ago-Annual As- sociation fleeting Taday. If Nblcn t defeaits Obrl' int tontight 'i 1-1111 n 1111 team that ha te turned nta h ) it schoo Ith Sea is noct cxeto i n 'I iii co iic of t .Mich- ix;1 1lII dii altl s h ih was A.C' ls Sauray has ilt i l reto lii '0 1-g Va tit ha c i i"a liii I liit...…

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